Bi-Weekly Update

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Rama Mowry

erica's mommy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi (syrus)
Knotted 11 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
6/2030 (25)
:lovi: :lovi: :lovi: :lovi:

It's my first Bi-Weekly Update! I am a complete n00b at this, so please bare with me guys. Apologies and a shoutout to Cyndi for bugging her the absolute most. :wub:
Week 4
We are in Week 4 in lessons, so students make sure you are posting lessons and preparing to make up any lessons that you have missed.
Professors, please make sure you are posting your lessons and that you have a make up topic for students who need to make up any missed classes. :)
Quidditch finished already?!
Slytherin won against Ravenclaw! And because they beat Ravenclaw, they won the Quidditch Cup! :party: I heard it was a very eventful game, even though there was no commentary this time around. (My fault for that one) Check out the game here.
Headperson Application= Closed
The Headperson application is now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied, and please be patient as the admins go over the applications.
Valentine's Day Dance is closed too
The Valentines Day dance is now closed, and all topics have been closed. But, you can still feel the love and read all the wonderful topics in the Great Hall.
Accio! Topics
Accio! topics will remain open until this Tuesday! Make sure to get your lovely pictures in before Accio! staff shut it all down to prepare for the next yearbook!
Love is still in the Air
The Leaky Cauldron is holding their annual Speed Dating event, which is always so fun. With this event going on there are a ton of new topics to stalk! Go check them out in the Leaky Cauldron! If you find a topic that's really interesting, highlight it so that we all can lurk it together.
Electives Fair
The Electives Fair is still going on, so get your second years down here and have them talk to potential professors!

New Orchids
Maia and Lovi(me) are now Global Moderators. Both of us are very excited about taking on a more prominent role in the site. This is a bit of an adjustment, so if we are a bit slow on replying to topics, we do ask for some time. Oh, and there are new emoticons too! :lovi: and :maia: I think mine is prettier, but I may be biased. :r

Credit to HelenaZF for making the beautiful emoticons for Maia and I! :wub:
Valentine Werewolf
Valentine Werewolf is now in progress! There are already several villagers who have fallen victim to the group of wolves. See who will win this epic mind game here!!

As a PSA, all Werewolf talk should be in the topic during the day. When it is night, there should be no talk about Werewolf in Shouty.

Raffle is O-V-E-R
The raffle drawing is now over and done with, and the winners have been announced! Congratulations to Charlotte Owens, the first place winner and Professor Sloane Stark who won second place. They are now sporting their cool prizes! #jealouslovi
Anonymous Compliments
Everyone has until February 9th to submit their compliments to Cyndi. All of Cyndi's compliments should go to Nick. :) I plan on sending in about one thousand when I have time. :r
There is now one ad underneath the House Points Board. Hosting costs money, so we ask that you please whitelist HNZ. Because Nick is awesome, he had made sure that no inappropriate ads will show.
Character Spotlight!
Aurora Night has been spotlighted! Kathy has put a lot of work into Rory, and we like to give credit when it is due. You can check out her announcement here for links to her biography and character development. Congrats Kathy and Rory!!​
[ul][li]Future Hogwarts Friends
Look! An open RP for future Hogwarts students! Let's see what kind of silliness they get into.</LI>

[li]Let her go
Silus says he just wants to be friends with Lyra. Will she accept his apology? Does he really just want to be friends

Other RPs in this Plot:
Yup - one at the Valentine's dance!

[li]A lovely date in process ... Go away!
Teagan and Liam try to get back to a good place, but I don't think the cupcakes will help. :p
[ul][li]Beauxbatons Quidditch team
[li]Slytherin Quidditch party
[li]Werwolves winning Valentine Werewolf.... :r JK!
[li]Exams.... :(
<LI>[li]Graduation! (Get those 7th years out of here!)
[/li][/ul]Thanks for baring with me through my first BWU. If there are any comments, questions, or concerns please post them below.

~Lovi :lovi:
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Well done Lovi!! :lovi: :lovi: Thanks for the update! :woot:
:party: Thanks for posting the BWU this time around, Lovi! So much news!

Also: Dueling tournament info - Be there or be square.
Firmiana Asterion-Jenkins said:
Wait! Does the add comes up only when you're on a desk top? I can't see it on my phone
For now: yes, I think so.
Am I doing something wrong? I"m already on my laptop and opened both firefox and edge and I can't see any ads except on the top part. Is that a good or a bad thing? I'm not a tech girl, I hate messing with my laptop. This is literally my third laptop in the span of 7 years.
Nicolas King said:
Firmiana Asterion-Jenkins said:
Wait! Does the add comes up only when you're on a desk top? I can't see it on my phone
For now: yes, I think so.
I can see it on my phone. :r
Peyton Baird said:
Am I doing something wrong? I"m already on my laptop and opened both firefox and edge and I can't see any ads except on the top part. Is that a good or a bad thing? I'm not a tech girl, I hate messing with my laptop. This is literally my third laptop in the span of 7 years.
The ad at the top is the only one HNZ has.
Nicolas King said:
Firmiana Asterion-Jenkins said:
Wait! Does the add comes up only when you're on a desk top? I can't see it on my phone
For now: yes, I think so.
No, they show up on phones as well!
My big brother already explained it to me. I"m using the default skin. And i'm drunk, my brain barely functions right now. Lovi said under the house points and the house points on the default skin is at the bottom.

I'm sorry, I was panicking. Great job on the BWU *thumbs up*
Awesome job, thank-you! :lovi: :maia:
Thanks for the awesome update!
The sorting thing should be fun. I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks for your update Lovi! I can't wait for sortingggg :D
I am so late to this party, but thank you for the update, Lovi!! It was great :wub: :lovi:

Lovi said:
I plan on sending in about one thousand when I have time.
Also, that's super sweet of you, but I already know how much you love me :r

:devious: :devious:

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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