Bi-Weekly Update

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
HAPPY NEW YEAR HNZers! I hope you all are having a great start to the new year. Grab a snack, sit back, and catch up with me on everything that's been going on across the site!

Y43 begins tomorrow!
Wasn't that a quick break?! But, it's true, Y43 begins tomorrow, so you know what that means. Get ready to dive back into quidditch, lessons, club activities, and shenanigans across the castle.

We don't have any new professors to name, but do want to thank all of the professors for their hard work. ^_^

We do have some new prefects and head students though!
Jordan Harris
Indira Khatri
Genevieve Fuentes
Jingyi Huang
Hamish Reid
Weston Stirling
Renata Stepanova
Felix Carnahan
Akihiro Chen
Gwen Goodwin

Congrats to all of the new folks! :party:
I'm very excited to see who wins the house cup this year! Good luck all!
Let's go Gryffindor.! :r

Sorting is still open!
Sorting is still going strong if you have one last student you want to get in to the school or want to entice a friend to join! It will likely close at the start of next weekend.

The transfer application closed mid-week and three individuals were successful in getting their transfer apps approved.

Holiday areas: Closing Soon
With the new school year starting, all of the holiday areas will be closing mid-week, likely around Wednesday. This means you should finish up those wand (and other item) sales!

New areas!
Over the holidays, two new forum areas appeared! :frantics:

Within the ministry, there is now a cafeteria to accommodate all of your food needs. There is also now a daycare centre! We can't wait to see the RPs that will pop up in these two areas.

The latest yearbook is out now! If you haven't taken a look, please do! And don't forget to give the yearbook staff a shout for all of their wonderful work each year! :party:

Now Hiring: One Shopkeeper
We are currently looking for someone to run Dervish and Bange's! If you're interested, more information can be found here.

Other apps: Now open
If you've been waiting to apply for a pureblood, special event, creature, etc., applications are now re-opened. As always, we request and appreciate your patience as we process applications!

How to apply for a daycare centre position
As we mentioned when the area opened, there will be an application needed to work in the daycare. Please read below carefully!

If you're interested in being a teacher, your character must have graduated wizarding school/completed home school and pass a background check. Please complete the general request application, selecting other and specifying Obsidian Daycare Center. Your application must provide some additional information about how your character is suited for the position and addressing the requirements indicated above.

We will be capping at one teacher per classroom. The first three fully complete applications that we approve will get the positions and then further applications will be denied even if they meet the requirements.

If you're interested in being the daycare director, you must complete the ministry application, selecting Obsidian Daycare Centre Director. Your character must have graduated a wizarding school/completed home schooling, pass a background check, and have a grade of EE or higher in NEWTs in the following areas: Charms, DADA, and Transfiguration. We will be accepting applications for one month beginning today and then will select one application. After that, we will only accept applications for the position as needed.

If you have any questions about these positions/applications, please PM me or Emzies.

  • What's in a name? - Flynn shares an important life change with Siobhan after Hogwarts Graduation.
  • Finally One of my Own - June come buying her first wand at Ollivanders. And see's an dreamscenario of an special moment. But turns out in an argument between an eleven year old and teenager assistent. At least an moment to not forget easily when you are buying your wand.
  • Sharing an Room - The new Slytherin girls began to duke it out as they meet for the first time.
So many plots!! ^_^

  • House meetings
  • Halloween
  • Quidditch!

Now you're caught up! Can't wait to see what the next two weeks bring. Enjoy them!
As always, feedback, questions, comments can be left below. Thanks!

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thank you for the update, Cyndi!!

And huge thank you to the Accio team for yet another amazing yearbook, you are so appreciated, HNZ wouldn't be the same without it and all your work <3

Congratulations to the new prefects and head students!!! :party:

I'm so excited about so many things right now, new first years, new areas, new jobs?!? Happy new year indeeeed :party:
That one teacher per classroom brings back memories. I would say horrible memories as a daycare teacher without experience =)) (and these kids aren’t magical. Imagine if they are? 🥲)

anyways, great update and thank you for it, Cyn
Thanks for the update! Can't wait for it all continue the year.

The firsties already give me so much pleasure to see them all. And curious how the daycare is gonna be.
That one teacher per classroom brings back memories. I would say horrible memories as a daycare teacher without experience =)) (and these kids aren’t magical. Imagine if they are? 🥲)

anyways, great update and thank you for it, Cyn
But now imagine that you're magical, too! :o
Thanks for the update Cyndi!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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