Back, again.

Amelia Monksford

New Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wood, Meteorite Dust Core, Twelve Inches, Slightly Flexible.
I expect most people won't remember me, as I wasn't really active on the site for very long. It's been a rough couple of years. But more on that, later.
I was previously known on the site as 'Daffy' (a nickname I got from a job, at the time), but I'm now going by Lex.

A huge part of the reason I didn't properly come back a few months ago (though I have lurked a lot, and been practicing my writing), is because of my gender identity.
It's been a long time coming, but in the last year, I've gradually realised I don't strictly identify as a woman (female by birth), but I also don't identify specifically as a man.
I still use she/her pronouns because most of my family don't know, and the friends who do just find it easier to address me by those pronouns (and I don't mind, but I do also use they/them and he/him).

The point is, I was anxious about being on the site until I saw the statement posted about HNZ views VS Rowling's views.
So I thought I'd give this RP business another shot.
However, I am only starting with this new, adult character, so I can be more laid back in activity levels (I'd love to RP as a student again, but I'm not sure I'm ready for the intensity).

I'll work on some back story ideas I have for this character, and then I'll put the feelers out for RPs with others.
Thank you all for your patience and acceptance, and creating a space where I can hopefully flourish as my true expressive self.

Hey Lex, welcome back! As one of HNZ's several non-binary/trans members, I'm so glad you felt comfortable enough to join us. It's really important to me personally to know that the site is welcoming and safe for me and other non-cis folks so I'm so glad you felt safe coming back (and of course excited to RP with you!). I think a lot of us are taking a bit of a moment to chill so some laid back RP writing sounds perfect :hug:
Welcome back Lex!
Welcome back to HNZ Lex! ^_^
Welcome back Lex, I definitely remember you from a few years back! As yet another trans member of the site, I can assure you you're not the only one hurt by people's continued support of JKR/Harry Potter. I'm glad you felt safe coming back to join us, I can't speak for anyone else but carving out a little space that's entirely about OCs and has nothing to do with her has been really helpful for me. I'm looking forward to seeing you around the site again, and if you ever want to chat or plot I'm only a PM away!
Awhh yay, welcome back Lex! ❤️

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