All The Characters (Literally)

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
do i know if i can keep up with a pd right now? no. am i going to post a ridiculously huge one anyway???? yes <3

Every year I plan to do a student PD at the start of the school year and an adult characters one halfway through, and every year it never happens. So this year I've chucked pretty much all of my characters into this PD. I've left out adults I'm not really looking for plots for, but that still works out to way too many characters. So............... something for everyone?? the longer this post gets the sorrier i get for writing it


Thistle Carnahan
8 Years Old
mud and mischief youngest of four

Lucy Holland
5 Years Old
cheerful chook youngest of five
Thistle is the youngest Carnahan, and soon to be the only one not at Hogwarts. She's rambunctious and enthusiastic at most times, and if there's fun to be had that's where you'll find her. She's quite fond of crafts and making things by hand. She could always use friends, especially future classmates, and she's just aged into the Niffler Scouts.
Lucy is the babiest of the Holland Sisters, by quite a lot. She's been pretty spoiled over the years by her dad and four sisters, but in spite of it all she's a sweetie. She loves doing things with her hands and in the outdoors, always up for adventure. She could use friends, ideally future classmates or fellow members of the Puffskein Scouts!

Shale Night

Gryffindor 7th Year
anger issues working on herself
Remember Shale? No? Probably bc I never RPed her whoops. She's been away at Hogwarts Scotland the last few years working on herself and waiting for me to pick up some inspiration for her. Which has happened now! When she was last at HNZ (two years ago) she was struggling badly with anger after losing her parents, but in the years since she's mellowed out a bit. She's looking for friends, old and new, to help her feel settled back at HNZ after such a long time on the other side of the world. Also open for potential romance with girls!

Connor Holland

Hufflepuff 6th Year
ostensibly a nice boy going through a bit of a jerk phase tho
Ah yes. Connor "Nice Boy" Holland. He's still hurting after the fight with Nicole, and has been apparently coping by trying to see how many boys he can date in immediate succession. He's going to be snapped a bit out of this phase soon, but I wouldn't begrudge any exes or their friends grudges. Other than that I'd like for him to have a few more friends, no romance tho.

Finn Madison
Ravenclaw 5th Year
art enthusiast people enthusiast not an enthusiasm enthusiast
Finn is one of those chars I am constantly meaning to do more with. He's a bit on the weird side, fascinated with art and divination and "the mystical", in as much as that's a thing in a world with magic and whatnot. He's one I'd really like to get more plots going with. Super keen for friends, enemies, flings (guys only), anything at all. He's been in quite an insular bubble for much too long, and I'd love for him to make some friends outside his dorm group and actually get out there in the school more.

Hester MacGillivray
Gryffindor 4th Year
HESTER!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! Hester is everyone's either favourite or least favourite bagpipe player. She's sweet and cheerful and up for just about any kind of adventure. She's struggling right now with the idea of growing up as she still feels very much like a kid, and finds it a bit scary that her friends are all thinking about dating now. She just wants to hang out with her cool toad, man. Hester could always use more friends, she will bribe them by letting them hold a very cool toad and serenading them on the bagpipes whether they like it or not.

Jenna Irons
Slytherin 3rd Year
queen b (you know what the b stands for)

Maggi Watties
Gryffindor 3rd Year
future superstar sweet but a little bit lost
Ah Jenna. Now that Blake's gone and she's unquestionably the Alpha Irons at HNZ, she's going to become even more insufferable. If that's possible. Jenna considers herself the queen of the school, and she'll step on anyone to hold on to that. Looking for friends to bully people with, and of course people to bully.
Maggi is still having trouble getting used to life at Hogwarts, which is a far cry from the life she always assumed she was going to have. She's trying to find ways to while away the time and work on her performance skills while she's at Hogwarts, and could always use more friends while she's at it!

Manaia Te Rangi
Hufflepuff 2nd Year
just a nice lad singing and daydreaming
Manaia's the definition of easygoing. Just a nice, chill guy, keen to hang out and play music or bother the eel or whatever else the person he's hanging out with wants to do. He's kind, friendly, and never has a bad word to say about anybody. He's got a pretty solid squad, but he could always use more friends!

Giulia Alcott
??? 1st Year
zero chill at all its nerd time
Giulia is my newest girl!! She's a self-described geek, interests including comics, science, maths, fantasy/sci fi, and dragons. She's just moved to NZ from France and she's not fluent in English, so she could really use some patient friends to help her out, as well as anyone who shares her interests to geek out with. She'd also be a prime target for bullying, so mean characters have at her! I don't have anything concrete nailed down for Giulia, so I'm down for absolutely anything!

Ainsley Lynch
24/Ollivanders Assistant
head in the clouds or in the books lbr

Lizzie Taylor
24/Kea Beater/Ski Instructor
full of energy empty of free time
Ainsley is still very much the daydreamy kid she was at Hogwarts, which unfortunately isn't conducive to a healthy life as an adult. She's been struggling with working customer service for a long time, though she does love what she does. She's also fascinated by the source of magic and spends her free time digging into possible causes. She could use some friends, and possibly research buddies?
Lizzie is likewise very much the bundle of energy she's always been. She splits her time between playing with the Kea and teaching ski and snowboard lessons at her family's lodge. And spending time with her family. And her girlfriend. And her cats. And, and, and.... and Lizzie doesn't wind up with a ton of free time, but she likes to make the most of what she does get, so friends would be great!

October Alcott
23/Pro Ballerina
wound way too tight Its Fine Everything Is Fine

Harley Tsuji
23/Art Space Manager
rebel with a heart of gold punch your local scit

Vivian Brackenstall
22/Uni Student/Indie Musician
tragic heartbroken poet your next mistake?
October has been a ball of stress her entire life, and unfortunately adulthood hasn't lessened that stress any. She's doing her best, but things just keep not going her way. She's mostly cut herself off from the magical world, but she could really use some friends to keep in touch with and give her an outlet to vent, if nothing else!
Harley is still the same punk kid at heart she's always been, but she's somehow found herself in a position of authority? Managing a business? Absurd. She's loving it though, really enjoys creating a space for other creatives. She could always use collaborators, friends, or flings (girls) and p o ss i b ly? a long term gf? MAYBE?
Vivian is a big dumb stupid idiot who's still hung up on his ex. He's trying to bury himself in his art to forget his problems, but that can only really take you so far. He could use an actual friend, but he's never been good at making those. Muso friends would be nice too, but rn he's out for as many rebound flings as possible. (Guys)

Caro Taylor
22/Travel Photographer
everything is everyone else's fault can't have problems if you run forever

Kauri Tipene
22/Ice Cream Scooper/Kids Entertainer
life is about love and happiness Good Vibes Only!!!!!
Caro graduated HNZ and immediately left the country for good. She hasn't been back in NZ since her graduation and has no plans to be, so if anyone wants to plot with her it'll have to be elsewhere, though the benefit is that you could find her in just about any country. She's been travelling the world taking photos for travel magazines and refusing to make any long-term attachments, though she could use temporary travel buddies or flings (guys) any time.
Kauri is a sweetheart trying his best! He's passionate about mentorship and bringing out the best in everyone around him. He's been performing at kids birthdays for a year now, and recently been volunteering as a leader with the Phoenix Scouts. He could always use more friends or a hang with old ones, he's available for ALL birthday parties if you're looking for someone to do some cool balloons or juggle, and of course I'm down for ANY AND ALL Phoenix Scouts plots!!

Zoe Tsuji
21/Stay-at-home Mum
the truth is out there bigfoot is real we held hands

Edmund Westwick
life is darkness except 4 my gf

Charlie Madison
21/just vibin rn
closed off its not you its me (its you)
Zoe is very emphatically Doing Her Best. She's recently become a mother of twins, and is still adjusting to that whole situation. She's kind of desperate to spend time with people who are Not babies though, so would love some friends for her, and would also be v cool if she could make friends with some people with babies at a similar age so they can hang out!
Edmund probably hates you and that's fine. He's a difficult person to get along with at the best of times, though he appreciates a dark sense of humour, and a bent for the darker side of life. The one exception to his sulky broodyman life is his girlfriend who is the light of his life and he loves and cherieshes. But yea if you're ~edgy~ enough he could use some friends!
I'll be real, I mostly included Charlie for completionism's sake. Charlie has been waiting for me to submit an app for three ic years now, and I still haven't gotten around to it because apps absolutely terrify me, but I don't really want to RP Charlie until it's all sorted. So just enjoy the cool gif, I guess? I'm a completionist I couldn't not include Charlie..............

Acacia Dunn
20/Makeup Artist
life is more fun with a smile and that smile is more fun with some lip gloss

Dominique Malone
20/Aspiring Actress
everything is about me even if it isn't drama on and off stage
Acacia is a sweetheart and a darling and she lives to make the people around her feel good at all times!! She's all about hyping up her friends and spreading positivity in the world. She could always use more friends to uplift, and she's also working as a MUA now, so if anyone needs a makeover she's ya gal xox
Domi is Trouble with a capital T, and she can, will, and must ruin your life. If there's no drama around her, she'll make it on purpose. She lives for chaos and attention, and will do just about anything to get it. Available for friends, enemies, and any flings or relationships she could get into and ruin (any gender)

Emily Madison
your business is my business now my therapist said you have to be nice to me

William Kaimarama
off the grid no people only trees
Emily is relentlessly cheerful and relentlessly invested in everyone else's lives. She loves to get involved in any and all personal matters and do her best to help, whether she's successful or not. She has some lingering anger issues from her childhood but she's been working on them and tries hard not to lash out like she used to when she was a kid. Could use friends or boyfriends!
William pretty much disappeared into the woods after graduation, and nobody's really seen him since. He's fine, don't worry. He's working as a Magiconservationist which is a job I invented but it's probably to do with preserving the native environment from potential magical threats. Or something. He could maybe use some friends that aren't trees?

Nell Wright
question everything even if it annoys everyone around you

Clifton Ward
open mouth insert foot life needs a bit of sweetness

Blake Irons
keep on turning that new leaf kindness only
You know her you love her everyone's favourite recently retired Monthly editor is moving on in the world! Nell's planning to work as an Investigative/Current Events Reporter at the Prophet, so any scandals or dramas bring 'em her way! Friends also always welcome, or any enemies who aren't terribly impressed with how she wrote about them...
Clifton is finally free from school. He's looking to focus his energy on his baking and see if he can make a career out of it. Currently working at the Dinette, though if you catch him off work he'll probably have a pastry or two for you to take with you. He'll also probably accidentally insult you, but he didn't mean it. Friends who can put up with his clumsy wording welcome!
Blake is still very much working on that 'be a good person' thing, and starting to feel like he's actually making progress. He's gonna be living with Lars after grad and focusing on Quidditch for as long as he can keep going. He's a much happier and nicer person than he used to be, if anyone's looking to befriend him, though I would also be super down for old enemies!

Bernard Hackney

Gabriel Blume
57/Tattoo Artist

Eva Marsh

James Holland
48/Herbologist/Stay-at-home Dad
Bernard is a scit and a "Healer" in the same way doctors in the Middle Ages were pretty sure they were great doctors because they stole all of a person's blood. He's very dangerous and callous and frankly a bit of a jerk, but I'd love to do more with him. Scits, victims, whatever, throw 'em at me!
Gabriel is a tattoo artist, recently (ish) moved back to NZ after spending a while in France and travelling around Europe guesting in different shops that would have him. He's recently put down roots and established his own studio, Keystone Ink, in Wellington. HMU for friends, flings (any gender), or any tattoos you wanna get!!
Eva is a former magazine editor finally brushing off the shackles of what society expects from her and learning to be happy. She's quit her job to dedicate herself to sculpture, left her husband and found a girlfriend, and is trying to repair her relationship with her now adult daughter. Could use any kind of friendships!
James is of course the Minister's husband, and father to far too many Hollands to name. He's generally a good guy & a dedicated dad, though he's haunted by mistakes of his past. He spends most of his time these days supporting his family, so fellow parents of young kids or Claudia's work contacts could be good friends!

Rupert Cresswell
47/Curse Breaker/Curse Maker

Kahurangi Josephs
47/Runes Prof/Ravenclaw HoH

Ruby Morales
45/Honeydukes Owner

Adelia Kolter
Rupert is a CAD and a SCOUNDREL and a NASTYMAN! Brother of Miles Cresswell, as much as Miles wishes it weren't so, Rupert worked as a cursebreaker until he realised there was also a good amount of money in making cursed items. Serial boyfriend stealer, serial cheater, serial doer of bad deeds in pretty much all capacities, Rupert is available for all your scoundrel needs.
Kahurangi is of course your friendly HNZ Ravenclaw HoH, and she's available at all times for any and all student related plots, whether your char needs help with class, help with their personal life, or a firm reminder of what the school rules are. She's also recently had a baby who's gonna be hanging around for a bit, so everyone is welcome to come cuddle her as long as they're careful!
Ruby is the owner and operator of Honeyduke's in Brightstone Village, so she'll be a familiar face to any students out there with a particular sweet tooth. She's also mum of two toddlers and one adult angsty poet, so she's always got something on her plate. She's hard-working and kind, and could really use more of a social life outside of her shop and her family. Any friends would be welcome!
Adelia is a muggle, though she may be a familiar face around the magical world after speaking with Professor Alicastell and Minister Holland on a panel on Muggle/Magical relations a couple of years back. She's hard working and kind, and I'd quite like her to make some friends in the magical world, as well as any connections she can with any muggle characters out there!

Kyle Alcott-Ward
42/Scrivenshafts Asst. Manager

Maria Madison
42/HNZ Counsellor

Richard Madison

Alexander Alcott
35/Broom Maker
KYLE my FIRST BOY my CHERISHED AWFUL OLDEST SON... Kyle is of course, a bit of a wreck. He hasn't really known what to do with himself since his and Matt's kids graduated HNZ and left home, and he's looking for just about anything to fill his free time. He works at Scrivenshafts and does some amateur theatre stuff in his spare time, though being a werewolf somewhat limits his free evenings. Would love some friends for him!
Maria is the counsellor at HNZ, and she's absolutely available at any time for any students in need of support. I'm mentioning her in the PD but just like Kahurangi, fr please PM me any time you want to plot with her, I'm so keen for threads! Work aside she's a mother of four adopted kids who are all growing up much too fast, and she's only got one left at home now. Which means oops, she needs friends, and maybe a boyfriend?
Richard is Maria's younger brother, and he's absolutely awful. By which I mean he's incredibly successful. He worked hard to get where he is, pulling himself up by the bootstraps of the company he inherited from his father, unlike all the lazy kids these days who expect a handout. He's successful because he worked hard and earned it and also his dad was rich. Would love any kind of plots for him... friends, enemies, girlfriend, whatever!
Alex is Kyle's younger brother, recently moved back to NZ from France. He's a bit irresponsible and never really grew up, despite having two kids off at HNZ this year. He's all over the place and you'll probably find him wherever the fun is, for better or worse. I haven't done anything with him yet and I'd really love any kind of plots.... friends, enemies, flings or partners (any gender) I'm really down for absolutely anything for Alex!

Efren de Leon
33/International Magical Law

Jason Tsuji
26/Squib/Graphic Designer

Cedar Dunn
26/Medley Bartender

Bijoux Laurent
20/Finding Herself
Efren is another one I haven't done much. He's sort of stumbled into a career he's accidentally passionate about, after spending most of his life floating from one thing to another without any real direction. He works as a translator for the Ministry, specialising in international law, and it's about the only thing he does right now. He could really use some friends, and maybe a partner? (Any gender.)
Jason is another one I mostly included for completionism, though if anyone can think of any plots with him I'd definitely be down! He's Harley and Zoe's older brother, a squib working as a graphic designer in the muggle world. He's The Family Disappointment, a title Harley is eternally jealous of. He doesn't have much to do with the magical world because he feels like it doesn't want him, but I'd be down for friends anyway!
Cedar is just a nice, chilled out, relaxed kinda guy. He's easygoing and easy to get along with, never has issues with anyone or anything. He expected it would just be a quick job to tide him over, but has found he's actually really passionate about bartending. He could do with friends or maybe some flings? He's in an open poly relationship with Jeong Mun, so any flings would have to be ok with that.
Bibi my darling. Recently (ish) graduated from Beauxbatons, Bijoux has been struggling to figure out where she belongs ever since. She's been searching for her half sister for a long time to no avail, and is considering a temporary move to New Zealand to continue the search. She could use some friends in either France or NZ to help her out, and I'd maybe be down for a relationship for her? (Any gender)
This is the longest and stupidest thing I've ever written, and it's somehow still not everyone. (I left out chars who are just sort of hanging around for specific plots, and all the various babies...) Still uh, it is done and now I am so free (JK I will never be free please bury me in plots)

ok thanks bye
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*cracks knuckles* okay..

Edmund & Barnaby - I don't know if we can get an actual thread out of this but I 100% believe Edmund would frequent Barnaby's bookshop and they would communicate entirely through stony stares and cold silence. They probably love it.

Harley & Delaney - They'll either love each or hate each other and I can't tell which, but I could see them colliding in whatever punk scene the magical community has. Maybe Harley hates him for being a sellout mildly popular musician or maybe they bond over sticking it to the man?

Caro & Katy - Katy's currently travelling where ever writing on the niche "muggle travel" experience for an American wizarding magazine so she could easily meet up with Caro and pester her mercilessly (and maybe if Jess is in, Sapphire too, since Katy has recently run into her as well). Katy loves to put herself into other people's problems if Caro needs a friendly ear

Maggi & Salem - Roommates, and Salem would love to support to help learn any new skill (gryffindor circus when)

Jenna & Salem- on that same note, Salem's a bit dense and probably going to be more obvious about her crushes on some girls this year. Whether Jenna could be a horrible crush or she just thinks Salem's a baby/idiot, could be fun to poke at.

I'm going to stop there before we both regret agreeing to things and cry.
Ahhh! So many characters to pick from! Though I'll try not to add too much! Hehe!

Giulia x Molly - Ok, so I know we said agessss ago yes to a thread, but I was so busy with real life that I had no time to make one. However, I'm still totally down for this if you are. Molly is very imaginative and bubbly, so I'm not sure if Giulia would be able to handle her personality. However, the girl won't admit it, but deep down she does love some comics and all things geeky hehe!

Maggi x Valencia - I would loveeeee to do a thread between them! Valencia is up to learn anything from Maggi, whether is it be a dancing lesson or something, Valencia is happy to try, though when it comes to dancing, she had two left feet hehe!

Shale x Samantha - Honestly, I think this might be an interesting pair. I could offer Sam to Shale as either a friend or some drama, either or would be interesting! hehe!
Connor x Samantha - I know we did a thread between them, but it fell short due to busy real-life x_x So I'm happy to try this again. Sam as a mentor sort of thing for Connor or whatnot, let me know what you think hehe!

Manaia x Nolan - I like their friendship and whatnot, so I'm happy to make some threads between them too!

Let me know what you reckon! hehe :D

Simon x Shale: I’ve always wanted to do something with these two cause I feel like she would see through Simon immediately. But’ yeah, maybe they can talk about Scotland and he can ask about the people he knew there??

Poppy x Connor: I would love for them to patch things up after a year mostly apart. Maybe Poppy even grows a bit of a backbone and tells him off for being a jerk. I think she has very little patience for any of that these days.

Nikko x Finn: If you need someone for Finn to practice readings on, Nikko is your guy. Would definitely be too polite to say no. He also needs a few more friends so win win for both of them.

Delilah x Hester: I would like for them to maybe become sort of friends. Delilah will very much be overwhelmed by her but I think that’s part of the appeal. I think Hester getting Delilah to touch Big Douglas would be a very good first step to her lightening up a bit.

Felix x Giulia: I think these two would get along great tbh. I imagine them going to the cliffs and playing make believe games about slaying a dragon. He would probably be very patient with her language barrier and would generally be very into her enthusiasm.

Vera x Harley: I think this combo could be kind of fun. Vera is also a visual artist/painter so maybe some kind of collaboration could be cool?
Just a few things to offer:

One, Lucy Holland and Fraser Fergusson, Fraser is five, and though he's based in Scotland travels a lot with his dad because of his dad's quidditch. Graeme pretty much takes his son everywhere but obviously during the day would need to place him somewhere, so maybe Fraser could join the scouts whenever he's about NZ and they meet there? Fraser is big on sports, he's loud and a very happy child. He is surrounded on all sides with people who love him. He's quidditch mad, given how much of his life is already around quidditch.

Two, Shale Night and Padme Hume, Padme just spent a year at HS, she wanted to do an exchange year and had a good time. We could do something with them perhaps of both being like, oh hey, i thought you were at...oh i'm too sorta idea. I don't have much more than that. I've been pretty awful with getting Padme plots so I'm happy to explore whatever.

Three, a sort of left field thing but Leia and Finn, they're in the same year and might know of each other. I'm always keen for Leia to explore more, she's very insular and not very good with people, she's very sharp and rude with them. She doesn't really think about what she's saying and lacks occasionally a filter. But she's real desperate for friends but she's also very bad at being friendly sooooo they could pair well or it could be a disaster.

And kinda, if ever you wanna do a manaia and eugene thread just hit me up.

some ideas. from the top down

For Connor Holland or Finn Madison. Linden Cullen. Friends, flings. up to you.

for Giulia Alcott, neimh Erikson she has only recently moved to New Zealand from Norway (as her dad got a promotion over there). her native language is Norwegian but has also grown up speaking English at home as her mum is Irish (and Norway has strong English education in school).

for Lizzie Taylor, Willow Cullen. willow has been busy with auror training since graduation, but it would be interesting for them to run into each other, maybe,

For Eva Marsh, Bridget McGowan. She is a silversmith by trade. comes from Scotland, but is probably finding free time to visit her niece and her new little girl in new Zealand. I haven't used her much but friends would work. which leads up nicely onto

for Kahurangi Josephs, Rhiannon Mcgowan. has just had a baby girl. so play dates, mother groups. coffee and complaint about not getting enough sleep.

for Kahurangi Josephs Selene Le Fey. I started a threat in her office before I noticed that you put up an absence post. reply if you feel up to it. but no stress if you dont.

For Kahurangi Josephs, Elvera Le Fey. I suggest that every time. it doesn't need much explanation

For Kyle Alcott-Ward, Briar Rowan-Cullen. :mia: related chats.

or if you can think of any other combination with my people let me know.
Ok we go:

Beckett x Hester: I've haven't been following Hester's story but I know what happened after spin the bottle and she freaked out. Beckett is gay even though he hasn't really liked anyone besides books yet but he is very open about it and it's very "like whoever you like" so maybe it could keep her a bit at ease in that section of her life? He could also recommend some books to her 😜 and the Hester annoying Beckett is always fun.

Noah x Jenna: Does this even need explanation? I'll be free for the next 3 months to completely invest on them cuz i've been slacking a bit with college.

Jackson x Giulia: He likes pranks, she looks like a victim. I wouldn't consider it bullying since the pranks would be harmless...most of the times and would be for Jackson's amusement only. Also he plays pranks on everyone so it's not like he's targeting her specifically... he might do that eventually if he realizes she is a really good target:teehee:
Hey Rowan! A couple of suggestions I'm putting here for your consideration.

Hester and Terrell
These two would get on as Terrell isn't in any hurry to grow up either. Terrell is a laid back and the have fun, be everyone's friend type of guy. He'd be game to experience Hester's bagpipe hobby (probably want a go on them too) and toad, he has a rat that does tricks he could show off as well. T&H are in the same year and house so I'd assume they know each other already but we could lay down a friendship for them and plot from there.

Jenna and Bobbi
Okay, unlike Jenna, Bobbi is not a bully, bullies garner joy from causing pain but Bobbi's pain comes from inside and she thinks no one likes her so in return, she hates everyone. She would not treat Jenna with the respect the Queen of the school would expect and cause a problem between them. As you are looking for someone to bully, I would be game for Jenna to add some more misery to Bobbi's life.

Just those two right now. I haven't been roleplaying recently so just throwing out ideas to get started again. We can discuss/plot more if you're keen!
Rowan lets plot :p

For Shale I'm thinking we could see how she and Eric interact now, after both going through character development. Aisa is an option too as they are roommates, but I feel like Eric could be more fun.

Thinking about Lucas and Finn as possible flings later on? We of course have other plots to do first, but I think it could be an interesting combination.

My new firstie Gwen would be funny to RP with Jenna, they're both mean girls in very different ways and I think Gwen could maybe play up the whole innocent girl thing a bit, but not be fooled by her for a second.

On that note, I do think Gwen could be a bully for Giulia, in a more subtle way maybe. I'm still developing Gwen so I'm not 100 sure how she'd act around her yet.
Rowan you are an amazing beast

Tilly + Hester: These two have been fun together in the past and I'm always down for more

Tilly + Connor: As the two team beaters I am up for shenanigans or just general plots with these two. Also it is super illegal that they are in fourth and sixth years now

Tristan Drage + Bernard/Rupert? So I changed a lot of Tristan's backstory (very necessary with the dramafest super evillllllll Death Eater drama it used to be before the Scits were created on-site). I have it in my head that is officially trained as a healer and he used to do healing for Scits/other people who didn't want their activities known by the Ministry. Plus other criminal activities. He was never a Scit himself. He would have stopped doing this around 2021-2023ish and had since moved away from New Zealand. Except he's back now and liable to get in more trouble. I could see him being absolutely horrified by Bernard and his "healing" (not sure if they would ever have met initially with the timelines). Otherwise could end up doing some sort of job for/with Rupert.

I'm open to RPing with other characters of course, that's what I have kicking around in my head right now. :frantics:
:V so many replies thank you guys!!!

@Elliot Briar
Edmund & Barnaby - I absolutely love this and idk how we never thought of it before. They never speak they never interact beyond intense glares and exchanges of money. Edmund is like. thats my best friend right there

Harley & Delaney - Ohhhh I love it! I can defs see them bonding over sticking it to the man. Harley rly needs more punk friends haha.

Caro & Katy - These two could defs run into each other on their adventures, I can actually see them potentially getting along well? Caro's chilled out a bit since school, I'm curious how she would react to running into someone from Hogwarts

Maggi & Salem - yes yes yes always down for these 2 being buddiessssssssss

Jenna & Salem- :V Salem with a terrible crush on Jenna is such a powerful concept lmao imagine if blake and tyler knew I kind of love that

@Samantha Jacobs
Giulia x Molly - I'm definitely down for these two! I think Giulia might find her a bit much at first, but she would probably grow to appreciate having such a rambunctious friend!

Maggi x Valencia - Yesssssss it's been too long since we've RPed these two! A dancing lesson is a great idea, I lovvvvve it

Shale x Samantha - Ooooh this is definitely interesting! Shale is trying to turn over a new leaf and be less grumpy so she'd probably go out of her way to try and be nice to Samantha, tho she's not very good. Love it!

Connor x Samantha - Yessss, I'm definitely keen for Sam as a mentor for Connor! lord knows he needs one rn Definitely down for more of these two any time!!

Manaia x Nolan - Yessssssssssssssssssss I'm always keen for more of these boys being lads!!

I've also been meaning to nudge you about a couple of threads we talked about a while ago, but I'll PM about those :r

@Poppy Perkins
Simon x Shale: OH this is a powerful combination I love it. Definitely keen for the two of them to run into each other and swordfight to the death

Poppy x Connor: Deeeefinitely keen for them to reunite, it's been too longggggg.... Connor will hopefully be out of his jerk phase pretty early this year, but Poppy is welcome to retroactively berate him :p

Nikko x Finn: CUTE I love this, definitely keen for them to be reading buddies!!

Delilah x Hester: Ohhhhhhh yes love this!! I think they vaguely interacted in a group thread in 2nd year but I'd defs be keen for them to actually get to know each other, and Delilah is always welcome to hold Big Douglas......

Felix x Giulia: yes yes ye syes yes to all of this

Vera x Harley: Aaaaaa I think we talked about these two a while ago and then never did anything ahahhaa but I'm definitely keen to change that! I think a collab is a great idea, I imagine they'd defs get along!

@Stefan Archer
Lucy & Fraser: Oooh, yes I love this! I don't think Quidditch is something Lucy would have had much exposure to since nobody in her immediate family plays, but she would probably love it. They could defs meet through scouts, and Fraser could teach her about Quidditch stufffffff

Shale & Padme: Ahahahaha I love the idea of just. returning to a school on the other side of the world and immediately running into one of your old classmates like

We could start from there and just see how they interact? I don't have any immediate plot ideas, but it's definitely a strong start ahaha

Leia & Finn: Awwwwww I love this! I think Finn is fine with people who are kind of sharp and rude, his older siblings all come from rough backgrounds and have their difficult moments. He's very relaxed and things just kind of slide off him, so they could be well matched as friends. Defs keen to throw em together and see what happens!

Manaia & Eugene: Aw yiss bro time :cool:

@Selene Le Fey
Connor & Linden: Connor's spoken for romantically for the rest of his school time, but I'm always down for teammate buddies any time!

Finn & Linden: I would be down for a friendship/maybe fling between them for sure!

Giulia & Niamh: Aaaah I thing Giulia would really love having another friend who has English as a second language. What's Niamh like? Trying to figure out if they would get on or not haha

Lizzie & Willow: OOOOH I would love that, Quidditch reunion!! (I had to double check haha Willow was an alt in Lizzie's final year so they would know each other at least vaguely haha) I def think they'd get along well!

Eva & Bridget: Ohhhhh Eva would love to meet a silversmith! She's been working mainly in wood (I just really wanted someone to be into chainsaw carving don't @ me :V) but it would be really interesting for her to learn about other mediums and experiment!

Kahurangi & Rhiannon: Awww yesssssss love that! Definitely down for playdates and mum friends!!

Kahurangi & Selene: No worries!! I'll try to get to your thread soon as I can. (Brain is currently saying Yes to doing mindless repetitive stuff but No to actually writing @_@ I'll get there tho!)

Kahurangi & Elvera: Yesss I'm always keen for more of these two!

Kyle & Briar: Aaaah yes! I think they've met a long time back at the Werewolf party that got crashed by hunters. I think very vaguely that Kyle didn't have a super high opinion of her, he's very much more of the opinion that lycanthropy is a Secret Shame so they might clash a bit which is always fun.

@Ruben Right
Beckett x Hester: Awwwwww yes I love this!! They got off on such a bad foot last year ahahahha but I would be keen to see if they can somehow develop that into a friendship! Hester will let him hold Big Douglas will that help :p

Noah x Jenna: Yesssssssss defs defs keen to get this ball rolling >:3

Jackson x Giulia: Oooooooh yes I love this!! She's definitely an easy target for a prankster, and I don't know how kindly she would take the attention. (Which I love :p) Definitely keen to play with this dynamic and see how it goes haha

@Penny Wills
Hester and Terrell
Aw yesss I absolutely love this!! Rat & toad buddies is a great idea, and he'd definitely be welcome to have a go on her bagpipes! Super super keen for them to be friends!

Jenna and Bobbi
Aaaaaah Bobbi sounds like exactly the kind of person Jenna would target, definitely keen for her to pick on Bobbi if you're down!

@Amber Chou Wilson
no no plots for u

ok jk

Shale & Eric is brilliant, I'm definitely keen to see where their dynamic would sit after the growth they've been through. Would love for her to hang with Aisa as well if we can find time, but I agree her & Eric is a good dynamic

Finn & Lucas I also love, would defs be down for a fling between them!! the idea of finn maybe comforting lucas over connors whole nonsense and deciding he hates connor is very funny 2 me

Jenna & Gwen: Love this yesssss.... Gwen is absolutely the kind of girl Jenna would try to take under her wing and make part of her posse, and I kind of love the idea of Gwen not falling for it.

Giulia & Gwen: Yessss, defs keen for this. Could be good development for both of them to just throw em together and see what happens?

@Tilly Drage
Tilly + Hester: Yesssss, I'm always keen for more of these two!! Trying to think of adventures and/or shenanigans they could get into... eel hunting buddies, maybe?

Tilly + Connor: :V They grow up too FAST :V :V :V Yess always keen for these two tho, could do a lil thread with the two of them practicing together?

Tristan Drage + Bernard: Oooh, I love this. I don't even know how much healing work Bernard does for the scits, some of his methods definitely do work, but I doubt anyone who knows about his practice would trust him all that much. He's just there doing various unethical things for funsies science. Would be v cool if they clashed in some way!
@Ruben Right
Beckett x Hester: Awwwwww yes I love this!! They got off on such a bad foot last year ahahahha but I would be keen to see if they can somehow develop that into a friendship! Hester will let him hold Big Douglas will that help :p

Noah x Jenna: Yesssssssss defs defs keen to get this ball rolling >:3

Jackson x Giulia: Oooooooh yes I love this!! She's definitely an easy target for a prankster, and I don't know how kindly she would take the attention. (Which I love :p) Definitely keen to play with this dynamic and see how it goes haha
Ok, should I start something or do you want to? We can split too.
Yesss! I can start for Hester & Beckett and Jackson & Giulia if you can start for Noah & Jenna? I might be a bit slow cause brain says No Actual Writing Right Now Only Intense Anxiety but I'll chuck 'em on my list and get to them soon as I can actually . write
Spoiler Giulia x Molly - I'm definitely down for these two! I think Giulia might find her a bit much at first, but she would probably grow to appreciate having such a rambunctious friend!

Maggi x Valencia - Yesssssss it's been too long since we've RPed these two! A dancing lesson is a great idea, I lovvvvve it

Shale x Samantha - Ooooh this is definitely interesting! Shale is trying to turn over a new leaf and be less grumpy so she'd probably go out of her way to try and be nice to Samantha, tho she's not very good. Love it!

Connor x Samantha - Yessss, I'm definitely keen for Sam as a mentor for Connor! lord knows he needs one rn Definitely down for more of these two any time!!

Manaia x Nolan - Yessssssssssssssssssss I'm always keen for more of these boys being lads!!

I've also been meaning to nudge you about a couple of threads we talked about a while ago, but I'll PM about those :r
Ahh okay cool! What ones would you like to start? - No rush on starting on them either hehe! :D Ooo exciting! Curious about these threads you're talking about hehe!
Last edited:
@Selene Le Fey
Connor & Linden: Connor's spoken for romantically for the rest of his school time, but I'm always down for teammate buddies any time!

Finn & Linden: I would be down for a friendship/maybe fling between them for sure!

Giulia & Niamh: Aaaah I thing Giulia would really love having another friend who has English as a second language. What's Niamh like? Trying to figure out if they would get on or not haha

Lizzie & Willow: OOOOH I would love that, Quidditch reunion!! (I had to double check haha Willow was an alt in Lizzie's final year so they would know each other at least vaguely haha) I def think they'd get along well!

Eva & Bridget: Ohhhhh Eva would love to meet a silversmith! She's been working mainly in wood (I just really wanted someone to be into chainsaw carving don't @ me :V) but it would be really interesting for her to learn about other mediums and experiment!

Kahurangi & Rhiannon: Awww yesssssss love that! Definitely down for playdates and mum friends!!

Kahurangi & Selene: No worries!! I'll try to get to your thread soon as I can. (Brain is currently saying Yes to doing mindless repetitive stuff but No to actually writing @_@ I'll get there tho!)

Kahurangi & Elvera: Yesss I'm always keen for more of these two!

Kyle & Briar: Aaaah yes! I think they've met a long time back at the Werewolf party that got crashed by hunters. I think very vaguely that Kyle didn't have a super high opinion of her, he's very much more of the opinion that lycanthropy is a Secret Shame so they might clash a bit which is always fun.

Connor & Linden: that is slightly disappointing. but 'good' smelling team mates it is.

Finn & Linden: that would be cool. there is no rush for it. i mean Lin has got a boyfriend. but he is curious about other boys too. especially as alexei practically vanished in his OWL year.

Giulia & Niamh: I am still working niamh out. She is a daydreamer. she is musical. I just did a personality test on her and she got INFP which I think suits her.

Lizzie & Willow: Lizzie was big inspiration to Willow for quidditch. I think she got onto the team the first year lizzie took over. and it took willow a while to decide between focusing on seeker and beater. Maybe willow can take a weekend and learn to snowboard

Eva & Bridget: almost opposite ends of the sculpting spectrum. Tbh Bridget is a rather underdeveloped character of mine. But we can certainly see where they go. but I apologise if she does t come across very well.

Kahurangi & Rhiannon: yess yess yess. Rhiannon needs mum friends. I think she is about to struggle with getting used to being a mum as up until now her identiy has been built around her career and suddenly that is on hold. so any friends she can make especially other mums with careers would be great.

Kahurangi & Selene: No worries take your time. If you get to it great. If not then no stress.

Kahurangi & Elvera: I think elvera might do a tea party for the professors at the start of the year. As she thought kahurangis last year was a good idea. Though she doesn’t have any big news to drop.

Kyle & Briar: it would make for an interesting dynamic. Maybe it could be casual. Maybe briar needs some new quills.
@Penny Wills
Hester and Terrell
Aw yesss I absolutely love this!! Rat & toad buddies is a great idea, and he'd definitely be welcome to have a go on her bagpipes! Super super keen for them to be friends!

Jenna and Bobbi
Aaaaaah Bobbi sounds like exactly the kind of person Jenna would target, definitely keen for her to pick on Bobbi if you're down!

Excellent, these will be good! No rush but should we split starting - I can start Bobbi and Jenna and you Hester and Terrell if you like?
:V so many replies thank you guys!!!

@Amber Chou Wilson
no no plots for u

ok jk

Shale & Eric is brilliant, I'm definitely keen to see where their dynamic would sit after the growth they've been through. Would love for her to hang with Aisa as well if we can find time, but I agree her & Eric is a good dynamic

Finn & Lucas I also love, would defs be down for a fling between them!! the idea of finn maybe comforting lucas over connors whole nonsense and deciding he hates connor is very funny 2 me

Jenna & Gwen: Love this yesssss.... Gwen is absolutely the kind of girl Jenna would try to take under her wing and make part of her posse, and I kind of love the idea of Gwen not falling for it.

Giulia & Gwen: Yessss, defs keen for this. Could be good development for both of them to just throw em together and see what happens?
Should we maybe pick two things to do now and two for later?

I'm keen for Shale and Eric and maybe... Jenna and Gwen? 👀 unless you're feeling Giulia more.
@Stefan Archer
Lucy & Fraser: Oooh, yes I love this! I don't think Quidditch is something Lucy would have had much exposure to since nobody in her immediate family plays, but she would probably love it. They could defs meet through scouts, and Fraser could teach her about Quidditch stufffffff

Shale & Padme: Ahahahaha I love the idea of just. returning to a school on the other side of the world and immediately running into one of your old classmates like

We could start from there and just see how they interact? I don't have any immediate plot ideas, but it's definitely a strong start ahaha

Leia & Finn: Awwwwww I love this! I think Finn is fine with people who are kind of sharp and rude, his older siblings all come from rough backgrounds and have their difficult moments. He's very relaxed and things just kind of slide off him, so they could be well matched as friends. Defs keen to throw em together and see what happens!

Manaia & Eugene: Aw yiss bro time :cool:
Excellent use of always sunny.

One, Yeah, he'll talk to anyone and everyone about quidditch. We could set something up when the areas close to students so it's a little less busy?

Padme and shale, not gonna that was kinda what I was thinking too. Maybe we could do something in the great hall, where they notice each other and are like oh hey, and I think Padme would maybe go over to her and be like, fancy seeing you here. Because given they're in the same year, they probably would have recognised each other at HS and not necessarily been friendly but like clearly know each other?

Leia and finn, not sure where they could meet, if you have any ideas?

manaia and eugene, i dunno if you wanna do a dudebrothread during the holidays maybe they could go busking in Auckland or something with @Nolan Burke if you're interested too?
@Poppy Perkins
Simon x Shale: OH this is a powerful combination I love it. Definitely keen for the two of them to run into each other and swordfight to the death

Poppy x Connor: Deeeefinitely keen for them to reunite, it's been too longggggg.... Connor will hopefully be out of his jerk phase pretty early this year, but Poppy is welcome to retroactively berate him :p

Nikko x Finn: CUTE I love this, definitely keen for them to be reading buddies!!

Delilah x Hester: Ohhhhhhh yes love this!! I think they vaguely interacted in a group thread in 2nd year but I'd defs be keen for them to actually get to know each other, and Delilah is always welcome to hold Big Douglas......

Felix x Giulia: yes yes ye syes yes to all of this

Vera x Harley: Aaaaaa I think we talked about these two a while ago and then never did anything ahahhaa but I'm definitely keen to change that! I think a collab is a great idea, I imagine they'd defs get along!
Yay!! Yes, good to all of this. Well none of this seems too time sensitive. Was there something you wanted to start with?? Maybe I can start Simon x Shale, if you wanted to pick another you're keen on??
Also something I managed to overlook in my first reply but Felix x Thistle x_x I'd like to figure out their specific dynamic a bit. Since their siblings are kind of split into the older and younger bunch and they've been the only kids at home for a bit. Maybe they write letters and have a section they write in a code they made up?? Let me know what you think!
@Samantha Jacobs

Yess perf!! I can start for Connor & Samantha and Giulia & Molly if you can start the other two?

And gonna @Stefan Archer here also since you mentioned it I love the idea of a dudebro holiday hang if you're both down? Just some lads having a busk.........

@Selene Le Fey
Finn & Linden: Yessss sounds good! Finn is perpetually available, so feel free to @ me whenever you want a plot with Linden? (Idk when it would work out with his current relationship)

Giulia & Niamh: Aaaah nice!! I think she and Giulia would get along well! Definitely keen for them to be friends!

Lizzie & Willow: Awwww yes I absolutely love that! Lizzie would be super keen to help her learn to ski and also chat about life stuff <3

Eva & Bridget: No worries!! RP is the best way to flesh ppl out :p Definitely keen for sculpting buddies!

Kahurangi & Rhiannon: Awww yesss Kahurangi is very much in the same boat haha I think they would get along great... we could say they met at a like. mummy group or a baby cpr class or something?

Kahurangi & Elvera: CUTE I love that!! Will look forward to it!

Kyle & Briar: Ooooh yes I love the tension of like . 'oh i know you you know me we have bad vibes But this is a customer service interaction.......' ahaha

Are there particular ones you're keen on? Maybe we could start 1-2 for now & make a note of the rest? I'm actually writing notes this yr I stg this whole PD is going in my notebook so i don't forget stuff

@Penny Wills

That sounds perfect! I'll put it on my list and get you the link soon as I've started it!

@Amber Chou Wilson

Heck Yea those sound perfect to me. Is there either one you'd rather start?

@Stefan Archer again

That sounds perf, defs keen for Lucy and Fraser once the start of year chaos has died down a bit

Love that for Padme & Shale, and that sounds perfect in terms of their like. HS backstory. I could start this one if you like?

Leia and Finn I'm not sure either.... maybe Finn could just be doing some . weird junk in the student lounge with crystals or tarot cards or something and shes like . What?? idk haha

@Poppy Perkins

Yesss that sounds perf, definitely keen for Simon & Shale. Maybe I can start for Giulia and Felix? And I'll chuck the others in my notebook so they hopefully won't get forgotten.

AND YESSS FELIX AND THISTLE always keen for carnahananigans (Carnahan shenanigans)
@Selene Le Fey
Finn & Linden: Yessss sounds good! Finn is perpetually available, so feel free to @ me whenever you want a plot with Linden? (Idk when it would work out with his current relationship)

Giulia & Niamh: Aaaah nice!! I think she and Giulia would get along well! Definitely keen for them to be friends!

Lizzie & Willow: Awwww yes I absolutely love that! Lizzie would be super keen to help her learn to ski and also chat about life stuff <3

Eva & Bridget: No worries!! RP is the best way to flesh ppl out :p Definitely keen for sculpting buddies!

Kahurangi & Rhiannon: Awww yesss Kahurangi is very much in the same boat haha I think they would get along great... we could say they met at a like. mummy group or a baby cpr class or something?

Kahurangi & Elvera: CUTE I love that!! Will look forward to it!

Kyle & Briar: Ooooh yes I love the tension of like . 'oh i know you you know me we have bad vibes But this is a customer service interaction.......' ahaha

Are there particular ones you're keen on? Maybe we could start 1-2 for now & make a note of the rest? I'm actually writing notes this yr I stg this whole PD is going in my notebook so i don't forget stuff
It all sounds good. I guess given the time of the year th I ski lesson would work well. And you can pick the other one.
And if reluctant niamh has been sorted into hufflepuff. So they won’t be dorm mates.
@Stefan Archer again

That sounds perf, defs keen for Lucy and Fraser once the start of year chaos has died down a bit

Love that for Padme & Shale, and that sounds perfect in terms of their like. HS backstory. I could start this one if you like?

Leia and Finn I'm not sure either.... maybe Finn could just be doing some . weird junk in the student lounge with crystals or tarot cards or something and shes like . What?? idk haha
Yes to all this!
I'm happy to start the finn leia one with that premise and to start the lucy and fraser one when that comes around.
@Samantha Jacobs

Yess perf!! I can start for Connor & Samantha and Giulia & Molly if you can start the other two?

And gonna @Stefan Archer here also since you mentioned it I love the idea of a dudebro holiday hang if you're both down? Just some lads having a busk.........
Sounds good to me! I can totally start the other two, and ill just link you up! :D

Ah yes, that sounds perfect! Holiday hang busking sounds like a plan! Hehe!
@Selene Le Fey
Perfect!! Could you start for Willow and Lizzie then, and I'll start Kahurangi & Rhiannon? I've put the rest in my notebook so hopefully I won't forget, we can go back and pluck 'em out when we have time for threads! (ha ha time for threads ha)

@Stefan Archer Thank you for starting! I'll reply asap & try and get the Shale & Padme thread up soon as I can!

@Samantha Jacobs
That all sounds perf, I'll flick you the links soon as I get my two threads up!

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