A lovely bunch of firsties

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Sloane Halliwell

Owner of L.U.M.O.S
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Mixed Blood
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Curly 10 1/2 Inch Rigid Birch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Hey guys!

So I'm getting back into plotting and as such I want things to get back into! I think I'll stick with my firsties for now, mostly because school is always my focus when I am busy and I just love them so much, but if you have any ideas for my other charries, you know where to find me!

Peony Belrose

So first up we have Peony Belrose. She hasn't been sorted yet, but I'm sticking her on here because I can. Peony is a determined young girl, one of a set of triplets. Her father is a Duellist (Etienne Belrose) but she doesn't know much about her mother. She aspires to be just like her father and so she wants to work hard to become a famous duellist just like him. In saying that though, she doesn't always like people using her to get to know her father and prefers when people don't know him. She loves the tour life and finds it strange to be settling down in one place now that she is going to a proper school. She is energetic and passionate, but she knows how to calm down and be quiet when she needs to be, she loves to study and she's good at it. She loves magic and she especially loves watching her father duel. She's not a huge fan of Quidditch, but she'll watch it to pass the time. She's a pureblood, but she's not prejudiced at all. She wasn't raised as a pureblood. She was just raised as an average kid.
What she needs: Pretty much everything. I have nothing for her.</SIZE></COLOR></FONT>
Aleksandra Kaster
Here we have Aleksandra Kaster, the first daughter of Jack Kaster and Danika Lesley and sister of Benjamin Kaster. She's a veela, though she never really thinks about it. She was really close to her mother before she died, and now she's really close to her father and the rest of her family. She's courageous, excitable and energetic, she is self-absorbed and hot headed. She can easily be callous if she's not careful and she doesn't take sh*t from anyone. She's the first to jump on a bandwagon, but also the first to jump off. She likes to think she is a leader, but isn't really clear headed enough to be. She's ruled by her emotions and significantly more illogical than her Ravenclaw brother. She is determined to best the best gryffindor ever and she likes to think she makes friends easily, though her friends would tell you different. She's hard to get to know sometimes, though she doesn't realise it and she has a facade about her that she thinks is her real self. She actually quite insecure about her life and sometimes wonders what it would be like if things had gone differently.
What she needs: Again, I'm open to ideas. She has a final, and she has a best friend, but she could always have more than one friend. I'm totally open to dating ideas too, she's bi so have at. As a note, she'd make enemies quite easily. She can be hard to get along with because of her emotional response to situations and her volatile temperament.

Baltair Smith

Baltair here is my favourite, he's my baby boy, I've been developing him on the sidelines since he was first placed on the family tree! Baltair is a very complicated and complex individual. He's hard to really pin down and understand. His family has a volatile and complex history and his personality reflects that. He was at just the right age, or maybe wrong age, when all of the issues went down and so it happened to shape the person he is today. Baltair is lost and confused about who he is and what he wants his life to be. He's nervous about his future and hesitant to recount his past. He's aimlessly wandering, trying to find himself, to seek out the person he wants to be. He is constantly looking for his place in the world and if he has to, he will step on anyone to find it. Culture and history are very important to him, but he holds little loyalty to them. He doesn't really respect magic, like most of his family, but he wants to utilise it for his own gain. He uses his magic both for a weapon and for protection and he's not too worried about others getting hurt. He gets nervous in large crowds and was brought up not to stand out, yet it is the one thing he longs for. Recognition is something he craves, recognition from his family and from his peers. He's intelligent and witty and he knows how to use his brain, both to help and to hinder.
What he needs: I have a final set for Baltair and some rivalries, but I won't say no to friends. He's not particularly prejudiced against blood status so much as against family. So he could potentially be friends with anyone.
Cailin Smith
Cailin is another charrie who is yet to be sorted. She is Baltair's little sister and she likes everyone to know it. Though they are sorted in the same year, they are not twins. They are actually exactly nine months apart, something she can't stand. Cailin doesn't much see the point of being in the same year and doesn't like Baltair very much. She loves her brother and would fiercely protect him, but she thinks he's an embarrassment. Cailin is mother like her older sister than she would like to admit, and she wishes that she would be the one to inherit the mantle in the family, rather than her older siblings. She does hope that one day things will work out her way, but she knows it's not likely. She would never actively plot for the downfall of her friends or family however, because of her strong belief in unity and loyalty to oneself and status.
What she needs: Everything but a final, as that is sorted for her. I'm really open minded here guys!

Euthalia Vetrova

Ali doesn't care about most things, in fact she is very likely to be completely disinterested in anyone and anything around her, because she's self absorbed. Now mostly I think of this as a very outspoken and loud trait, until I realised that it can also be a more quiet trait. She has the potential for loyalty, but other things can easily get in the way. She has no specific family loyalties at all and no respect for tradition either. She doesn't necessarily agree with most rules and is happy to break them if it works in her favour. She only ever wants to spend time with her brother and hates her house because of all the loud people in it. She would rather they all shut up then talk to her. She wants nothing more than to sit in the corner of the room and be ignored.
What she needs: She has a final, but other than that, I really don't know. If you think of something please let me know because I am all out of ideas for her!
Eutropia Vetrov
This is Eutropia, twin to Euthalia and younger brother to Agrippina and Octavian. As you can see, they are all very different. Ro is patient, tolerant and fair, probably his most telling qualities, but he's also erudite and dedicated. He has a thirst for knowledge, yes, but he does not go to seek it like he might were he a ravenclaw. He prefers to have the information come to him, rather than to go looking for it. He is a very witty and energetic person when he is alone with his twin, but in public he doesn't like to be touched, nor does he like to be interrupted. He makes all the decisions for himself and Euthalia and that's the way he wants to keep it. He doesn't feel the need to change up their dynamic at all.
What he needs: Pretty much everything. He has a final I think, but I'm interested in whatever you want to throw at me. Good luck!

Cordelia Dragonova

Cordelia Dragonova is the second child of Isabella and Demeter. She's passionate, playful and all around excitable. Her one dream in life is to become a Dragon. She absolutely loves them. She picks on her twin sister a little bit, mostly because they share part of a name and she thinks its hilarious, much to her sisters dislike. She's drawn to mischief, but would never do anything that might get her into trouble with her mother. She's lie to her head of house if it meant her mother would never hear of it, because she knows the punishment she'd get at home would far outweigh anything she'd get at school. Her mother runs a tight ship and so Cordelia often feels suffocated, yet she has things that she uses to help herself feel free. She's a budding writer and loves to read about fantasy dragon adventures. She one day hopes that she can find what it is she truly desires and be the person she knows she can be. She's scared of Santa and she thinks Christmas is a terrible holiday.
What she needs: Literally everything. Go for your life.
Zennon Baros
<FONT font="verdana"><COLOR color="black"><SIZE size="50">Zennon Baros is the kind of guy who likes to think he's more sophisticated than he is. He's hiding from the fact that he's gay. He's known it for a while but he doesn't want to be. He's fun and witty and he loves being around people. He's extremely social and he adores dogs. He wished he could have brought one to Hogwarts. Zennon is looking for one thing only, as distraction. He loves his family and he loves his life and he's worried it will all change if anyone finds out about him. He doesn't quite know what to do, but he knows he has to find something he can use to get his life back on track to where he wants it to be. He's a very lovable person and he is easily high on life, but he doesn't open up about himself very easily and it's hard to actually get to know him. It's easy for people to know him for a long time, without actually getting to know him.
What he needs: Everything. I could see him dating someone down the track to cover for the fact he's gay if anyone starts to question why he doesn't have a girlfriend.
Don't remember how much we talked about this but I do have Analei, who is quite introverted due to her constant need for self control to make sure her anger doesn't get the better of her. She's still struggling with this! Do you reckon she'd get along with any of them?
I think this combination would be best in terms of friends, but I also have another suggestion.

You said in Tita's thread that she likes to bake. If she and Addie become friends it might be fun to have her and Baltair meet. Baltair would probably treat her the same as he treats Addi and so if she has anger issues, it might be fun to see how she handles Baltair, if you are willing :D
Sloane Stark said:
if you are willing :D
Do you know me at all? Of course I'm willing xD

I was being nice :r

I'm all good for this, i think it would be fun!
I have Talitha Courage and Noelle Maxwell to throw out there. Both of them are Hufflepuffs. Basically, they are all blank slates.

Talitha is mean. She is jealous of her cousin, Alexis. She does not like to be in Hogwarts as she wants to go to Beauxbatons or Dumrstrang. However, deep inside, she is caring and passionate. This mean charade was just her defense mechanism.

Noelle is the perfect guy. Friendly,kind, thoughtful, the works. He has a twin sister who is the complete opposite of him. He loves reading books.
Hey :D Got a couple of things to suggest!

I only have one firstie this year named Winnie Marsh. She's in Ravenclaw and her development is here if you want to read more about her. But she is basically a very whimsical girl that has a love of the arts and constantly has her head in the clouds. I think she could be a friend for both Baltair and Eutropia for different reasons.

Winnie could be friends with Baltair because you said he is sort of wandering and looking for his place in the world, and she could contribute to this by making up stories and possibilities for his future in a way that's playful and not serious (since she is rarely ever serious) and not necessarily productive either, if that makes sense! More directly I see her taking him on these fantasy based adventures, telling him he should be a knight of the round table when he grows up, etc, and this would not help him much besides distract him from what's happening in the real world. If he would have fun on said fantasy adventures I think this could be a really fun friendship to rp! Plus they are both Ravenclaws so I think in the sense of them becoming friends it would be relatively easy to have them run into each other.

I also think Winnie could be be friends with Eutropia since they are both witty and thirst for knowledge in different ways that could possibly compliment each other. Like you said that Eutropia prefers to wait for knowledge to come to him rather than seeking out knowledge, and then Winnie on the other hand does seek out knowledge and new experiences herself. This could mean that Winnie who is constantly learning new things, could return from her adventures and tell Eutropia all about it and this is what their friendship could be sort of centered around. I'm just a little less sure of how we could get these two to meet since they are in different houses, but I'm sure we could just throw them somewhere and see what happens!

Let me know if you're interested in these ideas!

I think Talitha and Noelle both would be good friends for Peony when she is sorted. I don't know what house she is in yet, but they certainly seem like they would be good counter balances for her!


I think this pairing would be really good! Though it isn't necessarily likely to help Baltair actually figure his sh*t out, it will be some character development for him, which is honestly what you want out of any role play! I think they'll have a sort of love/hate relationship, though that might be more on Baltair's side. He'd probably be super irritated by her, but would like the fact that she's genuine around him and is trying, in her own way, to help him. He isn't much of a genuine person himself, but he values that in others, so that would be important, especially if she sees him for him and not for anything else.

I'm not too convinced on this one atm, mostly because I don't know how he would react around her. Although it would probably be fine as long as she didn't actually drag him out to be part of those adventures, and he's not as bad when Euthalia isn't around, which considering they are in separate houses it wouldn't be too hard to get them away from each other. So I'm game to try! See what happens!
You are forgetting a few.
When you have the rest on here, I'll post my ideas. :r
Violeta Finch said:
You are forgetting a few.
When you have the rest on here, I'll post my ideas. :r
:tut: :tut: :tut:

You suck.

Now post.
I have Jacob to offer for anyone you think might be particularly good friends with him or particularly be annoyed or hate him (because we know that's fun too!). He's a Gryffindor so I'm sure he'd come to know those people eventually, and the others he would see in classes. If there is someone of yours not getting attention here, I volunteer to RP with that person!

I also have Kingsley who can also come across any of them in need of help or getting into trouble. :p

Cordelia wants to become a Dragon one day, if she found out that Jacob was a Kingsley, she might ask him if she could do that legally, knowing that there is a Kingsley as Minister, other than that she would want to go on adventures with him if he's into that. I don't know too much about Jacob, but he seems like he'd be a fund kind of person, so most of my Gryffindors would probably get along with him! Also possibly Zennon who I am looking for really close friends with. He's not the kind to have a lot of friends, but maybe two or three close ones :D


Cailin and Jacob probably wouldn't get along and if he was particularly hyper she wouldn't like that. However there is also a possibility that they could bond over having family in the same school depending on how he felt about that. It's a pairing I'd like to try in any case!


Omg, actually, can I have Zennon crush on Jacob? He'll deny it all the time and he'll never mention anything, but it would affect the way he interacted with him. It probably wouldn't last long because Zennon is doing his damnedest to not be gay, but it could be fun for a couple of rps!

Cyndi is always welcome to bust up a couple of adventures. I'll let you know :r
Zennon was the person who drew my attention first for Jacob so can we get started with that one first and then Cordelia? I can see Jacob thinking she's cool. He likes dragons too. :) And I like your idea for Zennon.
Awesome! Glad I could be of assistance! I'll set up a ZennonxJacob rp if you like and I'll add it here!

I've got two firsties too offer. And Zennon was the first that I would really love to rp with!

Athena x Zennon: I really think they could match very good as close friends! Athena is very social and loves family very much too. She is confident but thinks a lot of her own actions, she is really a thinker and just like everyone insecure sometimes. She looks up to her cousin Evelyn a lot. I think Athena can be a really good friend for him and support him with his sexuality later on. I guess there is a lot possible. Perhaps we can try out how it goes?

I guess Athena could match with every one. I also got Amelie Marchand she is a ravenclaw first year and very curious. Wants to have answers on her questions and if she doesn't get them she will find them for herself. She is nosy and see's information as more value as money. Amelie is a very sweet girl and means well but she if curious at magical information to learn that, but also persons. She is interested in the way people act and why they do so.


Hey! Athena sounds like she would be a great friend for Zennon! She could even possibly be someone who helps him when he decides he needs a girlfriend to hide the fact he is gay, whether she helps him find someone or is that someone herself! I want to stick them together and see what happens! Do you mind starting something?


I think this pairing would work best. Aleksandra is really bossy and such, but she's a great friend to have in your corner! We can try them out and see how it goes? I'm happy to start this one if you like!
Sloane Stark said:

Hey! Athena sounds like she would be a great friend for Zennon! She could even possibly be someone who helps him when he decides he needs a girlfriend to hide the fact he is gay, whether she helps him find someone or is that someone herself! I want to stick them together and see what happens! Do you mind starting something?


I think this pairing would work best. Aleksandra is really bossy and such, but she's a great friend to have in your corner! We can try them out and see how it goes? I'm happy to start this one if you like!
Yeah sure gonna post the link here when I have it done!
Sloane Stark said:

I think this pairing would be really good! Though it isn't necessarily likely to help Baltair actually figure his sh*t out, it will be some character development for him, which is honestly what you want out of any role play! I think they'll have a sort of love/hate relationship, though that might be more on Baltair's side. He'd probably be super irritated by her, but would like the fact that she's genuine around him and is trying, in her own way, to help him. He isn't much of a genuine person himself, but he values that in others, so that would be important, especially if she sees him for him and not for anything else.

I'm not too convinced on this one atm, mostly because I don't know how he would react around her. Although it would probably be fine as long as she didn't actually drag him out to be part of those adventures, and he's not as bad when Euthalia isn't around, which considering they are in separate houses it wouldn't be too hard to get them away from each other. So I'm game to try! See what happens!
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this! But I am totally glad you like the idea of Baltair and Winnie being friends :D

Since you're not as sold on the idea of Eutropia and Winnie as friends, should we just focus on having an rp with Winnie and Baltair and see how that works out? I'm happy to start the thread and link it to you, just let me know if you have any preferences to where they should meet!
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