A Lazy PD

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Listen we're in a heatwave, I'm lazy, here's how that results into a PD with me not looking for too much specifics. Just keeping this to my students and (1) professor for now but my adults could always use plots so feel free to hit me up about that. ✌️


Ana Sofia Burleigh
7th Year • Prefect • Heta Omega President

Ana Sofia is sunshine in human form and I love her for it. I might’ve neglected her a bit during her first few years at the school though and honestly, I’m sad she’ll be graduating this year. She’s friendly, sweet and seems almost incapable of hurting other people. She has a couple of friends but more are always welcome. Her being both a prefect and Heta president also means she's up for any type of guidance needed by younger students! Anything having to do withher catching students stirring up trouble might be fun as well because I feel like she's totally not cut out for that. Romance is also on the table but she's mostly interested in girls.​

Isaiah Thompson
6th Year • Gryffindor Captain

Isaiah is an idiot and I feel like we all know that by now, especially after him getting voted class clown for the IC Supers. However, he has somehow managed to create enough trust to be picked as the next Gryffindor Captain so who knows, maybe it's time for him to grow up a bit. Whether it be hanging out with friends, making new ones, playing a prank or getting on someone's nerves I'm pretty much up for anything with Zay. He has been dating Elara since last year so he's spoken for romantically but anything unrequieted or even him having to turn someone down might be fun.

Ivelisse Burleigh
5th Year • Slytherin Seeker

Ivelisse is Ivelisse. That's all there is to it. She can be nice, she can be mean. It all depends on who you are or who you hang out with. Anyone being friends with Celia would be an immediate no on her end. Ive's been doing better since her succes with quidditch this past year and while she has a few friends she could definitely use some more. Her being a fifth year I do think she's ready for some romance but with OWLs and quidditch on the menu this year it could be fun to see where her priorities lie.​

Kiara Thompson
3rd Year

Kiara is my baby who I've painfully neglected mainly because she came into existence right before a period of decreased activity. She's friendly and timid and would be a good friend to have. More than anything she's also a follower, easily sticking with people who are louder and more extroverted than her because that feels familiar. She did grow up with Zay after all. Kiara could use more friends, perhaps a mentor of sorts when it comes to social life at Hogwarts and someone to have a (unrequieted) crush on might be interesting as well.​

Senna Overby
2nd Year

Senna! Like I literally told Steven somewhere this week I feel like Senna and Isaiah are the same person but in different fonts. What can I say, I just love my loud Gryffindors. She's a Muggleborn so basically still learning everything there is to know about magic and the wizarding world, extremely excited about it all. You need a hype woman? You get yourself a Senna. She could definitely use some more friends! If you have a character that might not be a fan of her outgoing personality that could be fun as well. Otherwise, I'm up for anything with her since I've missed most of her first year.​

Chase Campbell
1st Year

Chase is probably the least thought out character I've sorted so far. I went in with almost zero idea of what he's like and I'm still figuring that out, so the only way to do so is through plots. He has some abandonment issues and can be quite indifferent to things or people he does not find interesting. If he does find you interesting he's not all that bad but it might take a second to poke through the shield of stubborness he has up from time to time. He does have some trust issues due to not knowing his dad so it might be difficult for him to trust someone or consider them a friend unless they show him that first. Since I know so little about him yet I'm literally up for anything, keen to see how his personality will grow.​


Professor Joseph Burleigh
CoMC 5-7

What up. So Joseph is my professor and like both of his kids I love him. He's been at the school for three years now yet hasn't had much interaction with his colleagues so I'm looking to change that. He's also been single for quite some time now so romance could definitely be discussed (women only). With Linden Cullen graduating last year Joseph has also lost one of his assistants, which means a spot has opened up for an eager student willing to learn more about what it takes to take care of magical creatures by helping out.​

So these are my lazy and limited descriptions, hit me up via PM or on Discord (Marijke#3708) if you want to know more or have anything elaborate to discuss!
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Marijkeeeeee!!!! Hiiiii!!!!!

I have a few to offer to you! Feel free to decline any!

I'm always, ALWAYS, down for threads between Josh and Senna - I love their energy a lot and their dynamic so I'm pretty happy with anything - we can do something when the school year starts? I know we have the train thread with Emzies.

I would love to offer Abby or Molly (or both) to Kiara - I don't think we've done much between either pair, so I'm happy to do anything

And I'm happy to offer my firstie, Conan for your firstie Chase - I'm not sure if they'd get along, but we can always put them in a thread together and see how they go!

lmk what u think :D
Hey Marijke! I have been pretty terrible with actually getting plots organized I'm so sorry buuuut I come offering my prof to befriend yours? It could potentially be a romance but also probably dealing with her romantically is about as bad as wrangling dragons so maybe don't :lol: She could use some friends and she's working on ways to improve the HoM course and wanted to include magical creatures in mythos and fiction as one of the classes so she could approach him looking for some more specialized advice? Or to just chat over coffee, anything works.

for students Dahlia would probably think Senna's awesome and Aine would have a bit of a soft spot for Chase being not-an-obvious Hufflepuff, but that's just some random suggestions lol.
Hi Marjke!

I have some thoughts!

Delilah x Ana Sophia: I’ve been writing Delilah with a bit of a crush already, but I’d love to actually do something with it if you’d like. Delilah definitely isn’t sure what to do with her feelings so it’s bound to be a bit clumsy. But I think it could be sweet, even if it’s a short thing but I’m open for a longer term thing too.

Leah x Isaiah: She is my first year and has too many opinions on quidditch. Depending on how the first game goes I can see her maybe pestering him with ideas about what the team should do or improve on etc. He has every right to brush her off, but I don’t think she’d be discouraged very easily.

Caleb x Ivelisse: They could gladly form a “don’t like Celia” club haha. They’ve hung out once and were fairly friendly. I’d love for him to get a few more friends and I think they could be a good match for that.

Leah x Chase: I’d love to do a part two to their first thread. I really enjoyed writing them together. I feel like they’ve gotten a good start on the whole friendship thing after spilling blood and keeping secrets right off the bat haha.

Ethan x Professor Burleigh: Ethan could make a pretty good assistant for him even though he's a bit young. He has a fascination with creatures and does have some experience already, but mostly owls so far.

Let me know what you think!
Marijkeeeeee!!!! Hiiiii!!!!!

Josh x Senna: I reckon we could have them discuss quidditch a bit more? Either pre- or post tryouts? She'd happily brag about her knowing a professional quidditch coach too but she wouldn't hesitate to share the tips she has gotten with Josh

Abby/Molly x Kiara: Would love some more of that! Let me have a think on what they could do.

Conan x Chase: For sure would be up to throw them together and see how they go!

Hey Marijke! I
Hiiii Camilla!

I'd definitely be keen to have those two professors hang out! Joseph would for sure be interested to hear about her wanting to include more about magical creatures into HoM

Both those combinations of students sound like a lot of fun as well so I reckon you're a bit more busy let me know what/which ones you want to do now or later!

Hi Marjke!

I have some thoughts!

Delilah x Ana Sophia: I’ve been writing Delilah with a bit of a crush already, but I’d love to actually do something with it if you’d like. Delilah definitely isn’t sure what to do with her feelings so it’s bound to be a bit clumsy. But I think it could be sweet, even if it’s a short thing but I’m open for a longer term thing too.

Leah x Isaiah: She is my first year and has too many opinions on quidditch. Depending on how the first game goes I can see her maybe pestering him with ideas about what the team should do or improve on etc. He has every right to brush her off, but I don’t think she’d be discouraged very easily.

Caleb x Ivelisse: They could gladly form a “don’t like Celia” club haha. They’ve hung out once and were fairly friendly. I’d love for him to get a few more friends and I think they could be a good match for that.

Leah x Chase: I’d love to do a part two to their first thread. I really enjoyed writing them together. I feel like they’ve gotten a good start on the whole friendship thing after spilling blood and keeping secrets right off the bat haha.

Ethan x Professor Burleigh: Ethan could make a pretty good assistant for him even though he's a bit young. He has a fascination with creatures and does have some experience already, but mostly owls so far.

Let me know what you think!

Delilah x Ana Sofia: I'd be keen for this! Ana Sofia already likes Delilah and I think they would be good together, plus she'd just think any clumsiness about it would be cute.

Leah x Isaiah: This would be hilarious and I would definitely be up for it. She can pester him all she wants.

Caleb x Ivelisse: They really should! I know Ive already thinks Caleb is alright but I don't think she knows about his dislike for Celia yet so when she finds out she'll likely instantly be like yeah let's go.

Leah x Chase: Yessss! The fact that she somehow immediately trusted him with the whole scarf thing made him determined in returning that by actually getting it back to her so that would be good.

Ethan x Joseph: I think Joseph would be looking for someone a bit older at first but he might reconsider if no one older is interested because he's gotten kind of used to having two extra pairs of hands around by now. I'll get back to you on this later!
Josh x Senna: I reckon we could have them discuss quidditch a bit more? Either pre- or post tryouts? She'd happily brag about her knowing a professional quidditch coach too but she wouldn't hesitate to share the tips she has gotten with Josh

Abby/Molly x Kiara: Would love some more of that! Let me have a think on what they could do.

Conan x Chase: For sure would be up to throw them together and see how they go!
Senna + Josh - Yesss this sounds perfect hehe! Josh's still a little rocky on the broom hehe - Pre or post try-outs sound good to me - I don't really have a preference of when, I don't mind hehe! Josh would be a little jelly that Senna knows a professional quidditch coach =))

Abby/Molly + Kiara - Sounds good!

Chase + Conan - Yay!

Was there a preference on which one you wanted to start at all?
Senna + Josh - Yesss this sounds perfect hehe! Josh's still a little rocky on the broom hehe - Pre or post try-outs sound good to me - I don't really have a preference of when, I don't mind hehe! Josh would be a little jelly that Senna knows a professional quidditch coach =))

Abby/Molly + Kiara - Sounds good!

Chase + Conan - Yay!

Was there a preference on which one you wanted to start at all?

We could do Sen&Josh and Chase&Conan so we can give the girls a little bit more thought? I'd be fine with starting the quidditch one (I'll make it pre- tryouts if that's cool).
Marijke- we should do something with Ana Sofia and Tilly before the year finishes out. I can't believe they're both seventh years :cry:

Delilah x Ana Sofia: I'd be keen for this! Ana Sofia already likes Delilah and I think they would be good together, plus she'd just think any clumsiness about it would be cute.

Leah x Isaiah: This would be hilarious and I would definitely be up for it. She can pester him all she wants.

Caleb x Ivelisse: They really should! I know Ive already thinks Caleb is alright but I don't think she knows about his dislike for Celia yet so when she finds out she'll likely instantly be like yeah let's go.

Leah x Chase: Yessss! The fact that she somehow immediately trusted him with the whole scarf thing made him determined in returning that by actually getting it back to her so that would be good.

Ethan x Joseph: I think Joseph would be looking for someone a bit older at first but he might reconsider if no one older is interested because he's gotten kind of used to having two extra pairs of hands around by now. I'll get back to you on this later!
Delilah + Ana Sofia: Cool! I think we can probably just continue with their train thread for now and do something else a bit later.

Leah + Isaiah: Perfect! I think once try-outs close or maybe after the first game we can throw them together.

Caleb + Ivelisse: Haha, I'm just imagining him grumbling about Celia and Ivelisse overhearing and going over to commiserate with him.

Leah + Chase: Yay! I think for her it was a shameless ploy to get him to talk to her at school so she'd have a friend haha. The fact that he follows through is just a plus for her.

Ethan + Joseph: No worries! I would like him to work with creatures in the future but if now isn't the right time that's totally fine!!

So it looks like Leah + Chase and Caleb + Ivelisse are both good places to start. I can start Caleb + Ivelisse if you'd like?
Sweet! I can start the profs thread soonish if you want, maybe have her swing by his office? I will get back to the students in time but that's a starting place for now if you're keen!
Marijke- we should do something with Ana Sofia and Tilly before the year finishes out. I can't believe they're both seventh years :cry:
omg yes!! I'm up for anything really as long as they get to hang out before they're off i mean tilly leaving her bat for ana sofia to paint at the end of the year will always be an option because if not she might just steal it anyways

So it looks like Leah + Chase and Caleb + Ivelisse are both good places to start. I can start Caleb + Ivelisse if you'd like?

Sounds good! I'll get the one for the firsties

Sweet! I can start the profs thread soonish if you want, maybe have her swing by his office? I will get back to the students in time but that's a starting place for now if you're keen!
Yesss that would be great!
Hey Marijke!

I feel like it's been a while since we threw Ivelisse and Louis together? I think he'd definitely try to flirt with her now, which could be fun? He's also sort? of? friends with Celia, so that might be interesting too. Friends isn't really the right word, though haha.

Kiara and Isadora need to do stuff too! I liked their friendship last year.
@Poppy Perkins got the one for Leah & Chase here!

Hey Marijke!

I feel like it's been a while since we threw Ivelisse and Louis together? I think he'd definitely try to flirt with her now, which could be fun? He's also sort? of? friends with Celia, so that might be interesting too. Friends isn't really the right word, though haha.

Kiara and Isadora need to do stuff too! I liked their friendship last year.

Ooooh yes Louis and Ivelisse would be fun! Definitely up for that.

Isadora and Kiara is also a big yes. I could see if I can get something up for them?
@Poppy Perkins got the one for Leah & Chase here!


Ooooh yes Louis and Ivelisse would be fun! Definitely up for that.

Isadora and Kiara is also a big yes. I could see if I can get something up for them?
Yess! I could start Louis and Ivelisse?
We could do Sen&Josh and Chase&Conan so we can give the girls a little bit more thought? I'd be fine with starting the quidditch one (I'll make it pre- tryouts if that's cool).
Sounds good! I'll start something with Chase and Conan and link u up this weekend ehehe
Hellooo. Here's my list. Message to discuss.

Marijke!! I'm really just here to request threads for the usual pairings, but if you have other ideas, let me know!

Isaiah and Weston - It has been far too long since these two have hung out. I admittedly don't have any specific ideas though we could always do that trying-to-study-in-the-library-and-then-getting-kicked-out thread idea from last year that we never got around to

Ivelisse and Celia - I laugh every time I see Celia mentioned in your PDs :r Anyway, I'm really glad they're both prefects because now we can take their rivalry/mutual hatred to the next level. Maybe a thread on the first night when they discover that the other is also a prefect could be fun? Or we stick them on a patrol together? I think Celia is now extra determined to make Ivelisse's life miserable.

Isaiah and Harper - I enjoyed their interaction last year and would be down to do more with them if you want! I still think it'd be fun if she caught him mid-prank or breaking a rule and has to pretend she didn't see it or try and scold him with a straight face

Chloë and Harper - Sneaking this one in because I love them. I liked their letter thread and we can keep that going if you want (and I can even write a fresh letter for the new year). But no worries if you'd rather drop it. More holiday/Brightstone meetups could also be fun. I think Harper would want advice as she tries to figure out postgrad plans

Also down for other ideas/pairings! Harper or Weston as friends for Ana Sofia? Celia as a Quidditch rival and/or someone to annoy for Isaiah? Harper as some kind of mentor/fun big sister figure for Kiara or Senna? Harper as a bird whisperer for Joseph once she finishes her animagus training? I'm down for literally anything :D
Marijke!! I'm really just here to request threads for the usual pairings, but if you have other ideas, let me know!
hi i love the usual pairings

Isaiah x Weston: these two for sure need to hang out. We could definitely do the library thing, I reckon they could like try to start the year good by getting into doing homework or working ahead and then Zay would probably already give up after two minutes
Celia x Ivelisse: I don't know what you're talking about :r A first night thread would definitely be fun! Like they've already noticed the badges but haven't mentioned anything about it untill they're actually in their dorm and almost forced to talk to each other?

Isaiah x Harper: I could definitely try to think of some rule breaking for him so that can happen!

Chloë x Harper: Another letter thread would definitely be fun! I'll try to keep up with it better this time around 👀

I'm going to try and get back to those other ideas as well a little later! just v tired right now oops
hi i love the usual pairings

Isaiah x Weston: these two for sure need to hang out. We could definitely do the library thing, I reckon they could like try to start the year good by getting into doing homework or working ahead and then Zay would probably already give up after two minutes
Celia x Ivelisse: I don't know what you're talking about :r A first night thread would definitely be fun! Like they've already noticed the badges but haven't mentioned anything about it untill they're actually in their dorm and almost forced to talk to each other?

Isaiah x Harper: I could definitely try to think of some rule breaking for him so that can happen!

Chloë x Harper: Another letter thread would definitely be fun! I'll try to keep up with it better this time around 👀

I'm going to try and get back to those other ideas as well a little later! just v tired right now oops

Isaiah and Weston - Honestly, Weston too, especially if Zay is there to distract him haha

Ivelisse and Celia - Bold of you to assume Celia wouldn't immediately confront Ivelisse as soon as she saw the badge :p Could we actually do it in the Entrance Hall or dorms right before the feast? Celia has like three threads set on the first night, so I'm trying to keep my timeline straight. She would definitely approach Ivelisse.

Isaiah and Harper - Sounds good!

Chloë and Harper - Yay! I might just write the new letter in their old thread since letters are asynchronous anyways, but if I start a new topic, I'll let you know. And I don't mind a slower pace for these threads since I feel like it's pretty realistic to have time pass in between each letter.

In addition to Chloë/Harper, I can start Ivelisse/Celia if you want to take Isaiah/Weston? And then we can do Isaiah/Harper whenever you think of some rule breaking for him to do?
Isaiah and Weston - Honestly, Weston too, especially if Zay is there to distract him haha

Ivelisse and Celia - Bold of you to assume Celia wouldn't immediately confront Ivelisse as soon as she saw the badge :p Could we actually do it in the Entrance Hall or dorms right before the feast? Celia has like three threads set on the first night, so I'm trying to keep my timeline straight. She would definitely approach Ivelisse.

Isaiah and Harper - Sounds good!

Chloë and Harper - Yay! I might just write the new letter in their old thread since letters are asynchronous anyways, but if I start a new topic, I'll let you know. And I don't mind a slower pace for these threads since I feel like it's pretty realistic to have time pass in between each letter.

In addition to Chloë/Harper, I can start Ivelisse/Celia if you want to take Isaiah/Weston? And then we can do Isaiah/Harper whenever you think of some rule breaking for him to do?
Sounds like a plan! Totally okay for Celia and Ive to be before the feast.

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