Pink Rose for @Xiuying Huang
Margo didn't know much about the quidditch teams at school but she did know enough to recognize their captains at least. Once she had finished with her own lunch she headed over to the Ravenclaw table to see if she could find the next person on her list. She knew...
Sky was glad that she had managed to get through as many of her roses as she had with everyone being so busy it was like everyone had come out of the woodwork today. as she wandered throughthe castle, she decided to have a look in the library. maybe one of her deliveries would be in there even...
Yellow Rose for @Jordan Harris
Margo knew who the head boy was and wasn't surprised that he ended up on her list. Surely one of the most popular boys in school would get plenty of roses. She didn't see him in the common room earlier and as she took a break for her own lunch she'd hope to run...
Yellow Rose for @Ngawaiata Martin
Margo only had one rose left but she had been dreading this possibility all day. She didn't know Ngawaiata well but she figured she couldn't be too unlike Cameron since they were friends. So she was probably hiding in their common room which just so happened...
Sky was on the lookout for people to deliver roses to as she made her way to lunch. the entrance hall was full of people calling names and giving roses. She wondered how anyone could find anyone when they were all chasing each other down like a giant game of cat and mouse. So it wasn't really...
Sky had managed to give out most of her roses. but she needed a break. the castle was too noisy and overwhelming. too many people. too many colours sound smells tastes. even superimposing music through her mind wasn't enough to calm it down today. as the solid wood doors closed behind her she...
Yellow Rose for @Aine Thompson
Leah was hoping that she'd be able to fine the next person on her list in the great hall before she moved on. It was a convenient place to find people since everyone had to eat eventually. She checked who was next on her list one more time before shrugging and...
Sky was not particularly happy with her rose list this year. While she tried not to dislike many people she had an uneasy relationship with some of the girls. It was mostly Gwen who caused her problems. but there were other similar girls who added fuel to the fire. who seemed to think that they...
Yellow Rose for @Emmanuel Okoye
Leah wasn't sure if she would ever stop grinning. She was thrilled seeing the great hall was full of roses and she wondered if any of her friends had gotten theirs yet. But she couldn't focus on that yet. She'd have to find them after or at the dance. She had...
Yellow Rose for @Rion Pendleton
Leah had never doubted her strength but going up and down the stairs all day was wearing on her more than she expected. She just hoped she had enough energy to dance later tonight. But to save time and to avoid asking every Ravenclaw she saw if they were the one...
Red Rose for @Isaiah Thompson
Leah had been thrilled when she saw that she had a delivery for Isaiah. She hadn't gotten a chance to really go over her big ideas for the quidditch team with him yet. And now that Chase was on the quidditch team it felt a little unfair to give her best ideas...
Pink Rose for @Akihiro Chen
Leah had been looking forward to Valentine's day ever since she heard about rose deliveries and she was able to sign up. She couldn't think of anything more fun or romantic than sending messages to friends or a special someone. The pink rose in her hand spoke of the...
Pink for @Aika Chen
Louis had no idea who Aika Chen was, but something about the name did seem familiar. He figured out the girl was in Slytherin and asked another Slytherin to ask around in the common room for him. He waited, hoping the girl would come out soon.
Red rose for @Eugene Nestor
Louis was familiar with Eugene and liked him, though he was closer to a few other Hufflepuffs. He spotted him at the Hufflepuff table and went over with a knowing smirk. "Hey, got a rose for you."
Yellow rose for @Zerrin Fergusson
Louis was looking for someone else when he suddenly spotted Zerrin, who was also on his list. He knew him from brotherhood, and quickly stepped into his path. "Hey, got a rose for you." He said with a grin.
Yellow rose for @Giulia Alcott
Louis had been surprised to see his sister's name on his list. He hadn't sent her a rose, and he wondered who had. Louis had peeked at the note, just to make sure it wasn't someone with weird intentions. Also a bit because he was nosy. He spotted his sister out...
Yellow rose for @Ivelisse Burleigh
Louis knew the next person he had to find very well, and it didn't take long to figure out Ivelisse was outside. Louis wondered if she was practicing, though he hadn't really talked about Quidditch with her since Slytherin had lost their game. Louis felt a...
Tim was very, very familiar with the next person on his list. Molly. He missed her. They were friends for so long and then they just kinda... Fell out. And here was the time for them to chit-chat. After looking around for a long time, Tim just gave up to go to the kitchen, grab a snack and...
Red rose for @Angel Gates
Louis was familiar with most of the people on his list, but a few of them were unfamiliar. Angel was one of them, and after some asking around Louis figured out she was a first year. No wonder he didn't know her. After speaking to a few other firsties, he finally...
Tim honestly had no idea who was the person that he was delivering the rose to. It felt weird that were so many young kids that he didn't know, not so long ago he started Hogwarts himself. "Zerrin Ferguson!" Someone had told him that the boy was here so Tim just went on, calling loudly.
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