rose giving y43

  1. Timothy Black

    🌹 Rose Giving Pink for Professors

    Of course Tim knew who professor Harden was. He had seen him around the school for years and everything, so Tim just decided to go to the office right away. "Hello professor, I have a pink rose for you!" Tim excitedly offered as he knocked on the door and opened it a little to make sure...
  2. Timothy Black

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For Raven

    Tim had no idea who he was searching for so he just went in with the best option. Calling out loud. "Emery Mettlestone! I need Emery Mettlestone!" He just hoped that the guy was there. Yellow for @Emery Mettlestone
  3. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving Most modern-day roses can be traced back to China

    Yellow rose for @Raafe Khatri Emmanuel had one last rose and after some questions, he had learnt that this person was a gryffindor and he'd come back to the great hall in an attempt to find them. "Raafe?" he called out as he moved up the gryffindor table, just trying to look a bit everywhere in...
  4. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving The rose was used as a symbol during the "War of the Roses"

    yellow rose for @Max Goose Emmanuel was looking for a gryffindor, so he'd come to the floor where he could find Gryffindors, and was asking people as they milled about the Seventh floor. "Max Goose, I'm looking for Max Goose," he said. Knowing he would eventually run into the boy or someone...
  5. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving Roman Nobility Established Large Public Rose Gardens

    Red rose for @Sadie Gates It had once again taken Emmanuel quite a bit of time to find the next person he was looking for. He knew he didn't have a large knowledge of the students in the school, and he didn't need to have extensive knowledge but it would make this a little more useful. But he...
  6. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving Garden Cultivation of Roses Began Some 5,000 Years Ago

    Yellow rose for @Charlie Helkovaara Emmanuel had needed to ask a few questions about the next guy he was looking for, but they person he'd spoken to had mentioned that he was usually about the arts room. so Emmanuel had come to the arts room looking for him. He glanced about the empty enough...
  7. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving Roses Have Some 150 Species

    Yellow rose for @Ngawaiata Martin After his first successful rose delivery, he had continued on his path, and was finding his next person, whom someone had said was a slytherin and kicking about the dungeons. "Ngawaiata?" he was asking various people as he passed them, hopeful that one of them...
  8. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving Fossil Evidence of Roses

    Yellow rose for @Felix Carnahan Emmanuel had never given out roses, but it had seemed like the thing to be doing. He was going to enjoy himself while he did, and use it just a little to be able to promote his history club if he saw an opportunity to. Really Emmanuel was just getting involved...
  9. Brevity Boone

    🌹 Rose Giving Someone Loves You

    red rose for @Indira Khatri Brevity knew who the head girl was. It wasn't difficult to know who she was. She just was proving a little more difficult to find than she had expected. Brevity had come to the head people's room and was knocking on the door, she'd learn quickly if the girl wasn't...
  10. Brevity Boone

    🌹 Rose Giving Sent For You Specifically

    Yellow rose for @Larissa Baros Brevity had been struggling to locate this ravenclaw girl, so she'd grabbed a first year and sent them into the girl's dorm, which obviously as a slytherin she couldn't get in. All the usual haunts she'd expected to find a ravenclaw hadn't worked out and she was...
  11. Brevity Boone

    🌹 Rose Giving Someone Likes You

    Pink rose for @Nolan Burke Brevity twirled the pretty pink rose in her fingers as she stepped into the great hall. This seemed like a logical place to find most of the people she needed to. It was a big space and alive with activity from the roses. She knew the person she was delivering was a...
  12. Brevity Boone

    🌹 Rose Giving Oh Yuck, A Yellow One

    @Professor Mallory Corrins Brevity was very curious about who would send a professor a rose. Thankfully this was just a yellow rose, she couldn't imagine having to look a professor in the face before handing them a red rose. The girl knew the professors enough and it was far less difficult to...
  13. Brevity Boone

    🌹 Rose Giving Oft, a Pink One

    Pink Rose for @Aine Thompson Brevity was not usually a get involved kind of girl, but part of her had been curious enough about this school event that she'd signed up to help out. It wasn't too much of an ask, after all, it wasn't like she had anything better to do. She had sent one rose and...
  14. Aurora Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving A Last Yellow Rose

    yellow rose for @Wisteria Lacewing Aurora had been glad when they could finish the rose deliveries in the great hall. After a few questions they'd managed to learn that this person was a slytherin and still in the great hall, so they had headed there. Aurora moved towards the Slytherin table...
  15. Aurora Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow There!

    Yellow rose for @Rion Pendleton The next person she and Rosie had needed to find had been a bit of a mystery. They hadn't really known who the girl was and it had taken asking several people about who she was and checking some haunts. Aurora had suggested the student lounge which was a place...
  16. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Rose for a Green

    Yellow rose for @Celia Vuong Rosie wasn't sure that it was wise to try and give a rose to someone who was on the quidditch pitch, but after some questions to various people around the school, it was clear they would find the slytherin captain on the pitch. So, Rosie had walked with Aurora to...
  17. Aurora Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Another Red Rose To Deliver

    @Nevaeh O Ruairc Aurora had taken a look at the next red rose and she knew from the discussions that they would likely find this girl here in the arts room. She headed into it, it did seem like a rather empty room. "Is there a Nevaeh in here?" the girl called out loudly trying to ensure they...
  18. Rosie Archer

    🌹 Rose Giving Red Rose To Begin

    Red rose for @Elizabella Drake Rosie was very happy she'd be able to deliver roses again. She had enjoyed it the last time, and was looking forward to being able to do it again. The teen was still doing it with her sister, which was fun. They had their basket and the roses in it. She knew the...
  19. Zephryn Spencer

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Spots All Over

    @Marnie Frogg Zee honestly had no clue where to find the last name on her list. But she was certainly tired of giving out roses at this point. She had given out so many yellow ones that her eyes only saw that colour now. She held another yellow rose in her hand as she wandered about the...
  20. Georgia Astor

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow as sun

    The last person was someone who's name Georgia had never even heard so she just called out loudly. "Anisha Khatri! Rose for Anisha Khatri!" Yellow rose for @Anisha Khatri