rose deliveries

  1. Lily Harbour

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for a Hufflepuff

    { Yellow rose for @Elliot Briar } Lily paced up and down the corridor in front of the Hufflepuff house trying to build up her courage to approach an older student. She knew who to give the rose to as she saw the boy at the Wild patch meeting. As she paced up and down a older student passed by...
  2. Alice Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Loving Red

    Red rose, open after Philip Maxwell Alice had mixed feelings about her next delivery. She knew Philip had been important to Ava, but she also knew he had hurt her feelings a lot over time. She wasn't entirely sure how Ava felt about him now, so she was unsure how to feel herself in friendship...
  3. Alice Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Pastel Pink

    Pink rose, open after Clara Alice had to ask around for Clara for a bit to know where she might be. She learned the girl was a Ravenclaw and in second year, so she headed to the towers near where the Ravenclaw common room was. She stopped in front of a young girl with blond hair, who looked a...
  4. Alice Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving Full of Sunshine Yellow

    Yellow rose, open after Violet Alice knew the next person on her list, as she was someone who wrote for Hogwarts Monthly and was only a year below her. She found Violet Fields near the Slytherin Common room, and approached her with her roses. "Hi, Violet, right?" She asked the girl, then smiled...
  5. Alice Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving True Gold Friendship

    Yellow rose, open after Hunter Alice seemed to have a lot of younger students on her list today, and the next one was a Hufflepuff boy. She had just received one from him, and had to chase after him after she realized she had one for him as well. "Hunter, wait!" She called. "I have one for you...
  6. Cyzarine Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Domashniye Tapochki

    Cyzarine knew roughly who the next girl on her list was. She had seen her about, she was a quidditch player. She seemed neat. But it was difficult to find her it seemed. Eventually Cyzarine was directed towards the lake front where indeed she recognised the girl she was looking for, "Chloe?" she...
  7. Eustace Ross

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Perkins

    Finaly the last one the list. He walked the Ravenclaw house and looked the girl who was name Poppy Perkins. '' Is there Poppy Perkins?'' He asked with a warm and nervos smile. @Poppy Perkins ''
  8. Eustace Ross

    🌹 Rose Giving Rose for boy.

    Eustace finaly was glad when he looked the list and there was only two people and he will be free but he still laked see people when they get the rose and smiled. That was good fealing. Eustace walked the garden and see another boy. ''Is there Alexei Kozlov? I have rose for you?.'' He asked and...
  9. Vader Hume

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Underexposure

    Vader had a vague inkling about the next name, he knew the boy was gryffindor, but he hadn't been in the gryffindor common room. Someone had let Vader know that he was likely to find the boy in the library. So that was where he was, looking in the library with all his roses for this Noel person...
  10. Lillith Montgomery

    🌹 Rose Giving Hello! Welcome to Montgomery Delivery Services! How may I help you?

    Lillith walked along the hufflepuff table, as she looked for the recepient of a certain yellow rose. Her basket had a couple of flowers and multiple bags of chocolate chip cookies that she was giving away to both her friends and the rose recipients. “Hi! I’m looking for a... Lauren Davenport?”...
  11. Eustace Ross

    🌹 Rose Giving It's nice to meet ya.

    Eustace happily walked the dungeuns and he missed Slytherin coomon room and take a little nup but he will be do that later. He needed find another girl and she was the third on his list. Eustace smiled when he seen another girl here? Mayby he again was lucky to find people. "Hey, are you Brooke...
  12. Eustace Ross

    🌹 Rose Giving Rose.

    Eustace walked the North Tower and hoped he will be find next girl. He know that girl was from Ravenclaw house and mayby he needed go Ravenclaw house table when all later was dinner? But he walked ans hoped that he get a dumb luck and find here. There was one girl and he hoped that is she and he...
  13. Lillith Montgomery

    🌹 Rose Giving Can I join?

    Lillith didn’t really understand why people would want flowers on valentines day, they just end up dieing? Maybe she should ask hogwarts to change it to chocolate or something. Either ways, she didn’t have much to do so she ended up signing her name. Lillith walked around to look for Harper. It...
  14. Eustace Ross

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunshine rose

    Eustace was happy make rose delivier and he was happy make good job and this time was first. He liked and he hoped that he would be find Samantha amd he know that she was from Hufflepuff house. Eustace walked the fourth floor corridor and see one girl and he hoped that she will be Samantha...
  15. Alice Briar

    🌹 Rose Giving First of the Day

    Yellow rose, open after Pippa It was that time again, rose delivery time. Alice had worked hard together with Apollo to arrange everything, though she knew they wouldn't have been able to do any of it without William and Elliot helping them in the Wild Patch Club either. Now all the growing of...
  16. Connor Holland

    Open Golden Petals

    ((Yellow, open after Lysander Summers)) To Connor's relief, the final name on his delivery list was another classmate, albeit one he wasn't especially familiar with. Still, he knew who Lysander was, and what the other boy looked like. Much easier than trying to track down a stranger he had...
  17. Connor Holland

    Open Fear-Flushed Flora

    ((Red, open after Alice Holland)) As soon as Connor glanced down at the next name on his delivery list, his blood ran cold. No. Even the tiny bit of contact Connor had been forced to have with his cousin in signing up for deliveries had turned him into a terrified puddle of nerves. And...
  18. Connor Holland

    Sunny Rose

    ((Yellow, open after Christina Holmgaard)) After what felt like forever, Connor had reached the first unfamiliar name on his list. He didn't know who this Christina was, which meant his least favourite part of rose deliveries. Asking strangers and hoping for the best. He had seen some of the...
  19. Connor Holland

    Open Sweet Petals

    ((Pink, open after Mhairi Olaf)) The next name on Connor's list wasn't one of his classmates for a change, but to his relief it was another familiar one. He had seen Mhairi signing up for the Wild Patch club at the same time he had, and now she was in charge of the whole club. He knew the...
  20. Connor Holland

    Open Sunny Rose

    ((Yellow, open after Iris van Houten)) Connor was pleasantly surprised at how many of his classmates he had roses for. It made finding people much easier if he already knew them, rather than having to run all around the castle looking for a stranger. Upon entering the Great Hall, Connor...