open rp

  1. Alice Briar

    Open Fourth Year Study Group: Second Meeting

    ((Open for all fourth years!)) Alice felt a bit more swamped this semester compared to the last. It really seemed like every year at Hogwarts was getting more difficult. With the OWL year next year, Alice thought it was important to get together to study again, even if it was already a very...
  2. Alice Briar

    Open Fourth Year Study Group: First Meeting

    Alice had meant to bring the study group back together much earlier in the semester, but things had gotten away from her. She had had a busy time, and now that things were settling down, Alice felt the urge to regroup. She had noticed that the fourth year was already a lot more demanding than...
  3. Alice Briar

    Open Third Year Study Group: Second Meeting

    Alice had organized a meeting for her study group last semester, and was doing so again. She had put up a few notes for third years around the school in case anyone wanted to join. It was getting to the end of the school year, which meant there was a lot of studying to be done for different...
  4. Phoebe Holland

    Open Blast and Boom

    Phoebe was delighted to be back at Hogwarts, partly because it meant she could use magic again. It was really annoying, not quite being of age yet. Rose was seventeen now, which meant she could use magic at home without getting in trouble. But Phoebe, being a year younger, still had to wait. She...
  5. Amy Jewel

    Open Silence

    Amy laid in the grass, a book above her head. The holidays weren't over yet and she was catching up on her reading. She was enjoying the break from her studies, but knew that she needed to get back to them. Sure, she still had a bit of time, but she didn't want to be behind in her work. That...
  6. Emilia Manning

    Open Escape in Fantasy

    Emilia had been fairly successful in appearing more confident than she was, and she was proud of that. She hoped that soon, it would start to actually feel natural to her too. But until that happened, she would just keep it up. It was a little tiring, getting up earlier to do makeup and hair...
  7. Rose Holland

    Open Mounting Pressure

    Rose still hadn't made up with her friends, and it was getting frustrating. But it was honestly no surprise if Hayley and Harley were half as busy as she was. The NEWT year was no joke, and with still no definitive idea of what she wanted to do after Hogwarts, Rose was starting to feel the...
  8. Jasper Night

    Open Scared Skeleton

    Jasper felt pretty cool in his costume, and grinned as he walked around the great hall. His plan for today was to scare someone, as Halloween seemed a good time for that. He was completely hidden behind the mask, so that meant he could get up to some mischief and probably get away with it. At...
  9. Diana Hollis

    Open Sharp Teeth

    Diana Holland had no real plans for this Halloween, but she had felt like dressing up as something spooky, but still something she could feel beautiful as. A vampire had seemed perfect for the task, and Diana entered the great hall wearing black, her face and arms painted as if she were a lot...
  10. Sophie Wilson

    Open Floating

    This was the first year where Sophie had really taken her costume seriously, and she was secretly a little pleased with the result. When she was younger she had usually mocked those who tried hard for their costumes, though she had also mocked those who hadn't really tried. Sophie was trying to...
  11. Madeline Kaimarama

    Open Dragons and Dungeons

    Maddy's favourite thing to do around the castle was exploring, and while she'd covered the grounds fairly exhaustively by now, she hadn't had many adventures inside the castle. Finding a secret passage and a new friend last year had left a great impression on her, so she was eager for more...
  12. Jasper Night

    Open With a Pop

    Jasper had been bored until he had found some gum deep in his trunk. It wasn't any of the magic stuff, but instead muggle bubblegum his dad had once gotten him. Jasper had thought it had been sweet in a strange way, like almost too sweet. But he had definitely been into it. The best part of it...
  13. Alice Briar

    Open Third Year Study Group: First Meeting

    Alice loved organizing things, and she loved being social. In her first year, she had organized a meeting for other first years to all gather in one place where they could chat and socialize. That had been a lot of fun, but now that she was a bit older Alice wanted to do something with a bit...
  14. Sydney Townsend

    Open A Worthwhile Vendetta

    Open after Sophie posts with Ben Hanging out in bathrooms wasn't exactly what Sydney had imagined her start at Hogwarts would include, but she had to admit the old run-down restroom had a certain charm. It hadn't been used in years, and she was bolstered by the fact that no one would probably...
  15. Aisa Hunter

    Open Wind, Carry the Sound Away

    It had taken Aisa a while to pick up her guitar while at Hogwarts. She had been tempted to play in her dormitory, or even the common room, but didn't want to invite conversation about her music. She enjoyed playing, and didn't even necessarily mind people listening if they wanted, but when she...
  16. Tristan Collins

    Open Bitter Ambition

    Tristan hadn't admitted defeat until the moment he stepped onto the train. Until the last moment of his break, he had half expected the badge to arrive. But it hadn't. He finally had to admit to himself that he hadn't been chosen for head boy, and a bitterness had taken hold of him. While...