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I don't have imposter syndrome, I peaked in high school then flopped.=))
i’ve gotten to that point in my life i have to start scheduling my time with my parents so they can see me despite living at home.
I have to add everything to my phone or physical calendar especially deadlines and visits to family. If it's not on one of them, I'm almost certainly going to forget because life gets hectic at a moment's notice around here. Case in point, me forgetting a certain something this week. :tut: D:
There's the obvious joke of well of course I don't have imposter syndrome, you have to be good at something to have it! :r

I went to the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition in Melbourne last month and when we watched the video presentation at the end it said something about how he felt like he'd achieved nothing in his life. I turned to dad like "well, if even da Vinci had imposter syndrome, what hope do the rest of us have?"
I feel like that every time i see a Van Gogh - one of the most talented artists in history and if even *he* hated his own work what hope do I have of ever liking mine? xD
Things like that just make me just hope that Leonardo di Vinci and Van Gogh at least had a good time creating their art (or inventions too, in di Vinci's case). I think it's easy to get caught up on whether or not you're 'good' at something and forgetting to have fun with it. I'm very much channeling Lucy's perspective as I write this xD But honestly Lucy as a character inspires me sometimes 'cause I have had a tendency to be rather negative in the past.

That might be an interesting question. Do you have any HNZ characters who have actually impacted your life/how you see the world? Or revealed something you'd never thought to explore before? Even if it's to a small extent. I'm curious.
I think a lot of mine make me wallow, like Audrey trying her best but it never being enough or Aine just being kind of nihilistic :r sometimes I hope they bring out the best in me but I think they often compound upon the worst instead
Four of mine actually.

All of the characters I've had (hundreds) over the last... what? 15 years? Have impacted how I see the world, but two of the most impactful for me, were Nadia, the first character I ever made (no on here but in general) and Zennon/Elsie/Rowan Baros.
Thinking about it I think I just end up making the ones closest to my heart suffer more. Like, oh no, making them happy feels insincere/too self-indulgent, I need to engage in self-flagellation instead. Sometimes I can use them positively like maybe accepting the parts of themselves that are harder to love (i.e. most of what I write with Aine) but otherwise it can become an exercise in bullying myself. :r There's a lot to unpack there.
That's so funny because I always feel like sad, melodramatic, emotional plots feel more self indulgent to me haha. Of course sometimes it's more satisfying for a character to "earn" some of the good stuff.
I guess it's just between sad/melodramatic and just "things just don't go right for this character". Not necessarily major things just like, minor disappointments. But I can definitely see that too. I think my thinking is mostly just, characters need to go through hardship to earn a happy ending but then I struggle to find the happy ending part. :lol:
Actually one that impacted me the most was Ellie, probably because she died and it was awful.
100% Monty, and I've talked about it probably more than anyone has ever wanted to hear xD

Part of the reason I gave him so much anxiety was because I wanted to RP him overcoming it, as proof I could overcome my own. Meeting his PB was a life-changing day for me, not just because I was happy to meet him, but because it was the first time I took a proper step out of my comfort zone. I beat so many fears that day and it felt incredible. I still consider it one of the best days of my life, and I would never have done that if not for writing Monty.

I still have a lot of anxiety, but I feel much stronger these days!

Also, it was doing research for his backstory/inventions/RPs that first got me interested in engineering (which is why it feels so surreal to be studying it xD )

Edit: Also it's interesting what you guys say about happy/sad/self-indulgent plots!! Writing characters struggling with fear and overcoming it is VERY self-indulgent for me.... and I do it a lot, cause if I can't indulge in my writing then why am I writing =))
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I'm enjoying reading the answers to Sarah's question! For me, I can't say that one character that has had a significant impact on me, but collectively, writing them has been good for me, and my mental health is better for it.
Maybe it's just the ones who have too much of me in them I think it's wrong to make them happy because it's wrong for me to be happy, so...
I'm enjoying reading the answers to Sarah's question! For me, I can't say that one character that has had a significant impact on me, but collectively, writing them has been good for me, and my mental health is better for it.
This is how I feel too. Writing on this site and being able to lose myself in that and the distractions of doing busy work tasks, like moving bios and stuff like that has gotten me through a lot of stressful times.
Maybe it's just the ones who have too much of me in them I think it's wrong to make them happy because it's wrong for me to be happy, so...
What?! You deserve to be happy just as much as anyone else!
This is how I feel too. Writing on this site and being able to lose myself in that and the distractions of doing busy work tasks, like moving bios and stuff like that has gotten me through a lot of stressful times.
Same Cyndi! I really enjoy writing bios and I always end up leaving so much out. I'm endeavouring to see how complete I can get the newest one's im doing before sorting begins.
I want to work on a totally new bio for Kingsley here. She's well overdue. Maybe I'll start this project once she's no longer a prof.
It will be so weird for her not to have Professor before her name. I've never known her without it D:
Going back to Sarah's question for a moment, I don't think it'll surprise anyone who knows me when I say the character with the biggest impact on me was James Cade (as opposed to the other James). I wrote him prior to joining HNZ and he was originally a bit of a self insert to try and work things out in my life but when I finally brought him here its where he really took off in his development and just became something of his own. The more he developed his own personality the more he altered a lot of how I see and experience the world.

There's been a few minor examples but he's definitely the biggest one for me.
I want to work on a totally new bio for Kingsley here. She's well overdue. Maybe I'll start this project once she's no longer a prof.
Sounds like a great idea! It's going to be different without her at Hogwarts, that's for sure. She has a very special vibe.

On the topic of bios, I really need to get round to posting Professor Nakamura's. Eek. Very overdue. I weirdly find it harder to write bios for adults than students, does anyone else find that? I also kind of made him up in a hurry which doesn't help things. I'll try work on that today.

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