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Man you should have seen it in the old days. You would go to dinner and have like three pages of replies
Back before the shoutbox too xD
shoutbox changed the game man
I'm very happy to have activity mostly because I will ramble if unchecked. :r

I hope the trip will be good, I kind of hate travelling alone but at least a group will mitigate it in that I won't be alone but I also won't be required to constantly be around someone else. :lol:

I hope everyone goes okay with studies! Mine was allegedly full time but a night class around my full time work hours, so I was miserable. Unfortunately my course also taught me far less than my job itself did (did love having to explain to people that places outside of Melbourne do, in fact, exist) but at least I got the piece of paper I needed. Hopefully yours are all far more useful!
Those photos are gorgeous!!!

Good luck guys with your studies!! I also just started studying and can sympathise with first module confusion xD but it'll be very much worth it in the end :3

/climbs back into lurker tree

(also goooo Ravenclaw!)
Claire that's awesome! What are you studying?
I'm very happy to have activity mostly because I will ramble if unchecked. :r

I hope the trip will be good, I kind of hate travelling alone but at least a group will mitigate it in that I won't be alone but I also won't be required to constantly be around someone else. :lol:

I hope everyone goes okay with studies! Mine was allegedly full time but a night class around my full time work hours, so I was miserable. Unfortunately my course also taught me far less than my job itself did (did love having to explain to people that places outside of Melbourne do, in fact, exist) but at least I got the piece of paper I needed. Hopefully yours are all far more useful!
I find that happens a lot in any institution tbh - its really frustrating
I had to argue with them for like 15 of the 18 months as to why I should be able to do this in person part of the course remotely as I live 4 hours out of Melbourne and work full time, eventually after multiple emails and mixed answers I finally got a "yeah sure just make sure you save screenshots". The in person assessment took 5 minutes. For something I do daily at work anyway. x_x

Don't you just love bureaucracy?
I had to argue with them for like 15 of the 18 months as to why I should be able to do this in person part of the course remotely as I live 4 hours out of Melbourne and work full time, eventually after multiple emails and mixed answers I finally got a "yeah sure just make sure you save screenshots". The in person assessment took 5 minutes. For something I do daily at work anyway. x_x

Don't you just love bureaucracy?
honestly, preach lmao
One of my students was moaning about driving 20 minutes to come in for an assessment a couple of weeks ago. Four hours does fall over the 'a bit too far line' for me though.
Especially around full time work, and the class would finish at 9pm, so it wasn't exactly a safe option for me to then drive home after it. :lol: Essentially I'd lose 2 days of work and have to shell out for accommodation. Each week.

20 minutes can be a pain but also really isn't that bad, haha.
I'm really glad all of my options were online. I work fulltime I don't think I could have dealt with actually going to onsite classes, heck
Unfortunately my course also taught me far less than my job itself did
I feel like this is more often the case. You get the textbook theory of how things should work and then you actually do the work and are like 'ehhhhh doesn't quite work that way' because that's how it goes when you're working with a bunch of moving parts.
I recently went back to study after ten years break and it's been...something
Ooh, I also had a 10 year break between studies (degree in 2010 and then back to school in 2020) and something is a good way to describe it xD But you eventually find a groove so you've all got this!
I'm considering quitting my job to focus on my studies, but like, money.
Man you should have seen it in the old days. You would go to dinner and have like three pages of replies
This is not an exaggeration =))

Those were the days.... you know, the days when none of us had any responsibilities pwahaha

Claire that's awesome! What are you studying?
:wub: Mechanical Engineering! My manager is an engineer and has been encouraging me to get into it for a while. And I was like, well funnily enough, I do have an interest :r xD

I have never studied beyond high school, so can relate. It's an abrupt transition, even studying remote/part time. But I'm really enjoying it. It just feels so surreal, for many reasons!! 16 year old me could never have imagined ;-;
Yeah no, no exaggeration here!!! It was a great time!

Mechanical engineering sounds so fun!!
This is not an exaggeration =))

Those were the days.... you know, the days when none of us had any responsibilities pwahaha

:wub: Mechanical Engineering! My manager is an engineer and has been encouraging me to get into it for a while. And I was like, well funnily enough, I do have an interest :r xD

I have never studied beyond high school, so can relate. It's an abrupt transition, even studying remote/part time. But I'm really enjoying it. It just feels so surreal, for many reasons!! 16 year old me could never have imagined ;-;
I don’t think I’d ever have guessed this but I’m so excited for you!
I feel like this is more often the case. You get the textbook theory of how things should work and then you actually do the work and are like 'ehhhhh doesn't quite work that way' because that's how it goes when you're working with a bunch of moving parts.

Haha, right? The class only briefly touched on things like stamp duty (riveting, I know) and didn't even mention one part of it that I see a lot with farming land but it never comes up in the city so they had no reason to teach it. Or when the teacher said not having a bunch of extra conditions in a contract was weird when it's like no...that's just normal out in the country.

I did learn some things to be fair, especially around things like accounts management, and it will probably help if I move back closer to the city (hopefully eventually, just can't afford to by myself). I mostly just had to do it to legally get to be a licenced practitioner, lol. I imagine if I do work up the courage to go do a law degree I'll end up with a similar experience!

Mechanical engineering sounds awesome and challenging! I hope you really enjoy it, Claire!
I did learn some things to be fair, especially around things like accounts management, and it will probably help if I move back closer to the city (hopefully eventually, just can't afford to by myself). I mostly just had to do it to legally get to be a licenced practitioner, lol. I imagine if I do work up the courage to go do a law degree I'll end up with a similar experience!
Oooh I'm doing a law degree (just in my first year so I'm like a baby lol), if you ever do law we can nerd out about law similarities and differences between Australia and New Zealand. If that sounds fun to you, because it sounds fun to me xD
Oooh I'm doing a law degree (just in my first year so I'm like a baby lol), if you ever do law we can nerd out about law similarities and differences between Australia and New Zealand. If that sounds fun to you, because it sounds fun to me xD
Im not doing law, but i know tax law if you ever wanna nerd out on that? dont mind me i like being involved xD

(My mums a tax agent lol)
Genuinely would find that fascinating! I'm a conveyancer but I work in a law firm so I have a pretty decent knowledge of property law (and a little tax!) and some knowledge of other stuff...mostly estates and some family law lol.

I feel obligated to do law eventually because that's what my mum, dad and stepdad all did, railed against it forever but like what else am I going to do really :lol:
I'd feel too old because I probably wouldn't even get the degree until I'm like, 40 at this point, but then again my dad didn't become a barrister until he was in his 60s so there's plenty of time. Easy to think it's too late to start things but it really isn't!
yeah education is so important
Im not doing law, but i know tax law if you ever wanna nerd out on that? dont mind me i like being involved xD

(My mums a tax agent lol)
Ohh cool! I haven't learnt much about taxes yet but I would actually be interested to chat once I know a bit more. I don't think I learn about taxes until maybe second year so that might be a while lol. What's your favourite tax fact?

I'd feel too old because I probably wouldn't even get the degree until I'm like, 40 at this point, but then again my dad didn't become a barrister until he was in his 60s so there's plenty of time. Easy to think it's too late to start things but it really isn't!
Exactly, it's never too late! I probably won't finish my degree until I'm at least mid-thirties so yeah, I feel that kind of 'am I too old?' but I just went for it. I honestly felt aimless for a long time until I decided that law might be for me, and I'm still not even sure it is, but it's the best thing I've come up with so far.
Ohh cool! I haven't learnt much about taxes yet but I would actually be interested to chat once I know a bit more. I don't think I learn about taxes until maybe second year so that might be a while lol. What's your favourite tax fact?
My personal favourite: Australian Tax Code, Section 165-55 involving the Goods and Services Tax:

For the purposes of making a declaration under this subdivision, the Commisioner may:

(a) treat a particular event that actually happened as not having happened; and

(b) treat a particular event that did not actually happen as having happened and, if appropriate, treat the event as:

(i) having happened at a particular time
; and

(ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity; and

(c) treat a particular event that actually happened as:

(i) having happened at a time different from the time it actually happened; or

(ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity (whether or not the event actually involved any action by that entity).

So in other words, sometimes, it might come up that the tax commissioner can and will lie about a certain event. LOL

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