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Sounds about right. :r I just get people having to declare that they aren't foreign residents when property over $750,000.00 sells, and the amount of old people I have to patiently say "no, I know you aren't a foreign resident, it's just called that". Mostly I deal with property taxes though.

I started a lot of tertiary education in my 20s but never really got very far, so it wasn't until I was over 30 I did this course. I don't really know what I want to do with my life apart from win the lottery, I guess. Only thing I'm getting possibly too old for is having kids. :lol:
I honestly felt aimless for a long time until I decided that law might be for me

This is me and cyber security! Like what do I actually want to do?! Trouble is you can't get funding for a second degree in the UK and the fees are really high so I had to find something I could qualify in without a degree, it's taken a lot of thought to get to this point. I funnily enough did one year of a law degree then transferred to Criminology because I found the social issues way more interesting and law was a bit intense for me.
Trouble is you can't get funding for a second degree in the UK and the fees are really high
I've heard this. It doesn't make sense to me. Do they want people educated or not? Govt man.
This is me and cyber security! Like what do I actually want to do?! Trouble is you can't get funding for a second degree in the UK and the fees are really high so I had to find something I could qualify in without a degree, it's taken a lot of thought to get to this point. I funnily enough did one year of a law degree then transferred to Criminology because I found the social issues way more interesting and law was a bit intense for me.
Oh, really? I didn't know that about the UK, sounds really gate-keepy. Like, only rich people are allowed to have second degrees or something.

I can understand finding law a bit intense. I mean, I find it a bit intense myself. But then I compare it to something like med school, which my friend is currently doing, and I feel like it's doable in comparison :lol:
Oh, really? I didn't know that about the UK, sounds really gate-keepy. Like, only rich people are allowed to have second degrees or something.

I can understand finding law a bit intense. I mean, I find it a bit intense myself. But then I compare it to something like med school, which my friend is currently doing, and I feel like it's doable in comparison :lol:
i mean… they still have lords and ladies and the members of their second chamber still have titles. very gate keeps imo
I'd feel too old because I probably wouldn't even get the degree until I'm like, 40 at this point, but then again my dad didn't become a barrister until he was in his 60s so there's plenty of time. Easy to think it's too late to start things but it really isn't!
The time is going to go by anyway so it's more about what you want your life to look like when you're 40! I'm not far off and only just about to finish my license and there's several other people just starting their hours who are decades older at my work. It's so cool to see people choosing something more aligned with their vision for their life.
I've really noticed recently that a lot of people have started "going back to school" as they say, a lot of my friends have gone back to studying too, despite it being a decade or more since they were last in school of any sort. I kind of love it.
I do need to start seriously studying for my architecture licensing exams but they are so daunting and I don't technically need to right now so I keep putting it off lol
Definitely never ever too late to pursue something that makes you happy!!

The time is going to go by anyway so it's more about what you want your life to look like when you're 40!
I really love this way of thinking!

I do need to start seriously studying for my architecture licensing exams but they are so daunting and I don't technically need to right now so I keep putting it off lol
This is where the 'well I'm just going to do it for 5 minutes and then I can stop if I want to' trick really comes in clutch for me =))

Has anyone else figured out any good study tips/tricks?
My biggest issue is that a lot of the study materials that would be most helpful for me are So Expensive and the exams themselves are like $200 each, it's hard to find motivation x_x

[My boss would reimburse me for the exam fee but only if I pass and I'm nowhere near that confident yet lol]
Has anyone else figured out any good study tips/tricks?

Unintentionally yes I do! I accidentally brought the wrong coloured notebook so I've been taking notes on light green lined paper instead of the usual white. Happy with my mistake because It's really working for me. My course is online and uses white powerpoint slides. The coloured paper seems to soften all that bright white and easier on the eyes that I don't think I'll go back to a white paged notebook now!
This is where the 'well I'm just going to do it for 5 minutes and then I can stop if I want to' trick really comes in clutch for me
Yes, this is how I got back into reading regularly! I love this trick so much.
and the exams themselves are like $200 each
Ugh, so annoying how expensive licensing exams are.
I think if you don't pass it, you should get at least....1 or 2 more chances before you have to pay again.
tha makes sense to me too. it feels wrong to have to pay each time.
Unintentionally yes I do! I accidentally brought the wrong coloured notebook so I've been taking notes on light green lined paper instead of the usual white. Happy with my mistake because It's really working for me. My course is online and uses white powerpoint slides. The coloured paper seems to soften all that bright white and easier on the eyes that I don't think I'll go back to a white paged notebook now!
Oooh that's a cool tip!!! Might have to experiment with colours as well, I definitely will need to take a lot more notes as time goes by

My biggest issue is that a lot of the study materials that would be most helpful for me are So Expensive and the exams themselves are like $200 each, it's hard to find motivation x_x
Oh wow, yeah can see how the cost would be demotivating D:
I just wish I knew what made me happy because nothing really does x_x
I feel that Camilla! I started my diploma because i thought it would make me happy, but it really hasn’t and now i’m kind of running out of steam
with my studies :/
I just wish I knew what made me happy because nothing really does x_x
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Camilla. I've been there for sure. I've spent a lot of my life just feeling like I have no idea what I want to do, or even if I did have something, not knowing if I'd even be able to do it. Sometimes it takes time to find the shiny thing and sometimes the shiny thing isn't always shiny, but I believe there's a shiny thing for everyone. So I'm sure you'll find it one day. I hope that's a good pep talk lol I'm not the best at them.

Has anyone else figured out any good study tips/tricks?
Yes, though I'll add the caveat that I'm neurodivergent so these tips are kinda universal, but kinda have to do with troubles with executive functioning.

First - pomodoro technique! If you don't know what it is, you work 25 minutes, rest 5. It's ideal for me because 25 minutes isn't too big a committment in my mind and if I have the timer there it reminds me, oh yes this is time to study. Gotta do that. It's supposed to work well for longevity because the breaks trick your brain into thinking you're not working as hard as you are. YMMV, but it works for me.

Second - plan out exactly what you're studying! This is one that might seem obvious, but don't just say 'today I'm studying english'. Break down exactly what you're doing to study, ie 'I'll read this chapter and take notes' or 'I'll do a practice essay for x amount of time'. If you do this before you study, then you aren't trying to come up with what you're doing when you could be doing work. As I said, might be obvious, but doing this was honestly a game-changer for me.

Third - mind maps! These are useful if you're a visual learner or like looking at the big picture of things. Was really useful for exams for me because I have to do essays, and seeing how everything connects was important. Nice to have something to quickly visually check out before going into exams too. I use a programme called FreeMind to do mine but there's plenty of options, including just plain pen and paper.
this is all super helpful sarah thanks for your suggestions!
I think my mum just got tired of me not knowing and was like "oh for god's sake nobody actually does what makes them happy just do something you're capable of" which with imposter syndrome is also a tough ask :lol:
Has anyone else figured out any good study tips/tricks?
The only tip/trick I had when studying when I needed to focus was like, set an alarm for 30 mins/an hour and be productive until the alarm goes off, then set it again for 30 minutes/an hour of rest time and then repeat so you're regularly taking breaks and it seems less overwhelming x_x

It's similar to what Sarah suggested but with more break time so I guess the theory must work? It at least helped me be more productive in the non break times from what I remember!

Edit: Just to add, I studied for so long and I guess I'm not at the wanting to return to study stage yet, I am so thankful I can turn off everything I need to do at the end of the day and not have to think about it =))

Edit edit: I mean saying this as in props to people who do want to keep and return to studying!! that is amazing and has dedication and motivation I admire :hug:
i’ve gotten to that point in my life i have to start scheduling my time with my parents so they can see me despite living at home.
@Lucy Montague Sarah those are all fantastic tips, thank you so much!! Breaking it down into what I'm going to study that day helps me a ton. But I haven't tried either of the others.

The only tip/trick I had when studying when I needed to focus was like, set an alarm for 30 mins/an hour and be productive until the alarm goes off, then set it again for 30 minutes/an hour of rest time and then repeat so you're regularly taking breaks and it seems less overwhelming
Yess, this is a good one - I usually make it a smaller period of time because once I get started, I can study for 30-60 mins fairly easily. But I might need this trick when the content starts getting more complicated =))

I think my mum just got tired of me not knowing and was like "oh for god's sake nobody actually does what makes them happy just do something you're capable of" which with imposter syndrome is also a tough ask :lol:
I feel you Camilla :( imposter syndrome is the absolute worst. I've sort of just decided that, all right, maybe I'm an imposter, but maybe I can be an imposter forever and nobody will ever figure it out =))

Cus realistically I imagine everyone feels it to some degree!!

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