Please do not sign up to this game if you're not going to be active on the board during play!
Cobwebs flutter in the flickering light from lanterns and candles as Hogwarts is plunged into a Halloween season that feels... just a little different to usual. The stairs creak under the weight of a new threat – a curse that has spread through the student body, turning some of them to monsters, and others into helpless prey. Can the students of Hogwarts ferret out the werewolves lurking in their midst, or will the Halloween season see the school turn to a bloodbath before the costume contest even begins?
TEAM STUDENT must find and eliminate all the werewolves in their midst to win
TEAM WEREWOLF must pick off all the delicious students around them to win.

Signups will begin immediately and close at 10 am on October 31st, NZST
Once signups are closed, every player will be sent a PM with their role in the game and instructions on how to play that role.
At this point we will immediately begin the first Night Phase. Phases last approx. 24 hours, due to time zones across the board.
Night Phase
No players may post in the thread during night phase, as all students are asleep. During this time, players with night roles may PM me to perform their actions.
Day Phase
When day breaks, the results of the previous night's actions will be revealed. All players may discuss suspicions and accuse others of being werewolves. At the end of each day phase, the player with the most votes will be expelled by the students, for better or worse. Ties will be broken by RNG.

Student - Their only goal is to survive, and vote out the werewolves around them!
Werewolf - By day they masquerade as regular students, but by night they prowl the school picking off their classmates one by one.
Seer - At night, the Seer uses their powers of prediction to discover the role of one of their classmates.
Fool - Although they fancy themselves a dab hand with the tarot deck and believe themselves a Seer, using their powers of prediction once a night to discover another player's role, the Fool unfortunately receives only random answers.
Prefect - Each night, the Prefect patrols the halls by one student's dorm and keeps them safe from harm, should the wolves come knocking. The Prefect may not guard the same person two nights in a row. If the Prefect chooses to guard a werewolf's dorm, they will be killed instead of the intended target.
Poltergeist – The first student killed by the werewolves will be so frustrated by their fate that they continue to haunt the game, communicating only through emojis and textless gifs. This player may not vote in expulsions, but can use their power to sow chaos around the school. This player may choose to assist whichever team they like, and may switch allegiances at any time.
Additional Werewolves - The school will begin with one werewolf, and more will flock to the feast at 8 players, 14 players, 18 players, and 21 players. They must all be eliminated in order for the students to win.
Head Student - At 9 players the Head Student will take control of the situation, working to bring order to the chaos sown by their classmates. The Head Student's vote will be counted twice during expulsions. This role comes with responsibility, so weigh your decisions carefully!
Lycanthrope – At 10 players, one student will start showing a certain kind of promise. Should the werewolves target this player, instead of dying they will be turned into a werewolf and switch teams.
Duelling Champion - At 12 players, the school duelling champion will enter the fray. Upon the Duelling Champion's demise, be it death by werewolf or expulsion by their classmates, their quick wand hand allows them to take one schoolmate with them, for better or worse.
Animagus – At 13 players, one student who's studied hard will gain the ability to take on animal form. Unfortunately, this means that during the night phase if targeted by a Seer, this player will show up as a werewolf, instead of a student.
Quidditch Captain – At 15 players, the captain of one of the Quidditch teams will choose one other player to be their teammate. Should either one of these players die, the other will die alongside them. Both players will be aware that they are teammates, but the Quidditch Captain will not be told their partner's role.
Apprentice Seer - At 19 players, the Seer takes an Apprentice under their wing. Should the Seer perish, the Apprentice Seer will step up to take their place. The Apprentice will not know their true role until the Seer's demise.

During the day, please make it clear who you are are voting to expel, by bolding their name.
This game is played out of character, so only one account per person. It would be best to keep this account as the one you use for the whole game.
There should be no communicating about the game outside of the thread, other than night role PMs with me.
You may not, for any reason, show another player the PM containing your role. Lying about roles is permitted, using screenshots or direct quotes to prove you aren't is forbidden.
Special thanks goes to ElementalAlchemist from IF/ZB Support, who showed that this game could be played on a forum, has worked out a good number of kinks in it, gave us the code to generate game roles and (most graciously) let us copy his summary of each game role from his post in previous games verbatim. Many thanks!
Let the games begin!