Obi Wan Kenobi Series

Zennon Baros

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Hello There!

So I don't know who here is a Star Wars fan, but I have been watching the series and I thought it might be okay to start a thread about it so all discussion can happen in here. I wanted to know what people's thoughts on the new series are and as always please be mindful of spoilers and stick everything in a spoiler tag if you're going to make any references to the things in the series itself.

My thoughts so far are spinning. I have loved the entire show so far. With some small exceptions of things I thought could have been done differently and the annoying shortness of episode 4, I've got to say I've been pleasantly surprised so far. Now, I will preface this by saying I'm a new Star Wars fan, but I absolutely love the new series and I am so excited to see what happens next!!

Has anyone watched episode five yet? I've seen a couple of things on twitter and it has me really excited!
All I have to say is that I absolutely love the show so much!!! I'm not a massive fan, more of a casual watcher, but this show is defs one of my favourite Star Wars shows!

I just watched episode 5 not too long ago, and its really one of my favourite episodes so far!!!!
I haven't watched it I'm just in here to be a grump and say everyone I've spoken to and is a Star Wars fan absolutely hates it so I'm finding it fascinating that it's getting so much love here. :lol:
I haven't watched it I'm just in here to be a grump and say everyone I've spoken to and is a Star Wars fan absolutely hates it so I'm finding it fascinating that it's getting so much love here. :lol:
Oh yeah, a lot of people in the fanbase dislike it. I've seen ppl dislike it more online than in real life. but a few star wars fans I know love it. I feel like its a mixed review from the fandom, some ppl love it and some ppl dislike it sjkdfhsd
I absolutely love Obi-Wan Kenobi! I haven't watched ep 5 yet but I've heard only good things so far so I'm super excited to watch it later.

The shows on Disney+ have been absolute bangers in general and I cannot wait for Mando 3 and Ahsoka
I often find that no one hates Star Wars content more than Star Wars fans and it's usually a very specific type of fan, though that's not true of everyone. (Im not suggesting anything about your friends camilla as Ive never spoken to them!!) but most of the people ive seen dislike it dislike it for a number of really silly reasons, like the fight scenes or lil leia.
Eh, one's my boyfriend, peak Star Wars for him was KOTOR 2 and he's been let down ever since. :lol:
KOTOR 2 was truly something else (Quitely hoping that they'll also remaster KOTOR 2 once the KOTOR 1 remastered is out (also quietly hoping that we'll get to see HK-47 on the big screen at some point, give me my favourite assassin droid, Disney!!!))
I played fallen order only recently and absolutely refuse to play KOTOR because i can't get behind that weird combat system, so i hope that with the remaster i will finally be able to get into it, because i've heard its really good story wise as well and i LOVE a good storyline in a game.
I watched episode five last night and i was so happy with it, but knowing there's only one more episode worries me a little with what's happened in the story so far. I feel like there's so much left for them to do and no time to do it in.
I watched episode five last night and i was so happy with it, but knowing there's only one more episode worries me a little with what's happened in the story so far. I feel like there's so much left for them to do and no time to do it in.
Yesss! that's what lowkey annoys me with disney+ shows, I've noticed they have so few episodes and sometimes they rush things at the end even though there is so much to tell left if that makes sense. Hopefully, the last episode doesn't feel too rushed or anything! :)

but most of the people ive seen dislike it dislike it for a number of really silly reasons, like the fight scenes or lil leia.
Yesss this is what I've noticed too!
I watched episode five last night and i was so happy with it, but knowing there's only one more episode worries me a little with what's happened in the story so far. I feel like there's so much left for them to do and no time to do it in.

I think I read somewhere that there were talks about a second season. I definitely wouldn't mind a second one, there's plenty of stuff they could pull from Legends and incorporate into a second season
I'm enjoying the series so far and I do enjoy all the references to other star wars lore :D there are some things that could be a bit better/more compelling but overall I'm having fun just watching it and seeing what happens!

In the flash backs when Obi Wan and Anakin are having a light saber sparr and in the flash backs of vader at the Jedi temple, does anyone else think the de-aging cgi for Anakin/Hayden could have been a lot better??

When I see what they're able to do with Mark Hamil with a younger Luke recently, or with Leia and Carrie Fisher in Rogue One I really expected a lot better for any flash back scenes, especially considering we know what Anakin looked like in attack of the clones and revenge of the sith I think it could have been a lot better to see him looking less old. He just looks too old for the flashbacks. I don't know the limitations of that technology used, though. I imagine whoever worked on it probably did their best =))
Spoilers towards what Anna is saying below

tbh, i didn’t think they were supposed to be deaged and i didn’t think they were at all. for me, it was less of a memory and more of a you know when they have those chess games in shows and movies as a way of like showing strategy? that was what this felt like to me. i can understand how some people were confused but for me it made sense for vader (who’s thoughts these were) to see himself in that position, like he sees himself now, but triumphing against his former master only for that to not be true making him the padawan yet again because he still hasn’t overcome his need for victory. that’s anakin’s failing after all, and it feeds into a new hope when he says as he’s fighting obi wan “when i left you i was but the learner and now i am the master” but then he proved he was still the padawan by killing obi wan never truly understanding what he had just done.
Hey, look, more spoilers

It starts off in Jabiim. Obi-Wan tells the refugees that he knows that Vader is coming and that he will not stop for pleasantries. They immediately ask him how he would know that. Que the flashback/memory scenes. To me, the flashback/memory scenes were there to tell us how Obi-Wan would know Vader's next moves, which was why Obi-Wan knew what to do and how to get the refugees (and Leia) to safety. So it definitely serves as showing strategy but it's also a fun little insight into the mind of their current selves.

''A Jedi's goal is to defend life, not take it.''
''Mercy doesn't defeat the enemy, master.''
''You're gonna lose''
''There's no way out, master''
''Admit you are beaten''
''Your weapon's gone. It's over''

''Your need for victory, Anakin, it blinds you''
''You're a great warrior, Anakin, but your need to prove yourself is your undoing

The dialogue in the memory/flashback itself says enough about their current selves. Now that Obi-Wan has come out of the shadows, we can clearly see that the Jedi code is still very much active in his brain. He defends life and does not take it (unless he has to). His current goal is to get Leia to safety and, in doing so, to prevent Vader from knowing the truth about his children (which is why he did not defend any of the citizens in Mos Eisley, because his goal on Tatooine was to make sure that Luke would be safe from harm). So the only reason why he is allowing himself to be the ''Jedi'' again right now is because Leia needs to be kept safe, and so do the refugees.

(An argument could be made here that the flashback/memory scenes were from both Obi-Wan and Vader's POV because Vader also knew what Obi-Wan was most likely going to do next)

Darth Vader, on the other hand, still has a need to win and is still as arrogant and self-confident as he was when he was a Jedi. For me, it showed that Vader was not the man we see in A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back but still a very angry Anakin Skywalker, set out to get revenge on everyone who wronged him. In the flashback/memory, Obi-Wan tried to teach Anakin that his need to prove himself, to want to win and to be better than everyone else would eventually be his undoing but failed to teach him that. Anakin didn't listen and we can't really blame him for not listening. He is the Chosen One, after all, and has been told countless times that he would be the one to bring balance to the force. Unfortunately, it was indeed his undoing in the final act of Revenge of the Sith.

So to me, it was more of a way to show how Obi-Wan knew what Vader was going to do next because Vader had not yet let go of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan could feel that, and use it to his advantage.

I don't know if any of this makes sense but it kinda did in my head :p

Also, I love that they didn't de-age Hayden much if at all. After the backlash he received for the prequels I wasn't sure if we were ever going to see him in a Star Wars project again. I'd rather see Hayden as Anakin as he is than a de-aged version of himself.
honestly steven i agree 100 percent with everything you said
Spoilers towards what Anna is saying below

tbh, i didn’t think they were supposed to be deaged and i didn’t think they were at all. for me, it was less of a memory and more of a you know when they have those chess games in shows and movies as a way of like showing strategy? that was what this felt like to me. i can understand how some people were confused but for me it made sense for vader (who’s thoughts these were) to see himself in that position, like he sees himself now, but triumphing against his former master only for that to not be true making him the padawan yet again because he still hasn’t overcome his need for victory. that’s anakin’s failing after all, and it feeds into a new hope when he says as he’s fighting obi wan “when i left you i was but the learner and now i am the master” but then he proved he was still the padawan by killing obi wan never truly understanding what he had just done.
Whether intentional/a parallel to their current situations or not, it did break my immersion to see what is supposed to be aesthetically a representation of both Obi Wan and Anakin in the attack of the clones era looking older than they were supposed to be.

It just stuck out, and with the whole series so far seeming very smooth and flowing naturally both aesthetically and story wise (add in references to the force here I guess x_x) with a lot of the landscape shots and general muted colour palette that I've noticed in the episodes it just seemed off, like it wasn't supposed to be that way. It might have been a creative choice and that's all fine and dandy but it was jarring to see such a difference having recently re watched the prequels.

There is a lot of contrasted shots between the inquisitors/empire and Obi Wan and the people rebelling against the empire but if the idea was contrast for the flash back scenes in that sense, it was definitely jarring.
that’s a totally fair assessment anna! thanks for sharing! i’ve been enjoying people talking about it because im quite a new consumer when it comes to star wars.
I haven't watched it I'm just in here to be a grump and say everyone I've spoken to and is a Star Wars fan absolutely hates it so I'm finding it fascinating that it's getting so much love here. :lol:

I consider myself to be a pretty big Star Wars fan and I absolutely love the show, I had some concerns/questions in the beginning especially considering some of the motivations of certain characters and what happened to the GI. But the episode 5 things really fell into place for me. I'm still not really sure what the point of the series has been, I'm not sure it was a story that needed to be told but I have enjoyed it so far and I'm really looking forward to episode 6.

I'm honestly a little surprised to hear of a Star Wars fan who doesn't like Rogue One, my experience one of the fandom has Rogue One held up as a great example of what Disney can do with Star Wars (which just makes their bad content that much worse tbh). KOTR I+II are pretty great though and I'm a sucker for Old Republic content so I'm really hoping for more.
I know lots of Star Wars fans that didn't like Rogue One. I think a lot of the problems I heard with it was like "hey look it's Star Wars (TM)" and not a super compelling story...but I'm only basing this from hearsay, I don't have my own opinion of it.

As to the what is the point of the series, I think that was a big criticism I heard with Obi-Wan, they stretched it out over 6 episodes but...not a lot is happening. It's a cheaper to produce medium and not nearly as polished as a big studio movie for it which yeah, it's good they're doing more of that, but it also means they often stretch stories out to fill out a series when there isn't necessarily enough material to justify it. And I guess the point is, "look we got Ewan McGregor back! Remember the good parts of the prequels?" Idk, I'm old and cynical and want more new stuff and less franchising but that doesn't bring in the money, lol.

Also fix SWTOR they wrote themselves in to a corner and I hate it :r
Also fix SWTOR they wrote themselves in to a corner and I hate it :r

This! It feels like they don't know what to do with the 'expansions' that keep getting added. The storytelling of most of the content added after the original class stories have been so weak. I didn't hate the eternal empire stuff (pretty sure I'm in a minority) but it could have been so much better.
I didn't really hate eternal empire but I didn't like how they then were like "no you can't really stay neutral" after then spending the time to establish the alliance, just commit to things, Star Wars! But I will say making my pirate smuggler or chain lightning happy Sith Lord leader of the alliance is hilarious. :r

(I guess that was the problem with Last Jedi/Rise of Skywalker too, running everything back frantically! It's like...we have to keep everything safe and marketable, I guess?)
Talking about Disney's Star Wars projects, I wish more people would give Rebels a chance. It's genuinely a really good show with amazing characters and stories.

I wasn't bothered by the whole Eternal Empire either, the only thing about that whole storyline that I was bothered by was that my party was gone after I spent countless hours improving companion relationships throughout the class stories
I wasn't bothered by the whole Eternal Empire either, the only thing about that whole storyline that I was bothered by was that my party was gone after I spent countless hours improving companion relationships throughout the class stories

"you will romance Lana Beniko and you will LIKE IT" - BioWare, probably

I do know a lot of people like Clone Wars. Boyfriend hates it but again, he's a Star Wars fan that hates nearly every piece of Star Wars media. :r

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