Get to know you!

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
On Pinterest, I came across a 'fun questions to get to know someone' post, and I thought it might be fun to bring a version of that onto the site as a silly way to get to know each other a bit more. We spend so much time together, but sometimes it can be difficult to get to know each other. :)

Site rules have to apply to your answers (sorry!), and I figured we should give each question a few days at least before moving onto the next one, though anyone should feel free to go back and catch up if they come in later. And, we should try to keep it to fun/light questions if you're interested in posting a question though your responses are always voluntary.

So here's the first question:

Which existing superhero would you want to be?

I have to think about my answer so I'll be back xD

Here's a list of the questions if you want to catch up on some answers but mostly for my reference so I don't repeat any. :p
Thanks for gathering the first 20, Daphne!

  1. Which existing superhero would you want to be?
  2. What Hogwarts House are you in?
  3. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
  4. What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
  5. What hand you write with?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. What's your favorite forum area on the board?
  8. Which book set in the HP world is your favorite?
  9. Who is your favorite HP character?
  10. What's your favorite HP magical creature?
  11. Are you an early bird, night owl, or something else?
  12. Which is your favorite season?
  13. Do you wear glasses?
  14. What is the last thing you had to eat?
  15. Pineapple on your pizza?
  16. Do you consider yourself a clean or messy person?
  17. What is the best/your favorite Halloween costume that you've worn?
  18. Candy corn - yes or no?
  19. Are you superstitious about anything? If so, what?
  20. What is something you do wrong almost every time you do it?
  21. Which is your favorite movie set in the HP world?
  22. What's the strangest thing you've eaten?
  23. Have you ever seen or touched snow in person?
  24. What did you learn this week?
  25. What's your favorite HP spell?
  26. Have you ever seen the ocean in person?
  27. Most used emoji
  28. What was your best birthday?
  29. Which HP location is your favorite?
  30. What's your best dish?
  31. What do you think about Thunder and Lightening storms?
  32. What's the one place/country in the world you'd most like to visit?
  33. Eye color
  34. Ever been fishing?
  35. Favorite board game?
  36. Learning a new skill or hobby? (courtesy of Mia!)
  37. Pizza crust - love it or toss it?
  38. Cereal or milk first? (courtesy of Clara!)
  39. What school would you attend?
  40. How should a cat wear pants?
  41. How do you like your eggs?
  42. Who is your favorite HP professor?
  43. What's in a name?
  44. Sweet or Sour?
  45. what is one unusual yet useful skill that you have? (courtesy of Mia!)
  46. Fan cast Grindelwald?
  47. How many pillows?
  48. what song can always get you up and dancing/singing around your living room? (courtesy of Mia!)
  49. Do you have a favorite sport?
  50. Favorite part of your place?
  51. Favorite phone app?
  52. What’s your idea of a perfect date (yes, of the calendar year)?
  53. Favorite road trip snack?
  54. What would your animagus form be?
  55. What's the scariest thing you've done for fun?
  56. Oldest, youngest, middle, only?
  57. What's your favorite animal?
  58. Which HNZ class would you be great or terrible at? Why?
  59. What pets do you have?
  60. Toilet paper: over or under?
  61. What's your prized possession?
  62. Favorite tool to limit procrastination?
  63. Do you enjoy riding roller coasters?
  64. What is your Favorite Misheard song lyric?
  65. Halloween treat?
  66. What's your favorite slang word/phrase?
  67. Song of the summer/ winter?
  68. Have you or someone you know seen your doppelgänger?
  69. What's in a name?
  70. Strange food combos
  71. Where do you sit?
  72. Sleeping position
  73. Disliked but now like
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I am not really a fan of superheroes (sorry!) but I think I would go with Iron Man.
Ok, I think I'll say Spiderman. Aside from having to get bit by a spider, I think he has some cool powers and I'd enjoy swinging across NYC. xD
Man Spiderman would be so coooool. Although I also think Batman, because he's get a a cool cave and lots of gadgets and kicks butt without having to worry about being stopped in the street in his spare time =))
I think I would want to be Raven from Teen Titans.
Or Venom because I just loooove Venom. xD
Everyone I'm thinking of is either a villain or morally grey :r

I've always loved Phoenix/Jean Grey from Marvel (Comic books, specifically), but she has a habit of dying a lot and coming back to life a bit crazy, so maaaaybe not so fun to actually be her.

Maybe Quentin Quire, or Wiccan (The superhero son of Scarlet Witch and Vision if anyones seen the Avengers movies, though he's only in the comics so far) They both have powers I'd love, and neither of them have really suffered as much as a lot of other heroes have, probably because they're young adults who haven't been around long enough to, but so far so good :p
Hahaa, I actually don't know anything about any superheroes oops. I'll go with Rocket Raccoon if he counts cause he's a raccoon and I googled him and he sounds cool :r
I really don't know much about superheroes, so I'm going to be suuuuper basic and say supergirl xD 99% of the reason is: flying
Does Loki count?
Does Allison Argent from Teen Wolf counts?

I just really love her.
Wonderwoman! :emzies:

Unless there's a superhero that can either -talk to animals or -has elemental control because those would also be badass!
Daisy Parker said:
Wonderwoman! :emzies:

Unless there's a superhero that can either -talk to animals or -has elemental control because those would also be badass!
Elemental - look up Storm. She's badass. :r
The big power for me is wanting to fly which is quite a broad spectrum but I think I'm going to go for Doctor Strange. Not only can he fly but he can teleport if you don't want to fly long distances xD

And the cloak is pretty awesome too!
I think I'm going to have to go for Wonder woman, too :D
I'm going to have to go with Mystique(from the original trilogy). Shape shifting is my ideal power, and she gets to hang out with Magneto ( :wub: :p )
Merrill Piper said:
I'm going to have to go with Mystique(from the original trilogy). Shape shifting is my ideal power, and she gets to hang out with Magneto ( :wub: :p )
Is she not a villain? :r

Also WW is great but also Jessica Jones.
I either think the flash because he runs like hell and that would be very handy since I hate to be late. And also wonderwoman because she is badass!
Okay so I have three.

So if we're talking Marvel I would love to be either Nova or Gert (Runaways). Nova is a really cool superhero and one of my favourites for many reasons. He's got phenomenal cosmic powers and struggles on a daily basis to reconcile his powers and abilities with his life as a regular teenager, saving the galaxy on multiple occasions. What I love the most about Nova is that he continues to struggle with having almost God-like ultimate power and often has to talk himself down from that reality. I love that he spends so much of his time remembering who his is by being with his friends to make sure he doesn't get ahead of himself. I think we all need to watch out for him if he ever turns to the dark side :r

Gert: She has a dinosaur. What isn't cool about that!?

If we are talking DC I would totally want to be Kate Kane aka Batwoman. She is hands down the best non-powered superhero in the DCU for various reasons, least of all that she can handle herself against both Batman AND Bruce Wayne. After Batman and a number of other supers went missing after the crisis of Earths, she basically took over the streets of Gotham (and did a much better job than Batman and the Bat family if I do say so myself) !
Madeline Walden said:
Does Loki count?
Do you just want to be Tom Hiddleston?

I'd either be Captain America or Iron Man. Though Iron Man has the whole dead parents thing which is depressing but he's rich. (James anyone? :r )
Okay fam, new question:
What Hogwarts House are you in???? :lol:

I'm a Hufflepuff ^_^
According the the latest tests I'm a Ravenclaw. It's been changing a lot between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. :D

jk jk y'all know I'm a puff

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