Zoe Tsuji

Zoe Westwick

👽conspiracy enthusiast👽 eccentric 👽 spooky mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Theodore) (Pansexual
Curved 14 Inch Whippy Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
6/2033 (29)

Name: Zoe Aoi Tsuji
Meaning: Zoe - Life, Aoi - Blue
Birthdate: 10 June 2033
Zodiac: Gemini
Strengths: Energetic - Clever - Imaginative - Witty - Adaptable
Weaknesses: Superficial - Impulsive - Restless - Devious - Indecisive
As a Gemini born on June 10th you are energized by the world around you. Your interests are varied and you often find yourself gathering tidbits of information on random subjects that fascinate you. Your mental quickness allows you to turn the workings of your mind into insightful observations with ease. While others are amazed at this ability, you just find it to be natural. Your charm and warm personality make you a highly sought after friend.

Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand

Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Curved 14 Inch Whippy Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
Wood: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a Walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.
Core: Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.
Flexibility: Whippy: A wand that is quite simple to master but lacks power

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw


Hair: Dark brown/black, cut into a soft bob with a straight fringe.
Eyes: Wide, dark brown, and always slightly vacant and thoughtful.
Build: Very petite and short.
Complexion: Pale and clear.
Style: Bright colours and lots of layers, as wacky and weird as she can make it.
Distinguishing Features: Zoe has strange mannerisms at times, and her body language is quite expressive.
Playby: Tina Tamashiro


Personality: Somewhat detatched from the people around her, Zoe is always in her own head, doing her own thing and thinking her own thoughts. She has a penchant for the brightly coloured as well as the unusual, and has a tendency to spout off random bits of trivia apropos of nothing. She tends to prefer daydreams and fantasy to people, and when she engages with the world around her it's often with the hopes of making it stranger and more to her liking.
-Zoe thinks very creatively and can easily find her way around problems others would struggle with by seeing them at a different angle.
-Zoe genuinely enjoys learning, so long as the subject is interesting. She can curl up in a pile of books for days at a time, and emerge spouting every piece of trivia she absorbed from her reading.
-Zoe's preference for her own version of reality can lead to her not taking things as seriously as they need to be.
-Zoe has very little reference for how to actually connect with another person outside of indulging in fantasy together, and doesn't really know how to make friends.
Stickers - Zoe has collected stickers her whole life, the brighter and more colourful the better. She has whole folders full of them, sorted by type, colour, and size.
Paranormal Creatures - Zoe is obsessed with the idea of aliens and cryptids, and has read accounts of sightings obsessively for as long as she can remember.
Drawing - Zoe has always loved to draw and paint, crayons being her preferred medium.

Personality Type: ENFP (The Campaigner)
The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.

Strengths: Curious, Observant, Energetic and Enthusiastic, Excellent Communicators, Know How to Relax, Very Popular and Friendly
Weaknesses: Poor Practical Skills, Find it Difficult to Focus, Overthink Things, Get Stressed Easily, Highly Emotional, Independent to a Fault
History: Zoe's parents met through their work, and married in their late twenties. They both wanted children badly, and Jason was born shortly after they got married. They devoted all their love and attention to him, until Harley was born four years later, and Zoe two years after that. Jason, the family darling, and Harley, the rambunctuous middle child took up the majority of their parents attention, leaving Zoe by and large to entertain herself, until the fateful day when Jason's 11th birthday came and went.. and there was no sign of a Hogwarts letter. Her parents kept waiting and waiting, hoping, but finally after testing it was confirmed that Jason was a squib. Almost entirely forgotten in all the drama, Zoe watched her parents shift the majority of their attentions and pride to Harley, who, resenting how quickly Jason had been discarded in their eyes, began to act out and misbehave more and more. In the shadow of Harley's temper and rebellion, Zoe and Jason grew closer, collaborating on creative projects and imagination games. Zoe found over time that the best way to get attention from anyone around her was to be as weird and bright as possible, and took the message entirely to heart. She prides herself on being weird and unusual and seeing the world in her own way, whether others like it or not.
Health: Zoe has a somewhat weak immune system, and is prone to allergies and minor illnesses.


Goals: To make contact with species believed not to really exist, or to meet an alien.
Fears: Abandonment.
Secrets: A very small part of Zoe resents her sister for the way she focused on her own feelings about their parents and didn't do much to help Jason or Zoe.
Regrets: Sometimes when she's lonely Zoe regrets leaving Jason behind to go to Hogwarts.

Colour: All of them
Food: Ramen
Smell: Artificial strawberry
Music Genre: Pop
Animal: Aliens

Name: Emma Tsuji (née MacKay)
Date of Birth: 25/8/1996
Blood Status: Muggleborn

Occupation: Nurse
Name: Robert Tsuji
Date of Birth: 11/4/1992
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Occupation: Physiotherapist
Jason Harper (neé Tsuji)
Date of Birth: 2026
Blood Status: Mixed Blood (Squib)
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Name: Harley Tsuji
Date of Birth: 2030
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Art Space Manager
Theodore Westwick
Date of Birth: 2032
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Entomologist
Name: Nessie Westwick
Date of Birth: 2053
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Daycare Student
Name: Arachne Westwick
Date of Birth: 2053
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Daycare Student
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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Although Zoe didn't like the idea of leaving her non-magical brother at home alone, Zoe Tsuji couldn't wait to join her older sister at Hogwarts. With all the secrets of the castle Harley had told her about, and the legends of magical creatures in the surrounding forests, Zoe felt like she was going to be finally discovering the place she was meant to be. And she wasn't disappointed... though her conspiracy theories didn't win her popularity with her roommates, Zoe made a few unlikely acquaintances, including most excitingly of all, a centaur she met from the forests around the castle.

Hogwarts was even bigger than Zoe had imagined, and thought it was a bit disappointing that she hadn't seen any exciting or fascinating magical creatures yet, Zoe was thrilled with the whole experience. Saying goodbye to Jason at the train station had been harder than she expected, and had lingered in the pit of her stomach the whole way to school, but she was here now, and the big, beautiful castle was more than enough to distract Zoe from her homesickness. It was almost too much, when Zoe entered the Great Hall and saw the ceiling. It was like nothing she had ever seen, and she gasped delightedly, dancing from foot to foot slightly. She had never seen anything so beautiful.

When Zoe finally tore her eyes away from the ceiling and took a look at the room around them, it didn't take her long to spot Harley, sitting at the Gryffindor table with her friends. She beamed, bouncing up a little higher on her toes to wave at her big sister excitedly. Things at home had been a lot quieter the last couple of years without Harley around, and while their parents didn't make much secret of being relieved by that, Zoe had missed her immensely. It was going to be amazing to finally get to live in the same place as her big sister, and see her every day.

Zoe was so distracted staring all around the room, trying to take in every detail of everything around her, that she didn't pay much attention to the names being called, even as the group around her was dwindling more and more.
"Tsuji, Zoe!"
Zoe actually yelped in surprise at hearing her own name (followed by a whoop of pride from Harley's direction) and she bounced quickly over to the Headmistress. She had been so distracted by everything else around her that she hadn't quite taken in the fact of this fascinating hat in front of her just yet. Sitting down, Zoe tried to stare up at the hat as it was put on her head, curious to see what was inside it, what was making it work. Harley and her parents had both described this process, but it felt surreal, a hat that could read minds?! The most exciting thing Zoe had ever encountered in her life, by far. Was it alive? Was there a race of little sentient hats running around in the wild somewhere? The thought was thrilling, and more than enough to distract Zoe from the amount of people staring at her, which otherwise would have terrified the young girl.
"I'm one of a kind. Now let's see...yes. Yes. I know just where to place you. Ravenclaw!!
CompanionWith Emmett Lancaster
A New HomeWith Stella Wright, Katherine Porter, and Audrey Luna Birch
Rainbow In an Oil SlickWith Lucinda Sylvester
The World Spins Ever OnWith Stella Wright
Seeking the UnfamiliarWith Theodore Westwick
Cryptid HunterWith Abel
A Unicorn
Yule Ball


Excited to return to Hogwarts after a year of magic and friend-making, Zoe quickly set to strengthening the friendships she had made in first year, reconnecting with Lucinda and Stella, two girls who, though complete opposites, Zoe treasured equally. She also made progress in becoming closer to the strange Westwick twin she had befriended in the first year, an incident involving stealing his pet spider turning out to have surprisingly good consequences in the long run as they became closer friends.
Come AroundWith Harley Tsuji and Hayley Elridge
I'm Probably About as Surprised as You AreWith Lucinda Sylvester
Life in SpaceWith Stella Wright
Let the wild rumpus start!With Chante Ateara
Lost: Eight-Legged FriendWith Theodore Westwick
A Drawing
Yule Ball
Valentines Dance


After missing her brother over the holidays, Zoe was happy to get back to her friends at school. She continued to stay close with Theodore Westwick at her own insistence, taking care of him when he was sick and doing her best to cheer him up. She was soon distracted though, as after attending the Yule Ball with Stella, their friendship developed into something more. Zoe thoroughly enjoyed having a girlfriend for the first time, the two becoming quickly inseparable despite their frequent friendly arguments.
PerspectivesWith Harley Tsuji, Jason Tsuji, and Hayley Elridge
Is There Glitter in This?With Theodore Westwick
Astrology for the AstronomerWith Stella Wright
Your First Lesson in ShowmanshipWith Professor Jon Phillips and Stella Wright
Moon and StarsWith Stella Wright (Continued)
Hummin' A Lunar Tune/Cosmic KidRecieving Valentines Rose with Stella Wright and Aurora Night
Stars In My SkyWith Stella Wright
Watch Me Like A Dark CloudWith Stella Wright and Theodore Westwick
Rose Lalonde
Yule Ball
Stella Wright
Valentines Dance
Stella Wright


Zoe's fourth year began quiet. Theodore was fighting with his brother, but Zoe found it hard as ever to get through to the surly boy. She tried to be there for him though, conscious that she was Theodore's only remaining friend. Although the year began nicely, and the Yule Ball was as nice as ever, Zoe and Stella's fights gradually turned less and less friendly over time. Things hit a breaking point towards the end of the year, where the depths of their problems revealed themselves, and a heartbroken Zoe ended the relationship.
Lonely TwinWith Theodore Westwick
Moonlit NightWith Stella Wright
Beautiful RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Signy Forstrom
Zoe's RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Nixon Mercury
SupernovaWith Stella Wright
Alt. Beater
Coral Reef
Yule Ball
With Stella Wright
Valentines Dance
Stella Wright


Zoe was still depressed about her breakup with Stella at the beginning of her fifth year at Hogwarts, and she found herself spending more and more time with Theodore, and realising to her dismay that she didn't really have any other friends at all. Spending as much time as she was with Theodore, it was impossible for Zoe to ignore that her feelings for her friend were no longer entirely platonic, and the two of them started dating. Shortly afterwards, Zoe and Stella finally talked about their breakup, to Zoe's relief, and she found herself beginning to put her life back together after the tumultuous fourth year.
Deadly DevelopmentsWith Theodore Westwick
Dropping ByWith Harley Tsuji
Let The Flames BeginWith Various Students
Want You In The PictureWith Theodore Westwick
Picture PerfectWith Theodore Westwick
We Become The FlowersWith Theodore Westwick
An Unbeatable RoseReceiving Valentines Rose with Solomon Tofilau
Yellow Rose IgnitesReceiving Valentines Rose with Vader Hume
ReconcilliationWith Stella Wright
A Teddy Bear
Yule Ball
Theodore Westwick
Valentines Dance
With Theodore Westwick


Zoe's sixth year at Hogwarts was a surprisingly peaceful one. Comfortable and happy in her relationship with Theodore, and her rebuilt friendship with Stella, Zoe threw herself into the things that made her happy. She continued to work hard on the Quidditch team, and was pleased to start a new job at the Menagerie, solidifying her certainty that she wanted to work with animals as she grew up.
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y34/S1With various Ravenclaws
Simple CatsWith Mazikeen Roe
Setting PrecedentWith Edmund Westwick
Red for the BeaterReceiving Valentines Rose with Chante Ateara
One DownReceiving Valentines Rose with Olivia Woodlock
Ravenclaw Group Study Y34With various Ravenclaws
A Cat
Yule Ball
Theodore Westwick
Valentines Dance
Theodore Westwick


In her final year at Hogwarts, Zoe made a conscious effort to enjoy her remaining time at school. With graduation and adulthood terrifying on the horizon, Zoe tried to focus on classes and Quidditch, neither of which she was especially successful at. Her relationship with Theodore progressed though, and she was glad to have her weird, creepy rock by her side as she faced the prospect of beginning the rest of her life. Towards the end of the year, Zoe made one last ditch effort to spot one of the school's denizens that had haunted her all these years, overwhelmed with joy as the giant eel lurking deep in the lake surfaced to wish her a final farewell. With that chapter of her book closed, Zoe graduated looking forward to the future with fear and hope.
A Small FriendAt work with Augustus Westwick and Theodore Westwick
Ravenclaw House MeetingWith various Ravenclaws
Don't Let Your Dreams Be DreamsWith Elsie Baros, Allison Beckett, and Stanislaw Kurek
On Two FeetWith Theodore Westwick
After Women, Flowers Are The Most Divine Creations - Christian DiorReceiving Valentines Rose with Alexis Kramer
Final GoodbyesWith Theodore Westwick and Edmund Westwick
Deep MysteriesWith The Eel
Y35 Graduation CeremonyWith various attendees
Celebration And WarningWith Harley Tsuji and Theodore Westwick
Yule Ball
With Theodore Westwick
Valentines Dance
Theodore Westwick
After exhausting all of her stress and fear on NEWTs, Zoe felt entirely wrung dry, empty of any emotion left in her. That was, until she actually arrived at her graduation ceremony, and the reality of what was about to happen sunk in. This was it. The end of her time at Hogwarts, for good. Whatever else life had in store for her, she wouldn't be returning here, to this place that had changed her and shaped her in so many ways. It was a terrifying prospect, and the only thing keeping Zoe from breaking down entirely was her siblings. Jason and Harley had both come to watch her graduate, and the thought of seeing them again filled her with hope. Jason had been making his own way in the world for years now, and Harley was doing better than ever since graduating. If they could both make it out there, surely Zoe could too. So she sat tall as she listened to her classmates speeches, glancing occasionally over at Ted to see how he was doing. She felt a little bad, but Simon was the only one of the head people she really knew, and he didn't speak for terribly long. Ted was a bit more interesting, and definitely more comforting. And then began the painfully long process of graduation itself. Zoe's name was so far back in the alphabet that it felt like she was sitting forever, almost losing focus entirely by the time her name was finally called. She jumped to her feet, heart racing as she took the stage, her attention now intensely focused on this moment. This was really it. She was no longer a student at Hogwarts. Hands trembling, she took her diploma and shook the Headmistress's hand quickly before returning to her seat, gripping her diploma tightly. It was really all over.
"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - William Shakespeare
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