Y47 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

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Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
OOCOut of Character:
Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation ceremony has concluded.
Rue was a bit emotional. Her baby was graduating. She tried to play it cool, but by the time she'd found a seat, she was already teary. She dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief, leaning just a touch towards the parent beside her. "They grow up so fast, don't they?" She whispered, smiling shakily. She took a deep breath, trying to stablize herself as the head people spoke- she only half heard them, really just watching her son with a shaky smile while still dabbing at her eyes. She couldn't help it though, as Emrys' name was called, the tears slipped out anyway. She clapped heartily for him, her heart aching a bit to see him so grown up. Dinner tonight was sure to be an emotional affair.
Tori really couldn't believe that Rory was graduating. Actually graduating. It felt like she hadn't had enough time with him and now he was just leaving to go and pursue a career as a Quidditch Star and honestly she was expecting to read about him in the papers, well, she would probably write to him all the time and it wasn't like he was going to just disappear the moment he crossed the stage, she would probably still see him regularly until she had to head back to school in the Spring, but it still felt like she was losing him. It was probably silly, but she had kind of gotten used to seeing him most mornings during breakfast or even just tackle hugging him between classes. Still, she was happy he was graduating, he'd worked hard for it, and she couldn't wait to tell everyone about her super cool Quidditch playing older brother Rory. As he stepped up onto the stage, she stood up on her chair and started whooping and clapping and calling his name, jumping on the chair rather loudly and roughly. She looked down to see her mother telling her to get down, and she knew that it was because she was doing something unsafe, and not because she was embarrassing her mum, because there was no way she could ever embarrass her mum. Rory, maybe. "I LOVE YOU RORY! YOU'RE MY FAVOURITE BROTHER!" But she got down eventually, grinning as she held her mums hand. She was so proud of her brother, he was going to be so amazing.
Milo still couldn't believe they'd made Marnie Head Girl. He'd had a whole year to get used to the idea and yet he still half expected her to yell surprise and reveal it'd all been a big prank as she walked onto stage for her actual graduation speech. Sure, maybe if he hadn't spent most of the year desperately avoiding her the concept wouldn't seem so foreign, but Marnie was hard enough to stomach on a good day, let alone when she had been given some modicum of authority to throw around. Milo should have known this wasn't a prank really, Marnie could never commit to a bit this long.

He sighed as the speeches began, slumping in his seat as they dragged even before Marnie had her turn to talk, and tried to ignore the vague feeling in his gut when he thought about how weird it was going to be to not have Marnie around next year. First he had to get through an entire holiday break with her though he reminded himself before the thought had any real chance to worm its way in and Milo sagged with relief as the speeches finished up and students began walking onto the stage.

He side-eyed one of the Gryffindor firsties he recognized nearby as she clambered onto a chair and straight up yelled for her brother, raising a pointed eyebrow before dropping it when the only nearby person to commiserate with turned out to be Holden Marshall. At least when it had been Marnie's turn, Milo had made a point to blow a far more appropriate raspberry before being frowned into submission by his parents and managing some polite applause as well. Things were certainly going to be quieter around here once she was gone...
Ernie had never been to a graduation before. Not even his own, since he dropped out a few months before crossing the finish line. Now in his adult life he didn't really think about it much, the fact that he had never finished school. He was successful and happy without it even if his path to get to this point hadn't been exactly easy, but he was pretty sure a diploma wouldn't have helped anyways. But sitting in the great hall with all the other families waiting for Ethan to walk across that stage filled him with a mix of emotions so strong he wasn't sure what to do with himself.

Part of him was just shocked that the kid had stayed with him this long. It had been over eight years of watching him grow from a child to a full grown adult. It happened so slowly that Ernie hadn't even registered the change until suddenly they were the same height and he was teaching him how to shave. There was another part of him that was crushingly sad. Riley should be here. His mother should be here to watch her son graduate. But after her last letter there had been no more contact and he wasn't sure he would have anything nice to say if she had tried to reach out.

Ethan wasn't his son. But at the same time he was in all the ways that mattered. After all Ernie was no stranger to making a family when your original one proved to be lacking. He felt Zelda squeeze his hand and he squeezed back. He was glad she was holding Harlow since he could hardly sit still, and he reached out with his other hand to squeeze Olivia's too as the ceremony began. There sure was a lot of talking, but he couldn't help but smile as Marnie took the stage. He tried to follow along to seem encouraging but he got lost a few times.

When the names started being called Ethan was one of the first. Without thinking when his name was called Ernie stood up to clap and let out a loud whistle before thinking better of it and sitting down. He couldn't help it. He was damn proud. Ethan's grades had always been better than his ever were, and the prefect badge had been a testament to his hard work. The future was so bright for the kid and somehow he had had a hand in it too.
Eric knew he'd probably have to attend all graduations now as a member of staff, but today he didn't feel like he was here for work but like he was here as a guest. Penelope had invited Connor as well, so Eric made sure to sit with his brother as well as his fiancée, only a little annoyed Holden was sitting with some other students. But he probably would just get into an argument with him once he started rolling his eyes or whatever. As much as Eric had to get used to Penelope as his little sister, he felt very protective of her now. It was strange to see her as a graduate, a grown-up, when in his mind she was still the ten-year-old that showed up on his doorstep on one of the most confusing days of his life. He couldn't forgive his dad for what he did to either of the families he had, but he was at least glad to have gotten Penny and Holden out of it, even if Holden annoyed the crap out of him sometimes. He glanced at Connor during the head boy speech, wondering if he was remembering his own. He reached over and squeezed his arm slightly, then looked away. Up next was the head girl speech, done by Penny's best friend who never seemed to stop talking. Eric thought the speech was restrained, as he had heard her talk more about much smaller topics on many occasions. Then it was time for the students to be called up. Eric recognized most of them from his time working here, though mostly the troublemakers. When it was finally Penelope's turn, he couldn't help smiling slightly as he saw she had clearly been crying. That was just so like her. He applauded for her and felt pride swell within him as she got her diploma. He knew she would have a bright future, it was obvious.
Vanity was weirded out by this whole thing. It was just strange that Emery would be graduating soon. She had no idea if he'd even talk to her after leaving Hogwarts, they weren't particularly close. How was she going to know where he was and what he was doing now? She knew he would move out of their parents' house the moment he could, and she couldn't blame him for that. But then what? Was he going to invite Vanity over for tea? She doubted it. She wondered how much she would see of her weird older brother after today. It was a disquieting thought. She had been glad at least she would get to see what graduation was like, but it was... mostly pretty boring. The head boy and girl talked forever, and then everyone got like five seconds on the stage to get their diploma. Vanity knew she was never going to be head girl, so it wasn't like she would get to do anything fun when it was finally her turn. She wondered if they'd just owl the diploma if she didn't show up at her own graduation. She clapped for Emery, feeling an odd mixture of sad and frustrated as she watched him, especially when he didn't even see them. She had always been invisible to Emery, and it hurt. She crossed her arms and stopped clapping abruptly, sitting down to wait for this stupid thing to be over.
Merlin was Zelda getting old. And not just because of how uncomfortable she was finding their seats here in the Great Hall.

With one hand wrapped around Harlow and the other gripping Ernie's hand tightly, Zelda's heart couldn't feel more full with her family around her, waiting to see Ethan officially finish school. She could already feels the tears starting to build in her eyes but Harlow let out a very confident "Buh!" noise and batted her on the cheek before Zelda could let herself get too swept away before things even started.

Zelda enjoyed the speeches immensely, she'd always rather liked Professor Alcott-Ward far more than Professor Alicastell, and the two head people were delightful even if it meant Zelda had to reluctantly release her iron grip on Ernie to clap, Harlow enthusiastically helping where she was settled in Zelda's lap.

"Are we ready to clap for Ethan oh there he is, Ernie look how grow up he looks," Zelda gushed, giving up and conjuring a leopard print handkerchief so she could hurriedly dab at her eyes as Ethan was quickly called up for his diploma. "I'm so proud of you both," she whispered to Ernie, giving him one last pat on the hand before putting her all into cheering and waving as Ethan stepped down from the stage.
Briony sat very, very carefully, adjust her robes slightly to help resettle the wreath she had looped over her neck like a lei. She had no idea if this allowed, apologizing quietly as she squirmed in her seat and some of the protruding stems poked her neighbor, but there'd been enough leftovers at the Wild Patch event and since they were for graduates anyway, Briony didn't see the harm in making something just for Emery.

They had to sit through the whole ceremony before Briony and Vanity would get to talk to him and she shifted again, thumb absentmindedly shredding one of the leaves that had fallen into her lap as the people on stage talked. It was going to be weird without Emery around the common room now and Briony chewed on her lip. It wasn't like they hang out all the time, being around Emery was kind of like being friends with a cat. They didn't talk to you or play games with you that often, but they were there and it mattered. She didn't know what she'd do without him in the background noise of her day, complaining and playing gobstones.

Still, she did her best to clap and cheer, nearly getting a fern frond in the eye as she jostled the wreath while clapping and waving as it was Emery's turn to walk on stage, nudging Vanity as if she might have some how missed him. Vanity was a bit like a cat too, Briony mused as they settled down as more Seventh years walked the stage, her sister looking sour as Emery sat back down further away, it was weird they never seemed to get along, but she was still happy to have both of them here in the room today, even if it was for the last time.
Marley had been surprised when her cousin, Kyon had invited her to his graduation. Sure they didn't really talk often, but she definitely appreciated the gesture of her cousin inviting her. Kyon had also invited Teddy along as well so she wasn't alone, which Marley appreciated. The Hufflepuff saw a few familiar faces in the guest seating area, smiling at a few of them before taking a seat as she waited for the ceremony to begin. However, she was glad that she was able to see what the ceremony was like so she was a little bit prepared by the time it was her turn. She watched the head people make their speeches, she didn't really know either of them that well, but she knew Marnie from the art club. She clapped at each of the head people's speeches, and it wasn't long before it was the graduates; turn to walk across the stage. She clapped for each and every one of them. However, when it was Kyon's turn, she clapped and cheered loudly for her cousin.
Leah was bummed the year was over and she'd be back to balancing her time between her parents again. But until then she was trying to enjoy every last second at school that she could. She had never been to graduation before and she was excited to see what it was all about. It also made her realize that in a years time she'd be the one walking across the stage. It was terrifying but she realized at that point she'd be fully an adult and could go where ever she wanted. No parents to tell her what to do anymore. It was a small comfort that she held close as the ceremony began. She clapped politely for the head people as they spoke and for the rest of the seventh years as they walked across the stage. She hoped they were as excited to get out of here and start their lives as she was.
Yvonne felt relieved to have all of her grading done and her mind free of responsibilities as she made her way to the great hall for graduation. After all these years she had gotten into a comfortable routine, one after the other. She always took a moment to feel the excitement and energy that came along with the end of the year. It was a time full of possibility as the seventh years went off into the world. She took a seat with her fellow professors before the ceremony began and she settled in for the head people's speeches. Both did well and she smiled wide as each student was called up. At the end she stood up to clap as they were dismissed for the last time.
The only reason Teddy had been invited to graduation was to keep Marley company, but he didn’t mind. Today wasn’t about him after all, even if he did feel a twinge of jealousy watching the graduates. He loved Hogwarts but attending graduation felt like peeking into a future and reminded him there was a whole world out there that all the graduates would see that bit sooner than him. He tried really hard not to feel too jealous about it as he listened to the speeches.

Sitting next to Marley, Teddy cheered and clapped everyone as their names were called next. He cheered especially loud for Kyon, then Rāwhiti and Josh because of Quidditch, and Marnie just because Milo wasn't cheering her. He was having fun and enjoyed experiencing a graduation ceremony for himself for the first time.
Adorah was not wildly familiar with any of the graduates, but she knew that it was expected that she attend the ceremony. As she sat beside Noel, she listened to each of the speeches and clapped exuberantly for each graduate, hoping that each one of them had someone there to support them on their new journey. She remembered how hard it was to not have her full family supporting her, but she also knew it was the start of something grand. Her own awkward Head Girl speech floated around inside her brain as she smiled, resisting the urge to squeeze Noel's hand. As the ceremony ended, Adorah stood up and adjusted her robes, feeling a tad peckish.
It had been a few years now since the train of Kahurangi's niblings began graduating, but each year it felt surreal in its own unique way. Rāwhiti had been having a difficult time for the last semester, she knew, but he had resisted every offer of help and just closeted himself away from the world. Kahurangi knew he hadn't done well in his NEWTs, and she was worried for his future. It wasn't a good feeling, knowing he would be out in the world beyond where she could help him, though she knew Anahera, Mike, and Manaia would be there to take care of him. She just hoped it would be enough.

Kahurangi listened politely to the speeches, impressed as she always was by Emmanuel's thoughtful mind. Marnie was... an experience, and Kahurangi couldn't help a small chuckle at the thought that there certainly wasn't going to be another head student speech like that any time soon. She watched as the proceedings began, applauding politely for all the graduates (a little louder for her Ravenclaws) and watched in concern as her nephew took his turn across the stage. He didn't look well; didn't even look up at the rest of the family. Something was very wrong, and she didn't know what she could do.
Connor had had plenty of time to get used to being a big brother, but days like this it still felt strange. His little sister's graduation. And the first time he had set foot in Hogwarts since his own disasterous Head Boy speech. One of those things was far more stressful than the other, and as he entered the Great Hall, Connor couldn't help thinking he would much rather have a thousand little sisters if it meant he never had to be in this building again. The walls were soaked in it; all the despair and pain and wretchedness he had felt in those final months. Stumbling from class to class, the spectre of what Lysander and Kas had done hanging over his head every step of the way. Trying to speak at graduation and feeling the words lock in his throat; looking out at the crowd and knowing that his best friend wasn't there; he was out somewhere in the world alone, no future left ahead of him.

And now seven years later, Connor couldn't remember the last time he had even seen Kas. His last few months of school would never stop haunting him, and being back in this building only brought it all screaming back. He felt numb as he took a seat with Eric and Minnie; numb as the speeches began, Professor Ward apparently now in Professor Alicastell's old seat; numb when Eric squeezed his arm, though he leaned in to the touch slightly for the moment of comfort it game. He felt as though he was suffocating, as though all the air of the room was gone, but only for him. He was determined to be here for Penny, but the sooner this was over, the better. He wished their stupid last name wasn't so far back in the stupid alphabet, but finally, finally her turn came. He applauded for his sister as she crossed the stage, and before long it was over. The sooner Connor could get out of here and never come back, the better. He'd just have to apologise to Holden when the time came for his graduation. He couldn't do this again.
It wasn't all that long since Manaia had been back at Hogwarts for Ngawaiata's graduation, but it still felt surreal. He looked around as he entered the Great Hall, remembering the life he had lived here what felt like forever ago. It all felt so small, so far away - boy drama with Louis and Caleb, band practices with Nolan and Eugene, chatting all night with Charlie and René... it was a different world, one he had left behind a long time ago, and it felt surreal to visit.

His own feelings aside though, Manaia was immensely worried about his little brother. He hadn't heard from Rāwhiti once since his final Quidditch match, and the letters he'd gotten from Marama only got more and more worrying. Even Auntie Kahu had dropped in to see him at work once, to see if he had any advice on how to cheer his brother up. It was impossible to know what to say, though. Rāwhiti had never really loved anything but Quidditch, his whole life had had a single all-consuming focus for as long as Manaia could remember. How were they as family supposed to fix that? They couldn't and that was that. They could be there, but Rāwhiti was going to have to figure out how to heal and find a new direction on his own. That knowledge didn't do anything for the worry bubbling in Manaia's stomach though, barely managing to listen to the speeches before the graduates began taking the stage. He applauded politely for each of them in turn, though when his brother took the stage he amped up the volume, even giving a whoop. Rāwhiti didn't even look though, and for the first time it really sunk in to Manaia just how not okay his brother was.
Time was a funny thing, really. Timothy had seen his sister each holiday of course; she had been working at the cafe for the last few years. But somehow he hadn't really registered that she was nearly an adult. Their age difference had always made Daria feel like a child to him but here she was, a woman finishing her schooling, ready tho make her move into adult life. It was a surreal feeling. Looking around, Timothy was surprised by how different Hogwarts was to Mahoutokoro. He had expected to be nostalgic for his own school days, but this place was nothing like what he remembered.

Taking a seat in the hall and looking around, it struck Timothy just how little he knew about his sister's actual life. He had no idea which of these people were her friends; who were her favourite teachers; what the place meant to her. They didn't talk like that, and he didn't know why it was only just hitting him. He wanted to know more. The head student speeches weren't what he had expected, but it gave at least the tiniest insight into Daria's school life. Emmanuel seemed like the kind of boy she would be friends with, but that head girl......... Timothy still wasn't sure what the point of her speech had been, but he was relieved when it was over. It was almost no time until Daria was called to the stage, and he applauded as he watched her cross the stage. A student no longer, Daria would be starting her own adult life, whatever that meant to her. It would start with working full time at the cafe at least, and Timothy made a promise to himself that he needed to spend this time getting to know her properly.
Holden hadn't been looking forward to Penny's graduation, and he didn't feel any better about it now that it was actually here. He didn't spend all that much time with his sister at school, but he had liked at least knowing she was here. The only sibling he had left at school was Eric, and Eric was a cop now. The one sibling he thought he could trust to be cool, gone over to the dark side. Gross.

It was only as he sat down that Holden really processed that Marnie was head girl. Which would no doubt mean the longest speech known to man and he groaned, sinking deeper into his seat. There were a lot of things wrong with Milo, but the fact that there were two of him was just insult to injury. It was a relief when the speeches ended, though then Holden had to deal with the hordes and hordes of people crossing the stage, none of whom he cared about at all. He couldn't help a small snort of laughter when Milo blew a raspberry for his sister, though he also shot the younger boy a filthy look so he wouldn't get too comfortable. He almost considered doing something similar for Penny, but he knew she would probably be genuinely upset if he ruined her moment. So he just clapped instead, watching as his sister crossed the stage and collected her diploma. And that was it; Penny had graduated, and Holden was alone at school.
Marama had never really been worried about either of her older brothers before. They both seemed like they always had things so together. Manaia had his music and his friends; Rāwhiti had Quidditch and Emery. It was easy - they were both on their paths, and Marama was on hers. Nothing to worry about. But this year had changed everything. Rāwhiti had been spiraling all year, and the last Quidditch match had felt like the final straw. Something was really, really wrong with her brother, and he had been avoiding her and everybody else for months now. It was a strange kind of helplessness, being so far away from being able to do anything for one of the most important people in her life.

He couldn't avoid them at graduation at least, and Marama had given Manaia a meaningful look as she took a seat with him. They had been trading letters, but to Marama's dismay her older brother seemed just as lost as she was. There wasn't anything they could do, at the end of the day. Rāwhiti had lost his dream, and they couldn't give it back to him. All they could do was be there, and try to find something - anything - that they could do for him. She listened to the speeches, smiling slightly at Marnie's speech. As frustrating as Milo could be, Marama had always thought his sister seemed like a fun person. She clapped politely for the people crossing the stage, one eye on her brother the whole time. And then Rāwhiti was called, and Marama applauded as loudly as she could, hoping the support would do something for her brother. But he looked terrifyingly sad as he crossed the stage, none of the usual energy and joy she knew from him. He didn't even look up at them, and Marama couldn't help the tears she felt pricking at her eyes as he resumed his seat. She was helpless, and it terrified her.
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