Open Y46 End of Year Feast

Helios was very ready to go back home, he was so pleased to be done with the year, done with everything that was brought with this school. he wanted to just spend time with his sister, in the safety of the house. He didn't want to have to pretend to be good at it, pretend to be okay with all the wanted in which this school was so dangerous. Like this feast. He didn't applaud and just waited for the food to appear. He didn't immediately take any and seemed to be more inspecting the food.
Apolline had enjoyed her second year, the results of the duelling tournament had not been her best, but she knew it would be okay, that she would manage better in the next occasion when she'd be able to do it. Apolline was applauding for the other top points winners. She knew that she was no where close to winning, and wasn't sure how on earth she could get close enough to win at it. But it was absolutely impressive. She took some food as it appeared and began thinking vaguely about what she'd do when she got home.
A whole year had gone by in a blink. Magne was very surprised with how quickly it had seemed to fly by. He hadn't thought it would and yet it had. His English was a lot better than it had been when he'd first arrived, he didn't struggle nearly as much. But he would now be on his own, when he came back, there would be no Valerius to help him, and he knew that would be something he'd miss. He wasn't sure he'd contributed much to the house victory, but he was happy to take part in the glory from it. He applauded loudly, but when the food appeared he knew he was looking forward to eating the food his parents would make while he was home.
Miroslav had been strong armed into attending the end of year feast. He hadn't really wanted to attend, it wasn't really a thing he cared for, but he was there. He was playing with his fork, spinning it and making a tapping noise the whole time. "Loser!" he shouted out at the name of the slytherin top points earner, but didn't do much else. Who would waste all of their life in being a good student. It was absolutely so lame. The food appeared and he just began hoarding and refusing to share some of the potatoes.
Anisha let out a huff of breath as a girl spoke up, defending the boy and saying it had just been a joke. Anisha knew the younger kids well enough to know the boy who had spoken was the top-points earner that the professor had just mentioned, and it rubbed her the wrong way that he seemed to think he was the only one who tried hard just because he had a ridiculous amount of house points. "Well, it wasn't a funny joke. Which means it's a bad joke." Anisha snapped back, wondering why this girl was even sticking her nose in. "He's not the only one who worked hard or tried their best." She said with a frown.

@Aroha Blenheim @Teddy Pirrip
Teddy shrugged off Friday’s booing, mentally noting to get her back for it later. He was amused by how wound up Anisha was getting in the meantime, and appreciated that Aroha at least seemed to understand that he was just messing around. "Oh lighten up, nobody actually cares. At least you now know you need to work a bit harder next year." Teddy remarked, deliberately stirring the cauldron rather than trying to defuse the situation. Some people did care about the points, but Teddy, with his record breaking number of house points, was not one of them. It was really his competition with Audrey getting a little out of hand, and winning the duelling tournament, that had led him to this point, but he wasn't going to explain that to the prefect.

@Anisha Khatri
Naveen was happy the school year was finally over. He was ready to go home and see his dads. At least getting to hang out with his sister hadn't been an issue. And if he was being totally honest this first year away hadn't been so bad. He at least had a few friends which was a nice start, and the gardens had quickly become one of his favorite places on the school grounds. He knew he might feel differently when it was time to come back in September but for now he was content. He looked up as the headmaster spoke, knowing he was no where near the top students. When the food appeared he grinned. He had missed the food from home but he had grown to like some of the school's food and he quickly served himself a plate.
Elise wasn't used to paying attention to much outside herself or her friends. So when she saw the great hall decorated with blue banners she was actually surprised. Besides she knew she hadn't done anything to make this happen. She made sure to wave to Hazel all the way at the Slytherin table, and her brother over with the Hufflepuffs. She didn't usually have big opinions about school houses but she had to admit they were annoying when all she wanted to do was sit with the people she knew. At least her roommates surrounded her and that was nice. The headmaster's speeches were usually pretty boring so she stared at the ceiling until there was some final applause and the feast appeared in front of them. Elise would miss school but she was also excited to get back to her bed at home.
Oskar was tired. Despite his best efforts in his lessons he knew his grades were awful. Even if his father did come for him or if his mother let him go back to Durmstrang it would be in shame after the year he had. He hadn't even made the starting position on the quidditch team, a slight that still stuck with him. He knew if his father was around he'd make him spend his entire holiday practicing while his mother wouldn't bat an eye if he said he wasn't going to try out next year, and in that moment he wasn't sure what he wanted hear. He took his seat at the Slytherin table and had no idea what some of the other students were talking about when it came to buying points. All he knew is that most points came from grades so to him it made sense Ravenclaw would have done well, not to mention the qudditch cup. He sighed and just kept his head down till the meal was served. He had some mixed feelings about going him but he was looking forward to seeing his mother.
Santiago sat down at the Gryffindor table and hardly noticed that the banners in the great hall were blue instead of green like they had been for years now. If he had been in the mood to pay attention to things like that he would have reveled in June's misery especially when she wasn't named the top point earner for Slytherin. Instead he was trapped in his own head like usual. He had just heard from his parents that they were letting him stay with his Uncle Dominic for the holidays, like it was some kind of reward. They both said they were busy and it would be best to stay over there where he could hang with his friends. What friends? They had both seen to it that he lost all of his ones back home in Arizona and now he was stuck in New Zealand to be overly aware over his lack of friends here. He did like his uncle and his boyfriend but it was the last place he wanted to be, not for the whole school break. Even when the food arrived he barely picked at it.
Leah had a knot in the pit of her stomach. She knew her parents were furious at her for staying at school over the holidays without telling them first. She had been receiving regular letters from them ever since, not that she replied to any. She couldn't exactly pin down why she felt so much dread going home. Well going home to her mother specifically. It was like she could feel herself growing into a person who was starting to look very different than the one her mother expected to see when she got off the train. It was something she didn't know how to fix, and she didn't want to. At least with her father in his weird lighthouse where he was trying to write a novel she had the freedom to breath. But their insistence on keeping her time split evenly between them meant she spent half of the time suffocating. Would this be her life forever? or would things change when she was an adult and could make her own choices? She was starting to doubt it. Leah sighed and rested her head on the table. She could hear Anisha bickering and as much as she wanted to defend her roommate she didn't have it in her which was a dire sign if there ever was one.
Ethan felt like he had blinked and the year was over. But he couldn't say he was sad about that. He was eager to get home and see his sister. It was still hard to think about his mom and the last letter she had sent him. But it had been a turning point for him. He finally let himself settle into his life here and every thing seemed to be working out. He had a real home and a family, things he never really had when he was moving around all the time with his mom. Then Marnie happened and he was struggling to find anything to complain about. Even as he walked into the great hall he saw the blue banners and it was a pleasant surprise. He knew his ok grades probably didn't have much to do with it but he let himself feel a little pride. He nodded along and clapped for the top point earners, but was more excited as the food appeared.
Margo was doing her best to not let the her more melancholy thoughts get in the way of enjoying her last meal at Hogwarts. She wanted to enjoy it and commit it to memory. More than anything she wanted to sit with her friends, or Michael but they were stuck at their own house tables for now. School had become such an important place for her over the years and it was going to be hard to figure out how to stand on her own two feet without it. And it didn't help that she knew a part of herself would still be here next year. She looked across to the Ravenclaw table and tried to spot her boyfriend. They had done a little too well at not bringing up the subject of next year. She knew what she wanted to happen but she hadn't actually asked what he wanted. Probably because she was scared his answer might differ from hers. Next year would be hard and painful no matter what. Could she really hold her breath for a year while still trying to figure herself out? She wasn't sure. Margo took a deep breath and looked down at her plate as they announced the top point earners and finally started the feast but she wasn't very hungry.
Cornelius' head whipped around to see the younger girl who had responded to him, dumbstruck for a moment by a pretty girl actually acknowledging him. The novelty was overridden quickly by what she actually had to say, and he snorted in amusement. "Oh, I'm sure there's plenty of pointless swotting on their parts, but for that many points? You know, some people's families really will do anything just to pretend their loser kids actually matter, for the sake of a name. It's pathetic." He scoffed, quietly wishing that his family cared enough to bribe someone to boost his grades. They would apparently rather punish him for driving the name Cornelius Seymour into the dirt than bother to help out, the way all the other parents seemed to.
@Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity frowned when the boy snorted at her words, like he wasn't taking her seriously. She took him in for a moment, wondering why she had never noticed him before. Probably because he didn't look very noticeable. "I think you're wrong." She said bluntly. "Professor Ward is way too much of a goody-two-shoes to accept bribes and no one cares that much about fake points except the nerds who do nothing but homework." She told him "And that's what's pathetic." She tossed her hair back. "You sound jealous." She added casually.

@Corn Seymour VII
Cornelius paused at the girl's comment about the headmaster, considering it. She did have a point. "Well, maybe it was individual teachers taking bribes. Nobody gets that kind of point count without someone's palms getting greased." He said, not willing to back down to a girl. Even if she had a point. Any sympathy disappeared when she called him jealous though. "As if!" He laughed dismissively, voice coming out far higher than he wanted. "Who wants to be announced to the whole school as the swottiest swot of them all? Not a chance."
@Vanity Mettlestone
June took an sip of her pumpkin juice and watched at an younger girl who reacted at her. She really wanted to roll her eyes of this reaction. She was sure everyone wanted Slytherin too lose. But at least it was Ravenclaw than and not the dumbest two houses of the school. '' I mean it's ridiculus that most of the people at this table, just didn't work hard enough. And spend their time with stupid things, instead of what matters.'' June answered and put an sugar sweet smile after it. '' I'm wondering what Professor Castillo might say next year.'' The blonde said and shook her head. She spotted Vanity at the other side of the table, it was a shame she didn't heard what she said. Because she was one of the people she ment.

@Hazel Ashworth
Hazel wasn't sure why she had reacted to June, she didn't know the girl personally but she knew of her and knew she could be intense. She raised her eyebrows slightly at her response, quickly sipping her pumpkin juice as well. "Right, yes." She said. "I guess some people just have different priorities." She said with a shrug. She liked doing okay in school, but she would never strive to get the most points or be the best, Hazel would much rather make clothes and accessories, like the banana earrings she was wearing that she had made out of clay. She was thinking of picking up crocheting or knitting too over break. "I'm guessing he'll say we should try harder?" Hazel guessed.

@June Davenport
Vanity still couldn't entirely agree with the older boy, and that it seemed to annoy him only made her less likely to. "I still think they just have no life, I know one of them and she does nothing but school stuff, literally." She said, glancing in June's direction with a disgusted look on her face. She smirked when he denied he was jealous. "I dunno, you still sound jealous." She said in a sing-song voice.

@Corn Seymour VII
Morrie was, unfortunately, sitting close enough to hear June's voice. She let out a loud, theatrical groan, drowning out June’s words. She stopped when Hazel started speaking, then resumed her groaning the moment June's voice picked back up. This cycle continued, with Morrie drowning out June and it was working very effectively.

@June Davenport
As June answered back to the younger girl, she heard an strange and annoying sound. And not so far away the red haired moaning morrie was moaning. And as June spoke the sound was again. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. So childish, but not an suprise. And watched the younger girl answering. You might say that others had different priorities. Speaking about, she turned her face to Morrie, who seemed to want some attention. Imagining to stuck her mouth full of food. But perhaps Morrie needes some attention, she didn't got at home. June could do two things. Ignore her and pretend she didn't excist, which wasn't hard but less enjoying. Or enjoy making her mad again. '' What are you? Five years old?'' The blonde said and smirked. Chosing the last option. She than looked at the younger other Slytherin again. She could easily silence Morrie with an spell, but she didn't want to get caught. '' You know her? Moaning Morrie? I guess she doesn't get attention at home. So search for it desperately here.'' June continued, not focussing on the annoying sound that came out of Morries's mouth. Speaking about her like she wasn't here.

@Morrie Ayre @Hazel Ashworth
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Hazel hadn't noticed Morrie making noise until June noticed. She turned to her roommate in surprise, unsure what to make of this. She guessed Morrie didn't like June, but she had yet to find someone Morrie did like. Hazel hesitated when June asked her if she knew her, unwilling to lie though she also didn't want to go along with the girl's mean nickname. "She's my roommate. She's nice." She said, even though that wasn't really true. Ever since the rose last year, Hazel felt bad for Morrie. She didn't want her to be bullied by an older student, even if she was making odd sounds.

@Morrie Ayre @June Davenport
Morrie detested June's 'I'm better than you' attitude. When the attention shifted to her, Morrie showed her maturity by replying in a mocking voice that was surprisingly accurate in mimicking June's tone, "What are you? Five years old?" Feeling smug, she took a sip of her pumpkin juice, nearly spitting it out when Hazel called her nice. No one had ever called her nice before and meant it, leaving her momentarily speechless. She inhaled sharply, a mistake with juice still in her mouth, and began choking as it went down the wrong pipe.

@June Davenport @Hazel Ashworth
Gosh what were most of the people boring. This new girl who seemed to be in the same year as Moaning Morrie was dissapointing as well. She heard Morrie trying to mimic her, and smirked. Exactly what she ment, a childish action. Quickly rolling with her eyes. And ignored her for an second, looking back at the other girl. And shook her head disapproving, and didn't said anything else because Morrie seemed to be shocked about this answer of the girl. Morrie seemed to forgot how to drink her juice, June her eyes landed on her. '' That's what they call karma.'' June said with her self rightous smile.
Kyousuke, who had been sitting by listening to the whole debacle, decided to speak at this moment. He was unamused by the exchange between the girls - he thought they'd forgotten what was most important. He wasn't overly attached to whoever this Morrie was, though she did seem childish from the impressions he'd gotten of her. "We're forgetting the point," he said rather seriously. "We didn't win the cup. It sounds like some of us aren't pulling their weight. Whatever happen to Slytherin ambition?" He had a rather severe look on his face - he was taking this very seriously.

@June Davenport @Morrie Ayre @Hazel Ashworth

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