Y44 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

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Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
OOCOut of Character:
Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation ceremony has concluded.
Aine was convinced that prefect duties were some sort of scam to disrupt their sleep even further and prevent them from complaining about anything. After exams, she wanted nothing more than to sleep for about a week. But, she was expected to attend the graduation ceremony, and attend she would, affecting a politely interested look and making sure to clap at all the right times. From what she remembered from home, graduations were filled with treacly pop songs, everyone pretending they all meant so much to each other and sharing memories that only were relevant to a select group of people, and then most likely never seeing each other ever again. And while she thought Eugene was a very nice guy, his speech fit into that mould perfectly.

But then Celia started talking. Aine knew that Celia would probably have something scathing to say, but what really stunned Aine was how she completely agreed with everything Celia was saying. Well, most of it, she wasn't sure how the classes could be better unless they actually started teaching things that would help them in the real world. And that was asking far too much, clearly. One was supposed to just have a wizarding family to set them up for life, and probably get married as soon as possible. The point was that even though she had certainly gotten off on the wrong foot with Celia, that she didn't always agree with her, and that the older girl definitely had no positive feeling towards her, Aine found that speech made the sleep deprivation of having to attend the graduation ceremony worth it. She couldn't help herself. When Celia's speech finished, Aine was on her feet applauding. It certainly wouldn't have changed any opinions (although possibly annoyed some teachers), but Aine didn't care. It was just nice to be reminded that she wasn't alone in some of her lines of thinking.
It felt strange to be back at Hogwarts. It had been a while and her youngest sister would get her diploma today. Athena accompanied her mother today. She seemed to be nervous all day, and Athena knew where Crystal had it from. Her mother was emotional as well and it was an thing for her that her youngest daughter was now finishing Hogwarts too. That time period would be over. But Athena felt it was an good thing for Crystal, she had been through a lot in Scotland, so it was the best choice to come back here. Things had been better, and hopefully after this everything was getting even better.

The blonde sat down next to her mother and watched the great hall. It brought back emotions as well, the school was the place where she and Derek met. And there had been lots of drama, but also fun times. It was an castle fulled with memories from a lot of people she was sure. Athena watched the headpeople speak and her eyebrows raised when the headgirl gave an impressive speech. But the blonde didn't knew how the professors would feel about that. She did spot her old head of house, but there seemed to be a lot of new faces as well which was normal she figured. When it was time for the students to get their diploma and Crystal came. She tried to hold back her mother in her enthiosasm. Crystal wouldn't be too happy if her mother was shouting too much. But she smiled and gave her mother something to wipe her tears with and put her arm around her. When Crystal watched them she smiled and applauded loud for her younger sister. You could spot her anywhere with that white blonde hair. She could be come an fine model, with that stand out hair colour. But Crystal had her own passions, and that was perfectly fine.
Cathryn couldn't believe that her youngest daughter was gonna graduate. She felt nervous and hoped to see Crystal happy. It was rare to be at Hogwarts and actually see her daughter. She wished she could have been there more, but that was not possible obviously. But after the bullying at Hogwarts Scotland, she was more protective than ever. And hoped that nobody hurted her angel.

The blonde woman sat down next to her eldest daughter and watched the place around her. Many guests were there for their children perhaps or family members. But this was gonna be the last time she was gonna be here for one of her daughters. And that made her emotional, it was all going so fast. She listened to the speeches of the head people and that made her raise her eyebrows for how Celia was speaking so freely which seemed like critism. She had met the girl, she had followed an internship with EVELYN. And she knew Evelyn liked people with their own opinion. It was brave for sure. But Cathryn had no idea how the teaching at Hogwarts was nowdays. But if she had to believe Celia it was not much different than when she had followed the education at Hogwarts. When it was time for the students to get their diploma she tried to spot her daughter. Which was not hard, with her hair she was to be found anywhere quickly. And when it was Crystal her turn she wanted to stand up, but Athena made her sat down. And she smiled for an moment, perhaps that was better indeed. But she was so proud. And when Crystal watched them Cathryn felt the tears rolling down her cheek and wiped away the tears. And applauded loud for her daughter who went back to her place.
Joseph had been in this hall for a graduation ceremony multiple times now and yet there were only two that had truly stood out to him. Well, three if he was being honest. He'd be lying if he said the graduation ceremony after the whole Basilisk incident wasn't engraved in his mind. The other two were more inclined to stay with him on a positive note though. Seeing Ana Sofia graduate had been a milestone in his life and he couldn't wait to loudly cheer for his youngest when she took the stage. Joseph listened to the head boy and girl's speeches. Eugene's was what he would've expected, Celia's was.. different. Direct at times and then abstract again, but there were some points in there he was sure more of them could agree on. Perhaps they were all a little too stuck in the old ways while there was so much room for improvement. He clapped at the end of both speeches, continuing to do so when the graduates took the stage. Joseph cheered extra loudly when Ivelisse took the stage, knowing she would probably tell him off for it later. He couldn't help it though, the thought of teaching at the school when both of his kids had graduated felt a little odd so he tried to capture the feeling of having them both here today for as long as he could.
It had been a few years since Ana Sofia had walked the Hogwarts halls and being back made her oddly nostalgic. She looked back fondly on her time at the school so it was nice to get a little taste of that again. If only for a couple of hours. She had taken a seat next to her father in the family section, wondering what he was feeling right now. If anything, it would probably be nice for him to experience another graduation ceremony from somewhere that wasn't the professor's section. He wouldn't get to do that again. Ana Sofia watched as the headmaster took the stage and tried her best to listen to what both head people had to say. Admittedly, she lost her focus when the head girl was speaking. Not because she didn't think her speech was interesting but mostly because it went on and on and on. This girl had a lot to say but Ana Sofia's attention span wasn't that big. She cheered loudly when the graduates took the stage after the speeches, standing up when her sister received her diploma and proudly clapping along with the rest of the crowd.
Mallory usually went to the graduations, but this year she felt like she had a more personal reason to be there. So she'd gotten dressed up, and made her way to the ceremony, taking her seat with the others. Celia's speech didn't surprise her- after so many years, she was well aware of Celia's way of thought. Still, Mallory smiled genuinely and clapped for her student. She clapped for many of her students, knowing they would all get far in the lives they'd chosen. Though a little part of her was going to miss having Celia around.
Charlie hadn't been expecting to come back here. But Eugene had invited him, and Charlie wasn't going to say no. He watched his former classmates graduate, clapping loudly for Eugene's speech and unsurprised by Celia's. He ignored hers, for the most part, though he was probably proof of the system. He'd hated being so far away from his dad, from his home, trapped away from his life for what felt like years. But he wasn't the type to have enough energy to fight an entire system like that. He clapped idly for a few students, though a little louder for his old friends.
Margo had known prefects were supposed to attend graduation yet she still felt like she was trespassing as she entered the great hall with her classmates. She sat next to Aine and was unsure what to do. She had never been to a graduation before. Her brother had been home schooled but he had also run away before he could have reached this kind of milestone. Thankfully she was pulled from her thoughts as the headmaster began the ceremony and she clapped politely. The head boy spoke first and while she didn't really know Eugene she still saw him all the time around the common room and the great hall during meals. It would be odd to return next year without him. Next up was Celia. She didn't know the Head Girl well even after writing on the paper together for the past few years. But even that was enough to know how opinionated she was, so it wasn't a surprise when she started to list off all her criticisms in front of the whole school and their guests. Margo jumped as Aine was on her feet clapping when she was finally done. Disoriented, she clapped too but stayed seated not as moved as her roommate seemed to be. The rest of the ceremony dragged on and she wished Isadora had gotten prefect too. Finally it was over and she quickly excused herself.
Renata was feeling a little bittersweet as she sat amongst the other prefects for the graduation ceremony. On one hand, she was thrilled for the graduates, especially Eugene and Rene. They'd been working really hard and she was really happy to be there to celebrate. On the other, a selfish part of her really didn't want Eugene to be going. She knew this was coming, of course, and she wanted him to go out and do his own thing and enjoy life outside of school. There was just a part of her that knew she'd miss him terribly, and even though it was only a year, it would be rough. Maybe outside of Hogwarts he'd meet someone he liked more? Renata tried to push those completely unhelpful thoughts down and focus on the good things. Eugene's speech was nice, Celia's speech was...a lot. She clapped for everyone, though, clapping a little louder for the Hufflepuffs, and looked to mingle once the presentations were over. That way, she could focus on being happy for the graduates and less on her own selfish feelings.
Felix was used to the routine that was graduation. First had been for his siblings and then as a prefect. He wondered if the excitement would wear off by the time it was his turn next year. The realization that it would in fact be his turn next year hit him like a sack of bricks as he took his seat. He stared up at the ceiling to steady himself as the headmaster began the ceremony. He was tempted to fall asleep but thought that would be too disrespectful. But his eyes were getting rather heavy and it probably wouldn't hurt to close them for just a minute until the speeches were over. The next thing he knew he jolted awake as names were being called and someone's family cheered exceptionally loud. Felix looked around quickly to see if anyone noticed and smoothed out his hair and clothes, hoping it wasn't obvious he had just been asleep. Thankfully he hadn't missed seeing Rene walk and let out a loud whistle for his captain. The rest of the ceremony felt short after that and he filed out with the rest of the crowd when it was done.
It was starting to dawn on her as she entered the great hall for graduation just how long Yvonne had been teaching here at Hogwarts. When she had come here she thought it was likely going to be a temporary thing. A place for her to mend her broken heart, center herself and get back on her feet. But now she found herself walking the same halls years later to watch her students graduate. She never expected to enjoy teaching this much and it just proved that even divination professors could be surprised by the future. She took her seat and smiled at all the students waiting to graduate. She was particularly excited for the head people's speech since both had been her students. Eugene spoke wonderfully and was very proud of him. Then came Celia. There weren't many student's who's reputation proceeded them quite like her. But she knew the girl to be very bright and rather insightful. She listened to her speech with a raised eyebrow and she couldn't say she disagreed with a lot of her points. All institutions had their flaws, Hogwarts was no exception and neither was Ilvermorny. And if she was being totally honest she would jump at the chance to teach her students all the disciplines of divination she could, there just weren't enough hours in the day. Institutions had limitations, and she hoped Celia and every graduate would figure that out and keep learning once they left school. It wasn't always easy but few things worth a dam were. The rest of the ceremony went off without a hitch and Yvonne made sure to clap for everyone.
This was Gwen's second graduation as a prefect, but she was confident she would have been invited anyway as René's guest even if she hadn't been. It was a little sad that he was graduating and Gwen still wasn't sure what to do. Should she keep dating him, or not? Her year wasn't exactly overflowing with other boys to date, and dating someone younger seemed... off. But so did being practically single for a whole year. She blew René a kiss from where she was sitting even as she contemplated it. She would keep him around for now. She listened to the speeches, yawning pointedly during Celia's ovely long pretentious one. Then it was time for the graduates, and Gwen made sure to clap and cheer loudly for René, staying silent when it was Celia's turn. She was glad she would be out of her life soon.
Kahurangi was used to the strange mix of loss and pride graduation brought. She had been teaching for long enough to see all the wonderful things her students went on to do once their time at Hogwarts was finished, but saying goodbye never stopped being difficult, especially since she now had a whole house of seventh years to miss, not just her Runes students.

This year was a whole new experience though. Manaia was the first of her whānau to graduate, her oldest nephew a young man. Her heart clenched as she took her seat and caught sight of him, the man who had once been a little boy begging her to play guitar with him for hours on end. It was hard at first to focus on the speeches with Manaia in mind, though Celia very quickly managed to change that. She had always been a... challenging student, but somehow Kahurangi hadn't expected quite such a speech from her. She supposed she should have known better, and there was no denying the girl had some points. It reminded her fondly of Jerara Tapsell's speech so many years ago, and she wondered idly what had become of him.

The speeches were over before long though, and she turned her attention to the graduates as they began taking the stage. She applauded politely for each student in turn, albeit a little louder for her Ravenclaws. Manaia was far enough back in the alphabet that by the time they reached the T-s, she had almost forgotten why this sorting had her so emotional. But there he was, and Kahurangi sat up a little straighter as her nephew crossed the stage, applauding loudly and even giving him a small whoop. Her oldest nephew was a man now, and she knew it would feel like no time until she was watching her own daughter cross that stage.
Graduation had felt different to Maria ever since Finn's. The youngest of her children had left school, and the next time she saw a member of her family cross this stage it would be her grandchild. This new stage of her life had crept up on her, and she was still adjusting to how it felt. She wasn't done parenting of course, that job never ended, but she was done having children. Remembering who she was without motherhood to define her was a slow process, and one she was still adjusting to.

And graduation always felt like a marker in that process. She listened to the speeches politely, though the Head Girl caught her by surprise. She hadn't expected such an indictment of the school system today, and it was refreshing to hear someone think so confidently for herself. With the speeches over she watched the students cross the stage, applauding for each in turn.
Alex had never felt so old in his entire life. He had an adult son, and Giulia wasn't that far behind. Having been to Beauxbatons himself, he hadn't been at Hogwarts since Kyle's graduation, and it was a surprise how much smaller it felt. Of course, he had been a child then, but the difference was still noticeable. He settled into a seat next to Giulia and looked around, wondering which of these people were Louis' friends, who was his favourite teacher. He didn't know, and with the way things had been between them, he didn't think Louis would answer even if he asked.

But he was here, and that had to count for something. At least Louis had invited him. He smiled as his brother-in-law took the stage, a little surprised when he started speaking. While he was unmistakably the same friendly man Alex had always known, seeing Matt in a position of authority showed an entirely different side of the man. He listened to the speeches with interest, unable to help a small snort of laughter at the Head Girl's speech - it sounded exactly like the kind of thing he would have said at that age, albeit he wouldn't be nearly as well-spoken.

And with that, the ceremony began. Louis was called almost immediately, and Alex applauded loudly as his son took to the stage, heart bursting with pride. Somewhere along the way, Louis had grown into a man. Whether they got along or not, Alex swelled with pride to see him so happy and flourishing, and was pleased to see on Louis' face that he seemed to feel the same.
If someone were to look at Louis and Giulia side by side, even knowing them both well, Giulia was sure nobody would pick them for siblings. At times, she found it hard to believe herself. But siblings they were, and today was the last day they would be attending school together. After today, Louis would be off to start his life on his own terms, and Giulia would still have a full year of her studies left to go. It almost felt surreal - Louis had been such a constant presence in her life, the two of them being so close in her age, and now she was going to be without him for the first time.

She tuned in to the stage as Uncle Matt began speaking, thinking about how next year she would be hearing him say the same things, for her own graduation. It sat heavy on her heart, the knowledge that school was almost over, that her own future was so close on the horizon. She zoned out for the most part during Eugene's speech, though Celia brought her forcibly back to the moment. It was.... certainly a speech, and Giulia didn't quite know what to think about all of it. She was glad when it was over and Uncle Matt got them back on track, attention peaking as Louis' turn to take the stage came. She clapped loudly for her brother, pleased to see the smile on his face as he crossed the stage. Wherever life took Louis next, she would always be proud of her older brother.
Adorah found it weird to be sitting at her first graduation as a professor. She'd been to one after her own, but it was for Juniper, but this felt different. She was sitting where the people she admired did, and while she hadn't taught any of the students walking across the stage, she hoped to support their achievements from afar. Adorah listened intently to the speeches as the ceremony began, remembering her own as Eugene finished. She sometimes wondered why graduation speeches were always a tad generic. Adorah pondered the idea for a moment, wondering if it might benefit the students to have a basic writing course as Celia took the stage. She listened as the head girl just kept on talking, and Adorah tried to keep a straight face. The former Ravenclaw wasn't sure what bothered her so much about the head girl, and she knew the frustrations would likely not come to somebody in her position who was older. But she wanted to stop Celia. It wasn't because she was disagreeing with what was being said - Adorah noticed her skills lacking in things all the time, but she found it highly inappropriate for the Head Girl to be giving such a speech here. This would have been more suited for the newspaper or even with a meeting with the headmaster, but definitely not here. Adorah clapped lightly as the Slytherin finally finished and made sure to clap for each student who walked across, signaling an end to their education in the castle. She wondered what would happen next for them.
Hogwarts wasn't any less enchanting or strange the second time Sia was visiting, the specter of 'what if' still haunting her as she stared around the hall, trying to imagine another life where she was the one walking around the castle every day. Of the completely different life her brothers and October got to experience. It was a messy feeling and Sia tried to focus on celebrating Rene instead, rolling her eyes and swatting at Sully when she spotted him making faces at one of the professors.

Sia's high school hadn't done a proper graduation ceremony, though her uni had, and it seemed like the head boy's speech was pretty standard fare and she clapped politely. The head girl's speech was something else though and Sia found herself leaning forward in her seat. This was the sort of thing she'd been dying to ask October about, or ask her brothers, but Sia knew she'd never get a decent answer from either side. The cracks Sia was sure were present but just hard for an outsider to spot being laid out in plain speech, even if it seemed like half the hall didn't care for what the girl was saying. Sia made a point to memorize the girl's face, hoping to find her later, before she turned her attention to the graduating class, clapping politely until it was Rene's turn and she could join Sully (and to Sia's pleasure, a few other students in the crowd) in making a proper ruckus for her brother as he crossed the stage.

It was weird to see her littlest brother as a proper adult now, finishing school and all that, but maybe they really were all old now. Rene had been taller than her for years now, Sully worked for the government and Sia was married. It was crazy how things had changed though at least now her brothers weren't stashed away in some secret school. Sia couldn't wait to see what they all managed next.
It was still weird being back at Hogwarts again, Sully half expecting to head back up to Gryffindor tower once this was all over. Though at the same time now Sully was really starting to feel as if he'd outgrown things. The corridors didn't look quite as familiar and he felt as if he might get lost if he tried some of his old short cuts. He didn't even recognize half the kids graduating, trying to remember the names of anyone who weren't just Rene's mates and failing. He did recognize Adorah sitting with the professors though, making a few elaborate gestures and mouthing words of confused excitement at her until Sia slapped his hands away as the ceremony started.

Sully still got a kick out of Professor Ward being headmaster though, wondering if he could manage to distract him with an obnoxious wave. He was his uncle in law after all or however that worked. His plans to mess with Professor Ward were quickly derailed by Celia Vuong's speech though and Sully listened with raised eyebrows as she railed against the school. She had some valid points sure, but really it sounded like she was taking everything far too seriously. Magic was more about what you did with it, not what other people told you to do with it. He did have to wonder if everyone else got way more exciting graduations than he had though.

With the speeches done, Sully just had to sit through half the school roster until Rene was called up, though he clapped for Louis and Caleb before doing his best to hoot and holler as it was Rene's turn, only staying in his seat as much as he did by the sheer force of Sia's presence next to him.
Aleena took her seat for graduation and could stop fiddling with the hem of her dress. She wasn't sure what she was so nervous about. Her baby was graduating and it felt so bittersweet as she smiled at him in the crowd. She had been carrying around a heavy sense of grief for the past few weeks and couldn't figure out what to do with it. Thomas had always been hard on the kids, but mostly Simon. She recognized now what a mistake that was and she hoped Caleb had been spared that burden. He had been so young when they moved. She missed her husband dearly but she was starting to realize she missed the man she had met in school the man she had married, not the stern and absent man he turned into. It was a hard thing to recon with, your life turning out so different than you expected when you were young. She was still hoping to make up for lost time now that all three of her children were out of school. Delilah and Simon were out of the house now but maybe she could hold on to her youngest a bit longer.

She tried to put those melancholy thoughts behind her as she focused on the headmaster's speech. Aleena clapped for the head boy and then the head girl who had quite a lot to say. She was a little shocked by how critical her speech was but she did recognize the girl as the one who had come to her door canvasing for one of the minister candidates. So she figured it made sense for her to be so outspoken and progressive. As the students were called up to get their diploma she clapped politely until it was Caleb's turn and she put more enthusiasm into it. Her heart swelled with pride as he walked across the stage, until he stuck out his tongue. She laughed and put her hand over her face for a moment. She shook her head and enjoyed the rest of the ceremony and got up with the rest of the crowd to go find her son.
When Simon got his invitation to graduation he seriously considered coming up with an excuse to get out of it. He didn't want to spend his day listening to pointless speeches at a school he was trying to forget about. Besides he knew his sister and mother would have it covered. But before he could even float the idea past Lila she shot it down with a glare. So now he was here with his family yet again. At least Caleb was graduating and would be the last graduation for a long long while. He spotted a few familiar faces in the crowed and gave a head nod of acknowledgement to Sully as the ceremony began. The speeches unsurprisingly sounded all the same, until the head girl stood up and started to speak. He had seen her at the Inner Eye before and he wondered if the card reading he had done for her had held any truth. He thought her speech was a bit long winded despite some of her good points and he was glad when it was finally over, and one step closer to the end. Simon silently cursed their late in the alphabet last name but when his brother was finally called he let out a whistle and clapped. But of course Caleb couldn't even take one thing seriously as he stuck out his tongue. He groaned and rolled his eyes but the ceremony was wrapping up quickly now. When it was over he stood up quickly and stretched, ready to get out of there.
Delilah felt uncertain as she entered the great hall following her mother and with Simon close behind. She felt like a very different person walking the halls even though it wasn't actually that long ago when she was sitting right where her brother was now. She sat down and waved when Caleb glanced in their direction and laughed to herself when she noticed how quickly he turned away. She took a deep breath and looked around the crowd, wondering if she remembered anyone who might be graduating or a prefect now. Her heart jumped in her chest when she saw Ana Sophia and she slid a bit lower in her seat. How had she forgotten her sister was in Caleb's class? Should she try and talk to her after the ceremony? Delilah shook her head. This wasn't what she should be thinking about right now.

She was grateful that no one seemed to notice her small crisis and thankfully the ceremony began shortly to help her focus. It felt like a small miracle that Caleb was graduating at all. Merlin knew he wasn't a great student and Delilah feared after her own graduation he would be even more hopeless. But somehow he had managed. Even if he had given her a heart attack when he suggested he drop out. The speeches dragged on a bit and she was starting to feel a bit antsy. The head girl was very well spoken but Delilah wasn't enjoying her time back at the castle. She knew places could hold memories and feelings, and she could practically feel her anxiety coming back to her. Despite all her growth, being here made her feel like a scared and nervous kid again. But the repetition of names being called soothed her a bit and she clapped for Caleb's friends and Ana Sophia's sister. She felt herself smile as Caleb walked, and felt a small bit of pride for their family. They had been though a lot and she wouldn't say they were better for it exactly. But they were here, together, and she was grateful for that.
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