Y43/S1 Hufflepuff House Meeting

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was excited for this semester's meeting, but only because he decided to change it up a little again, and hoped that his students would appreciate the effort he was putting into it. It was late afternoon, just before the sun were to set. He had set up the Great Lawn with two tents - one for boys and one for girls. They appeared much smaller on the outside than the inside, and contained bunk beds, comfortable seating, and various decorations to make them feel comfortable, including a large "Welcome to Hufflepuff" banner for the newcomers that were just joining them.

Outside the tents was a large campfire with some sage and marshmallows, and large logs surrounding them that everyone could gather around and sit on. There was also a box with some muggle board games, just for those that may not have wanted to join in with the fire. He would also be happy to teach those who didn't know how to play. A campfire and get together seemed like a lovely idea, and he hoped all of his students would think the same.

As the sun was beginning to set, Landon stood amongst his set up with a large smile on his face as he waited for his students. He hoped that everyone would be willing to join. After all, he had left a note in the common room, on the bulletin board, and some flyers in their dorms, so he was sure no one would miss it.
Chase wasn't sure why he had headed to the great lawn to attend their house meeting. Especially since it wasn't hosted in the common room so he wouldn't be forced to attend the second he stepped foot inside the door. No, he had actually took the effort to head outside and see what it was all about. It wasn't like he had anything better to do anyways. And if it sucked he'd be out of there within a couple of minutes. When he walked up the site he knew one thing for sure: there was no way he would be sleeping in one of those tents. Chase glanced around at the things that were set out before taking seat near the campfire, reluctantly willing to give it a shot but mostly hoping he would be able to head back to the castle before curfew.
Margo was a little surprised when they were instructed to meet out on the great lawn for the house meeting. She was even more surprised to see such a big set up. She had been impressed with the picnic last year but this was something else. There were so many things to choose from it was a little overwhelming. In the end she took a seat at opened one of the board games and started to read the instructions incase anyone wanted to play, at least she would already know the rules.
Felix had forgotten all about the house meeting until he had gotten the notice to remind him. After all he was a prefect now and needed to be a good example. He wasn't sure what Professor Carter had planned out on the lawn but his jaw nearly dropped when he saw the tents and the campfire, and most importantly the marshmallows. He ducked his head inside the tent and let out a low whistle as he took everything in. Eventually he grabbed some marshmallows and tried to get them the perfect golden brown. He was doing alright until one started to smoke. It wasn't burnt...much and he turned to one of the new kids on the quidditch team. "Hey you want this one?" he asked and offered it to the other boy. @Chase Campbell
Sparrow was pretty pumped about the house meeting being outside. Finding the notice pinned up in the common room had felt like the start of a treasure hunt. He had no idea what was going on, but the setup looked interesting and he needed to know if there'd be snacks. He looked over at the muggle games curiously, having never seen any of them before. His attention was stolen by the marshmallows and Sparrow made a beeline to the campfire. He loaded up a few on a stick and shoved them directly into the fire. Triumphantly, he pulled out the flaming stick of charred marshmallows and blew them out before anything else could catch on fire.
Eugene wondered if the other houses had so many house meetings or house events outside of the house, but he didn't mind it in the slightest. Especially when he was trying his best to be less busy and more involved in things, so he did welcome it. He sat down at the campsite and looked towards the professor for a moment before just grabbed some marshmallows and beginning to roast them. This was nice, he wondered if as a prefect he should be doing more but he kept a vague eye on people to know if he needed to step in and do things.
Leonardo would've much rather to sleep in his dorm room, sleeping outside in a tent just wasn't fun to him, or well, he hadn't thought it would be. But one peak into the tents, and it wasn't exactly what he'd been used to in the past. It was the opposite really. Leonardo sat in front of the fire, with one of the school books he had, he knew he could play games and could spot Felix speaking with one of the others on the quidditch. He could probably join them, but he opted to not. Just sitting along reading his book.
Gregory didn't want to be involved in things outdoors. he trusted the other boys in his house to a degree but the fall out of his last interaction with Cassius was still being felt, no less because he now had a new pair of glasses, his having being broken so badly and to avoid questions he had gotten a new pair. His parents hadn't been pleased but he was happy for the new pair. The boy was just keeping to himself, he'd sit with others but he knew that he wasn't going to get involved in the slightest. He could see games and everything but Gregory didn't linger outside instead headed straight to the boys tent and picked a bed. He got on to it and would just stay there until the event was over the next morning.
Chase hadn't been doing much to participate in the house meeting. He was sat by the fire, blankly staring at it as other students around him seemed to enjoy themselves by roasting marshmallows and whatnot. He looked up when a partly burned marshmallow entered his line of sight, squinting at Felix who seemed to be offering it to him. "Are you seriously offering me a burned marshmallow?" He questioned the older boy, not entirely sure if he was trying to be friendly or mostly just wanted to get rid of the thing so he could try to roast another. @Felix Carnahan
Penelope headed to the Great Lawn for the Hufflepuff meeting, curious about it being outside. There were tents out there, as well as a big banner. Cautiously, Penelope approached the campfire. This seemed fun, but she was cautious to participate in anything until Professor Carter said it was okay. Penny saw a few people from the Hufflepuff team, but she decided to sit by herself for now, hoping Marnie would find her soon.
Ezra had been thrilled to hear the house meeting would be outside this time, especially when he saw the tents. He was so glad to be in Hufflepuff, all the other houses probably had boring normal house meetings. He ran up to the campground, grabbing a marshmallow to roast at once. He looked around for anyone to hang out with. He spotted Gregory but he headed straight to a tent. Ezra was a little disappointed at that but wondered if maybe he didn’t feel well. Ezra heard Chase talk to the Hufflepuff seeker, and was eager to join the conversation. “I’ll take it if he doesn’t.” He said, forgetting he already had a marshmallow ready to roast. Felix Carnahan was so cool, Ezra would eat all the burned marshmallows the older boy would offer.

@Felix Carnahan @Chase Campbell
Renata liked the house meetings Professor Carter set up, they were always a bit more exciting than just a regular meeting. A nice way to relax and spend time together as a house. She felt as though she had to do a good job at supervising as a prefect and being someone that people could look up to, but she couldn't help herself and went and sat beside Eugene, taking the opportunity to enjoy his company for a little bit. And also roast some marshmallows. She got a bit distracted watching the other boys arguing over a burned marshmallow that her own got a charcoal coating. "Oh," she muttered, pulling it back before shrugging and taking a bite anyway. "It's, er...extra flavour, I suppose?" She realized she'd never actually done this before.
Aine was always surprised at how much effort Professor Carter ended up going to for their house meetings. Now it was a full camp out, which she wasn't exactly thrilled by. But on the bright side, wizards actually were able to use their powers for good, and wizarding tents were obscenely spacious and comfortable. Far from sleeping bags on a tarp. She could almost forgive not being in the bed she'd finally got comfortable in for a night, although it did usually take her a few nights to get used to a bed, so she wasn't sure how she'd actually sleep. Maybe this would just be like a sleepover again rather than a school camp. There were a few kids with marshmallows, but she'd never been that fond of them. S'mores were okay once in a while, and marshmallows in hot chocolate were nice every so often, but the sickly sweetness was a little bit much. Instead, she looked over to the games, spotting Margo and sitting down near her. "Hey, what games have they got?"
@Margo Fox
Rene had tended to avoid being out late, scared since his first year of accidentally being out after curfew when he couldn't easily see a clock, but it was pretty nice outside, the air warming up as they got closer to summer and the fire Professor Carter had set up for them helping stave off the night time chill.

It looked like most of the Quidditch team had already gathered around the fire, squabbling over marshmallows, and Rene was happy to join them until Professor Carter wanted them, grinning at Renata's comment. "If the flavour you want is burnt maybe," he said, deciding to forgo the stick entirely and trying to levitate his marshmallow over the fire cautiously, panicking as it also began to burn and he didn't have anything to put it on to take it out of the flames, sheepishly having to simply just let the flaming glob of sugar drop into the fire and hope no one had seen that. @Renata Stepanova
Veronique was still adjusting to the idea of being back at Hogwarts... and actually being back there. She didn't quite know where she fit in yet, a problem she at Beauxbatons last year, and while her studies were doing okay, she noticed her social time outside of the few clubs she was in and quidditch was lacking. Veronique wondered about getting together with some of her roommates and figured she could ask them at the meeting. Seeing Penelope, she went and plopped down beside her. "Hey, how it's going?" @Penelope Marshall
Despite Professor Carter's reminders and notes about today's house meeting being outside Marnie had still managed to completely forget, standing puzzled in the empty common room for a moment before suddenly remembering and hurrying downstairs to sheepishly join the rest of the house. She was glad to quickly spot Veronique and Penny sitting together, dropping into a heap at their feet near the campfire. "Hey guys isn't this so cool are we gonna get to sleep outside tonight I never did much camping I was always too scared a spider or something would get into the cabin or tent even though my mum swore she could set up a spider repelling charm I'd just like feel my hair on my neck and freak out but there's not nearly as many spiders in New Zealand so we're probably fine out here this is gonna be so fun do you want some marshmallows I do though I've never really gotten the whole roasting them on the fire thing cause they just get all sticky which I guess if fine but half the fun of marshmallows is how fluffy they are Accio marshmallows!" Marnie said in a rush, propping herself up on her elbows enough to summon over a bag of marshmallows which she barely managed to catch in the fading light of dusk. @Penelope Marshall @Veronique Chatelain
Margo was idlily flipping through the rulebook and was finding about as dry as she expected. But she looked up when she heard Aine. She smiled at her roommate for a moment before looking back to the games in front of her. "It looks like there's a wizard chess set and a few muggle boardgames, like Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, and...." she trialed off and checked the game she was reading about. "Clue." she finished before glancing at the other girl. "Did you want to play something?" @Aine Thompson
Felix frowned when the younger boy seemed less than enthusiastic about his gift. "It's not....totally burned." he protested. He brought the marshmallow closer to his face to look at it better. There were some black spots but most if it was brown. Maybe not golden brown but...brown. He grinned when he heard another boy pipe up. He didn't remember his name but he was perfectly content to be fake familiarity. "See he knows the value of a well done marshmallow." Felix said smugly and gave it to the other boy. "Now you know you're really missing out." he teased. @Chase Campbell @Ezra Ito
Chase raised an eyebrow when Ezra chimed in to his conversation with Felix. Mostly because he wasn't entirely sure why his roommate was so eager in offering to take the marshmallow but also a little because he wasn't keen on people chiming into conversations like that. Even if there was hardly away around situations like that at any sort of gathering. "Sure. So why don't you just eat it then?" He questioned when Felix defended the marshmallow. If he didn't think it was burned then surely he'd want to eat it himself. Offering up his marshmallow when roasting them was literally all anyone was doing around the fire seemed a little odd. Unless it was just an attempt at being friendly. Something Chase had never been good at. "Yeah, no, you're right. I'm heartbroken." He snorted after Felix had handed the marshmallow over to Ezra, pretty sure the only thing he was missing out on was having a bad taste in his mouth.

@Felix Carnahan @Ezra Ito
Aine felt a hit of almost-nostalgia. Almost in that she had a few of those old board games, and had played them once or twice. Only her siblings were all so much older than her and hardly put up with Monopoly more than once before giving up, even when it was the shorter versions. It was like chess, she'd only ever really played around with the pieces herself and didn't know how to actually play. "I think I've played Clue once...except it was called Cluedo, couldn't tell you why." She shrugged. It was like Where's Wally - apparently in the rest of the world it was Where's Waldo, and why it was different in Australia she didn't have the slightest idea. "I had this like, trivia board game at home, which was probably good for parties. I think. I never had any parties." She was kind of rambling again, and shook her head. "Which is to say, uh, I'm down to play something...maybe not Monopoly, though. We'll bore ourselves to death."

@Margo Fox
Landon smiled as his students began trickling to the house meeting. He greeted a few of them, letting them be as some approached the marshmallows and some even approached the board games. They all seemed to like his idea of a camp out and this made him extremely happy. As he noticed there were quite a few people there already, and some were a little shy, Landon cleared his throat as he tried to get everyone's attention before speaking. "Welcome to Hogwarts and to Hufflepuff House, and for those that are returning, welcome back!" he exclaimed as everyone quietened down. "I hope you all like my idea of camping tonight, but rest assured, if you don't feel comfortable, your beds are still in your dormitories if you wish to go back to them. But before you do so, please hear me out with the usual announcements.

For those who do not know, my name is Professor Carter, I teach the lower year's Herbology and I am also your Head of House. Your prefects are Eugene Nestor, Nolan Burke, Felix Carnahan and Renata Stepanova. And of course we can't forget our very own Head Boy, Jordan Harris. Congratulations on your new position!"
The man beamed over at the boy before turning back to everyone. "I would also like to congratulate our new Quidditch captain Rene Tofilau. If you have any Quidditch related questions, please don't hesitate to consult him." Landon then found the boy in the crowd, smiling over at him. "I trust I don't have to go over the basic rules with you, so have a good semester everyone and please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything!" With that, Landon took a seat by the campfire, ready to roast some marshmallows for the evening.
Penelope was relieved when she saw that the person that sat down next to her was familiar, one of her roommates. She smiled at Veronique, glad for the company even if it wasn’t Marnie. “I’m doing alright, how are you?” She asked. She was curious about Veronique, who had mysteriously returned after mysteriously leaving. But she didn’t feel like they were close enough for her to ask about that. Marnie then found them and Penelope smiled as her friend started to talk, knowing she would keep going for a bit. “Can I have one?” She asked after Marnie summoned a bag of marshmallows. “I like roasting them, but they’re good unroasted too.”

@Marnie Frogg @Veronique Chatelain

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