Y43 Club Fair

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley put the finishing touches on the courtyard. A streamer waved between two trees bearing the words 'Welcome to the Club Fair' in paint that changed colors every few moments; tables were set up, covered with a plain neutral colored table cloth to make them all look the same. Each Club leader could choose whichever table called to them on a first come first served basis. She'd placed a similar bowl of lollipops on each table, a tool they could use, if they liked, to bring people in. This event typically didn't suffer for interested students though.

Settling herself into a seat to monitor the event and ensure it remained civil, the woman waited for the leaders to arrive so the event could begin.

Club NameLeader
Accio!Eugene Nestor
The Brotherhood of MAGICJordan Harris
The Conglomerated Arts ClubNiamh Eriksen
Heta OmegaElara Chatelain
Hogwarts MonthlyRiver Hopkins-Vance
The Student Defense AssociationIndira Khatri
The Wild Patch ClubSalem Lee, Rosie Archer

OOCOut of Character:
Attached above are the club leaders. Feel free to tag them IC or PM them for ooc questions!
Salem wasn't really sure what it took to run a club. She liked showing up for the Wild Patch Club meetings, sure, and she had plenty of ideas of things they could do out in the greenhouse or wild patch itself, but actually running a club? It seemed a lot harder. With a lot more parchment involved, she thought, idly poking the take of sign up sheets on the table in front of her. At least she had Rosie to help her. And she could always ask Indi or Elara or Jordie for help, she remembered, waving at the other club leaders across the courtyard before moving to add the finishing touches to their table.

She'd gotten the fun part done, setting up the Wild Patch Club booth and using her wand to wind a variety of vines and flowers around the table legs and up in an arch, only sneezing a few times as it rained pollen down when the wind blew, and now they just had to wait for anyone interested to show up.

OOCOut of Character:
Please mention Salem Lee or Rosie Archer if you have questions or you'd like to join the Wild Patch Club!
Rosie was really excited to help out with the Wild Patch stall. It felt very cool to be helping out and learning from Salem. She arrived at the club fair excitedly and spotted the wild patch stall with ease. She headed over to the older girl. "Hey Salem," Rosie greeted warmly. She had brought a couple of plants, a few small pots with things like basil and corriander in them so people would see more of what they grew but Salem had done way more than she had. Rosie placed them down in front and then glanced to see if anyone was approaching them.

OOCOut of Character:
Feel free to tag Rosie about anything Wild Patch Club related
Eugene always felt a little awkward about the club fair, they didn't really have the open slots like other clubs but it was still necessary for them to go to the event. He still turned up, set up his stall, with a big Accio sign, the yearbooks from the previous year and pictures that people had taken. He wasn't as loud in his advertising as others tended to be, and did make sure he had his stall next to Sky's just in case she needed a little hand with it. Given that he was a leader with her at that club, he was always determined to lend a hand if he could. Just to begin with he had to stick to the Accio club.
Indi felt weird about setting up for the club fair by herself. She had only been in a leadership position last year and suddenly she was expected to do it all on her own. Of course she could handle it but it did cut into time she should be spending in the library or the quidditch pitch. Or even the dueling chamber since she had the title to keep up and she was president of the club after all. But this was part of the job and she arrived early with just enough time to set up her table. She strung a banner across the front that had been used in previous years and set up the table with photos from last year's dueling tournament as well as a few of the trophies. She grinned seeing her name before setting out the sign up list and a bowl of candy. That's what drew people to these things right? the sweets. She gave the set up one last look before shrugging. It would have to do. People would sign up because they wanted to not because of some stupid table. Indi sighed before moving to stand behind it at least as she waited for first years and other students to come by. But she made sure to smile and wave to Salem, and she was glad she wasn't suffering here completely alone.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @ Indira Khatri if you have any questions or would like to join the SDA!
Elara had been preparing like crazy for the club fair. She knew it was important to bring in as many new members as they could, and while there weren't that many graduating this year with her, she hoped to continue Heta's legacy for years to come. Setting up her display, she hung a banner that was imprinted with photos of Heta from over the years, something inspired by Ana Sofia's project from the year before. Their table had a pretty pink tablecloth with some flowers in the center, a piece of parchment beside of it for people to sign up on. As Elara took a seat behind the table, she gave a smile to a few of the other club leaders before giving a big wave to Salem across the way. Hopefully students would start coming in and filling all of their lists soon.

OOCOut of Character:
Please @ Elara Chatelain if you want to join or have questions for Heta Omega <3
"Hello, can i please join? Where i can write my name?" She asked warm smile to @Elara Chatelain
"Hello, can i join?" She asked with warm smile to @Salem Lee. She was sure that she wanted join Heta Omega to.
Elara was daydreaming before she realized a girl had come to her table. Standing up quickly, she gave her a big smile. "Sure thing! Just write your name down on the parchment. Did you have any questions? It's a great group of girls who support each other. It really feels like a family, you know?" she continued. @Evianna Angel
Salem grinned at Rosie as she joined her at the booth, glad to have her as back, it definitely made the club feel less daunting to run, especially since Rosie seemed so organized for a 4th year. "Hey," she returned, turning to smile when a younger student had already approached the girl. "And hey! Sure you can just put your name down here and we'll let you know when there's a meeting and stuff," she explained, quietly watching Elara nearby and copying her friend, handing over the parchment for the girl to sign up. @Tori Braden
Evianna writed her name to list and was happy that she was join the clubs and listened her talk. "I don't have this time. But thanky so much telling me." She smiled her @Elara Chatelain.

Later she needed find @Niamh Eriksen. "Hello, Can i join? I realy love arts." she smiled her and the last one was wild puch club.
Tori writed her name and now she was going to Heta Omega club. "Hello, i realy wanna join to Heta Omega" She smiled @Elara Chatelain
Ruto had attended the club fair last year, and she was glad that she did. Even though she didn't participate in the Wild Patch Club too much last year, it was a good feeling to know that she was part of something and had something to go to if everything else made her feel bored. There were a couple of clubs last year however that Roo regretted not having a look at a little more, and so she decided she would go again this year so she could check them out.

The Ravenclaw made her way to the courtyard, looking around at all of the stalls. It looked very similar to last year with how it was laid out. She walked slowly past them all, stopping at one of the smaller stalls with a Hufflepuff prefect sitting behind it. There were some old yearbooks on display. Roo had liked the look of the yearbook last year, and was hoping she'd be able to be a part of it. Her aunt was part of this club, so she thought she may as well join. "Hello. Are there any positions vacant?" she asked the older boy.

@Eugene Nestor
Eliza had zero information about each of the clubs. There was only one or two that caught her eye when she looked around the club fair. She decided to join the sisterhood group. El excitedly made her way towards the sisterhood stall, looking around the table with excitement. "Hi! I would like to sign up, please! I like the setup, it's pretty"

@Elara Chatelain
Jordie had made sure to get everything ready for that club fair that day, even going so far as to send a note to @Nolan Burke asking him to swing by and help him out. He knew how hectic and busy these things could be, so after he'd gotten the sign for the Brotherhood he'd set out a few little welcome packs for anyone that stopped by. Maps of the school, a little healthy snack pack to help get them through the day, a list of books to grab at the library for muggleborns that would help them get the hang of the magical world, and a list of the prefects and the Professors and the locations of their offices. He hoped it was enough. He settled in, picking up his water and taking a long sip.

((Tag @Jordan Harris to sign up for the Brotherhood))
Georgia had been waiting for this day for a looong time so as she had a chance, she immediately came down there with a little paper with all the clubs that she was planning to join. "Hey there, I'm gonna sign up, alright?" She asked easily the girl as she left her name on the list. @Elara Chatelain
Charlotte hadn't signed up for any clubs her first year because she wanted to get to know the castle's surroundings and system first before committing to anything. After she tasted everything Hogwarts had to offer, she knew exactly what she wanted. The club fair sounded like a very good place to find out more about them, so Charlotte darted into the crowd and found the first one that came to mind. She won a place at the SDA table with all her might and asked the girl. @Indira Khatri "Is this where I can apply for dueling club?"

She then blasted her way through the crowd standing at Accio! club table. She wasn't sure what exactly this club was, but that's why she didn't hesitate to ask the boy, the Hufflepuff prefect, who was sitting at the table. @Eugene Nestor "Hi, what's Accio! about?" Waiting for an answer, Gryffindor reached across the table to pick up a lollipop from a large bowl.
Sky made her way to the club fair and was surprised at how busy the room was already. she didn't think that she had been that late. She made her way to Eugene and put her things down a section of art supplies, and instruments and some icing and plain cupcakes as well other decorations for them as well as a selection of photos from both club events and general goings on in the clubrooms from the last couple of years. she smiled at Eugene. "Hey Eugene. thanks for holding the table." she said as she organised her things. before she had things set up she was approached by a girl. she had colours in her hair and it made sky wonder if maybe she should add a little colour to hers. it would certainly take to the blonde.
"Of course you can join. just put your name on this list" she said rummaging around for the parchment and coloured pens that she was using for the sign up list. "I'm Sky one of the leaders, nice to meet you" she said feeling a little bad for being so disorganised.

@Eugene Nestor @Evianna Angel

OOCOut of Character:
Please make sure to tag @Niamh Eriksen if you have any questions about the Conglomerated arts club or if you want to sign up.
"My name is Evianna Angel and nice to meet you" She smiled and writed her name to the arts club. She was happy be part of two club and she was know that will be fine for now. "Have a nice day" She smiled and walked out from and go back to coomon room. @Niamh Eriksen
Eloise didn't come to the club fair to browse clubs. She knew exactly which ones she was joining. The Sisterhood for certain. She knew it was a populair club among the student body and was sure it would help her in making some more social connections outside of the students in her own year. She had also been considering the arts club. Music was something her parents had gotten her teachers for from a young age so she knew her way around a few instruments. Surely, they would be glad for her to join that club as well. They were the ones who had enrolled her in the scouts after all. Because making connections was important. As long as it was with the right people. Making her way past some of the stand Eloise headed up to the one for the Sisterhood. "Hi." Eloise offered the leader a polite smile as she waited for the girl in front of her to finish writing down her name. "I love your top." She added in an attempt to fill the silence untill she could sign up herself. @Elara Chatelain
Chase hadn't wanted to join a club in his first year nor was he keen on doing it now. But coming home with the message that he had put absolutely zero effort into his social life at the school had disappointed his mom. She hadn't admitted it but he knew her well enough to see it on her face. She hated him being on his own all the time. So, in an attempt to come home with some news that might make her happy he strolled down to the courtyard for the club fair. Chase made his way straight over to the Brotherhood stand and put his name down on the list without saying a word, leaving as soon as he had finished. @Jordan Harris
River could not believe that she had been made the editor of the Hogwarts Monthly. Sure it had always been a goal to lead a newspaper. She did want to be a writer after all. But this seemed like so much responsibility hidden in the honor of it all. River knew her first task would be to recruit new people. There could never been too many journalists. She entered the Court Yard, finding a spare table to use. It was rather dull and neutral. Both things that River was not a fan of. She tied her bright pink hair up into a bun before she got to work. She added a vibrant purple tablecloth to the table. She set aside some of the previous issues of the newspaper along with some extra sweets that she had gotten over the break. She conjured up some bright rainbow flowers, placing the assortment into a vase in the middle of the table. There that looked better.

River placed a few muggle pens and a quill with some ink next to an empty sign up sheet. Now she was done. She just had to wait, hoping that people would be interested, hoping that her table could draw up a crowd.

If you are interested or have any questions about joining the Hogwarts Monthly, please tag @River Hopkins-Vance
Darlessa had diligently followed the events at school and one of them was the Club fair. She liked clubs and meetings, so she went to places where they invited her to apply for clubs in colorful letters. She herself was at the junior ski club in Queenstown, so she already knew the commitment it required. First she went to Heta Omega's table, which was covered with pink cloth and flowers, and she greeted the girl. "Hi! Is there room for one more?" @Elara Chatelain

Then she went to the other tables, looking at them side by side and nearby. One of the most interesting to her was a club on the topic of plants. At least she hoped she got it right. She loved taking care of nature and the Wild Patch Club sounded like a fun place to hang out. Darlessa walked right up to the table with vines and flowers around the table legs and asked the two girls. “Hello! Can I sign up, please?” @Salem Lee @Rosie Archer
June had given it some thoughts about which clubs she would want to join. If she wanted to join clubs was even an better question. But it was an good thing, since she would meet people and they would meet her. An dumb girl group was not really what she would choose directly, but it was good to be around there and be part of that. People could get to love her and it seemed like an popular thing. And one thing she did want to join was the club the one that would do duelling. June wanted to be a part of that, and be the best. But she would walk around and see what people did and what the club leaders had to tell. So she entered the great hall and noticed it was crowdy. She walked towards some tables, the arts club seemed like the most stupid thing and not the people she wanted to be around. So she skipped that. The boys club was not an option. The plant huggers were not her thing too, she hated getting dirty. And the writers and photography things were not what she thought of as important too.

The closest table from were she stood. She noticed an familliar girl standing there. At the Heta Omega one. June had to keep her plan in mind, and ofcourse nothing would distract her from her studies. But it was an smart move so she walked over to the girls club table. As she looked beside her she noticed Eloise. Than smiling to the side and than the leader. '' Hi I'm June. I would like to join this club too.'' Than looking at Eloise. '' You are too right?'' June than said to Eloise with an smile. She got more an feeling of how Eloise was and she had confidence she could have her at her side.

@Elara Chatelain @Eloise Aster
Monday Weeks decided to follow through on Aurora's recommendations so Monday heard about the club fair, and had his eyes out for one club. Brotherhood. He could try it out. He walked over to the Brotherhood table, and smiled, though it was more forced than anything else. "I'm here to sign up for the Brotherhood." Monday took out one of his muggle pens to add his name to the roster. He might be a little late, but still. @Jordan Harris

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