Y42 S1 Hufflepuff Practice

At least he managed to block the next couple of shots, offering a small smile as he tossed the quaffle back out again. And he did clap a little when Felix managed to catch the snitch as well.
Leonardo caught the ball after it was thrown back out following Renata's attempt to score.
Zag stayed ready in front of the hoops for the next chaser to approach.
Leonardo attempted to score when he got close, but he missed the hoop entirely.
Silas wasn't sure how exactly he had made it onto the team, as his tryout was not super great. But since he was an alternate, it gave him a lot of time to practice. As he made his way up in the air, he gave a wave to Zag and went in front of his own hoops, ready to block some balls.
Leonardo grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back out when it seemed no one else was going for it.
Felix kept looking.
As soon as Leonardo was close enough to the hoops, he threw the ball but it fell short.
Silas was ready to block as he saw the Hufflepuff come close to him, but the ball didn’t quite reach him. He ended up swooping down and tossing it back to the chasers.
Felix had caught the snitch and Penelope hadn't even seen it yet. More and more, she worried joining the team had been a mistake.
Felix continued to fly laps around the pitch.
Renata took possession and made her way back around.
Felix hoped he'd be able to find the snitch again.
Silas waited for another ball to be thrown his way.
Renata took a shot on the new keeper but it was easily blocked.
René was pleased at the solid cracking sound his bat made as it connected with the bludger he'd been chasing. Unfortunately, his target has suddenly changed directions and the bludger shot past them harmlessly and across the pitch.
Tilly was happy with how practice was shaping up. She continued to protect her teammates.
Felix kept looking.
It was a lot harder to land hits with Tilly on defense but René tried to assure himself it was good practice despite the frustration. He'd be going up against the Head Boy and Celia in the match after all.
When nobody else grabbed the quaffle, Renata took possession once more. She wasn't shooting too well today, she had to do better.
Silas was ready again when the next team member attempted to score, and he was able to stop it with his hand before he tossed it out back to the same girl.
Felix sighed and kept looking for the snitch.
Renata threw the quaffle past the keeper...and it bounced pathetically off the edge of the hoop, rather than going through it.
Tilly cheered when Silas protected the hoops. She remembered the encouragement from Elliot in her early days as a beater had really made a difference.
Felix was looking a little discouraged and while it was maybe a little mean to take advantage of that, René didn't want to give up the opportunity to hit a bludger his way as his attention seemed to be elsewhere, pumping his fist as it managed to connect. @Felix Carnahan
Felix x2
Rene x1
Tilly x1
Leo x1
Jordan x2
Renata x1
Penelope x1
Zagreus x1

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