Y42 Graduation Ceremony: Guests

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Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
OOCOut of Character:
Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation ceremony has concluded.
Aonghas felt he was as surprised as the rest of the family to see Liusaidh graduate. Well in part he wasn't too surprised, his sister had always been stubborn but he thought given that she didn't need the NEWTs, didn't need to graduate to be able to move forward in her life that she wouldn't bother graduating. She had. She had done better than most of them. Aonghas opted to ignore that, since he felt he was guiding the family business in a good direction which he knew she wouldn't have done. And as he'd matured he stopped holding any ill feelings against his brother and his brother's choice. Whats done was done. He sat in the hall at a graduation and glanced about, there were a few familiar enough faces in the crowd, in amongst the professors. But his class had been gone a while. He glanced towards the headmaster, wondering what sort of man he was but applauded politely for the head boy and girl. Aonghas ducked his head a little to hide some light laughter at the booing he knew was coming from his sister. By all account Liusaidh had mellowed out, but Aonghas was sure there were people who disagreed with him on that. He applauded loudly for his sister, cheering at her fanfare but was glad when it was over.
Branson had never been to a graduation before and had been sure that the only one he would attend would be his own and then his sister's. But here he was, at graduation. He found the decorations and the lay out of the hall interesting. He had always appreciated the school's ability to transform into what it needed to for each event. Bran sat in amongst other students in the hall, not wanting to mingle with parents. He glanced at the head master and wondered for a moment who might be head boy and girl for his year. He didn't really want it, though he knew if it was him he wouldn't say no. But Bran thought being a prefect was enough. He listened to them speak and smiled, feeling the words and the sentiment behind it. he was a little frustrated by someone booing but it didn't matter. He just applauded louder and loudly for each of the students who crossed, a lot of whom he knew well enough.
Eugene didn't know how a magical graduation would work, so of course he was more than content to go to one. He was able to by being a prefect and felt honoured really to go. He was looking forward to his own, knowing that it would be so cool to have it. He wanted to celebrate with everyone, cheer them on so loudly. So, Eugene had been one of the first in the hall. He'd left his camera because someone else was doing this, and he was just ready. He applauded at each occasion that he did, feeling proud of the head people for speaking, he knew with a crowd like this, it couldn't be easy. Eugene applauded loudly for each of the students as they graduated, whether they were people he knew or didn't. By the time it was over it wasn't too different from a muggle graduation but he was happy nonetheless to have been able to go.
Jenna was here with her daughter Iris and she hoped meet professor Landon Carter and talk to him. She missed him a lot and she missed Hogwarts and New Zealand. Her hands was Iris and she smiled and be proud to Danae.
Giovanna wasn't a fan of stepping foot back into the castle. It brought up too many memories of a past life. She wasn't that person anymore and hadn't been for a long time. Her new life was a much better setup for her and the girls. They would be relatively well off if they took advantage of it, something she was unsure Seraphina was clever enough to realize. Even though Lucia wasn't Serphina's biological father, he wasn't a bad man, and with more money than god, he'd at least set her suitably. But Seraphina had made that almost impossible, having barely spoken 5 words to the man since their marriage.

Dragging Hera into the Great Hall, she finally found a seat on the edge of a row where she could still see the stage. Aphrodite was with the nanny, and since Lucia had business to attend to, Giovanna had made today a little girl's day out with Hera. And after sending Seraphina on her own day out, Giovanna was sure they'd all look good for family pictures afterward. Smoothing out her dress, she watched as the students entered, sighing as Seraphina slumped her shoulders as she walked past. Why couldn't she stand up and be proud of something for once. Giovanna hardly cared about the speeches being tossed around and instead chose to use the time people watching. There were a few people she recognized, but none enough that this was a prime social occasion for her. After most of the dullness subsided, Giovanna took attention the stage, poltiely clapping for all the graduates and grimacing at some of their impolite antics. Unfortunately, Seraphina joined that list as she stuck her tongue fully out towards her sister. Hera started to giggle, and Giovanna grabbed ahold of her hand, sushing her as she looked up at Seraphina. How could her 17 year old embarass herself so consistently? Giovanna sighed in relief as the ceremony finished, swiftly pulling Hera through the crowd in search of her eldest daughter.
If you had asked Siobhan a few years ago where she thought she'd be, it would have never been here with her girlfriend and son at graduation. Adopting Flynn had been life changing for her in a lot ways, and while she had been quite nervous about the idea, things had turned out pretty well. And while they only had a small amount of time together each year, she'd at least been able to attend some of his games, seeing as her job came with some perks. She'd never wanted to replace his biological parents, and she knew she had said that to him, probably one too many times. All she hoped was to provide him with love, safety, and a home, and Siobhan felt accomplished with that goal.

Sitting next to Kahurangi, she grinned at the graduates, excited to hear the speeches from the new Headmaster and head people. Public speaking was difficult, especially at that age, and she thought the headpeople did wonderfully, giving them each a boistorous round of applause. It was something to be proud of to graduate, especially for those who struggled more than others. And while she was excited to see the new players coming into the league from this year's class, she was excited to see what new wizards and witches were being sent into their world. Siobhan made sure every student had people clapping for them and excitedly gave a cheer as Flynn took the stage, trying very hard to stay in her seat. Unfortunately, her excitement was paused for a second after Flynn addressed the crowd. "Oh, gosh," she said, pausing for a moment before stifling a giggle. She had no doubt he'd find his place in the world. Siobhan reached for Kahurangi's hand as Flynn walked off the stage and tried to ignore the tears welling up in her eyes.
Oscar didn't think that he would ever step foot into the halls of Hogwarts ever again, so it had been a nice surprise when Rosemarie invited him to come to her graduation alongside her family. Not only was he yearning to see Rosemarie again, but the boy was also quite looking forward to seeing some of his other friends again. He had only ever heard of their exploits through Rose's letters so it would be nice to catch up with everybody in person. Oscar seated himself next to Rosemarie's parents, which he found to be rather awkward, so instead looked around the Great Hall to see if he could spot anyone or anything familiar to focus on until graduation would begin. He cheered loudly when each of his friends was called forward to come and collect their diplomas and eventually joined Rosemarie's parents in patiently waiting for her to come down to them.
Jordie wouldn't miss this for the world. He found his place before the ceremony began, grabbing a seat near the front with Amelie by his side. He held her hand, lacing their fingers. He smiled broadly at Ares, and cheered loudly anytime he heard someone booing his boyfriend. He watched proudly as Ares graduated, unafraid to cheer and clap anytime he could. This was almost bittersweet, but not enough that Jordie wouldn't celebrate his boyfriends accomplishments. He felt like his heart would burst, and he couldn't wait until after the ceremony when he could run into his love's arms and hold him tight.
Maisie had only just arrived at the graduation, and already she felt herself tearing up. Tara was really graduating! She couldn't believe it. She smiled at her older sister, hands clasped over her heart. She couldn't help but giggle as Tara almost immediately began to make faces at her, and she made them right back, not caring where they were. Tara always knew just how to cheer her up. Maisie knew it might be lonely without any of her siblings around, but that was alright. She'd manage, somehow.
Amelie had been honored to get an invitation from Ares to attend his graduation. She'd left Beauxbatons a day early so she could attend. Dressed in something cute, she found her way to a seat by Jordie, waving excitedly at her friend. She giggled as Ares got to the podium. My, he looked so grown up now! She beamed proudly up at him, her heart content. Once Jordie let go of him, she'd be sure to get her own hug in, as well.
Ivelisse didn't care much for graduation in particular, but she did care for her sister. Even if they hadn't been around each other for a whole lot during their shared time at Hogwarts. Still, it always felt nice to see Ana Sofia skip by at times. Even if they were so completely different. And maybe, just maybe, she was a little proud of her older sister for graduating. Especially when she knew how much Ana had struggled with her classes. Ive glanced around, taking a second to decide whether she should sit with her dad or with the rest of the prefects. She opted with the latter, knowing her dad would be fine sitting with the other professors anyways. Ive didn't pay much attention to the headpeople's speeches but by now had gotten extremely talented at looking like she was. She clapped when they finished, knowing she had to set a good example. Especially with so many professors around. Ive continued clapping for most of the graduates, making sure to clap a little louder when her sister walked the stage. At least that was worth clapping for.
Joseph had been attending graduations ever since he had become a professor at Hogwarts a few years ago. Some of them had been simple, a happy occassion to tell his students goodbye and good luck. Others had been slightly more difficult, like not seeing two of his students in attendance because of a very stupid teenage mistake. This one, however, was more special than any of them had been so far. This time he would be seeing his own kid graduate. A thought that was as exciting as it was scary because it meant he eventually needed to let her go and be an adult. Find her way in the world. He listened to the Headpeople's speeches, clapping for those students and their bravery to get up on a stage and address the entire audience. Joseph applauded the graduates as they entered the stage one by one, standing up for a second when Ana Sofia graced the stage just to make sure she knew he was proud of her. Even if he was certain she was. He also made sure to clap a little louder for his own students, like Niklaus who had been a great help.
A whole year had gone by and yet not much had changed for Stan other than the fact that he had finally moved out of the Beckett household. Living on his own in Brightstone village with a permanent job as a server at the Three Broomsticks was a dream come true, especially with his poor grades and monthly affliction. A perk of living and working in the village was that it was relatively close to the castle, which meant that Tara could visit him whenever the school allowed them to go to the village. Soon, however, they could spend more time together and he was really looking forward to that. The idea of having someone around him who was just like him was very comforting. He seated himself next to Maisie and clapped for each and every student who went up to get their diploma, though clapped the loudest when it was his girlfriend's turn.
He was looking forward to this day because, firstly, he would meet his older brother Niklaus, who graduated from Hogwarts school, and secondly, this was the first time he would see the castle in real life. This promised to be a very special day. He was sorry that there was no dad and mom who could experience it and see how the eldest son receives his diploma in his hand. Although Niklaus wasn't one to like Hogwarts, Ralph thought it was a wonderful place to get away from problems. At least it seemed that way. And this castle could have been a second home to find his family.

Graduation was an impressive event, and especially in a setting like the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Ralph was sitting dressed in a formal suit that his twin brother Christopher had helped him pick out, and was almost squirming on his chair because he wanted to see Niklaus in front of the hall. He also found his cousins Annabeth and Elisabeth among the graduates. Someone cheered, and someone else boo'ed in the hall, but Ralph only heard his brother cheering loudly and he understood that it was about the head students who gave their speech. He didn't hear them joking or laughing at any joke, but Ralph didn't think much of it. When Niklaus went to receive his diploma on the stage, Ralph stood up and enthusiastically clapped loudly, so that both his older brother and others in the hall could see it. He was proud of his brother. And yes, he observed his brother's mouthed words and winking eye. Ralph blushed and nodded in return, indicating that he had taken the hint. The two of them and Chris will now replace Niklaus and be the ones studying at Hogwarts. All this in one year. Coincidence? Maybe... But it would be great if he was sorted into the same house as Niklaus. Then he could say he inherited his older brother's place at Hogwarts.
When the graduation ended, Ralph left his seat and ran towards Niklaus to congratulate and hug him tightly.
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Valeria had been very surprised when Aubrey had invited to graduation, but of course Val had accepted. She was reeling a bit from her breakup with Charlie and looking for anything to distract her from it. The ravenclaw had made sure her uniform looked super cute, that her make up was done right, that her hair was pretty and she sat amongst other students, largely the prefects as things got started. The ravenclaw couldn't wait for her own graduation, knowing she'd wear something pretty and she'd look great in all the pictures from it. Val applauded for the head boy and girl, a little concerned as some did appear to boo for them, but then people were crossing the stage. Valeria cheered loudly for Aubrey when she crossed the stage. She didn't do the same for others but for her friend, of course she would cheer loudly.
There were a million things Celia would have rather done than attend graduation. She didn't want to listen to boring speeches or watch the seventh years get their diplomas. She wouldn't miss a single one of them. However, Celia also knew that showing up to the ceremony would be a good way to pretend she was a thoughtful prefect who cared about her school. Plus, she'd heard that Minister Fontaine had presided over last year's ceremony. Maybe she — or another high-ranking ministry official — would show up again.

Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that no one important was here. Celia tried not to sigh as Professor Alcott-Ward welcomed everyone before introducing the head students. Emmaline's speech was the usual cliché-ridden affair, and even though Celia had never attended a graduation before, she assumed every graduation speech sounded like this. She politely clapped and tried not to yawn. Next up was Ares. Celia narrowed her eyes. She still couldn't believe the professors had given such an incompetent and dimwitted person a head student badge. At Ares' little quip about not having to be a good quidditch player to be a good person, Celia snorted audibly. That was exactly what a sh*tty quidditch player would say. She pretended to clap after his speech, but only because she was surrounded by professors. There were a few people booing, however, and Celia had to hide a smirk. It was a shame she couldn't join them.

Aside from some rather dramatic curtsying and bowing from some of the graduates — and an elegant farewell from Flynn — the rest of the ceremony passed without much incident. There were a fair number of faces Celia never wanted to see again, but she dutifully clapped for each person. Once the diploma-giving was finally over, Celia jumped up, eager to get out of the hall. All the happy families and cheerful celebrating was nauseating. She wondered how long she would have to wait before she could leave without appearing rude.
Nikko hadn't expected to feel this awkward as he entered into the great hall for the graduation ceremony. He had only been gone a year and he wondered if that short time away was why he felt like the professors were seconds away from telling him he wasn't supposed to be here and he had to leave. Thankfully that fear seemed to only be in his head as he took his seat and no one seemed to acknowledge him. He tried to find Aubrey and Harper in the crowd of graduates and tried to wave to them when he spotted them.

When the ceremony finally started he realized that Professor Alcott-Ward was the new headmaster. He knew that from letters with his friends but seeing him give an important speech still felt a little odd. The Head Boy and Girl both did a good job and he clapped politely for them. Harper was one of the first to walk and he cheered for her as she walked across the stage. Aubrey was a bit farther down the list and his stomach did a little flip when her name was called and he saw her again. It felt so long since they had seen each other and he knew it was the right decision to stay friends while they were apart but he had missed her terribly and wanted to make up for lost time. The minutes seemed to go by so slowly as the rest of the students were called up. He was honestly a little surprised to see Flynn graduating but he had to admit he was a little proud. Finally the ceremony was over and Nikko's heart began to race. He got swallowed up but the crowd as everyone started to leave the great hall at the same time, but he started to look around for Aubrey.
Yvonne made her way down to the great hall for the graduation ceremony and could feel the buzz of the student's excitement as she entered. She smiled to her fellow professors and waved to a few of her students before sitting down. She was starting to lose count of how many of these things she had been to by now which was alarming and comforting at the same time. Yvonne smiled and clapped as Professor Alcott-Ward started to give his speech. It was his first time presiding over a graduation so she clapped with extra enthusiasm to be encouraging. Both the of the head people's speeches were good and she was proud of Emmaline. Then it was time for all the students to get their diploma and she couldn't help but smirk at those who made a show of it. She felt a little sad when it all came to an end. She would miss her seventh years but knew they were on to bigger and better things.
It had been a while since Caleb had gone to Simon's graduation but he could still remember how boring it was. He had tried to find a way to get out of this one since it was only a matter of time before he had to sit through his own. That would make three graduations he'd have to endure which hardly seemed fair. He also didn't really want to think about Lila graduating. He had avoided thinking about it all year and what next year would be like now that he was the only one of his siblings left at Hogwarts. They had a weird cousin here now, but that didn't count. Caleb crossed his arms over his chest and stuck out his tongue when he saw Lila look at them. He didn't think she saw and he just sunk lower in his chair. He looked up at the ceiling as the Headmaster and the head people gave their speeches. They were boring and all sounded the same and Caleb had to force himself not to groan out loud as the names started to be called. It already felt like forever and the ceremony was just getting started. He didn't really know any of the seventh years so he watched disinterestedly as he watched them all walk across the stage. When Lila's name was called he sat up straight and let out a loud cheer for her. He glanced over at his mom and he noticed for the first time that she was crying. He slumped back into his chair not wanting to deal with that. He wasn't sure what she was crying about but he focused on the ceremony until it was finally over. Hopefully he could at least get a good meal out of all this fuss.
Stefan couldn't believe it. Blair was graduating. It felt like only yesterday that she'd found her way into his offices, and her mother had kicked her out. He took his seat, happy when Valerius joined him. He laid his arm over the back of his sons chair, feeling content. He clapped politely for each of the children that spoke, then graduated. When Blair walked the stage, he clapped a bit more fervently, a proud smile on his face.
Valerius had no intention of missing Blair's graduation. He'd slowly grown more accustomed to his sisters presence in his life. He'd eventually accepted her, and though their relationship was rocky, they were slowly working things out. He found his seat next to his father, smiling at the man before turning his attention up front. He rolled his eyes at the juvenile antics of some of the graduates. That would be why they weren't giving the speeches. He bit back a sigh, shaking his head. When Blair finally crossed the stage, he clapped a little louder for her, a small smile on his face.
Simon knew that one day he would probably return to Hogwarts, and while he was happy to be there to celebrate his sister, it still felt far too soon. His time at school was probably average but the place still held more bad memories than good, or those were the ones that seemed to linger. He firmly put his hand on Caleb's shoulder to keep him in places as they all took their seats as a family. It stung slightly to be there with his mother knowing she had missed his graduation even if he knew it hadn't been her idea. But that was in the past and he felt far too grown up to care about something as trivial as graduation even though it had only been three years. He scanned the crowd to see if he recognized anyone besides the professors. He recognized Sydney's little sister as well as Lila and Caleb's other little friends, but that was about it. Simon was a bit startled to see Professor Alcott-Ward step up as headmaster. He vaguely remembered Lila mentioning it but apparently it had slipped his mind. He listened politely to the speeches even though his eyelids started to grow heavy. He had pulled double shifts at both of his jobs to get the day off and he was feeling it now. But he was snapped out of his daze when the crowd started to applause as the graduates started to accept their diplomas. It took forever until Lila's name was finally called and he brought his fingers to his lips to let out a whistle. He chuckled to himself until he noticed his mother looked like she was crying. Reaching out, he took her hand and squeezed it once. They had gotten closer since his father had died and while they never talked about his graduation he had a feeling it weighed on her more than she had let on. Thankfully the moment passed quickly and he clapped for Brooke since Sydney wasn't there, not that he thought she would care but it made him feel better. The last few names were called and Simon was relieved. He didn't want to be here all day if he could help it.
Aleena was nervous. She had kept to herself for the past few years and even more so since Thomas passed. She needed to find herself and she knew staying at home forever wasn't going to help. It had been decades since she had been in school and she had never even stepped foot inside this particular castle even though she should have. Missing Simon's graduation had felt wrong at the time and now it was a burden she knew she would always carry with her. Her son didn't seem to mind but she also knew he wouldn't show it even if it did. But she could be there for her daughter. Delilah had always seemed so responsible and in control she never knew how to help her. She tried to guide her in her own way to make her a proper lady but it wasn't until recently that she realized she might have been doing more harm than good. It wasn't a great feeling to wake up one day and realize your children were strangers and practically grown. There was till time for Caleb, and while she thought she had missed out with Simon, he had come back to her and she was slowly making it up to him. But Delilah? She just hoped it wasn't too late. The ceremony started and she smiled as the headmaster and the head girl and boy both gave their speeches. She tried to remember her own graduation and was a little disappointed she couldn't remember who was head boy or girl. She remembered it feeling like such a big deal at the time but now? It hardly seemed to matter at all. Aleena practically held her breath as she waited for her daughter's turn. As the minute's ticked by she was hit with a sudden wave of emotion. She missed her husband and wished more than anything he were here. As Delilah's name was finally called a few tears slipped down her face and she quickly wiped them away. She felt Simon squeeze her hand and she squeezed it back once before letting go. She was fine. Taking a deep breath she smiled and made sure to clap as her daughter shook the headmaster's hand and walked back to her seat. As much as she missed Thomas she had to wonder if she would be this present for her kids if he was still here. The thought tore at her but she kept up her brave face as the ceremony ended and she rushed to go see her daughter.
Felix's stomach hurt and had been hurting since last night, but he followed the rest of his family to their seats to wait for the graduation to start. He had known this was the last year Sawyer would be at school with him but now that then end was finally here it hardly felt real. How was he supposed to school next year without him? Losing Theia was one thing but this felt so much worse. How was he supposed to face being the oldest sibling at Hogwarts? Felix had never had to face school without someone there he could count on. He would still have Thistle with him which was a relief but it did little to comfort him when he was the one who was supposed to look after her. He could always write but that wasn't the same. Felix didn't really listen or pay attention as the headmaster began and started his speech. He was too busy brooding through the head girl and boy's speeches too. When the graduate's names started to be called he perked up slightly, only because he knew he wouldn't have to wait long to hear his brother's name. As expected Sawyer's name was called and he stood up with the rest of his family and cheered as loud as he could. He was out of breath and a little dizzy when he finally sat down again. He was still sad but felt a little better. Felix was proud of his brother even if he would miss him. When the graduation was finally over he was eager to rush off and embarrass Sawyer at least one more time.
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