Y40 Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
There had been a lot of emotions as Lysander spent the morning setting up the Quidditch Pitch, knowing that this would be the last time he'd have the opportunity to host a try-out, and that this year marked the last chance to see the team take the cup. There was already a noticeable absence from the roster in Sully and Noel, two gaps that were going to be tough to fill. He was sad, it hadn't quite occurred to him that they'd be gone until now. It never did until the new year started, and those familiar faces over the years were no longer in the halls. There'd be no more of that fun banter between the three chasers, or any of Sullys jokes to help keep the mood up. But he still had Emma, and Chloe, to rely on for the remainder of the year.

With the pitch ready to go, Lysander spent some time warming up in the air while he waited for people to show. When the first crowd began the shuffle onto the green, he descended back down to greet them, and dumped his bat onto the grass. "Hey, guys. Welcome to Gryffindor try-outs! Glad to see you all here. We've got some spots to fill, so I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone's got! Hufflepuff absolutely smashed us last year. It sucked, I know, so this year we're gonna bring it back, so give us your best shot! When you're ready to get started just line up in front of me and give me your name and the position you're trying out for. You can try out for a couple positions, but lemme know which one you prefer the most. Other than that, just have fun and enjoy yourself. I love winning as much as the next person, but at the end of the day this sport is meant to be fun, so keep that in mind while you're up there. That's it, let's go!" He said, whipping out his clipboard and waving over the first person to get started.

Beater/CaptainLysander Summers
BeaterEmma van Houten
ChaserChloe Thompson
KeeperNikko Blackwood
SeekerFlynn North

OOCOut of Character:
As always, returning team members just need to post an arrival to maintain their spot. Alternates need to try out again, though of course preferences tend to go to them.

First-years cannot try out to begin with, unless there aren't enough spaces to fill. If you are interested and a first-year, just PM me and I'll let you know if/when you can. That's it!
Isaiah had been thrilled to see the notice for gryffindor tryouts up on the board, keen to get back on the pitch and show the team what he got. He knew there still weren't any beater positions available other but he had been more than happy to play as an alternate last year and was more than willing to try out for it now. Plus, he thought he had done a pretty solid job last year. And he already knew the team by now. Well, most of the team after all now that the chaser spots had opened up which he was sure was going to be interesting for his cousin.

Walking onto the pitch Zay took a stand with the others, listening to Lysander speak and nodding along when he mentioned their loss to Hufflepuff which had been an absolute downer. When the boy was done speaking he confidently walked up to him and gave him a little head nod as greeting. "'Sup. I'm Isaiah, back to try out for beater." He grinned before taking up his bat and pushing off into the air and casually flying around for a bit. It was his third time trying out and while he hadn't been nervous the first time around he was even feeling more confident now. Getting his focus on, Zay watched the bludgers zooming around the pitch before making his pick of which one to follow. He locked his eyes on the bludger and chased after it, giving it a hard whack and watching it fly off in no particular direction just to get the feel of smacking a bludger again. Now that he had, it was game time. He chaser after another bludger and grinned when his bat connected with the ball. "Heads up!" He called out as he watched it soar towards one of the other players, glad his shot went in the right direction. Zay continued hitting a few more bludgers while simultaneously avoiding crashing into any other player that found their way into his path. Some of them hit their mark, others missed by a hair or just flew in no particular direction. He missed a few hits as well, but he didn't think that mattered. He had seen the most experienced beaters still miss shots after all. At the end of tryouts he touched back down on the ground with a familiar burning sensation in his arm and a confident smile on his face.
Chloë had known stepping out onto the pitch this year was going to feel off for a multitude of reasons. The most obvious being that her best friends wouldn't be there waiting. Another being that this would be her last year on the team. Actually stepping out onto the pitch felt weirder than she had thought it would though, even if it was just for tryouts. In the previous years she hadn't worried too about it too much because all three chaser positions had been filled. This year, it was just her. Which meant having two new kids join the team who she needed to learn to work with. It wasn't like that would so bad, but she knew she'd never be as in sync with them as she had been with her friends. Chloë shot Lysander a small smile when she reached him on the pitch, taking a stand and listening to what he had to say. Once he had finished talking she shot up into the air, commited to helping out the possible chaser hopefuls in any way she could. And perhaps silently observing and judging their skills. She was the one who would end up having to work together with them after all.
Hayzel was psyched for the tryouts. She had been preparing for it for the whole year last year. The day had finally come. She wondered if @Finn Lockley was there going to watch. She was among the first to come down to the pitch. She waved hello to Lysander. Once everyone was gathered, the captain spoke up, gave some instructions, and off they started.

When Hayzel got her turn, she faced Lysander, "Hayzel West for Beater.", she introduced before taking off for the skies with her bat. Once she got settled in the air, she set off for bludgers to hit. Sorry for whomever I hit, she cheekily thought the moment she spotted one. She tightened her grip and took aim for the bludger. Pulling her arm, she whacked it hard and watched it zoom and find its target. She flew a lap around the pitch, avoiding others and finding another one coming at her. She stopped, getting ready for it to be close enough. With a strong hit, she managed to squarely send it away. She grinned triumphantly. Two out of five. Three more. She leaned forward, zooming through the other fliers. She still got two more hits in, only missing one, before her time was up. Hayzel exhaled the moment she touched back down. She did her best hoping it was enough.
Stan had not planned on trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but after promising his family over the break that he would try and connect more with other students this year, he figured that he might as well try to do so while also doing something that he actually enjoyed. Quidditch. ''Hello, I am Stan and I will be trying out for Chaser,'' Stan told the Gryffindor captain, his Polish accent still clearly there even after all these years. He then mounted his broomstick and kicked himself off into the air. He would have to show the captain all that he had, especially since he had some pretty big shoes to fill in he wanted to make the team. He was determined enough, however, not to let anything stand in his way this morning and so raced towards the hoops to impress the captain. It wasn't going all too bad, he thought after managing to score two times in a row. Unfortunately, he missed his third and fourth attempt to score, throwing the ball wide twice. That was fine, there was still some time left to show the captain that he wasn't that awful at it. At the end of the practice, Stan flew down towards the ground and joined the other players again, very happy with the fact that he had managed to score for his fifth attempt as well. Hopefully it was enough for a spot in the team. He could definitely use more practice though.
Elara was still living off the high of making the team last year. Alternate Seeker was still a position, and she intended to get that spot back this year. She knew Flynn wasn't really a fan of hers, but maybe he wasn't a fan of anybody. Not letting that distill her spirit, she made her way down to the field and listened to Lysander before catcalling Zay as he took the air. She hoped he would make the team again, too.

"I'm Elara Chatelain, trying out for seeker again," she announced, before kicking off the ground and zooming around the pitch a few times, looking for the snitch. It took a while before she saw it, but seeing as she'd practiced this summer in between performing, Elara had a few tricks up her sleeve. She shot towards the gold ball, keeping her eye on it as it bounced away the sky before going around it to stop it in its tracks, clasping it in both hands. She held it up with a smirk and made sure Lysander saw her before releasing it. There was bludger that flew her way, and she ducked, much more aware of them now, and waited until she caught the snitch two more times before the tryouts ended. Hopefully, that was good enough to get on the team again.
Flynn arrived on the pitch with a yawn, stretching his arms above his head. Last year had pretty much sucked against Hufflepuff and Flynn was determined for Gryffindor to be better this time around. Not really paying attention to anyone else, the fifth year swung a leg over his broom before kicking off into the sky to get some practice in. Though he did also try and keep an eye on those trying out just out of interest. With two chaser spots opening up he hoped they would get some decent people trying out.
Zee knew she wanted to be on the Quidditch team. She had been hesitant last year, being only a second year. This year was different. She had put it off long enough. After a nice break, Zee had realized how much she enjoyed competitive sports. Her younger brother and her had played almost daily on the break, just about anything they could. The craving could no longer be pushed aside. She knew she had to at least try out this year. The young Gryffindor walked onto the Quidditch Pitch. She held her head high. She could feel those butterflies fluttering in her stomach. A common feeling she forced down as she could only ignore if she meant to do her best.

Zee listened to the Quidditch captain explain what was going to happen. It seemed a bit unplanned, but the young girl did not mind. At least she was able to fly if nothing else. She waited for that moment, tapping her foot as the second passed. Finally she was able to speak. "Hello. I'm Zee.. Well Zephryn Spencer." she said hating using her full name, but maybe it was necessary. "I'm trying out for the Chaser position." she announced. She did not want to say any more. It was time to show instead of just talk.

Zee swung her leg over the broom. Her hands placed on the broom handle in their proper place. She wasted no time as she kicked off the ground. Higher and higher. The wind blowing in her short hair as she balanced herself out. Oh this feeling She thought with a wide grin. As much as she would love to just enjoy the feeling, there was a competition at hand. She had to focus. She had to win. Zee's eyes glanced around the pitch.

She flew around, watching, waiting for her moment. The Quaffle was flying between people, but not her. She could feel her anger rising. She tried to calm down, taking deep breathes as her sister showed her. The young girl had to keep her head. She saw her chance. Zee grabbed the quaffle, her arm wrapping around it carefully, not letting it fall. She leaned forward, flying faster. Focus Focus She thought zig zagging a little before throwing the Quaffle into the hoop. Zee felt the feeling of pride fill her. She continued this action in various routes through the pitch. She made three goals, missing two. The missed ones threw her off, the second she did. Zee hated to lose.

The young Gryffindor had done her best, even if she would be kicking herself for weeks after missing two of the hoops. She definitely needed to blow off some steam as she flew around the pitch once more at her top speed before tilting her broom towards the ground to make a landing. She felt her feet hit the ground. Was that enough? She wondered.
Jingyi knew that making the Quidditch team wasn't going to be easy, but he was still confident. He had spent a lot of time practicing and was sure enough of his skill. And sure, he would be rather disappointed if he didn't end up making the team, but he was still only a second year. This was his first time trying out. He still had loads of time. (But of course he did want to make it first try just to prove to himself that he could do it).

Arriving on the pitch he had a smile on his face, gripping his broom tightly as he patiently listened to the Captain explain things. This was a lot more nerve-wracking than he thought it would be, but he was not letting it show on his face, instantly puffing his chest out as it was his turn. "My name is Jingyi Huang and I'm going to be trying out as chaser!" He had spent some time deliberating what position to actually go for, but had instead decided on chaser. He wasn't good enough for seeker, he was too short to be a good keeper and he didn't think he had good strength for whacking bludgers around, either.

Hopping on his broom he was quick to set off into the sky, trying to get as much practice in as possible. He spent most of his time shooting the quaffle and showing off his passing, making a couple of scores and avoiding any wild passes to teammates. Once his time was up and his feet were back on the ground, he was feeling pretty confident about himself. At least he hadn't done anything stupid or made a right fool of himself in front of the team. If he had then he really wouldn't know if he could ever show his face on the Quidditch pitch again.
Nikko was curious to see how this year's try outs would go. They had lost two great chasers that were going to be hard to replace. He listened to Lysander address the new students trying out before kicking off into the air and taking up his spot in front of the hoops. waiting to see who was trying out for chaser and if they were any good.
Ronald don't know how to be felt to enter again to the Hogwarts because he waiting for the badge for this vacation, but unfortunately his classmate and our seeker is our Prefect boy in our house of our year, but Ronald start his day to going to try out again in Gryffindor house to have glimpse or to play in actual much but, when the star align to him, he thinks in the positive way about the Prefect things that he gave his best and have a good reason why it is happening but as of now he wants to try out his position to become alternate keeper again.

Hello everyone I'm Ronald Lazarao and I applying to become an Alternate Keeper again, when Lysander said that time to start our try out, Ronald going to north hoop and to blocked the future chasers to attempt to score in my hoops, Ronald was so happy that his reflex on this position will be familiar and out of 25 attempt Ronald blocked and stop the quaffle 20 times, not but and he see the potential of our future chaser to have a good fight in out match against Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin, when the practice is done, Ronald came down to the ground and he wants to go to the lake area to breath some fresh air before he is going back to their common Room.
Bern try his luck again for this year he knew that the 2 graduating student last year their head boy and the funny one will be graduated so they have a 2 slots Chaser, Bern see his cousin he want to comfort his cousin about the Prefect things that he waited in our vacation but he not receive that badge he want to give him a space and wait if he is okay 100 percent.

Hi everyone I'm Bern Malakas and I want to try out for being Chaser, their Captain said to start the try out Bern grab his broomstick and fly above the ground and then he grab the quaffle he manage to score on the older keeper on the south side, He try his moves that he practice with his cousin like execution and a good technique to score, and as a moment 80 percent of his attempt will be scored, he enjoy every moment of try out and wish that he is the one to choose to become a new chaser, but it depends in our captain. When the time up to the try out Bern came down and then he coming back to his common room to rest.
Evie had been waiting for this moment for a very long time and had been practicing as much as she could with the little amount of resources that she had. Her parents hadn't bought her her own broom yet, but if she made the team and proved to be good then they promised they would get her one. For now, Evie had to make do with a second hand broom, but she sure it would be fine to try out on until she could improve her skills on a brand new one. The girl made her way promptly down to the pitch to try out, feeling a little nervous. She hadn't wanted anything so bad as this before and hoped that soon enough she would be out on the pitch playing an actual game and representing her house.

The second year gathered around with the rest of the Gryffindor students, smiling at some familiar faces. She really wanted to be part of this team. The captain spoke to them briefly and instructed them on what to do. Soon enough, he had finished and Evie was quick to join the line. When she made it to the front, she spoke to him. "Hi! My name is Evie! I want to try out for chaser and keeper. I don't know which one I prefer though. They're both so good! Just give me whichever one you think I'm better at... or whichever one you need more." she explained, unable to help herself rambling a little. She was just so nervous.

Firstly, Evie decided she would show her skills as a keeper, and so she mounted her broom before heading over to the hoops. She needed to stand her ground and this required having very quick reflexes. Evie had practiced this a few times at home. She thought she had became quite good with catching balls coming from every direction, and hoped that she would be able to show that to the captain. As someone began coming her way with the quaffle, Evie furrowed her brows, following their every move. They went for the right hoop first, and Evie quickly darted over there, only just managing to collect the ball before throwing it back out to them. They circled and came back, but this time they went for the middle hoop and Evie read them a little easier this time. She caught the ball with ease, throwing it back out and waiting for someone else to head over to her. She had done quite well with this, concentrating as hard as she could as she debated their every move. She managed to catch pretty much every shot that came her way.

Soon enough, when she thought she had demonstrated her skill enough, Evie then took a quaffle and began flying as fast as she could around the pitch in order to show the captain how good she was at being a chaser. She dodged some bludgers, only narrowly missing one that came at her from the corner of her eye. When she made it to the hoops, she didn't take too long at all deciding which one she would throw it towards. She made her way to the other side of the pitch this time, still not hesitating as she took a shot right for the middle hoop. It sailed right through and she beamed. Her decision making was very quick, and her aim fairly accurate. She had barely missed a shot throughout the whole tryout.

By the end of the tryout, Evie was very sweaty and tired. She thanked the captain before heading back to the castle for a nice shower and rest.
It was strange for Emma to be on the Quidditch pitch for tryouts this year, knowing it would be the final tryouts she would attend. She couldn't believe she was one of the oldest players on the team now, alongside Lysander and Chloë. She knew she was going to miss this a lot. She listened to Lysander's speech, smiling at his encouraging words. She just knew they were going to win the cup this year. She got on her broom and shot to the air, immediately looking for a bludger. She wasn't going to take it easy on these newbies. She wanted only the best people to make the team.
Try-outs are closed! Thanks to everyone who tried out (And good luck to everyone trying out next year! We're going to have a lot of spots)

Here's the new line-up:

BeaterLysander Summers
BeaterEmma van Houten
ChaserChloe Thompson
ChaserZephryn Spencer
ChaserStan Beckett
KeeperNikko Blackwood
SeekerFlynn North

Isaiah Thompson
Elara Chatelain
Ronald Lazarao

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