Y37 Hufflepuff Practice S2

Elliot stretched, flying in a slow circle above the pitch, eyes peeled.
Tilly thought she was ready for a big second breakfast and a nap. But she lobbed a bludger instead.
Elliot decided they could let practice go a tiny bit longer. It was getting later into the morning but he was still hoping maybe they could get another goal or he could at least spot the snitch one more time.

OOCOut of Character:
Reminder! Our final game is scheduled for tomorrow so get your last minute posts in now
Tilly hoped all this practice would pay off for the upcoming game against Ravenclaw.
Elliot tried not to think of his luck with the snitch this practice as a bad omen. He'd had plenty of great practices right before terrible games, so if anything, maybe he could believe it was a good sign.
Lillith wasn't sure where the quaffle came from but it seemed like it had magically popped into her hands. She took this magical opportunity and attempted to score. And it magically soared through the air and made it through the hoops.
After taking a short break to recoved, Abian returned to the air and grinned as Lillith managed to score. He grabbed the quaffle after she scored, flying a small lap with it before attempting to score as well. The quaffle sailed through again, which made him smile.
Lucas flew around, still looking for the snitch.
Elliot glanced over at Abian, trying to catch his eye to see if they should call the practice when he noticed something else moving behind the hoops as Abian moved to score. Not wasting any time this time, he forgot about ending practice and shot forward, weaving past the chasers. The snitch tried to shoot away, but Elliot was lucky enough to pick the right direction, cutting it off in time to scoop it in his fist triumphantly.
With the snitch in hand and the morning already getting on, Elliot couldn't find any more excuses to drag practice out any longer. "Okay guys, good job today. I'm feeling good about our upcoming game, but let's not relax too much," He said, whistling to the team to wrap up and meet him on the ground. "Let's get call it a day and get some breakfast."

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