Y37 Hufflepuff Practice S1 (2)

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (26)
Hufflepuff,PracticeElliot had left their last game feeling dejected, but after talking things over with Abian, he was feeling some renewed hope. Hufflepuff may have lost their chance for the house cup, but they could still come out of these season in good standings if they put in the effort. He just hoped he could prove to the team it was worth it.

In typical Spring fashion, the weather was unpredictable at best, and Elliot glanced warily at the dark clouds overhead as the team gathered on the pitch, hoping it wouldn't rain. "Hey guys, I know it's a lot to bump up our training like this right before exams, but we really think we have a chance at second this year, and I'm wiling to put in the work if you are," He said, resisting the urge to twist his broom nervously in his grip as he addressed the team. "Chasers, we'll be relying on you a lot in our game against Ravenclaw. If you guys can score enough goals before a snitch catch, then that'll put us high enough in the ranking to snag second place. Same to you, Linden. If you can stop Ravenclaw from scoring, we'll be in good shape. And beaters, if you saw the game with Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, then you know how important a role you play." Elliot was feeling more confident now, galvanized by having the battle plan he and Abian had discussed in place. He gave Abian a grateful glance before releasing the balls and blowing on his whistle, setting the practice in motion.

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals today, let's just get straight into it. This'll just be a short practice, we'll end it sometime next Tuesday, so get your posts in!
Abian gave Elliot a thumbs up, he had done a good job explaining the practice. He was a bit sad they weren't in the running for first place anymore, realistically, but second place wasn't a bad goal. Once the practice got started, Abian flew up and caught the quaffle. He looked around for chasers to pass to.
Once in the air, Elliot didn't want to waste any time before hunting down the sntich, hoping he could get a headstart before it completely vanished.
Lucas was eager for this other chance to prove himself. If the recent match had shown him anything, it was that it was pretty likely he would need to fill in for Elliot at some point. So he took to the air and started looking for the snitch immediately.
Tilly was more determined than ever to sharpen her skills after the Gryffindor/Slytherin game; that had been a bludger-palooza. She smacked a bludger away from her teammates, hitting no one.
Abian knew practicing passing was important, but he couldn't resist trying to score himself. He flew to the hoops Linden was guarding and tried to shoot the quaffle into the left hoop, but it was blocked. "Good job!" Abian said, though he was a little disappointed he hadn't managed to score.
Connor still felt horrible about their loss to Slytherin earlier this semester, and he was nervous about facing his teammates. Especially Elliot. If only Connor had managed to land a few more hits, maybe they would be preparing for the championship. But he joined his teammates on the pitch despite his worries, listening carefully as the practice begun. Once they started he kicked off into the air, bat firmly in hand, and started looking around to get an idea of the bludgers' positions.
Elliot was glad that most of the team seemed determined to work hard. Despite rekindling his own resolve after talking to Abian, he had been worried the rest of the team wouldn't feel the same way and they'd loose momentum. He was grateful that didn't seem to be the case yet, flying higher to get a good view of the pitch.
Lucas stayed close to Elliot, watching him closely as he also looked an eye out for the snitch. He wanted to learn from Elliot, so he figured watching him was a good idea.
Hunter nodded at Elliot, this practice was basically on top of the exam season but it was just a few hours. Hunter could go back to reading books after, he wanted to show that he was committed to the team.
The Hufflepuff second year flew high in the hair and waved at Abian showing that he was free if he wanted to pass the quaffle.
Elliot had to double-take when he saw Lucas lingering nearby, giving him a quick smile as the alt. seeker watched him. His expression faltered when he spotted the snitch dancing behind Lucas' head though, and Elliot shot past him, darting tightly around Lucas as he snatched up the snitch. "Sorry if I scared you," He said with a laugh, waving the snitch by way of explanation. Hopefully that boded well for their next game Elliot mused before releasing the snitch.

OOCOut of Character:
By the way chasers, if someone has scored or attempted to score, the quaffle is fair game to take possession of, no need to wait like we would in a normal game.
Lucas smiled back at Elliot, but then his smile faltered as the boy suddenly flew at him. He yelped, turning to see what he was doing. Too late, he realized the snitch must have been right behind him. He blushed furiously, but nodded. "Uh, no you didn't, it's fine." He said quickly, though he had obviously been scared. He watched as Elliot let go of the snitch, and saw the direction it disappeared in. Wanting to prove himself and recover from that blunder, he shot after it, flattening himself onto his broom to keep up. He reached out and grabbed the snitch out of the air, grinning as he held it up. "Woo!"
Abian waited near the hoops, observing who would grab the quaffle next. He wanted to see how the other chasers worked together, and see if they'd have more luck than him scoring.
Tilly whacked a particularly lazy bludger. She slapped it hard, sending it across the pitch, but she still couldn't convince it to move out and get a job.
Connor flew after the bludger Tilly had hit, bat gripped tightly as he chased after it hoping to get a good hit in.
Elliot was impressed when Lucas took off after the snitch after he released it. He followed after him, though he had to admit he wasn't fully committed to chasing it down like Lucas was. It was even more impressive when it paid off and Lucas was able to hold up the snitch as well, Elliot beamed at him, clapping as Lucas held it up. "Wow, nice catch," He said, even more hopeful for their team's upcoming chances.
Did both of the seekers seriously catch the snitch, one after the other? "Good job, guys!" Tilly shouted. She lobbed a bludger away from them, hoping she would have just as much luck as Elliot and Lucas. Except with delivering pain in the form of an iron ball. (Not that she really wanted to hurt her teammates.)
Elliot appreciated Tilly's encouragement, even if he felt that should usually be his job. He took a moment to check in on the rest of the team before giving Lucas a quick nod and moving to survey the pitch again.
Tilly smashed a bludger at @Connor Holland, hoping he would return it. Instead, it nicked him. "Oops, sorry Connor!" she hollered.
Lillith took a hold of the quaffle after Abian tried to put it in the hoops. She decided to try for her own attempt but Linden was able to block it.
Tilly still felt bad about hitting Connor, but after the first practice and game, she wasn't as distraught. She hit a bludger towards the general milieu and missed.
Elliot knee he wasn’t about to pull off another miracle catch so soon, but he was still feeling good as he circled the pitch.
Lillith grabbed the ball as it was thrown back into the game and flew around to look for another person to pass the quaffle to.
Tilly decided to play with gravity after Connor's miraculous bludger hit against the Slytherin keeper in their last game. She advanced on a bludger, rising just above it, and smashed it as hard as she could towards the ground. It dropped, dropped, dropped, and then turned itself around, floating back up to no player in particular. Huh. It didn't carry quite the same velocity as Connor's wonder bludger.
Scanning the pitch, Elliot's heart sped up when he spotted some movement near the Southeastern edge of the pitch. Ignoring the rest of the team for the moment, he shot after it, tailing it around the lower part of the hoops and then out towards center pitch. He knew he probably should try to stay aware of his surrounding so he didn't take a bludger like he had last year, but Elliot could only focus on his out stretched hand and the snitch in front of him until his hand closed around and he held it up contently. He could only hope he and the team played this well in their next match.

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