Y37 Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice S1

Édelie watched Gaby catch the quaffle and started fly back out when she was approached by Mualla. The girl knew her captain was just trying to encourage her so she gave a small smile and then kept flying, hoping that things might pick up soon.
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Gemma grinned when Hugo asked if she had practiced over the break. "A little." she admitted. She winced as a bludger came from behind and hit Hugo before she could stop it. "Sorry." she groaned.
Aramis drummed his fingers on his broom handle. He was starting to get into the swing of things now, bludger hit aside, and was having a pretty good time.
Mualla couldn't find anything to hit so observed the team again for a bit, making mental notes on how everything was going and if she could somehow put everything she saw in future strategies and tactics.
Aramis got a little distracted watching the others play for a moment, realizing he should be watching Édelie with the quaffle.
Gemma was determined to do a better job protecting Hugo and she didn't have to wait long before an opportunity presented itself. A bludger was coming right for Hugo and she reached out and hit it away before it got too close. She aimed for one of the chasers to make it up to Aramis to give him a bit of a break. @Édelie de la Mora
Turning his attention to Édelie, Aramis had a front row view when Gemma hit her with a bludger, wincing in sympathy. He was curious if she'd be able to hold onto the quaffle after that hit.
Gemma twirled the bat in her hand as she waited for another bludger to show itself. She spotted one up ahead and raced to meet it. But in her excitement she missed the bludger entirely and frowned.
OOC: I can't find where I ended up with the quaffle but I went ahead and failed to score so now it's free game.

Édelie was about to attempt a score when she felt a pain in her shoulder which sent the quaffle flying but not with the power she wanted or the right direction. Since she was close enough to the hoops, she hoped Aramis could catch wherever it went. She had never been hit by a bludger and didn't really appreciate the pain now radiating in her upper arm. The girl flew out a little ways allowing someone else to start the quaffle.
OOC: that may have been my bad misreading a post oops :r
Aramis wasn't surprised when the bludger hit threw Édelie's aim off, able to scoop the quaffle up without much effort. He gave her a sympathetic look before throwing it back out to the team.
OOC: It's okay :lol:

Édelie shook off the pain in her shoulder as she caught the quaffle as Aramis threw it back in, flying back out see if Gaby or the other chasers were nearby for a few passes.
Gemma took a moment while the bludgers appeared to be hiding and watch the rest of the team as they practiced. The chasers seemed to be doing alright, and Aramis seemed to be holding his own against them. And if she considered her own streak of bludger hits they weren't doing half bad for a team that had never played together before.
Édelie didn't see an easy pass and continued toward the hoops, trying to score yet again but overshot her throw. She blamed it on the hit to her shoulder.
''Good hit,'' Mualla called out to Gemma. Ilvermorny would have a difficult time if the Beauxbatons Beaters were on a roll, which she could only hope they would be.
Bludgers weren't her thing this game, somehow they all seemed to go to Gemma. Maybe she was some Quidditch Prodigy and Élise had the worst luck today, but nothing seemed to hit.
Hit again.

Sophia groans out loud, tossing her head back. She shakes it off as best as she could and return to searching for that damn snitch.
Hugo felt pretty bad for Sophia, who was hit twice. He had only been hit once, and it already really hurt. He looked around for the snitch, a bit frustrated that neither seeker had managed to catch it yet.
´Edelie took a turn on her broom to get some distance between herself and the hoops as she waited for the quaffle to be thrown back in.
Muallla knew that both seekers had been hit once or twice already, so decided to take it slow for a little while.
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Édelie came at him again, and Aramis watched a little miffed as the shot flew over his head and hoop entirely. He shrugged, flying down to scoop up the quaffle before it could get too close to the ground, and threw it back into the game.
Édelie ended up being the closest to the quaffle as Aramis threw it back in and then took her time as she looped around, trying to figure out if there was a way to pysch him out and score.
Aramis hovered around the centre hoop, watching with vague confusion as he tried to track where Édelie was heading now that she had the quaffle.
Mualla chased one of the bludgers after she spotted it at the other end of the pitch. She still wanted to keep the beaters on their toes, make sure they were still vigilant. She aimed it towards Élise at first with the hope that she could deflect it, but saw that it went off course and hit @Gabrielle Perrault instead. She mouthed a sorry as she flew past the girl, hoping she was ok.
Gemma looked around for another bludger to hit but couldn't seem to spot any at all. It was frustrating but she had to realize she had been on a streak and it was only fair for the rest of the team for her to give them a break.
Édelie thought about passing to Gaby again but saw her get hit with a bludger. Wincing, she flew quickly towards the hoops, throwing the quaffle. She didn't score, yet again.

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