Y37 Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice S1

Edelie started to fly back in towards to hoops, looking for anyone to pass to as she saw a teammate get hit with a bludger. She winced and kept going forward.
Aramis watched as Édelie made a lap, but his attention was drawn away by Gemma continuing to menace the other players and he winced in sympathy as she nailed Sophia with another bludger.
Edelie saw Aramis look towards Gemma for a moment and thought it might be her chance to score. Unfortunately, she missed and hit the edge of the hoop.
Gemma was feeling confident again and it was too long before she spotted another bludger. This time she was aiming for one of the other beaters but the angle must have been off cause it went wide and hit Aramis instead. This was the first time she actually felt bad about making a hit, and shot him an apologetic look. Since it was mostly her fault for making such a bad hit in the first place. @Aramis Faroe
Aramis was completely distracted when Édelie took her shot, glad that her aim was slightly off so his slow reaction time was as obvious. Apparently it was unfortunate he'd taken his eyes off of Gemma to throw the quaffle back in, because the ball had barely left his hands when a bludger smacked into him. "Ow! Why me?" He lamented, cradling his sore arm ruefully. In Gemma's defense he had had the quaffle, but it still sucked.
Gemma laughed and rolled her eyes at her friend. "Nothing personal!" she called back to Aramis. If he could complain, she couldn't have hit him that hard. She was ready to test her aim again as she hovered near Hugo, but there were no bludgers around, whatsoever and she sighed.
Édelie caught the quaffle as Aramis threw it back and watched him get hit. She knew it was part of the game but didn't like that part so much. She flew back out into the field, hoping to get a few passes in before anyone tried to score again.
Grousing to himself, Aramis rolled his shoulder a few times as he watched Édelie take off with the quaffle.
Gaby winced as two of their teammates got hit one after another. She moved around the field, sticking close to Édelie as she took off with the quaffle.
Somehow the bludgers were still avoiding her. Gemma was doing great so that was something for the beaters. Maybe all the bludgers were going to Gemma and avoiding her like the plague.
Hugo grinned at Gemma as she joined him at his side. "You're doing really well." He told her when she hit yet another played. "Did you practice a lot during the break or something?"
Élise was looking around for bludgers, but she couldn't find any. This was getting frusterating.
As Mualla watched the seekers play, she noticed something coming towards her out of the corner of her eyes. She spun around on her broomstick when the bludger flew past her, following it until she could catch up to it. Once she had done so, she took a swing at it with her bat and aimed it towards @Hugo De Rosier.
Hugo yelped when a bludger hit him, he spun mid-air, quickly feeling sick. He winced, rubbing his back. Then he flew off in search of the snitch again.
The bludger hit was settling into a dull ache as Aramis watched the pitch, grimacing in sympathy as Hugo got hit as well. You could never get too comfortable with this game, he surmised.

Instead of waiting to see what Édelie would do Gaby decided to make things a bit more difficult for her fellow chaser, getting closer in an attempt to steal the quaffle away from under her grip. Once she had her hands on the quaffle she pushed forward, turning her head to shoot Édelie an apologetic smile. "Sorry!"
Édelie got distracted by a flying bludger for one moment and felt the quaffle fall from her arm. She turned to see Gaby speeding away and quickly shot down afterward with a grin on her face. This kind of thing would help her be better in their games than just taking attempts at scoring.
Gaby chuckled when Édelie shot after her, tossing the quaffle back to the other girl once she got close enough to keep things interesting and possibly make things a bit more difficult for their keeper to keep track as well. @Édelie de la Mora
Édelie saw Gaby toss the quaffle back to her and barely caught it, hugging her arm close to her body to hold the quaffle in place. Catching balls while flying was much harder than on the ground. She took a chance to score against Aramis but was unsuccessful yet again.
Mualla made sure that Hugo was ok before moving on, flying laps around the pitch and keeping an eye out for whatever was happing around her.
Édelie wondered what she was doing wrong. Maybe she needed to take a sneakier approach to scoring, but if she couldn't even score against her own teammate, how would she fair against Ilvermorny?
Gaby was glad Édelie had managed to catch her pass, only to be a little disappointed when the action hadn’t proven useful in scoring. She caught the quaffle when Aramis tossed it back out.
Mualla flew alongside Édelie after she missed her attempt to score. "Hey, don't feel discouraged just yet. You've already showed me what you've got during try-outs, so don't think too much about it, okay? You've got this." Giving her nod, she flew away from her friend again, back to watching the Beaters for a bit.
Aramis watched mildy as the chasers stole and then passed the quaffle back and forth, doing his best to keep an eye on it until they were close enough to score. He was relieved to be able to knock Édelie's shot aside before tossing it back out to Gaby.
Gaby circled around the pitch for a while before moving back towards the hoops and attempting another shot. She frowned for a second when it went wide, before shrugging it off and hovering in place as she waited for someone else to catch it when it was tossed out.

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