Y37 Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice S1

Gemma saw a bludger coming this time and squared up to hit it towards Elise, since the seekers had been the target of enough of their shots. But at the last second the bludger went wide and it veered off into the wrong direction and hit one of the chasers instead. @Gabrielle Perrault
Aramis was trying to keep an eye on Edelie, though his attention was drawn away when Gaby was hit by another bludger and he let out a sympathetic hiss.
Édelie saw Aramis look away for a moment and took this as her chance to attempt to score. Unfortunately, she missed and swung her broom around in frustration. What was the point in her being on the team if she couldn't score?
After such an off course bludger hit Gemma had hopped to redeem herself. But it looked like there were no bludgers to be seen.
Gaby had smiled at Édelie’s words, following the other girl again once she caught the quaffle. She was still clearly feeling the impact of that first bludger hit when she got hit by a second one in the shoulder which seemed to hurt worse than the first one. Gaby could feel tears prickle in her eyes as she continued to follow Édelie. “Hey, you’ll get it!” She tried to smile through her pain at the older girl before catching the quaffle when it was thrown back out.
Mualla blew on her whistle after Gaby got hit by a bludger. With three players on the verge of having to visit the nurse, it was best to let the beaters know that those three people should not be targeted starting now. "Alright, beaters, listen up! Sophia, Hugo and Gaby have been hit enough today, let's give them a bit of a rest, yeah? Anyone else is still fair game!" She was confident in her beaters, especially in Gemma, that they could get the job done in a real match so there was no need to actually take them out of practice. "Continue!"
@Gemma Thorne @Élise Moreau
Gaby was glad to hear the beaters now had to pay attention not to hit her. They were doing a solid job though and she could only hope they'd do as well in an actual match which could definitely increase their chances. Trying her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her shoulder she carried on, keeping the quaffle secure as she took a lap.
Élise nodded she understood why the captain didn't want to have three players out of the practice before they even had their first game. Although she hadn't hit anyone, Gemma was doing a great job. Bludgers just didn't like her today, it was annoying.
Gaby looked around to see if she could pass the quaffle to someone else, feeling like she wasn't get far with both sides hurt. When she didn't see an opportunity she decide to move towards the hoops anyways. Biting through the pain she threw the quaffle with as much strength as she could muster, happily surprised to see it sail through the hoop.
Mualla observed the team from a distance once more and was happy to see that the chasers had already developed such good chemistry together.
This was getting so frustrating. So far she hadn't hit a single bludger and half of the time she couldn't even find the nasty buggers. They probably took a week vacation or went all straight to Gemma.
Édelie smiled at Gaby's encouragement and then paused when Mualla told the beaters they weren't allowed to target some of the players. That meant she was more likely to be hit. She followed Gaby towards the hoops, grinning when she scored, and caught the quaffle as it was thrown back in.
Élise groaned she was so done with the bludgers. She wasn't hitting a dam thing and in a swipe of annoyance with her bat she accidentally hit a bludger. The bludger collided with @Mualla Avar. The one she didn't want to hit.
Gaby took it easy for a second, casually flying behind Édelie when she caught the quaffle.
Aramis was busy watching the bludgers that he nearly missed Édelie making her shot. Thankfully, her aim was off enough that it didn't slip threw, and he threw the quaffle back out to the chasers. Gaby took a shot next and Aramis was sure she'd be moving slower than she was after all the bludger hits. He'd been wrong about that though, and it cost him the goal. He sheepishly moved to throw it back in again, hoping that Mualla's call to stop hitting half the team wouldn't make the beaters focus on him instead.
Mualla had not been paying attention to what was happening around her when the bludger hit her in her side. Yep, they still hurt a lot. She gave Élise the thumbs-up and decided to be a bit more vigilant from now on. ''Good one, Élise!'' she called out. Whether the beater had truly meant to hit her or not, it was still a good hit.
Half of the team was injured by bludgers by now. So far she had one bludger that was a direct hit, but she knew others weren't so lucky. Élise stood by her seeker and hoped for another bludger to come near her so she could show why she was a legit beater.
Getting herself back in the game Gaby picked up her speed, moving in on Édelie and stealing the quaffle from her. They had been doing pretty good as a team so far and she didn’t really want to attempt to steal it, but she knew it would also be smart to practice stealing and protecting the quaffle. She gave the older girl a smile, slightly pushing forward with the quaffle now in her possession.
Édelie had gotten too comfy and missed Gaby's successful attempt to steal the quaffle until it was gone from her hand. She smirked back at the girl and chased after her, maybe hoping to steal the quaffle back.
Mualla was clutching the place where the bludger had hit her as she flew around the pitch, wishing the bludgers would hurt a little less.
Trying not to get paranoid about bludgers, Aramis kept an eye on the chasers. When Gaby stole the quaffle, he switched his attention to keeping an eye on her as she approached the hoops.
Gaby continued flying towards the hoops, only passing the quaffle back to @Édelie de la Mora at the very last moment in the hopes of keeping Aramis on his toes as well.
Aramis was ready for Gaby to make a shot, but she passed it quickly to Édelie and he had to move quickly to change position.
Édelie kept an eye on Gaby and then saw the quaffle come towards her. Clasping her arm around it, she flew in front of the hoops and tossed the wauffle with great force. When it made its way through the hoops, Edelie leaned back and shot both hands into the air as a cheer.
Aramis was too slow to block Édelie, still lined up to block Gaby. It had been a good maneuver and he raised a hand to acknowledgement as Édelie cheered before throwing the quaffle back into play.

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