Y33 Wheelbarrow Race: Spectators

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Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
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Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (64)
OOCOut of Character:
This topic is for spectators of the wheelbarrow race to RP. The race itself can be followed here. Have fun!
Professor Kingsley hadn't managed to secure a partner for the event, so she was on the sidelines. Still, she was eager to watch the face and cheer on the professors. As the race began, the woman cupped her hands around her mouth and let out a loud cheer, a grin crossing her face as she watched her son, a few yards away, do the same.
Jacob grinned at his mom and then turned his attention back to the race. He'd made sure to arrive early, wanting a good spot to watch the race and cheer on Professor Summers and Professor Ateara. He didn't know any of the students in the race well enough, and the two professors were his favorite in the school. Jacob wished he'd thought to look for a partner and enter himself, but he'd launched himself right into prep for the quidditch game upon his return to the castle, and by the time he'd even heard about the race, sign ups had closed. But cheering everyone on would be fun enough and he was good at it. Jacob hoped some of his friends would push their way up to the front beside him.
Amaya had never really cared about the Wheelbarrow race. Not even when her cousin had competed last year. For some reason though... She had decided to come see Kace and his friend compete. She shook her head, deciding not to think too much on it. She spotted the Kingsley boy as she arrived, but decided not to speak to him. He was the twins' friend. She had no reason to speak to him. She held her notebook in her arms, standing to the side. When she thought Kace saw her, she smiled and gave him a small wave.
Adorah was excited to watch another sporting event at Hogwarts. She was looking forward to her second set of classes, and this event was a great way to start off the semester. She took a seat by herself among the stands towards the front row. Being short had its perks of guilting people into letting you have a better view. She scooted to the edge and began watching as the contestants took off, all of them looking rather ridiculous as they tried to make it to the finish line.
Chante came along to watch the wheelbarrow race when she found out her mom would be competing. The woman was tall, taller than everyone in this school and Chante was curious to see how that will work out for her with her grand structure. Chante sat behind a first year who she met before school began last year. In fact, Chante helped her up when she fell over in the book shop that she worked at. "Hey, how's the nose?" Chante smiles down at the small girl.
Sophie felt like she couldn't miss the event, even if she had no real interest in the race. It had to be covered for the paper, so here she was with her notebook in hand. There were a few other spectators here, but Sophie mostly stayed away from them. There was no one she recognized. Once the race started, Sophie focused on what was happening, hoping to write enough notes to help create a good coverage of the event for the newspaper.
While Angel had initially been disappointed at being unable to snag a partner for the race, he figured he may have gotten the better end of the stick being on the sidelines after all. Leaning back in a conjured lawn chair, he lowered his sunglasses for a moment to smile over at Professor Kingsley before returning his attention to the race, giving an over enthusiastic cheer when the runners took off. Summers and the other professor, Ateara, looked liked quite the odd couple with the height difference, but Angel figured he liked their odds.
"10 Galleons on those two." He said to Kingsley, motioning to the pair and smiling.
The woman grinned back easily at her colleague, though it took a moment to remember his name. She knew the class he taught- Herbology- but his name took a few moments longer before it finally came to her. By then, he'd made his bet and the woman narrowed her eyes at him. It was exactly who she would've chosen, and now that he'd made it a competition, she had no choice but to pick a different team and cheer them to victory. "No way" Kingsley dismissed his pick, her own original choice for victors. "Matt and Kahurangi have got this. I'll see your ten galleons and raise you a bottle of goblin wine" she added with a wink before turning back to cheer her new favorite team on.
Lars was coming to watch the Wheelbarrow race even though he didn't really know why. He stood with the other spectators, watching the race quietly. Blake and Tyler were of course participating, and while Lars didn't really care who won, he was hoping they wouldn't. His gaze often went to Elliot who was paired up with a Gryffindor boy he didn't really know. He wondered if this was difficult to do, and assumed it would be. If he was trying this, he knew he would probably fall on his face. He gasped as the gnomes appeared, hoping that none of them would get hurt.
Lily was very late. She had been too caught up reading and lost track of the time. She dashed to the race, dismayed to find it had already started. She slipped through the crowd until she came to a stop next to Lars. She laid a gentle hand on his arm, out of breath. She struggled to catch her breath as her eyes scanned for Elliot.

Her blue eyes widened as she saw him amidst the gnomes. She knew him well enough that she could practically see the nerves coming off him. Cupping her hands to her mouth, Lily Lockwood did something she had never done before. "El!" She yelled to him, "You've got this!" She encouraged him loudly. She was surprised with herself, but in a good way. She had never yelled at anything before.
Angel grinned when Kingsley took him on his bet, nodding and leaning back smugly in his chair. "You're on. No mercy!" He called out to Summers and Ateara, applauding as Summers elbowed a stray gnome into a pair of students. "I suppose I can see the whole team building angle of this, but I imagine it's extra satisfying if you've got a colleague or student out there you're not too happy with," He mused, watching the newly appeared specter drop slime on the competitors. "It's certainly a spectacle."
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