Y28 Club Fair

Clementine skipped into the Great Hall where she knew the Club Fair was taking place. She knew Eleanor was now in charge of the Wild Patch Club and Clementine had no obligation to be here as a member, but she figured the Hufflepuff could use some help so Clementine was happy to lend a hand. "Hi Eleanor!" she said as she walked up to the booth. "Do you need help?" she asked. "I can yell too!" she said as a serious offer, having heard Eleanor yell to get attention. If it worked for the Brotherhood it could work for the Wild Patch Club. Clementine already had flowers twisted into her hair that was in two braids, but she picked up a flower crown from the table and put it on her head anyway, giggling a little.
While Lennon was in the midst of talking to the two interested girls, someone else approached his booth. Lennon was excited by the idea of so many eager prospects and hoped they seriously considered joining so he knew it was up to him to convince them. He chuckled when he recognized who the girl was, she was in his year and one of Zara's friends. "Sure, here you go Lilyanna," he said calmly, passing her a slip to sign and not at all thrown off by her abrasive approach. He let her have some time to herself so she could look it over and fill it out and turned back to the first year. He could tell she wasn't too pleased by having been interrupted but smiled encouragingly at her. "I'd say don't sell yourself short!" he winked at her. "Aim high and worst case scenario would be intern?" he explained, hoping she would be okay with those chances. He wasn't entirely sure which members would be returning, especially under his leadership, so he could always use the extra help.
Lilyanna didn't care how rude she might have sounded to anyone that was at the stall. She just took the piece of paper off Lennon and began to fill it out. The second last question was the hardest as Lilyanna did not think she was good at anything and had no real talent to be able to be anywhere as near good as some of the already existing writers. Nonetheless, she wrote down as much about herself as she could, even if some of it wasn't the best, and handed it back. "Was that a test or something?" she asked Lennon, not caring about the other people he was talking to. "Or am I just in?" Lilyanna wanted to get it over and done with. There were too many people at the fair and she just wanted to be back in her dormitory alone as soon as possible.
Solomon had never been one for group activities. He liked to do things on his own, or with just one other he could trust. It was always easier that way. Less chance for people to mess things up or get on his nerves. It was better not to give others the opportunity to let him down. But now, his closest friend seemed to be off joining extra-curricular activities - Quidditch, Heta Omega. He realised he was going to have less time with his her and needed to at least try to branch out before he was left behind. Yet, very few of the clubs he'd heard about interested him. Bar one.

Striding into the Great Hall, the boy almost immediately regretted his decision to attend the fair. There was so much yelling from all sides. The Brotherhood rang out the most, and Solomon made a mental note to avoid it. It sounded almost as obnoxious as its leader. Instead, he bee-lined for the one stall that held the slightest shred of interest. "Wild Patch Club." He read aloud, eyes darting from the rainbow flags, to the flower crowns, and finally settling on its leader. "I don't know what a gardening club has to do with LGBT. Do you have any events actually related to the roots of your club, or do you sit around making-" He flicked the petals of a nearby flower crown. It belonged in a cauldron, not wound into some sort of accessory. "-these all the time? I'm looking for a group that's actively interested in growing herbs and other flora for magical use, not to sit around making daisy chains and singing Kumbaya in the gardens."
After the ridiculous over reaction to their previous issue, Diane was surprised any of the current Hogwarts monthly staff had been allowed back for the new year, but they had and Lennon had even been made editor. Diane did not envy his job given tha everything would ultimately be his fault if the staff didn't like their style of reporting again. The Slytherin had slept in that morning since she wasn't desperate to join any new clubs. When she finally got out of bed, showered and dressed she decided to head to the Hogwarts monthly stand to help Lennon out. When she arrived and saw who was at the stand she struggled to contain her excitement. "Lily! Are you signing up?" She asked her friend fighting the urge to hug her. She then turned to Lennon and smiled at him, "Hey chief, thought I'd lend a hand,"
Olivia was a little nervous about making her way to the Heta omega table at the ub fair. When she found out who the new co-presidents were it made her uneasy, her best friend and her ex girlfriend. Maddie being in Heta was going to be bad enough but now she was President, Olivia was regretting more and more turning down the role. She sighed and made her way into the hall and over to the table with a smile plastered on her face. "Izzy! Congratulations madam co-president," She said hugging her friend. Olivia then turned to Maddie, last time they had seen each other Liv had been crying. "Maddie, congratulations to you too," She said a little awkwardly and turned her full attention to Izzy. "I'm here to help," She declared.
Corrine had been walking around for a bit, but none of the clubs that were around intrigued her. The Brotherhood didn't seem it'd let her join if she tried, but the Heta Omega didn't feel quite right. Corrine wasn't wanting to get dirty making flower crowns, and the boy who was there talking to the leaders didn't exactly look the friendliest so she stayed away. And she definitely didn't want to write for the school paper. That sounded like extra work, and she was hoping to find a club that would give her a reason to do less work than she already did. With a sigh, Corrine decided to do one final lap before heading out.
Therese heard something about clubs she could join. And she really wanted too, she loved meeting new people and in a club you could make friends from different houses. And next to that you were part of something and that seemed nice. So the Swedish girl walked over to a girl that she heard shouting if you loved Herbology join Wild Patch something. So Therese was directly excited, because she had enjoyed Herbology so far and loved flowers and other plants. '' Hello! I've heard you saying something about flowers, and I love them!'' she said with a friendly smile to the girl that seemed older. She also saw another girl standing that was perhaps waiting of a answer from the girl too. '' I'd really like to join this club, it sounds like a lot of fun!'' she said after hearing what she had said to the other girl. Perhaps April would join a club too, she would ask the girl or perhaps walk into her here.
The slytherin was curious about what things the school would have on offer for her, she didn't know what kind of things it might have, but Bao was interested in possibly trying to start something for students like her who were not from New Zealand originally. The girl wanted to first of all see what else there was on offer to her, she wandered the hall, not interested in the brother hood or the school paper, those weren't really things that interested her, the only two that did was the sisterhood, a good place to meet people she was sure, but then there was also the club with the flowers, it seemed to have other things, rainbow flags and flower crowns, she had seen in the grounds the gardens and perhaps it was there that this group got it's flowers. Lauv wasn't particularly interested in getting her hands dirty but she was interested in being closer and having great accessibility to the flowers that were in the school and perhaps this was how, although since there were a few others she decided to just wait till a few had cleared up before she signed herself up.
Matthew had been unsure about whether or not to even come to this thing. Clubs sounded like a good way to meet more people, but at the same time he wasn't sure if he was the sort of person that would do well in a club. He was looking around to see if anything caught his attention, but not many things jumped out at him. He thought of joining the newspaper because he loved photography, but the reason that he loved it was because he could pour his heart and soul into it and make it very personal. He didn't think he would enjoy doing it for a paper.

Shouting caught his attention and he turned to see James, the boy he had met outside. He went up to his booth and hesitated for a short moment. The brotherhood sounded like it could be good. Matthew had never been very good at making male friends, but maybe that would be good for him. He smiled uncertainly. "I'd like to sign up." He told James. He saw Maddie in the booth next to him and gave her a smile and a quick wave before writing his name and house on a piece of parchment.
When Ellie saw a familiar face, she beamed. It was Clementine and she was asking if Eleanor needed any help. "Of course!" the Hufflepuff exclaimed. "Did you want to wear a flower crown?" Eleanor handed one out to her, happy that she wasn't on her own anymore. Yelling and answering people's questions at the same time was quite difficult and having Clementine there was surely going to make things run smoother.

The next person to walk over to the stall was a younger Slytherin and Ellie listened as he began to complain and say things about the club that obviously weren't true. Eleanor simply giggled at him. "Well, we obviously don't do what you want, so why are you here?" she asked, realising the boy was just being stupid. His words didn't hurt Eleanor's feelings at all and had in fact made her want to laugh out loud. The Wild Patch Club has been extremely successful for a long time, even before Ellie joined it, and so just because Orwell wasn't there anymore to run it, that didn't mean it was going to get worse.

Soon enough, the girl's yelling had attracted the attention of another person. "Hello!" Eleanor beamed. The girl mentioned that she had loved flowers and Eleanor felt that would make her a perfect fit. "Of course you can join!" Eleanor reached underneath the table for the sign-up sheet and a quill. "Just sign your name and you're in!" The fourth year smiled at her, always happy to make the first years feel welcome.
"Are you deaf?" Solomon pressed on, looking genuinely concerned for the girl running the stall. "Sorry, I didn't know. I'll talk slower, since you didn't answer my question. Do-you-actually-do-anything-Herbology-related." He repeated slowly, enunciating each word as clearly as he could, so she could read his lips. Merlin she was daft, it wasn't a difficult question. He was asking if it was worth his time to join, or if they were advertising under false pretenses. "You're called the Wild Patch club, so I'm asking if you do more than these Pride events and flower crown making. Is that easier for you to understand? Do you have a little helper who can use sign language for you?"
The Hogwarts Monthly stall was beginning to get extremely crowded and Lilyanna was even more eager to get out. Diane had quickly approached her, asking her if she was joining. With a small nod in reply, Lilyanna didn't bother waiting for Lennon to answer her again and turned around to walk out of the great hall and back to her common room. But before she was able to make it out she was distracted by some trash talk from her sister's stall nearby and stood still as a boy began asking Eleanor if she was deaf. He was talking to her as if she was silly and Lilyanna knew her better than that. She slowly made her way over there. "Who are you?" Lilyanna asked the boy as soon as she'd made it close enough. "She's not deaf."
Eleanor was beginning to become fed up by the boy at her stall. She tuned out halfway through whatever he was saying to her, right after he accused her of being deaf. He said it like it was a bad thing to be deaf when it obviously wasn't. It surprised her even more when she noticed her sister approaching and Ellie put her head in her hands, not wanting the situation to get worse. Ignoring her sister, Eleanor looked back up and retaliated. "No-I-am-not-deaf." she said, mocking the boy as she also enunciated each word. "But you are obviously dumb. Of course this is Herbology related. Do you even know what Herbology is? You'll find out the stuff we do during the year. If you don't want to join then go away."
October's first year at Hogwarts had been nothing but lonely. Lonely, lonely, and she didn't know what she could do about it now. It felt like the only thing she had any time or energy for was schoolwork, and she wasn't quite part of the busy, bustling social world all around her. She had held off on joining any clubs last year, but now that she had a better handle on just how much schoolwork there was here, October had made up her mind that joining a club was probably her best chance at having any friends outside her loud, loud stepsister.

She had done her research on the clubs the school had to offer beforehand, and come the club fair October knew exactly what she was interested in. Something with an emphasis on companionship, and not too much extra work, as tempting as the magazine was. Bypassing all the other tables, October approached the Heta Omega table directly. "Hello, I'd like to join Heta Omega, please." She said politely.
Clubs had never been much of Caro's thing, but it seemed like the best way to get settled and make some friends in this school, and it certainly helped that Lizzie wasn't in any of them. She approached the fair not sure what to expect, but hoping there would be something to suit her interests. As she meandered around the stalls though, Caro couldn't help but find it disappointing. Flowers, girl-club (what did that even do?), snore, snore, snore. Caro was about to give up on the whole venture and leave when she spotted one booth that looked mildly interesting. Approaching the Hogwarts Monthly booth, Caro looked things over. "Hogwarts Monthly? Is this like a newspaper or something?"
Another girl who looked decidedly like the one Solomon was speaking to decided to butt in on his conversation from another stall. Siblings, he guessed. Of course she needed someone to rush to her defence. Ignoring the second girl, Solomon continued speaking to the first. "How am I dumb? I'd wager I know a lot more about Herbology than you do. How are you in charge of this club? Are you seriously telling me, the only way i'll find out what you guys are about, is to join and find out as the year progresses?" He asked, utterly bewildered at her poorly thought out logic. That just didn't make any sense. "Herbology isn't about making cute little accessories. It's a serious and important subject for wizarding society. So that's why I'm asking you, again, what you plan on doing related to the subject throughout the year, if anything at all, before I decide whether or not to join you. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?" It was no wonder the commonly accepted passing grade was a mere Poor, people like this girl could not scrape through school if it was anything higher.
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Kauri had never been at a school with its own afterschool clubs before. He supposed it must be part of being a boarding school, but it still felt fancy and exciting. What better way to get settled into his new home than joining a club? Maybe it'd help distract from the itching boredom of not having had any internet access for the last couple of weeks. And hopefully it'd be a cool way to meet some awesome people and get on a good path to do well here. After looking over all the stalls, only one really caught his eye, and he approached the Brotherhood stall, giving the person running it a friendly smile. "Hey, what sort of stuff does your club do?"
Izzy nodded vigorously at the girl in front of her. "Of course, it's all up to you and we won't force you to join. It would be lovely if you did though," she told the young girl hoping she had been convinced enough. She glanced at Maddie as more people approached them, which was a relief. Hopefully by the end of the club fair there would be a sufficient number of girls who were interested. Afterwards there would still be the possibility of signing up. As she waited for the girl to make up her mind, someone else came over and the Ravenclaw lit up. "Of course! Just write your name here," she took a piece of parchment and a quill that she had brought with her in case and wrote a number one before placing it neatly on the stall. "There'll be another chance to sign up in your common room if you'd like to think about it some more," she told the other girl whom she assumed was a first year, who had come to ask about Heta Omega. It wasn't long before not one but two young students approached the stall and had she not glanced behind them Izzy would not even have noticed Liv. "Hey, thanks so much!" she greeted as she hugged her, not missing the awkward exchange between Maddie and her best friend. Had something happened between the two? She was concerned, but surely they could all get along. Izzy turned her attention back to the first years. "Yes anyone is allowed to join and that definitely includes first years," she smiled. "You guys can write down your names on the piece of parchment. There are also flyers right over there." She indicated to the paper and then to the club's flyers before turning to Olivia. "How was your break?"
The boy, nor Eleanor, had seemed to pay any attention to Lilyanna's presence which made her quite frustrated. She listened as Eleanor called him dumb and he retaliated by saying he knows more than what she does. "Don't ignore me!" Lilyanna snapped, talking more to the boy. "I'm not going to repeat this again, so who are you?" He himself was frustrated before because Eleanor did not answer his question and here he was not answering Lilyanna's. Despite how annoying he was, Lilyanna waited for an answer, hoping he would just give it to her.
Eleanor rolled her eyes at the boy before trying to calm herself down. He was just wasting her time, but if she pretended to be nice, it might all be over. "In the Wild Patch Club we do pride events, lantern festivals and we grow plants to give to the house elves. If that doesn't interest you then I guess this club isn't for you." she said exasperatedly as she gave a sidewards glance to her sister, hoping she would just get out of it. In hopes that was a good enough answer, she smiled up at the boy, wondering how on earth Orwell handled these type of people.
James had been so occupied with one boy that he almost didn't see the other first year boy make his way to the stall. "Hello, you want to join? That's brilliant, sign the form and you'll be a bro, simple as that," He grinned and slid the form closer to the boy. Just as the younger boy was signing they were joined by Matthew, the boy he had met just a couple of days into the new semester. His proximity to Maddie at the time had made James a little unsure of him, but perhaps him joining the brotherhood would mean them becoming friends. "Matthew, good to see you, it'll be good to have you on board," He grinned at the boy.
"Thanks!" Jessica smiled at the girl who pushed the sign-up sheet towards her, a smile that she kept firmly fixed on her face while she panicked internally for a moment about the fact that this would be her first time writing with a quill. Honestly, these people were so behind the times, how was anyone supposed to learn how to use one of these things? Clearly she would have to try though, Jessica thought in dismay, grimacing slightly at the ink blotch she had managed to leave on the sheet. Her writing looked terrible. But, she told herself, she was new to all this and therefore she could still get away with it. For now. Mentally noting that she needed to practice writing with a quill so as not to embarrass herself in future, Jessica moved aside to let the girl behind her reach the sign-up sheet and reached for one of the flyers. She wasn't keen to give up the chance for socialisation just yet, and pretending to read it would give her an excellent excuse to hang around a little longer.
Therese smiled to the girl that seemed very friendly. She couldn't wait to join this club, from what she had heard it was so much fun. '' Thanks!'' the Swedish girl spoke to the girl in a Swedish accent. She nodded her head and looked at the sign up paper. There were already some names standing and as curious as she was she looked if she saw a familliar name. She didn't knew Beaubelle, Sofia or Gabriel would join a club. And ofcourse there was Gabriella but she didn't spoke to her that much, she didn't exactly understood why their parents didn't had much contact anymore. She liked her uncle and aunt and their children just as her other cousins. But the others seemed to dislike them a lot, and Therese thought of that as a pity. She would sure pay a visit at Gabriella who was sorted into Slytherin. She writed down her name on the sheet with the quill and put it down as she was finished. The brunette smiled friendly at the girl and decided it would be nice to introduce herself. '' I'm Therese, which house are you in?'' she asked to the girl with the flower crowns. Apparently she was a twin because a other girl that looked exactly like her stood up for her sister she thought when a boy made a discussion.
October jotted her name down on the Heta Omega signup sheet in neat handwriting, giving a polite nod to the girl running the desk as she took a flyer. "Thank you very much." She said courteously before stepping back to make room for others. This room was so busy and crowded, but she still felt like there was nobody around her, the loneliness curling in her stomach as she watched friends and classmates connect with one another. Nothing more to do, October silently slipped out of the room and headed out to the arts room, hoping to get in some practice and realign her unsettled mind.

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