Work, work, work

Kalif Styx

retired † patriarch
OOC First Name
Hey guys,

Not sure if anyone noticed my lack of posting in the last week or two. Well, here’s the lay down anyway. My work is really laying it on us. I am talking 50+ hours a week, 5/6 days.
On top of that I’m dealing with drama from my engagement announcement that has severely affected my mental state. Long story short, mom hates my fiancé. Can’t share too much because that’s too personal. Anyway, I’ll be on to post lessons and that’s about it.
I’m also working on losing weight so I’m spending more free time playing beat saber for cardio. YouTube it on expert mode and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

When work slows down I’ll get to rps! Just be patient with me.
- Kaitlyn
That sounds like a lot to deal with Kaitlyn! Take your time! We'll be here when things are easier :hug:
Best of luck with everything :hug:
Oh nooo, that sounds really rough :( I hope things settle down soon!
Wow, that sounds like a whole lot of shite to go through. Take your life at the pace you need to take it, and good luck with everything.
(also beat saber is enough to kill with the right intensity. my friend adds weighted gear because of something he read and swears his soul on it.)
Look after yourself Kaka! Love you x
Good luck with everything
Take care of yourself Kaitlyn!! D: :hug: Always here to chat if you need me!
Apparently, my work is slowing down a bit, so I'll have more time.
I think I jinxed it. :/
I will miss the big checks.
On second thought, consider this to be active once more. We are getting slammed again. This is my last three day weekend for a long time. I couldn’t even remember what one felt like until now...

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