With him in the morning

Sarah, after a while of debate, decided to watch Kari. His sleeping like an angel would calm her nerves. She entered his room. She saw him, he seemed to be having another attack, she got closer to him in time to hear his words. "K-Kari, are you okay?" She asked, a bit hurt by his words.
Kari didn't notice when Sarah walked into the room. His eyes were clamped tight, his breathing loud enough to block out any hopes he had of cogitative thought.
She sat down on the edge of his bed and lightly stroked his cheek. "Kari," she muttered, praying to god he'd be alright.
Kari flinched at her touch. Unsure of what was happening around him. One thing he knew, a horrible taste was creeping up the back of his throat. With out trying to contain himself he retched off the bed and onto the floor. A sickish yellow liquid spattered the floor. He colapsed on to the bed, yelling for some one to make it end. Even then he couldn't understand his own words.
She felt Kari flinch and she pulled her hand back. He suddenly retched off the bed, and threw up. Normally it would make Sarah sick, but she was too worried to get sick. Kari was yelling things, telling someone to make it stop. His sentences her almost incomprehensible. She could feel tears form in her eyes, and she frowned. "It's gonna be okay Kari." She said, though she was unsure. She reached back up to stroke his arm.
Kari rolled over and screamed. Blackness surrounded him and he felt his whole body go limp. After a moment he lost contact with his body, his mind floating above, pain free. In his heart he knew what had happened. 'Is this what it feels like? Is this death.' He thought of Sarah, 'It will hurt her so much.' Below him he could hear his body gurgle and gasp.
Kari screamed and tears rolled down her cheeks. Ka-Kari!" She yelled loudly. She didn't know what to do. She could hear a gurgling noise come from him. She laid her head on his chest, trying to hear his heartbeat. She decided on what she had to do. She tilted his head back and checked his mouth for blockages. She had to remember exactly what to do; hoping it would work. She pressed her mouth to his and blew. She began preforming CPR waiting for a reaction.
Kari felt himself being pulled back toward his body. At first he fought it, not wanting to be forced back into a pain racked body but he gave up, know Kala and Sarah still needed him. With a slam he was back in his own body, back in pain. He gasped and moaned.
Sarah pulled away when she heard him gasp and moan. She wondered if it would have been better if she had left him; if he would have been better in heaven. She looked down on him with tear filled eyes,"K-Kari?" She asked. She wondered if she would need to preform again, but she waited.
The pain started to recede, till the next time it could torture his poor existents. Thought he was still breathless from the pain he was able to reach out and squeeze Sarah's hand.
Sarah smiled when he squeezed her hand. "Oh god, i thought i lost you." She said, trying to quail her tears.

((I just realized that i put this in the oceana thing... WOW FAIL)
Kari swallowed a few times, trying to moisten his mouth enough to speak. he licked his lips and pointed to the glass on he bedside table.
Sarah nodded and grabbed the glass, not sure if she should hand it to him, or help him drink it. Seh held it out to him, not wanting to make him feel useless.
Kari smiled weakly and tried to pull himself up. He tried and failed. he gave her a pitiful look and sighed.
She put the water down for a second, and lightly slid her hand under his back. She pulled him up enough so that he could drink, supporting him with her arm as best and comfortably as she could. She grabbed the water and put it up to his mouth.
Kari closed his eyes as the cool water filled his mouth and rushed down his parched throat. He pulled away a little bit, some water spilling down his chin. It was still hard for him to swallow but his managed. In a weak voice he thanked her.
She pulled the water away so that only a little spilled when he pulled back. She smiled at him and nodded. She moved him back a bit so that he could lay down. "If you can point in a direction to show where your cleaning supplies are, I'll clean this mess up." She offered to him.
He smiled and blushed pointing to the bathroom. 'Great job sicky.' He thought to himself.
"Okay." She set him down gently the rest of the way. She got up and went to the bathroom looking for the supplies. When she found them all, she went down on the floor and cleaned it. "There's no need to be embarrassed." She said, remembering that he had blushed.
'No need to be embarassed, yeah right, Your not the one that just puked in front of your lover.' What she said only made him blush more.
She finnished cleaning it up, after thoroughly scrubbing the floor. She now needed to discard of what she had used, meaning she needed to know where the washer was, maybe she would even start up a load. "Can you point where your washer and dryer is, or is that somewhere else in the building?" She asked.
He cleared his throat and in a weak voice said, "Throw it in the bath tub. We don't have a washer."
"Okay." She smiled at him and did what he asked, washing her hands afterwards. "Would you like me to wash them?" She asked. "Just nod, if you do that is."
Kari rolled his eyes. In his head he thought. 'Don't treat me like I'm helpless please.' He shook his head.
"Okay." She shrugged his eye roll off and sat down by him again. "You know, i remeber my first day of Beuxbatons, i was so nervous that i got sick all over the most popular girl in the class." She laughed slightly, wondering if her story would make him feel better.

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