With him in the morning

She smiled, but it quickly faded as he collapsed to the floor in pain. She knew what it was this time, but it still didn't keep her from going down on her knees in fear. "Kari." She whispered, putting her hand on the side of his face, much like he had made her do last night. She couldn't really do anyhting that she knew of. She just stayed there by his side, she wondered if Kala had heard?
Pain racked Kari bad enough to were he couldn't think. His mind was whirlling in a sea of red. He reached up to grasp her hand. He was trying to be gentle but the pain made that nearly impossible. He clenched over in an involuntary spasm. Trying to take deep breaths he bit his lip, making it bleed slightly. He moaned, know Kala would stay away when she heard.
she felt hip grip her hand tightly and ignored the pain that she was feeling. She saw him bite his lip to the pint it was bleeding, she couldn't imagine the pain he was in. She stroked his hair in a comforting motion. She wished she could say it would all be okay, but she didn't, not now anyways. in her head she prayed he would be alright.
Kari was finally able to relax his body. He was still in a great deal of pain but he could bare it. He lifted up his head and sat it on her lap. He breathed a sigh of relief. "I think I'm going to skip breakfest today."
He put his head in her lap and she stroked it, kissing his forehead. She nodded when he said he'd skip breakfast. "That's fine, honey." She said breathing a sigh of relief that he was okay.
Kari smiled. He didn't want to have to ask her but it looks like he had no choice. "Um, Sarah. I think I need some help getting to bed." He could feel that he was still very pale.
"no problem." She said smiling. She pushed up on his shoulders lightly so that he could sit up first. Then she helped him get up. She put his arm around her shoulder, and before she started to walk, she asked, "are you comfortable like this, or do you want me to carry you fully?"
Kari laughed a little even though it hurt. "Yes its fine, and like you could carry me."
"I could if i wanted to." She said starting to walk forward, supporting his weight. When they got to the living room, she threw a quick glance at Kala. She finnished carrying him to his bed. She set him down gently.
Kari had caught her glance at Kala. When then told her why she wasn't helping. "I told her that when ever I have an attack to just let me deal with it on my own. I don't like Kala to see me weak. I'm suppose to be her protector." He gave her a kiss before he laid down. "Thank you for helping me."
she nodded understanding what he meant about not wanting Kala to think he was weak. He gave her a small kiss before laying down. She smiled down at him, 'even like this, he's an angel.' She thought to herself. She sat down on the bed.
Kari reached for her hand and laced his fingers in hers, amazed with how well their hands fit. He smiled up at her. "Kala will probably finish the pancakes so when you get hungry go grabs some. She has gotten good at cooking for herself when she has too."
Sarah loved the feeling of his hands when they intertwined with her. she was glad he probably didn't notice that her hands were as cold as ice; which was normal. She smiled at him and nodded at the pancakes comment. "Yeah i might later. Right now, i wanna be here with you."
He gave her a weak smile and brought her hand up to his lips for a kiss. "Did you have any plans for today?"
she smiled when he brought her hands to his lips and kissed it. "No i have no plans. Hold on." She said smiling. She got up and searched the floor until she found her cell phone, which she turned on. "Just in case Angela calls, she might be worried."
Kari nodded. "We deffinately wouldn't want that. especially if she is anything like Kala. If Kala gets worried I get in trouble." He laughed softly. He hated feeling this weak.
She nodded. "If Angel gets worried, she marches out of the house with her big dog Carrion and sniffs me out." Sarah said laughing a bit. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "even like this, you are still the most gorgeous thing i have ever seen." She said with a faint smile.
She smiled slightly at him. "Well you don't have to feel it, just be it. In the words of Rocky Horror Picture Show; kind of." She said, kissing his forehead.
"Really?" Kari cocked his eyebrow. "Never heard of it."
"It's a funny little musical." She said. "But not appropriate for anyone under 18." She laughed slightly. "I saw it when i was ten with my brother." She looked at him. "What type of movies do you like?"
Kari shrugged. "Horror, I like to laugh when people get cut up into pieces."
She smiled at him. "Well aren't you a little ball of sunshine." She remarked. She had trouble sitting through some horror movies, but others were a breeze. "One day, i'll take you back to my place and stage a horror movie, that will be a good gift!"
Kari smiled. "Sure. As long as your not the one getting cut up." He lifted up just enough to give her a kiss before he fell back on the bed. "Then I would have to kill some one and hide the body where it could never be found."
She smiled and gigged when he wanted to make sure that she wasn't the one being cut up. He kissed her and she then nodded. "Okay, we'll... cut up the dog." She said with a smile. "Oh, oh, and then we'll hide the body in the snow!"

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