With him in the morning

Sarah Xu-Marion

Well-Known Member
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
Sarah awoke the next morning, wrapped tightly within Kari's arms. She smiled as memories of the night came back to her. She looked around the beautiful room, and then back at her love. She had never felt in a higher state of bliss than what she did right now. She carefully took his arms from around her, and stretched out, yawning. She rolled over on her back and looked at the ceiling, waiting for the moment that Kari woke up.
Kari woke as he felt movement beside him. He felt so happy, yet kinda sore. In a playful yet still half asleep voice he said, "Hey where do you think your goin' mate?"
She smiled when she felt Kari move, and then heard his voice. "I don't know where i'm going, but i need ice on my back." She said complaining. She shouldn't have laid on her back, it only caused her more pain. She rolled bakc over on her side and looked at him.
Kari frowned and jumbed out of bed. he ruffled through his drawers and came back with a lotion. "Here I used this on my tattoo. It will help with the pain." He slid down the covers to expose her back. "Its a little cold." he warned before slathering some of it on her. He was careful to be gentle as he rubbed it into her sore skin. "I'm sure last night didn't help it."
she smiled and giggled as he jumped out of bed. He grabbed some lotion, that he said had helped his tattoo. He helped her with the covers and started to spread it over her tattoo. It was cold, but it really felt good. She smiled at him and said, "no it didn't help, but the pain was worth it." She flinched when he got near her wound, the most tender place. Though it was an old scar, it still hurt from the tattoo.
Kari took his hand away when she flinched. With a worried expression on his face he said. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah, it's just an old wound." She said shrugging. "Why did you stop, it feels nice." She said.
Kari laughed, that reminded him of last night. "Sorry hun." He put some more one, making sure all over her tattoo was covered.
She smiled as he rubbed more lotion on her. she pulled her hair over her shoulder. "Have i ever told you that you have magic hands."
Kari laughed. "I'm guessing you like this then." He leaned forward and kissed the back of her neck. "Are you hungry hun?"
"Mmhmm," she said as he kissed the back of her neck. "A little, but shouldn't you check on Kala, she looked upset last night."
Kari nodded. "You can come with." he got out of bed and pulled on some shorts.
She smiled and looked around for her cloths, while standing up. She grabbed her dress and other things, then walked over to him grinning.
"Hurry up Mate." Kari smiled and gave her a peck on the lips. "I'm starving"
"Okay babe," She said walking out of the room, pulling him along behind her.
Kala looked up as she heard rustling in the bedroom. She smiled and thought to herself, 'So they are finally awake.' After a few moments the door opened and they came out. Kala brought her spoon up and took another bite of her cereal, just staring at them. She gave them a knowing look and smiled. Swallowing her food she remarked. "Sleep well Kittie's?"
Sarah looked at Kala who was eating her cereal. She asked how they slept and Sarah said, "okay, and you?" She asked. She smiled at her. "I think that we got off on the wrong foot though last night. i don't want you to think I'm some random girl who crawled into bed with Kari. I'm actually Angela's aunt." She said explaining a bit about herself. She felt the need to explain, since she usually didn't meet people while lying in their brother's bed.
Kala cocked her eyebrow, a habit she picked up from Kari. "Angela huh. Okay then." She took another bite, chewed, "So, yeah Kari notice anything different?" She swallowed.
Kari folded his arms around Sarah and smiled. "You cut your hair you brat." then whispered in Sarah's ear, "Just so you know, she is usually nicer than this but don't take it personally, she had a ruff night." He kissed her neck and went into the kitchen.
"Really, i wouldn't have thought the length of the hair was it." Sarah said, staring at the purple streak. Kari kissed her cheeks and she nodded at his comment. She watched him walk into the kitchen as she sat down by Kala. "So what are ya eating?" She asked curiously.
Kala rolled her eyes. 'Please don't tell me my brother is in love with a bimbo.' She shook her head. "Cereal."
"Well duh, i can see it's cereal." Sarah said, laughing slightly. "Silly, i wanted to know what kind." Seh asked, trying to look in the bowl.
Kala shrugged and looked down at her bowl. Truth be told she hadn't looked. "The kind you eat."
Sarah laughed again. "I see, I'm glad it's edible, I'd be worried is it wasn't." She nodded and looked at her.

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