Okay so, I realise how this has made me look

but I want to point a couple things out that I was thinking last night (glad I'm still alive)
- Soho had so many votes on her, it was natural to think the wolves were bandwagoning
- I said the entire time that just because I was voting for Annabelle/suspected Annabelle, didn't mean Soho wasn't a wolf as well. I just suspected Annabelle more at that second
- Soho said last night something like 'Well at least whoever dies today it will help us narrow down who the wolves are'. This makes me even more sure Annabelle is a wolf as well, and I will try to explain why but my brain is mushy
Firstly, the comment itself implies that only one or the other could be a wolf. She was obviously claiming innocence at the time, which suggests she either hoped A) Annabelle would die, be revealed as a wolf, and make Soho look innocent, or B ) Soho would die, be revealed as a wolf, and make Annabelle look innocent
Why would she have made such a comment if Annabelle was a villager? If Annabelle died and was a villager it would only make us more suspicious of Soho.
So, I still reckon Annabelle is a wolf. I had a feeling a wolf had jumped onto the Soho bandwagon pretty late because it was obvious she was going to die anyway. I'd have to check how many votes Soho had when Annabelle added hers but it was like 4 I think? So it's very possible.
Edit: AND Soho abstained from voting for Annabelle even when the tie meant she might die. I know it was too late for her to vote by then anyway but she didn't realise when she made the comment that she was abstaining. WHY would she not have voted for Annabelle if Annabelle were a villager??? She could literally save herself and have a better chance of the wolves winning. Nop, because Annabelle is a wolf too