Wanted: Dedicated Egg-Hunters

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Happy Easter!!!

I hope you all have an awesome Sunday even if you're not celebrating Easter. ^_^

The site staff is in search of some very dedicated egg-hunters! We're not very good at keeping track of the eggs that we try to collect for you all every Easter :p and this year is no different. =))

Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and we really hope you do ^_^ ), is to find all of the Easter eggs that are scattered around HNZ. For each egg you find, you'll get 1 point. Collect the links to the posts that contain the eggs and send your results to me!
You'll need to work fast! If we don't find the eggs by Monday (11:59 PM EST), they'll start to smell and we're pretty new to Xenforo and don't want to get in trouble with them just yet :p , so you'll only have until then to search! :x

Oh, did I mention the rabbits?! We also were going to surprise you all with 3 really cute 🐰 but we lost them too. :doh: If you find any of them, you'll get 2 points!

Three people will win prizes for their hard work- one will get a wonderfully, Eggsiting prize and all three will get the opportunity to call themselves Master Egg Hunters for a week. :o:D

Happy hunting!

(On behalf of the site staff)
Thanks to everyone who participated in our egg hunt!

Our top three egg hunters were Jesse who earned a whopping 28 points, Daphne who earned 24 points, and Rowan who earned 23!

Prizes will be awarded in the near future!

For anyone interested in learning the location of all the eggs, check out the full list:

Map of Hogwarts
Heads of Departments
Character Spotlight 1st Post
COMC 7th Years Lesson 6 1st Post
Jarica's Welcome Post Nick's Post
HNZ Photo Challenge 1st Post
HNZ Dreams - Jesse's post #139
Third Year Study Group - Vader's post #5

HNZ around the internet

Ghost/Creature Backgrounds
An Unfortunate Owl - Post #2
What Are You Listening To? - Post #1
Quidditch League Headquarters Responsibilities
General Information (Makatu Mall)
Kurtis's Welcome Topic - Post '#7
Quidditch Player Collectables - Post #2
Acceptable Spells and Potions by Year
The Future of Graphics Requests

And the bunnies: The one in the post above did not count, but here are the three that did!

Valentine's Werwolf - Post #76
Our first Yule Ball Post #30 in the middle somewhere
Goodness, what a surprise! Who saw that coming :r

Joking aside I'm very excited for this, its one of, if not my all-time favourite competition on the site, and I appreciate all the work you guys put into hiding the eggs. Those rabbits were a real pain to spot this year, since I totally re-read all of Valentines Werewolf and completely missed the one in there. I even missed the Menagerie one at first, and only saw it the second time around =))

And congrats to Daphne and Rowan! :wub:
One day I'll beat Jesse for sure :r :r :r

But yay!! I'm so glad I got second place, and I had a lot of fun hunting xD those bunnies were tough!
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