Our first yule ball.

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OOCOut of Character:
Sorry I took so long you guys. But I had to sleep, and I didn't expect you all to bombard me when I got back :x . But dont worry. :cool:

Shiloh nodded her thanks to Grace after she recieved the ring. Everyone was so excited for this ball. She smiled and looked around at all her friends getting to know eachother. It made her feel happy and excited in of herself. She then almost froze when she saw Charlotte. She hadn't seen her in so long. "Charlotte? oh my I haven't seen you in such a long time" She said as she hugged her. She smiled as she looked at her dress. "And your dress is amazing, dont say that" She added as she hugged her again. When she had not seen her she had assumed that she had been taken back to England. "It really is good to see you again, I had assumed the worst when I hadn't seen you". She added as she smiled at everyone else. "I would love to join you Willow. That would be cool".She said smiling.
tara made her way over to the tables to get a drink, as her thought was all dry. by the time she had returned to the group, a glass of iced water in hand she saw that there were a few new people. she smiled and looked at the new comers. the girl looked very posh and British but the boy looked asian, maybe Chinese or japanese. "hello, I'm Tara" she said her indian accent like always coming through. she realised that the conversation had moved towards the holidays, "I think i am staying here for the break, as i have no way of getting home. thanks for the offer though" she said aiming the last bit at willow who had invited them all to her house in ireland, in truth she liked it here and she wanted to get to know the other girls some more before traveling around the world with them.
OOCOut of Character:
Hope you don't mind ladies and gentlemen. I think we're all in the same year soo... :r Posting is approved by Teigs and I shall get my polyvore working on outfits once it's not 02:22am. :x

Lovisa was curious, yes that's right, she was Imperially and Royally curious about this "ball", for they had no such formal event in Kevinge. Sure there were the yearly Lucia-day celebrations, but there was usually nothing this big until they've got older. And for eleven-year old modernistic Swedes, a ball sounded very weird. Nevertheless they were after all high society girls from Danderyd and as expected they always had the resources for such an occasion.
But they only ever used these expensive resources if and only if the settings so required, and unfortunately for the somewhat casual Lovisa, a Yule ball was one of them.
Soo... Dress shoes and a fitting ball dress it was. She left her long brown hair down as usual though and almost turned her suitcase upside down verbatim et litterim. But finally, she had a dress she liked, slightly longer than knee-length, purple and heavy, fitted most definitely for a colder climate, not an warmer. Nevertheless, she put it one just in case one or more members of the staff decided to make some snow somewhere by magic.

She thrusted her handbag over her neck and started the comparatively short journey to the Great Hall. Long and confident steps Lovisa took, and soon enough she was in the Entrance Hall and on her way in. But then she saw a few people she recognised in a huddle, well barely recongnised then... she smiled inside her and walked over, following slowly another Hufflepuff, or so it seemed.
She stopped just outside the "circle" and watched the other Hufflepuff introduce herself with a curtsey. She frowned and thought that her twin would have rolled her eyes, Julia Lovisa Kerstin Segerstedt did the same thing.
Curtsying low, she came up again per the Swedish standards as everyone started small-talking again, this confused her. Ignoring the thing about the exams and farms or the small-talk in general, she introduced herself: "Hello there. Does anyone mind me joining? Lovisa Segerstedt. But I believe you already know that, Miss Shiloh Denton." and finished with a light-hearted chuckle.
Shiloh smiled when Tara made it back. She then saw Lovisa and smiled at her. "Hello Lovisa, your dress is really nice" She said smiling. She knew Lovisa, but not very well. "So will your sister be joining us?" She asked as she looked around for the other twin. It seemed she had not yet arrived but she would probably turn up sooner or later. She then looked back at Tara. "Oh, your staying here, if I had known that I wouldn't have made arrangements for myself and Grace to go back to England." She said sighing. She wondered what Tara would do here. She was sure that not many people would be staying here for very long, so Tara, she was sure, would be quite bored.
OOCOut of Character:
I am so sorry, it is so big because I had to catch up so much :r next time dont suddenly post :pxD

Grace nodded in appreciation to Willows compliment. Thank you Willow, but it is nothing special, in fact it is one of my old dresses. She said, pulling at her dress slightly, it was quite old but still in perfect health not a single run or anything, almost brand new. Grace watched as another girl came into view, she had a certain swagger about her, she was prestige and proper. Good evening Charlotte. She said bowing her head slightly, she did not shake hands with people as she made sure they were kept safe and sound, she would be lost if her hands got injured, she would never be able to play the Violin again. Some people thought it rude to not shake hands but Grace found it more polite to bow to people slightly as it was easier and more efficient. Thank you, I do believe we look very nice, and that includes yourself, a lady should never look both up or down at someones clothing or lifestyle, instead they should work to make it better if need be and give friendly criticism, and that includes oneself. Grace quoted, she was quoting her Nanny as her Nanny was the one who taught her everything but she was told to do so by Graces parents.

From the teaching Grace was given from a small girl she noticed Willows discomfort, Grace did not host the party but she felt that she should try to make Willow more comfortable, no-one enjoyed a party if one of the guests was uncomfortable. Willow there is no shame in making oneself presentable, if there were then I would be full of shame and I am not. She told her smiling.

Grace watched as Sara tried to curtsy. Grace couldnt call the girls curtsy a proper curtsy, she lowered her eyes which are somethings a lady should never do when curtsying, but she decided to not comment, that would be very rude. Grace nodded at Saras statement it was very true. Actually I will miss them greatly, I do like exams and working I must say it is terrible I like them so much. She said smiling, Grace just loved to work and often worked but she would never do someone elses work, that would be rude stealing their education like that and it would be rude on the other persons part for stealing Graces time.

Grace tilted her head slightly, she had never done muggle work other than creative things like writing, painting, singing, dancing, Violin playing and other such activities, but she never had the experience of going to a muggle school, but it seemed many people that went to Hogwarts went to such schools, it confused her greatly, how could a magical child go to a non-magical school when non-magical children could not go to a magical school, the only things they wouldnt be able to do was cast spells was it because muggle children were scary? Grace was always plagued with these same questions as to her knowledge she had never met a non magical child.

Grace noticed that Willow had not calmed down, it was of great annoyance for someone at an important occasion to be unhappy, these occasion were meant to impress and for enjoyment, but Grace was not sure of what to do, when Grace attended events such as this she was with children as herself, though they were usually much older which is why Grace found it hard to relate to Willows feelings, but it seemed Sara knew her far better and had stepped in, perhaps she herself had experience in events such as this. I believe I am attending Shilohs for a few days, she thinks it will do me good. Grace told Sara, she was not sure if going to a muggle house was safe or not, she was not worried about the muggle or anything just the fact that if her parents found out they would destroy Shilohs family and would pull Grace out of all schools and home school her for everything, they had a very big dislike for muggles, Grace on the other hand feared them slightly.

Graces attention went back to Willow, again Willow managed to confuse her. I would love to come to your farm. She told her. But I am afraid that I have never been to a farm before, what is it like? Do you have gardens on farms? She asked Willow, Grace had a soft spot for gardening and would even wear pants if it meant that she could garden, Grace would never wear pants for any other reason. The fact that I have other plans is to no worry as they are not for the whole of the holidays. She explained, Grace loved travelling as she had only been to New Zealand, Italy and her little island off the coast. Grace found nothing disgusting about farm animals as they had to be fully pure and un-tampered animals, and she just loved cows. Grace still noticed that Willow was uncomfortable, and for some reason she was sure that it was partially her fault.

Grace nodded at Charlottes statement. I quite like attending celebrations with family or even by myself, it helps built character and it never hurts to help someone celebrate something important to them, even if it is at an inconvenience to yourself, sometimes you must be a bit uncomfortable to truly be comfortable. Grace explained, she was once told something similar by her Nanny when she did not want to go to Hogwarts, she was so glad that she did or she would be sitting in her garden planting flowers and playing with her violin, feeling quite lonely. Grace tilted her head slightly at Charlottes next statement, she did not understand why you had to know someone before seeing where they grew up, Grace found that you could learn alot more from someones home then you could ever learn from having a conversation with them, though Grace was a very innocent person and did not understand the problems in the world and how cruel people could be, she had grown away from all that in her defence and so she was quite a target for attacking though she would fight if need be, people often found her different and even a tad rude by the way she approached life.

Grace watched as another girl came, she was quite shocked that the girl rolled her eyes, Grace found this a very rude thing to do. No, you may join, I am Grace Raven. Grace said politely, she was quite comfortable in crowds at celebrations the only thing that annoyed Grace was she would be quite scared and would feel very crowded if she were talking to all these people outside of the party, after all a good party guest and host should never feel nervous or scared when in a conversation.

Grace shook her head at Tara. Tara, you will be very bored, I can arrange for you to be flown back to your home, or you could come with Shiloh and I, I am sure I would be able to arrange something for you, you could even come to my home if you so wish. Grace said smiling, Graces parents would not be home for a long time, even if they were they would not know that Tara was ever there since they never left their offices, in all honesty Grace wouldnt even be able to pick her parents out of a crowd, she didnt see them often enough to get a clear image of their faces and when she did see them they were wearing formal attire and she would not see their faces properly.
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Willows demeanor seemed to brighten after Grace's comments and how everyone seemed to take interest of the family farm; "Well, a farm is really...well a farm, we have four riding horses, a couple of sheep, three cows for milking and a few chickens for some fresh eggs" Willow smiled, the horses were her favorite part of living out in a rural area - she missed her horse, Coco and wondered if her own horse would remember her when she returned back home.
Willow's smile went larger after Grace's comment about gardening; "Did you happen to say you like gardening Grace?" Willow turned her attention to her before continuing; "As a matter of fact, asides from an actual animal farm, my family does have a knack for gardening, I guess it comes with farming. At the back of the house we have a small garden feature...you know, a little cobbled path that goes down to a quiet area that has lots of shrubs and flowers and a little water feature and then on the other side we have a vegetable patch, I guess being self-sufficient comes a long with the package." Willow nodded. She loved talking about her home, it made her feel slightly home sick.

Willow gave a big breath in and sighed happily, she was starting to brighten again and all her thoughts of self-conscious and jealousy dissolved away, she was looking forward to having a good night. She looked at the others, Willow decided that Grace and Shiloh we're very lady like - something that she admired and wondered how they managed to take on such a restricted and fancy lifestyle, but Willow knew that to them, it would seem perfectly normal. Willow shuffled on the spot, and noticing many people walking into the hall by now; "What I would love right now is a good cup of tea." She spoke to no one. She missed her cups of tea, she remembers when she was back on the farm that her aunt would make her a cup of tea before bedtime. Willow was hoping that there was at least a nice hot drink waiting for her inside the great hall.
Lovisa smiled shyly at Shiloh as her dress got complimented. She wasn't too far behind with the reply though: "Thank You for the compliment Shiloh." She said and curtseyed yet again, adding politely and quietly two Swedish words to the curtsey: "Man tackar." Then she resumed her posture to explain what she just said: "Man tackar means thank you in polite Swedish. And I'm sorry if I happened to offend with it."
Lovisa then turned her head to look at the windows and sighed when she faced the group again: "Don't You all miss the snow? I sure do sometimes, it adds greatly to a christmas." She looked at Shiloh and frowned and laughed slightly sarcastically. "I hope not Miss Shiloh. Me plus my twin makes disaster, especially with her arrogant attitude."

"Farming sounds interesting," Lovisa remarked with a smile, "Though we Segerstedts never really went to one, you see, the middle of Danderyd suburb isn't a great place for some rolling grasslands, though I'd think it would be nice. Instead we live in a massive villa area." She said with a chuckle.

Lovisa guessed from the looks that the girl Grace Raven was shocked about something in her introduction. Even though she may be fatally wrong right now, she ransacked her mind after the cause. There was the thoughts about Lena and how she would roll her eyes at her - what Lena Elisabet Segerstedt would think as - pitiful attempt to "curtsy", and et voila, to her horror she had done the same thing, rolled her eyes at the imaginary Lena in her mind. Thusly it was her turn to be shocked,
"Oh nej... I apologise Miss Grace, for rolling my eyes at the thoughts in my heart. Now lets move on to another less morbid subject, if You please."

OOCOut of Character:
I have to add a few words here, including the note to look up the word curtsy because I never manage to bend it grammatically correct. :r
Why? Well, I always knew it as niga, lol.
On another note: There is a tu-Vous distinction in Swedish which is du-Ni, used to address people of rank and high class. I'll represent the du with "you" and the Ni with "You".
Grace laughed slightly, the picture was not coming clear, she had never seen chickens or sheep or horses, she had a fair idea of what they were and what they did but she had never seen one, not even pictures. “Im afraid I have never seen a horse, sheep or chickens.” Grace admitted, she wasn’t embarrassed by the fact but she did not like it either. “Yes I do love gardening, it is very thrilling knowing that something so beautiful and sweet comes from something so small, and they are very important too and brighten up any area if done properly.” Grace said smiling, she was completely comfortable as she was at a celebration and talking about gardening, two of her best elements.

Grace nodded, cooking was another one of Grace’s past times, and her favourite drink was tea, though she only drank tea she made herself, she just liked the way she made tea. “I wouldn’t want tea right now.” She said looking at the food tables, most of the food there was finger food, Grace had never had finger food not at a celebration anyway, most of the time you would sit at a table and socialise with the other guests at the table unless she was the host, then she would be circulating the room making sure everyone was happy and comfortable. “But I could go for some cheese.” She said smiling; Grace quite liked the cheese at Hogwarts.

Grace looked at Lovisa and smiled. “As do I, it is just I am not accustomed to people rolling their eyes in an introduction.” She said laughing slightly. “How about we talk about the weather.” She said smiling slightly, Grace knew too well that the weather was quite a boring subject, but she also knew that it branched on to many different sub-subjects and would keep the conversation going at a reasonable pace and not cause a loll in the conversation and put the group into an awkward silence.
"Personally I haven't much experience of balls, though I'm hoping to go to more..." Sara grinned. "Also, Kate and I have some news, we will be moving to the outskirts of London over the Christmas holidays." Sara smiled gently, she wasn't sure if she was happy about the news. "I'm sure you could get some tea Willow, I'll go ask one of the teachers.." She walked off in the general direction of the staff table. Smiling at the new arrival and introducing herself. "My name is Sara, by the way."
Kate was talking to the others when she heard someone introduce herself she turned around the girl introduced herself "Nice to meet you my name is Kate"Kate said doing a little curtsy as well thenanother girl came up she had talked to her breifly before "Hi Lovisa"Kate said "Ye're dresses are lovely"she said looking at the dresses
"I love farms Willow I used to wish I lived on one I still kind of "Kate said remebering when she was small and she had visted her friends farm. "I love farm animals except for pigs and the smell but I would love to go there over the holidays"Kate said smiling at Willow.

"Ya Sara's right we are moving to England over the holidays I'll miss it in our house here"Kate said a small bit sad "Well does anyone want to danse"Kate asked evn though she was terrible at dancing

OOCOut of Character:
Like do ye all have to RP at the same time!!!!!!And congratulations Willow on winning the character spotlight!!!
someone else joined the group and tara introduced herself again "hello I'm tara" she felt like a stuck record. however soon she was distracted by what grace and shiloh saying, grace was offering to fly her home ot take her to england. she had never left india until this year, and now she was living in new zealand with offers of holidays in england. "thank you for your offers but I want to stay here. i havn't got a passport, and the authorities think i am still in india. maybe some other time. but this year i want to explore the mountains near here. thank you" she said, happy that people had thought of her.
soon the conversation turned to chi (tea), "I think that there is chi on the table over there she said slipping some of her native language into the english. she herd the moons talking about moving house and it sounded interesting, london sounded like am amazing place, imagine living there.
Vayne was too engrossed looking at the hall's decorations that he had not notice another girl join their group. The girl look very proper and she emits an aura of some sort of royalty. When the girl curtsy as she introduced herself, Vayne remembered their culture back in Japan. People would bow down to show respect when one introduce him or herself.

"Hello Charlotte, my name is Vayne.." He said politely as he bowed down the way the Japanese do. Then, another girl arrived, another hufflepuff at that, the girl introduced herself as Lovisa.

"Hi to you too Lovisa" He added as he turned to the girl.

Vayne listened attentively while the others are talking about the exams and the holidays. He tries to figure out the appropriate time for him to talk.

"I would love to go to your farm Willow, we have one too, back in Japan, but I haven't been there for years now, I kind of miss the fresh and peaceful atmosphere there..." He sqaid when Willow talked about their farm.

"it's good to hear that all of you had your plans already for the holidays, I do hope that you will enjoy..." He added as everyone talked about what they are going to do with their free time.

OOCOut of Character:
Congratulations Willow! You surely did a great job...Anyways, this topic had had a lot of post already huh? It sure is active... :D :lol:
Charlotte watched as another girl approached them. Being polite, Charlotte Edwina Williams gave a small curtsey. She did not however bother to say her name, it seemed somewhat pointless as more people seemed to be arriving to join the group. Charlotte tended to fall silent in large crowds. It was why she preferred attending events such as this with her parents, she would never have to come up with conversation, or be surrounded by a large crowd of people. But it did not bother Charlotte too much, just listening. She had somewhat fallen off the radar. Her private life took up a lot more time than everything else. And unfortunately, it meant that while Charlotte Edwina Williams still worked hard, it was not enough to make sure that she was completely on top of her work. But, Charlotte would have time to rearrange her life back into priorities once the holidays began. She would have to ask permission for her to be excused from most family and normal functions, so her magical career was not tarnished. It was of course odd, for anyone in the family to be of magical blood, and Charlotte and her siblings were the first witches and wizards in line for the throne. It was highly improbably that anyone further up would be of magical blood. If so, they kept it pretty well under raps. Something that was crucially important. For Charlotte, her brothers, Mathew Lafayette Williams and Gabriel Enoch Williams, and her sister Abigale Ellie Williams, they had to be magical, but also private. It was just the way it had to be. They did not wish to be the ones to come out proclaiming that witches and wizards exist."Miss Tara, I would happily stay with you here in Hogwarts School, and I will be back early. I do not intend to stay very long in England, so, you will not be alone for very long. " Charlotte was not that interested in going home. SHe did not miss her family. It was good to get away from the day to day life that was lead by her family. She was however looking forward to doing some horse riding, archery, which were only doable on the grounds of her home. "London is an amazing place to live. I'm sure both of you Miss Sara and Miss Kate will have a lovely time there. I live right on the outskirts in the west of the city. But, I attended school within London. Once you are settled, I can give you a tour. Well, My brothers and I could, if you wanted."

Charlotte was actually pretty open about herself, and her life. Her and her cousin, Had made a pact, to act completely normal, as much as they could and just because of there background didn't mean they were going to be completely closed off and brick wall to all those around them. Now while this really was the best way to go, it meant that at times, Charlotte felt she was being too honest with those around her. "Miss Grace, I believe talking about the weather is adhering to a British stereotype, I suggest we talk of something other than weather. Or perhaps we could as Miss Kate suggested and dance. I am afraid, I must however admit, I am a terrible dancer." Charlotte said, she loved being British, but conversations of weather and tea, did not make her feel happy. But it was a natural thing to talk about.
Sara walked back toward her friends, a cup of tea in her hand. "Here you go Willow!" She smiled, handing her the cup. She looked over at her sister, knowing that Kate would see the slight, tiny, unoticeable red tinge to her eyes, but silently begging her not to say anything.
"So, we're dancing now? By the way Shiloh, how many people did you invite?" She asked, her head tilted to one side. "We really are a sight to behold, we're at a party and we're standing talking like adults! I won't stand for it, let's dance!" Sara grabbed hold of an arm and pulled them to the dance floor. Calling the others to join them.

OOCOut of Character:
Purposefully left it open for anyone to dance with Sara, because a few charries might hate dancing..
Willow smiled as Sara got her a cup of tea; "Wow Sara your amazing!" She sipped her tea and felt the warmth travel around her body, it relaxed her completely.

Although, Willow knew that most people wouldn't have seen such farm animals in real life and it only made Willow more happier that a few friends could come over to her farm; "Maybe when you have time Grace, you'll be able to see a Horse and a sheep and chickens. Although, I might have to point out - You'd probably find the Chickens annoying, but I have an inkling you'd like seeing the Horses" She smiled and took another sip of tea.

Willow wondered why all the idle chit-chat, topic of farming was good for one thing but now talking about the weather was another - it was as if she was at some very posh occasion (which it was, when you think about it) but Willow was eleven, and she was pretty sure that eleven year old's would be bored to death by now and would have walked away. But Willow had tolerance and Patience.

Finishing her tea she gave a happy sigh and dabbed her mouth with a napkin and was almost thankful that the topic was changed to something more to their age such as dancing, Willow felt the tug on her arm and found herself being dragged away from a determined-to-dance Sara. Willow giggled and walked away quickly with her; "Okay! I'm dancing! Just let me put this tea cup down!" in a midst of a giggle fit, Willow quickly placed the tea cup down on a near by table whilst still being dragged by Sara.

...now this is what I call fun!
"Yay Willow!" Sara grinned, jumping up and down, with her fist pumping the air above her head.
"I love this song!" She shouted to Willow, over the din. "Girls just wanna have fun!" She began to sing, her pure voice carrying slightly.
"Come on lads!" She called over.

"Thank you Charlotte that would be lovely"Kate said liking the idea she was about to ask Willow why she was close to tears but then noticing Sara s plead Kate didn't say anything she decided to let it go and enjoy the night "Come on guys lets dance"She said grabbing a few people and bringing them out she joined Sara and Willow and started to sing and dance as well
"I have to mention!, I have no rhythm! I can't dance, but I'm having F-U-N!" Willow shouted amongst the dancing students

Willow jumped along to the beat and listened to the background of the music; "I can hear Cellos and Violins! I wish I brought my violin with me!" She grinned, she was an accomplished musician, she could play the violin, guitar and piano fluently and wrote songs of her own when she had a quiet moment. It was music that made Willow feel completely in her element, she could feel the beat, the rhythm and definitely the tempo in this version of Girls' Just Wanna Have Fun.

"The phone rings in the middle of the night, my father yells 'whatcha gonna do with your life?' Oh daddy dear, you know your still number one! and girls just wanna have fu-un, oh girls just wanna have fun!"

Willow sang along and tried to do her best dancing impressions, it wasn't working out well, and she'd probably get stared at - but it didn't matter, Willow was have fun.
SHiloh smiled at everyone around them. She was having fun just listening to the conversations around them, she was quite disappointed when it was suggested that they dance. Shiloh wasn't really a bad dancer, but she wasn't the most amazing either. She shrugged and moved over to where Sara and Willow were dancing. "I'll join you, oh and to answer your earlier question Sara, I've also invited Georgie and Kayden, but I'm not sure if they are coming" She finished. She hoped they would. She missed them, even though Georgie was her roommate they hadn't had much of a chance to talk in a while.
Amanda realized she was running late. She had been so busy trying to make herself look nice that she was going to miss the very thing she was making herself look nice for. She tried to hurry down the stairs to the Great Hall, but she wasn't used to wearing her flats. When she made it to the Great Hall, she found some of her friends and walked over. "Hi," Amanda said, smiling. She looked around at the group and blushed as she saw Vayne. She quickly turned her eyes to the ground.
Vayne smiled when he saw Willow and the others dance, he felt happy just seeing his friends having some fun. He love to dance but he wasn't sure if formal dancing is his forte so he had just decided to wait for the others to come before joining Willow,Sara, Shiloh and Kate in the dance floor.

Looking around him, Vayne noticed another one of their friends, Amanda was hurriedly walking towards them.

"Hi Amanda! You look amazing..." He said softly, complimenting her when she was already near them.
Tara heard the music start and some of the girls suggesting that they should dance. she watched them for a while and then realised that she hadn't danced since she left india. she watched them and realised that this was a totally different version of dancing than she had done before and the music seemed strange and different to her. she went over to them and tried to copy their way of dancing, but it just felt wooden to her, within a couple of minutes she had picked up a beat and had started to add in some indian moves firstly just hand movements and before long she was making her own indian dance, incorporating some western moves. now she was enjoying it. the music was cloaking her. the lyrics were right girls just anted to have fun. she didn't realise someone else joined the group until she had to get another glass of water and rejoined them briefly to drink it. "Hello, i'm Tara. Is anyone else coming to dance. she said

OOCOut of Character:
her hair us not down, it is up and her sari is this one
Lovisa smiled back at Grace and decided to also leave the thread hanging there. Then the conversation turned into a flurry of chickens, cows, gardening and holiday plans, and it was beginning to feel a bit overwhelming. But nevertheless Lovisa tried: "Weather sounds like a cozy subject. I must say though I miss the snow while in New Zealand, period." She added the emphasis to the end and laughed lightly. Then her laughter turned into a stunned look of horror when she heard the next subject/activity. She was absolutely a rolling disaster when it came to dancing, it was her twin who was good at it, not her! She's the one who would trip over her own two feet in the most unimaginably ridiculous ways. Lovisa gave her head a vigorous shake and said: "I'm afraid I also have something to admit. If Miss Williams' terrible, then I'm an absolute disaster when it comes to dancing." Though it might occured to her that Charlotte was being extraordinarily modest, she nevertheless stated that comparison.

"No thank You guys, my dancing skills will be the comic relief if I start. And yes, oh my god Shiloh," Lovisa said as she looked around to everyone, wow they were many, "this is a huge group of First Years."
Aaand here we goes, she thought as some of them started to really dance. Frowning, she started with a smile, which was then turned into a light laugh as Amanda, another Ravenclaw joined them. Look at us, she thought, all from different Houses having fun together, all we need is a nice Slytherin and we're a full set. Really this stereotype-thingy is stupid. She finished that thought and started a soft applause in pace with the music. Minutes later, she had shrugged the shyness off her and was dancing to the song with the others.

It was therefore with complete surprise she heard someone in the crowd clap along to her, and then approached them. It was Lena.

OOCOut of Character:
Lena will be nice tonight, I promise you that. ^_^
It was indeed, Lena Elsa Segerstedt on the approach to the group. Smiling to everyone, she held the hem of her full length dress as she curtsied as a proper lady should do. "Good evening ladies and gentleman. I hope You're all well and that I am not intruding on Your conversation. I am Lena Elsa Segerstedt." she greeted and then turned to Lovisa and smiled again, "you've improved since the last time we danced I see." and gave a light chuckle. "Good on you." Lena finished and gave her twin a hug.
"Here," She started a new and continued with: "Let me take that handbag off you. I've danced enough anyway tonight." And thus did as she said.

Lena then waved off her presumably stunned twin and turned to the part of the group that wasn't dancing, and smiled as she vaguely recognised a person from a family her father sometimes talked about. "Lady Williams I presume?" She said as she curtsied again, this time directly towards Charlotte. "My father sometimes talks about Your family. As he's working in the Foreign Ministry of Sweden You see."
Lena may not have noticed it, but the conversational atmosphere just perhaps got three inches thicker due to her uptight attitude.

OOCOut of Character:
I hope each and everyone of you really doesn't mind me adding Lena to the roleplay. I'll try keep her nice, :) A warning though, she isn't the nicest person in the universe. :(
Tara saw someone else approch the group. she looked a lot like lovisa, she kertsieed and introduced herself as lena. what is is with everyone curtsying when they arrive. oh well. she thought. "hello, i'm tara" she said before going back to the dance floor, everyone talking seemed to be at least a Kshatriyas (warriors, kings, administrators), her family was a Shudras (unskilled workers), this made her feel uncomfortable as back where she lived she would not even be ablt to see them unless she was working for them. so as soon as the water had been drunk she made herself over to the dance floor and continued to dance, weaving her web of dances, to a new song that had started ((someone else can pick the song))
OOCOut of Character:
the terms above refer to the indian caste system. although it is officially abbolished, it still exists unofficially
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