Valentine's Werewolf

Amber Chou Wilson said:
(Though, I don't think anyone voting right now is automatically suspicious)
Not automatic, but later in the game, possibly. Let's say I vote to lynch Rowan, too, and later on Alex turns out to be a wolf. Anybody looking back will suspect me as being a wolf too for jumping to help lynch Rowan off.

Jesse: True, I agree with everything there. If nobody bites the bullet and just votes, nothing ever happens, and the wolves will slowly pick us all off while we have no clue what's going on. There's a 50% chance we lost our seer, so I'm less inclined to withhold as I would have been otherwise.

Cyndi/Rowan: :lol: It is very early to declare yourself a villager, Rowan! If you really are a villager, you're giving the wolves hints about who not to kill, which would not be helpful to the village. If you're a wolf, claiming villager is the easiest way to feign innocence since it's impossible to dispute at the beginning of the game when there are multiple villagers. If you're secretly a cool role trying to hide as a villager so nobody kills you off... well I don't know why you'd do that, because I'd imagine villagers are ever so slightly more likely to be lynched, being that the town doesn't lose so much when they die.

I don't know. Seems very early to declare. But I feel like I'm reading into little things too deeply because there's nothing else :lol:
I feel like keeping it a tie right now is about the same as not voting, as it results in no lynchings. I don't expect the people that have voted to take their votes back, but I would be in favor of no one else trying to tip the balance in either way at least for this first day.

I agree that strategies differ with each game, but I find it funny that the last game seems to make people want to vote when it did the opposite for me. It's true that inactivity played a huge role in that game's loss for the village, but I mostly felt like people were dying too soon and too fast which made it hard to figure anything out. Which is what makes me want to be careful at least for now.

I do find it a little odd that Jesse seemed to have missed the rule about ties in lynching earlier. I'm not pointing fingers because I don't think this is definite proof of anything, but creating confusion about rules seems like it could be a wolfy strategy to me. And Jesse seems like a very careful and aware player generally. But we all miss things sometimes so I'm really not crying wolf yet xD just something to keep in mind maybe?

EDIT: I'm not sure what to make of Rowan declaring his role this early. Claire makes some good points but I don't know if he was thinking that deeply? But it does seem very early.
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Rowan- "have nothing to say to Alex voting for me because she has nothing to accuse me of so I have nothing to defend myself against" ; declares a role. xD
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Figured I might as well say the only piece I had since I was bringing up the vote. Apparently I'm in a reckless mood tonight :lol: and should probably be sleeping now

Also Jesse if I'm reading the rules correctly any tied vote will also result in a no-lynch so as things currently stand there'll be no lynch at the end of this day cycle which essentially makes the current situation functionally the same as a no-vote, and my position is that I'm happier with that than shot-in-the-dark random lynchings, to clarify. I'm advocating against untying the vote and causing a day one lynching.

EDIT: Heck yall posted fast. I'm not playing any tactics or really thinking that far ahead. I got too obsessed with strategy last game and wound up with a defeat to show for it so I'm more just saying whatever's on my mind. Saying I'm a villager might make me an easy wolf target but hey if they go for me tonight they'll miss out on getting rid of any more useful roles early on. I feel like claiming villager this early on would be a really weak wolf tactic since it pretty clearly stands out as the only obvious thing anyone's really said thus far. I'm not playing any kind of tactic, there's no games to this, I'm just relieved not to be the seer again :lol:
Yeah no I'm totally just dumb and just skimmed through the quote, but I see now. This actually has happened to me way more often in the past few games than I'd like. I haven't actually read the first page so I don't even know what every role currently is at this point :lol:

Also this just happened on Monty's profile

*X-Files theme plays*
Is HNZ hinting at something? Are Claire and Daphne somehow tied together? Wolf buddies confirmed? :cyndi: :erm: :p
HAahaha, I tried to like your post a second time and got confused when the 1 like you already had disappeared xD

Also omg xD there are some new roles, you should go look!!
I wondered why I had gotten a second notification :p

I just did! It's very ToS, I love it. Esp roles like the Janitor. Adds a whole new challenge :lol:

The whole waiting until the next day to cast a vote is definitely a smart idea, but I'm really impatient, and I want roles revealed sooner. :p I vote Ainsley Lynch. I don't want to point fingers because that's never a wise thing to do, but I just find a lot of things Rowan says suspicious, lol. For example, the whole "I'm just a boring villager". Why would you say something like that unless you had ulterior motives? So far nobody else has claimed to be a villager.
I mean, like I said claiming villager this early would be a really silly move for a wolf because of exactly this reaction but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I vote for Teigan then to tie it again. If I was a wolf I'd be playing way sneakier cmon :lol:
I get what you're saying. Claiming villager doesn't make you an easy wolf target, though - it makes you less of one. Claiming villager helps the wolves narrow down the useful roles they need to kill first (AKA not you), which is why it's a bit odd for someone on the team of the townies to claim it so soon, thereby assisting the wolves :lol:
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
I get what you're saying. Claiming villager doesn't make you an easy wolf target, though - it makes you less of one. Claiming villager helps the wolves narrow down the useful roles they need to kill first (AKA not you), which is why it's a bit odd for someone on the team of the townies to claim it so soon, thereby assisting the wolves :lol:
I'll admit that didn't occur to me until people were responding to my initial post & looking back I probably would have done differently but hey at least we actually have something to talk about on day one

EDIT: To be serious cause I never know whether my jokes are coming across as such I've realised that I probably Made A Mistake on all fronts & I hope it doesn't wind up costing us, but given that I can't unmake that post I'm just sleeping in the bed I made.
Hahhaa, with everything said and done I do admit I'd imagine you playing a sneakier wolf xD I can't see you claiming villager like that if your intention was to lay low.

So I don't know :erm:
I feel like I probably would have made the villager comment if I was accused too, without really giving it any thought :p
Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
I feel like I probably would have made the villager comment if I was accused too, without really giving it any thought :p
Exactly. A wolf would be thinking way more carefully about what they were saying, right?
I agree, I think it's something I could have said without thinking too deeply as well. So while I get why people are a little :glare: , I feel like it's not actually a wolf move
I mean I couldn't say that's the case here 100% for sure, because in this game there is no such thing at 100% certainty, but yeah it is typical. There's less consequence when you're just a villager this early in the game, and because a villager knows they're innocent, they don't necessarily feel the need to watch how suspicious they come across?
Yeah, my thought process pretty much didn't go beyond "Hey you shouldn't vote for me, here's why!"
Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
I mean I couldn't say that's the case here 100% for sure, because in this game there is no such thing at 100% certainty, but yeah it is typical. There's less consequence when you're just a villager this early in the game, and because a villager knows they're innocent, they don't necessarily feel the need to watch how suspicious they come across?
I don't know, I'm super careful whatever role I'm playing :lol: but I certainly agree that a wolf would be thinking more strategically than to just claim villager right off the bat. They would anticipate it arousing suspicion - whereas a villager doesn't have so much to lose if they're lynched off so wouldn't be worrying so much about impulsive posts.

Sure it could all be a ruse but that's a VERY risky wolf strategy this early on!! xD It's not even one worth playing!
I think it's always important to remember who isn't participating. It's easy to jump on Rowan because he did say something, and sometimes that makes us forget the people who haven't said anything (even when they're logging in to the site :r ). There's almost always one wolf who isn't active much/at all, and something like Rowan's comment can send us off on a wild goose wolf chase. For now, I mostly think it's funny that he said he wasn't going to defend himself and then defended himself though I do see the different ways that can now play out for the village. At this point, we have to decide if we want to trust Rowan (for now). If we do, we probably should make sure the votes stay tied. I believe it was an innocent comment.
Since it feels like a bit of progress was maybe made today, I'm also actually happy with a no-first-day-lynching if the votes stay tied!
Reading all these comments made me somehow understand the game. Luckily for me,people are not suspicious of me. That being said, I will not vote on the first day.
Alexis Sage Kramer said:
Reading all these comments made me somehow understand the game. Luckily for me,people are not suspicious of me. That being said, I will not vote on the first day.

I wonder just how lucky people not being suspicious of you is? Maybe it's fairly beneficial if you're mentioning it. Then again, it could mean nothing. I would withdraw my vote on lynching Ainsley, but the pun in lynching Lynch is too much. :p

If I'm correct, votes are currently tied 2 each, to Zennon Baros and Ainsley Lynch. 45 mins remain, do your worst.
I wonder who the Mayor has voted in this tie situation...seeing as their vote counts for two /randomthought
Down in the village the members were questioned,
Two felt the pinch as their names had been mentioned.
With side on their luck they lived to retire,
Back to their chambers to sleep off misfire.

Night fell on the crowds with a hush and a silence,
A sense of unease and a wave of defiance.
Clear though it was, that the air had a tension,
But 'til morning they'd wait to break the suspension.


When morning became, the people awoke,
Discussions ahead to finish their vote.
But there were however, two that wern't present,
Killed in the night, they were left to ferment.

Prof Cyndi Kingsley while up in her tower,
Had looked down to the village, with most of the power.
The Mayor of this town knew nothing of danger,
Asleep in her bed but not with a stranger.

Tall and handsome, broad and strong,
But Prof Mon Pendleton couldn't cling on.
Defending the Lovers until their last breath,
A Villager he'd been right through to death.

With no one to lead them, the villagers knew,
The wolf threat around them, and a barely a clue.
Their numbers were falling and faster than light,
They'd no idea if they'd get out of this fight.

<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50">

Noo D:

I'm really sad about these two deaths. I'm not going to vote right away, but I do feel like we should start getting into action now. Losing two is really bad. :(

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