Closed truth or dare?

William wasn't paying attention to any of the noise going on around him. He was still kissing Demi.
"You two break it up, Jesus Christ." Tori says, frowning in annoyance. This wasn't how this was supposed to go at all. She walked over and rolled her eyes at Demi and Will.
Esme wasn't happy when Susie kissed Felix but at least it wasn't on the lips. She sat quietly and watched hoping no one else would kiss him.
Demi wrapped her arms around Williams shoulders as though she wa nervous someone was going to pull her away. She didn’t even hear Tori. As she continued to kiss Will she wondered whether she hadn’t been imagining their glances to one another over the last few months.
They were still going. This was better than Susie had expected. Still, she was getting impatient, now. “Uuuhh should we give them some privacy, ooor?” Sheesh. This was probably Susie’s fault, but she wouldn’t admit that.
Tori rolled her eyes even harder and backed away. Whatever. She didn't even want to study anymore, she should have known better than to try to make this stupid thing fun, she just didn't like studying on her own or from a dumb text book. Guess it was going to be back to the library on her own from now on, since she couldn't trust anyone she thought were her friends to help her. Backing up again, Tori picked up her bag and walked out the door.
Felix blinked as he looked around the room. What was this turning into? “So um, I’m going to pick a card,” he announced, moving to the middle to flip one over. In truth he couldn’t even pronounce two of the words so what hope did he have? “Okay, just, give me a dare,” he said, hoping it wouldn’t add to whatever was going on in the middle of the room.
“I dare you to stop them,” she said pointing to the still-kissing pair.
Felix looked between Demi and Will, how was he meant to stop them? He didn’t know a spell that would force them to sit back down. “Will if you don’t stop I will fart in your bed for the next week.”
"Dude what the heck?" William pulled back from kissing Demi when Felix turned up and threatened to fart in his bed.
Oh, no. Where was Tori going? Was this Susie’s fault? She’d sort of egged them on a bit. Without a word, she hopped up and chased after the Gryffindor.
Felix grinned at William, hoping that would have been enough for him to sit down. Out the corner of his eye he spotted Susie running away, not having noticed Tori already left. “Where’s everyone going?” he asked, wondering if it was already over.
As Will pulled away, Demi heard Felix speak to him and pulled a face at the blond Gryffindor in disgust. That sounded like something her little brother would do. Not waiting for Will to suffer those consequences, Demi returned to her seat next to Lumos. “I don’t think Nox is mad at me anymore,” she noted, looking across the room to his twin who now seemed distracted.
It was hard to follow exactly what happened next, but as Eoghan glanced between the first years he wondered how he’d gotten here in the first place. He was here to learn so why was his now witnessing students become each other snacks? As Tori and Susie headed out the room, he leaned closer so only Lilith heard him, “I’m going with them,” he nodded his head towards the door, not minding if Lilith came too but giving her the choice. He’d had enough of this scene for the foreseeable future. Without a word to any of the others, the Ravenclaw slipped out the room.
Well, apparently things had worked out a lot better than he'd expected. Lumos shrugged and leaned up against the wall, his gaze shifting slightly from Demi to William to Nox, and after Tori, Susie and Eoghan's retreating forms. Hmm.
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Lilith’s mouse hung open slightly when a Slytherin pointed to Ondine calling her by Lilith’s name. And then the circus ensued. She tried to not show any reaction when she felt Eoghan’s hand on her knee but couldn't help the little smile. Why was she smiling? Because she was delusional and this was clearly him putting it out there that they too had kissed and he might even have liked her. She was not sure what was going on all the sound drowning out when Eoghan told her he’d follow the others. Lilith was frozen in place for a good five seconds before eventually following.
Kiera grinned at Lumos as he acknowledged her dare. Chaos followed with who William was and wasn't going to kiss, and Kiera just knew it wasn't going to be her or she might throw up. William ended up kissing that Demi girl for an uncomfortably long time. Then, Tori stormed off, several people following her. Kiera looked at Will in disgust. "Eww. Gross, Will. My eyes are burning." she complained. Really, no one should have to watch their brother like that. She had half a mind to follow Tori off. "Don't ever do that again. At least, not where I have to watch." she demanded adamantly.
Tori left, Susie left, Eoghan left and then Lilith left, and Keira was telling Will he was being gross. Demi's eyes started to burn, and she looked around the room at the remaining students, wondering how things had taken a turn to get to this point. "I just remembered, I told my dormmate I'd feed her cat," Demi said abruptly, praying Ondine wouldn't out her lie, and left the student lounge as fast as she could.
Everyone was leaving. Ondine didn’t want to be rude, but she also didn’t want to be stuck in the student lounge with just a few students. Then she’d never get away. Besides, she hadn’t stopped blushing since Eurydice kissed her, and it was noticeable. “Um - yes,” she said, standing up shortly after Demi. “The cat. There is a cat. Which we have to feed. This was nice. Bye-bye.” Ondine gave a little bow before hurrying out.
William was left speechless as everyone suddenly scrambled to leave the lounge, Tori was the first to leave ultimately ending with Ondine and Demi following, leaving him alone in the room with Kiera and his cousins and Eury. "Oh okay," He said sadly as he watched Demi leave, "Guess I'm not a good kisser,"
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"Cheer up, Will," he says, moving to pat his cousin's shoulder with a heavy hand. Things had indeed gone a little off the rails and it hadn't even been his fault this time which just mate it all the more better. Clearly he needed to hang out with this group more often. "Least you kissed a couple of pretty girls, huh?" he shrugged. "Always next year."
Eurydice watched as a lot of people left and shrugged. She hadn’t even been here that long and the crowd already left. She waved goodbye with her fingers as the girl she kissed left the room and turned to William who was saddened by the other Ravenclaw leaving. Well, that’s just rude of her. “I think you’re pretty good, I wouldn’t mind another one,” she said hoping that would cheer him up.

@William Potter-Cade
Jonah was confused, but that was okay because he was confused a lot. Why everyone suddenly wanted to leave was beyond him, though at least Felix, William, and Eurydice were still around. Not to mention, Nox and Lumos. He wrinkled his nose at his cousin volunteering to kiss William again, mostly because she’s his cousin. He wouldn’t say anything though. She can kiss anyone she wants. Just like he could kiss anyone he wants. Why does she keep wanting to kiss his friends though? “Do you really need more kisses Will?” Jonah asked confusedly. He already got lots of kisses too.
Felix looked around the room. It was a weird set of people now. William and his sister. Jonah and his cousin. The twins. His newest friend, and his girlfriend. Felix chuckled when Will said he wasn't good at kisses, "that's okay, she was just practice." He didn't think either of them actually liked each other because he'd never seen them actually talk before. He glared at Eury in the same way she'd glared at him in lessons a few weeks ago, wondering why she was still trying to stir up the drama. This had turned into a kiss fest but Felix was just glad he hadn't been roped in.
Amory had sat back and watched the whole chaos, right. Study indeed. This had definitely been an interesting experience, one he was entirely too glad of not being in the middle of. "Well was awesome meeting you guys, William don't fall in love with me after that confession, I fear it was just a spur of the moment." The Slytherin shrugged as he got off the ground and started walking towards the door. "I suppose I'll be seeing you guys around, or not who knows." He said before disappearing off to the hall.

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