Closed truth or dare?

Amory looked at the girl in yellow robes, having forgotten the name of the house. "Would have preferred confessing to you, but I suppose he'll do." He said turning to the Gryffindor boy. Placing one hand to his heart he looked the boy in the eyes. "Oh William, my long lost love. How I have searched for you far and wide, finally finding the face that brings love a meaning. I have loved you ever since, well I don't know when but that does not matter for I shall love you until my dying breath." As soon as he was done he cleared his throat and went to sit back down.

@Eurydice Nightray @William Potter-Cade
"Maybe next time then," she giggled before covering her mouth at the confession directed at William. "There you go William, I found you a pretty boyfriend. Have fun," she told her Gryffindor friend with a pat on his back before skipping off to Nox. "So, what are we actually doing here?" she asks as she sits on the other side of her housemate, waving at the Ravenclaw girl he was sitting beside.

@Amory Raven @William Potter-Cade @Nox Walden-Cade @Demi Zephyr
Demi would have preferred it too if Amory confessed to Eury instead. Now Tori, Jonah, Eury and Amory were all meddling! She ignored the girl when she waved at her, as though she was completely invisible.
Jonah was so confused when his cousin arrived. He didn't know that she was invited too, otherwise he would have pulled his siblings along too. Never mind that he'd only found out about this just before they came here and he didn't have any time to grab anyone. Much less people he'd been avoiding. He grabbed a card because he wanted to do something too. He frowned. "Poisonous plant in Draught of Living Peace," Jonah didn't even have Potions this semester. He would never be able to answer that. "Dare," because truth would be soooo boring.
Every time Felix hung out with Jonah, he knew with even more assurance that he was definitely his best friend. Felix giggled mischievously when Jonah didn't know the potions question. "How about.." the Gryffindor thought for a few seconds, "I want you to kiss the cutest person in the room," he grinned, wondering who he'd pick and if he'd do it.

@Jonah Edogawa
As the game moved steadily onwards, Lumos watched on in rapt attention as dares and truths got thrown about. This was definitely one way to get to know the people he was in school with.
"Merlin why?" William groaned when Eurydice dared the boy to profess his love for him then proceeded to stand there and have to listen to it. "Uhm, thanks," He said awkwardly then noticed Eury making her way over to Nox. "Thanks Eury, always a pleasure,"
Lilith's eyes kept Ping ponging on everything, wondering whether she'd have the nerve to pick a card eventually.
Jonah had to really think about Felix's dare. It was hard. He had to look at the girls one by one since girls are supposed to be cute. But Tori and Demi weren't cute because they were talking about him getting expelled earlier. And Eury is his cousin so nope. Esme was Felix's girlfriend and he really liked being friends with Felix and his kaa-chan would kill him if he kissed someone with a boyfriend. That left the other Ravenclaw girl who looked like she was also maybe in a relationship with the Ravenclaw boy? Same problem. So... No girls. That just left the boys. Felix had a girlfriend. And Amory just confessed his undying love to William? So William has a boyfriend too? And the Ravenclaw... was with the Ravenclaw? Merlin why was it so hard to keep track of the people?! And why did they all have boyfriends and girlfriends?! And then he remembered! He walked off towards his roommate - who didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend - and gave him a quick peck on the lips! There he did the dare! But he caught sight of Lumos and well - he didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend too, and he looked like Nox so that means he's cute too. So Jonah walked over to the Slytherin and gave him a quick peck on the lips too! Now he's done. "Done!" he sang in satisfaction as he skipped off back to sit beside Felix.

@Victoria de Lacey @Demi Zephyr @Esme Styx-Cade @Lilith Ilves @Felix Layton-King @Amory Raven @William Potter-Cade @Eoghan Blyth @Nox Walden-Cade @Lumos Walden-Cade
Felix watched as Jonah debated his dare, and eventually, his best friend moved to kiss one of the twins. Just as the Gryffindor was wondering how he could tell them apart, Jonah went to kiss the other twin, too. "Cheeky," Felix giggled, although in truth he was just secretly glad he hadn't kissed Esme. That could have gone very poorly for them all. As Jonah sat back down next to him, he elbowed him in a friendly way, proud of him for doing one dare and getting one free.
Lumos watched on as Jonah moved over towards Nox and kissed him, that made sense honestly since Jonah was roommates with Nox. He raised an eyebrow though when Jonah headed over to him and he moved back slightly, but was caught off guard by Jonah's mouth on his. He blinked and it was over, but... huh. Lumos shook his head, that had been a little more unexpected that he'd thought it would be.
Demi watched as Jonah moved to kiss Lumos beside her, throwing a hand over her own mouth to stifle a giggle. Lumos may have been her closest friend in the school so far and he wasn't unattractive, but the cutest? That was a stretch. She watched as Jonah then proceeded to cross the room and kiss Nox too, wondering if he was just making the most of his dare.
Nox wondered who Jonah would choose to kiss when he got the dare but what he didn't expect was for him to head over to him and plant his lips on him. "Well," Nox reacted to the kiss but Jonah had already moved on to go and kiss Lumos. That made sense, they were identical after all.
Susie was a bit late for the truth or dare game and arrived several rounds in. She giggled as Jonah selected Lumos and Nox as the cutest people in the room. Not that Susie agreed - but it was a pretty good joke. "My turn," she said, reaching for a card. "'What does Gemelitiar do?' Oh! I know, that's..." She hesitated. It would be a while before she got another turn, probably, and if she didn't get to kiss someone before the end of the game, what was the point in her being here? "Actually, I don't know. Dare."
Lilith looked at the new Hufflepuff girl that just joined and instantly went for a card. Without missing a beat she spoke up from her place. "I dare you to kiss the person that you'd least like to." Was it boring? Maybe but others seemed to find it funny and maybe it would be more interesting to have them kiss the last person they'd choose instead of the cutest or whatever.

@Susie Lagowski
The person Susie would least likely to kiss? "Wow - that's mean," she said, standing up to assess her options. Mean, sure, but that didn't mean she wouldn't do it. A dare was a dare. You couldn't say no - it ruined the spirit of the game. Well, it had to be Felix, didn't it? There was just something annoying about him. Susie couldn't say what, exactly. He just had that sort of annoying face. And voice. And personality. She marched over and planted a quick peck on his face. "Sorry. Rules are rules." Shrugging, she went and sat back down.
Lilith had seen enough of the questions and dares, she was confident she could do it. Even if she failed she could just pick a truth. She crawled and got a card. “Which star is the brightest in our night sky? SIRIUS!” There was no hesitation, this question was the easiest one for her. She thanked Merlin for the question as she made her way back to her spot.

OOCOut of Character:
Now dares can continue someone did studying :r
Kiera had been invited to the truth or dare game by Will, but it seemed she was a few minutes late to the party. She walked in as someone was kissing Lumos. Merlin, there were a lot of first years here. Kiera didn't know them all quite yet, but no time like the present to get to know them. She picked up on the game quickly, and it was already her turn. She picked up a card. "What is the stunning charm? Ohhh uuuuhhhhh.....protego?" she said. Kiera actually knew the answer was stupefy, but the dares seemed like more fun than getting the answer right. She saw the others shaking their heads. Kiera shrugged. "Dare!" she challenged, lifting her chin in the air. Really, it was a stupid move on her part, but it was bound to be fun.
Ondine was a little bit hurt at the suggestion that she was the best person in the room to expel, but really, she couldn't complain. Getting expelled didn't sound like such a terrible fate. If anyone in the room had to go, it ought to be the person who didn't much want to be there in the first place. She sat quietly while the others dared each others to kiss, wondering if anybody was going to pick her, and whether or not she wanted them to. She didn't really see the appeal in exchanging germs, but... it would have been nice to think someone wanted to exchange germs with her.

Realising she had been quiet for some time, she finally spoke up. "I dare you to open the door and shout 'I love Professor Carter'!" she said. If the Hufflepuff Head of House was in his common room, no doubt he would be able to hear Kiera loud and clear.
Eoghan had watched Lilith with wide eyes as she purposely chose a card. Maybe she wasn’t quite as hesitant as he was about being asked to do something or admit something, or maybe she was just confident she’d get the question right. As she answered it correctly, Eoghan was a little relieved for her sake as she returned to her seat.
Felix wasn’t sure what it meant that Susie came over to him immediately when presented with who she’d least like to kiss. He wasn’t that bad. He had experience! Thankfully she kissed him on the cheek which meant he could avoid getting into trouble with his girlfriend. When Ondine however told Keira to shout about Professor Carter, Felix’s eyes widened. Hopefully he didn’t hear them or come over. Felix would slap a man if he had to, professor or not.
Kiera grinned at a girl she didn’t know as she dared her to scream her love for Professor Carter out in door. Really, that wasn’t so bad. She’d rather do that than kiss someone. The brunette got up and went over to the door. She opened it and in her loudest voice, she said, “I LOVE PROFESSOR CARTER!” Kiera returned to her seat with a smug smile on her face. “Done.”
Lumos laughed at Kiera's display clapping for his cousin. "Nice one!" He walked over and picked up one of the cards, quickly looking over it. Hmm, "who is regularly considered one of the most famous wizards in history?" Well, that was obvious. "Merlin!" he turned it over and grinned, it had to be either Merlin or Harry Potter, but maybe they were a little too close to the time for it to be William and Kiera's Great Grandfather. "Well that's me done then, who's next?" he asked, glancing casually over Demi and frowning slightly. She was with Nox, could she not tell that wasn't him?
Demi was watching quietly, waiting for Will to be dared to kiss someone. No not someone, her. As Nox picked up a card and got it correct she grinned at him, slightly picking up on the fact he was frowning at her. Was he jealous that she’d made friends with Lumos and not him? “Do you think he’s mad at me?” she whispered to Lumos beside her, nudging her head towards Nox across the room.

@Nox Walden-Cade @Lumos Walden-Cade
Nox was surprised when the Ravenclaw next to him and even more so when she seemed to be asking him if his brother was mad at her. "No? Why would he be?"

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