Closed truth or dare?

William wasn't happy that Demi had walked out after their kiss, he thought it had been more than just a peck like the others but clearly, the Ravenclaw didn't think so. "You know what Eury, go for it,"

@Eurydice Nightray
Eurydice waved goodbye at Amory and didn’t care for Felix’s glaring. Only William’s answer mattered, if he wanted a kiss, then Eury was going to give him a kiss. Though with the amount of times that the two of them had kissed, she thinks she really should be promoted from just “friend” at this point. She should be “best friend” at least! She walks over to him and puts her arms on his shoulder and gives him a peck on the lips. “Did you want it longer? I feel bad for them watching,” she says before turning to everyone left. “Why don’t you guys kiss too?” Cause that seemed to be the best answer if they didn’t want to watch her and William kissing.
Apparently Will did need more kisses. Jonah wasn’t going to question it though because, one, Will is his friend and if he needs more kisses then fine. Two, Eurydice was a force of nature and Jonah wasn’t going to be the one standing in her way. He had to agree though that it wasn’t really nice to look at his cousin and his friend kissing. It was icky. Though he supposes that she had the right idea, so he looks around the room for who he could kiss. Obviously Felix and Esme would be kissing so that’s out. Will’s sister just seems like a no-no, he doesn’t know why but he’s pretty sure it’s bad considering everyone seems to point Uncle Miah with things like that. So that left Nox and Lumos again. It was a little embarassing kissing Nox more since they shared a room so that really only left Lumos. “Wanna kiss again?” he asked the Slytherin, his head tilting to the side.
Lumos looked around the room noting that it was mostly his family left, plus a couple of tag alongs he wasn't overly familiar with. Amory left, so that meant he was only not related to Felix and Jonah and his cousin Eurydice, and they were for sure a strange family, not that he could really talk since most of his family were sort of in this room. He looked over to Esme, who was his sister, and that was wild, he had no idea what to do with that information yet, but he had been storing it for use later, mostly to figure out the best way to prank her, she'd know she was a proper part of the family then, but it had to be special, perfect, as her first prank. He hadn't even been paying much attention when he suddenly heard someone ask him a question, Jonah, kissing again? His eyes widened and he frowned. "Uhm," he wasn't quite sure what to say, did he say yes? That would mean he'd kissed Jonah twice, and he hadn't kissed anyone else, but did that matter? He couldn't tell. He cleared his throat. "S-sure? I guess we can do that, if it means I don't have to watch your cousin with my cousin."
William thought about it, he didn't want to disrespect Demi by kissing Eurydice the same way so quickly after he had kissed her, but then she had just walked out on him. "As long as you want, I assume Felix isn't going to interrupt us,"
Eurydice wasn’t really worried about interruptions and she was less worried about Felix. She still hasn’t gotten over him stealing her cousins away in that one Charms class. She’d eventually get him back for that. Jonah was sufficiently distracted now though at least with a Slytherin boy which was just perfect, she couldn’t wait to tell Rose. “I think it’s time we move past friends since we’ve kissed a lot today. I deserve more than that you know,” she said before giving him another peck. “I should be best friend at least,” she grinned and gave him a looooooong kiss.
Jonah grinned when Lumos agreed to another kiss. He was kind of glad that Lumos said yes, because he wasn’t sure what he would have done if the Slytherin said no. Because Jonah wouldn’t have asked anyone else because that would have been rude to everybody involved. He probably would have just left. But that wasn’t a problem now because Lumos said yes, and that made Jonah happy. So he went over to the Slytherin and gave him a small kiss, just a peck but his movements were less showy and quick than the first one because he didn’t need to show off to everyone this time. And it was nice. No wonder Felix went and got himself a girlfriend. It was just a shame that Lumos wasn’t his girlfriend.
"I think best friend works, what else would there be?" William grinned at her before she kissed him, first as a peck and then gave him a long kiss which he very much enjoyed.
Felix could have kicked the Hufflepuff girl. "You dared me to break up Demi and Will just so you could have him to yourself!" he frowned, knowing it would have been a wasted and selfish dare. These students weren't even playing properly. Amory had left now too, and as their numbers were dwindling Felix wasn't sure if it was salvageable. "You know your cousin hates me, right?" he said to Jonah, hoping that Jonah would say something to her to back him up. "She glares at me in every class and now she's wasted my dare." His eyes fell on Jonah right as he kissed Lumos again, and the Gryffindor sighed. 50% of the room was now kissing each other, not including him despite being the only one with a real girlfriend. "Do you want to leave?" he asked Esme, just to get a change of scene.

@Jonah Edogawa @Esme Styx-Cade
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Eurydice grinned when he had finally promoted her. “Well, there’s bff! Would family friend be a promotion too?” she said when she finally pulled away. It must be cause Elio-nii could stay at their house all the time but anyone else coming still needed permission from her parents. She turned to glare at Felix though because how dare he? Accusing her and telling on her to Jonah. How rude! “ I dared you because the Gryffindor girl tried and failed!” And Felix had broken them up hadn’t he so obviously she was right. She was kissing William now because Demi leaving made him sad! She didn’t have to leave! Why was Eurydice the bad guy now?! She was not going to cry. She really hated Felix. And she had been really happy too now that William was her best friend.
Lumos genuinely wasn't sure what to do when Jonah kissed him, it was nice, he didn't really have anything to compare it to though, so he frowned at that. It wasn't weird to like the way a kiss made him feel, was it? He shook his head, nah, he was being silly, he snorted at Eurydice spoke to Felix. "You're all whining, stop it."
Jonah had to unfortunately move away from Lumos when his cousin and best friend started yelling at each other and he didn’t know why. Next thing he knew, Felix was telling him that Eury hated him which confused Jonah. And Lumos was telling everyone to stop whining but he also should defend Felix cause Felix was his friend and Eurydice could be mean if she wanted to be. “Is that true?” he asked Eury, glaring. He was sure Felix hadn’t done anything to her in class because he had the same classes with her and he’s never seen Felix interact with Eurydice until now. “You can’t be mean to Felix because he’s my best friend and he hasn’t done anything,” he told Eury, glaring at her hoping that would get the message across.
A grin, Felix knew, would have made him seem ingenuine, however, the fact that he really did have a best friend now who was sticking up for him made Felix happier than he realised. Before he'd come to Hogwarts he'd been no more than an invisible shadow, and just a few months later he felt as though not only was he now being noticed, but some people, Jonah especially, actually seemed to like him enough to help him. A small smile would have to suffice.
Esme hadn't been interested in watching any of the other people kiss but it was a little weird that William and Eurydice kissed for a long time, too long in her opinion. When Felix turned and asked her to leave she nodded. "Yes, can we?"

@Felix Layton-King

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