True! =))

TPBM wants a nice cold drink
False.. I actually want nothing to drink right now.. =)) But if I did, I rather prefer something hot since I feel cold right now.. :p

TPBM needs a week-long out of town getaway.
False. I'm happy to have a week long break at home, thanks.

TBPM Is listening to instrumental music.
False! I'm listening to my computer trying to cool itself, but will soon turn on some kind of music to post in What are you listening to?

TPBM is super psyched that it's summer!
Ehh I guess true!

TPBM is hungry!
False. I just woke up so definitely not hungry.

TPBM is going swimming today.
FALSE not in this hecken weather!
TPBM has recently eaten Spaghetti :wub:
Not sure! How recent is recent? I had some last week!

TPBM is cold right now!
True, I'm pretty sure I live with a ghost because my house is always cold

TPBM loves adding fresh fruit to cereal

TPBM is allergic to a certain type of fruit :o
False. I really dislike strawberries, but I'm not allergic to them.

TPBM is fluent in a language other than English.
False, I know bits and pieces of Maori just from living in NZ, and I'm trying (failing) to learn Dutch so I can talk to Daphne in her own language, but I'm so desperately far from fluent.

TPBM listens to podcasts.
Not really.

TPBM have watched three movies the past week.
No :/

TPBM hates ketchup.
False. I don't particularly like it, but I don't hate it.

TPBM is in their pajamas.

I am at work now so technically I am in jeans.

TPBM is...... HNZing although he/she has other things to do.
True!! I'm trying soooo hard to keep it to a reasonable number but I can feel my resolve slipping!! D: D: D:

TPBM is listening to music right now.
I am having an online class while HNZing music.

TPBM had toast for breakfast.
False! :p Cereal

TPBM likes watching people play video games on youtube

TPBM hates eating vegetables.
False! I love carrots and potatoes.

TPBM loves staying at home.
Yes, if that means avoiding work :p

TPBM likes to wear sunglasses inside

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