True. It's not my favorite genre, but I do love me some Florida Georgia Line and Thomas Rhett.

TPBM wears glasses.
No even though I really need to!! D: Damn not having insurance

TBPM wears lipstick.
True! I'm a makeup addict.

TPBM is in university.
With a passion.

TPBM owns a creepy doll.
False!!! D:

TPBM drinks coffee!
True-ish. I drink it like once a week, so I've cut back a lot. :p

TPBM loves horror movies.
False, they bore me.

TPBM is having a gorgeous dinner tonight.
False. I had a takeaway.

TPBM is drunk. :r

TPBM enjoys cheese.

TPBM mailed something today.

TPBM is working today.

TPBM is excited for Christmas already!
False. It's only July!

TPBM is sleepy.
True. Always true.

TPBM cannot legally drink.
True, sadly.

TPBM has a pet!
False, my apartment complex made me get rid of her a few weeks ago :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

TPBM loves cats!

TPBM is a terrible cook.
Matter of opinion :glare:

TPBM has more than ten lessons to catch up on.
Nope! Unless my count is off is 5 my count may be off

TPBM is already planning their character(s) for next year
Yaaaaaas I love pizza! I could eat it all day every day! #PizzaQueen

TPBM has a Mac laptop.
Loooool you crazy a Mac is way too expensive #BrokeAsSh!t

TPBM is going to see Star Wars Rogue One

TPBM has done all of their Christmas shopping.

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