Amber felt bad for her words as soon as she said them, it wasn't like it was that odd to have a nickname for a friend, she had just wanted to get under November's skin like she was getting under Amber's. She had no idea what the girl was saying about marriage, but she decided to ignore it instead of asking for clarification. Her reply was very defensive, and Amber thought she might have made the other girl angry. She wondered why she was doing this, why they weren't just being friendly with each other. Was it November or was it her? She wasn't used to clashing with someone so... similar to her. Her dislike of Lizzie Taylor was easy to explain as they were incredibly different and she had splashed mud all over Amber on their first meeting, and her dislike of Rory Fergusson had an even more obvious reason, as he was just a jerk. But with November there just seemed to be a weird strife, and she couldn't say where it came from. "Actually, I don't know, I never had a nickname for him." She said with a small shrug. "I don't know why I said that." She added, though the apology that should have followed didn't come out of her mouth. She nodded at the mention of her and her sister, though she didn't dare to comment on it in case she made the girl cry again. Her sister was clearly a sore subject. She followed November's gaze to Noemie who was flying on the field, and she stared at the other girl for a moment. She still didn't get why she was sometimes so enthralled by the Ravenclaw, even from a distance. She was just really pretty.
She heard a familiar cheerful voice and turned to see Clementine. She felt immensely relieved to see her friend, as she was sure to break the awkwardness that was happening between her and November. Amber was glad she stood between them, so at least she could talk to Clementine easily. "Hey, are you supporting Gryffindor?" She asked the girl, she wondered if she had done the same as Amber had by showing her support with her clothes. She pointed to her own shirt. "Guess we're on opposing sides." She sort of hoped Clementine wouldn't bring up Wyatt, but even if she did Amber wouldn't really mind telling her they broke up. Clem was the girl she went to with boy trouble, at least so far, so she was sure the blonde would understand. Then she heard another familiar voice and looked up to see Tess. While Clem and Amber had been subtle about their support, Tess made it very clear."Nice flag." Amber said with a smile. "Of course we don't mind." She added, though talking about breaking up with Wyatt would be more awkward with Tesla here as she didn't know the other girl that well. But maybe the match would distract them. She didn't feel as sad as she thought you were supposed to feel about breaking up with someone, but she still thought Wyatt was nice. If it hadn't been for Flavio on the other team and Marisol and Lizzie on his, she would probably have supported Gryffindor in this match. Tesla apparently supported Lizzie, though, and Amber shot her a small look. She didn't like the Gryffindor at all, though she supposed Tesla was more similar to the other girl. Still, Amber couldn't help but think she didn't have the best taste in friends, though she would keep that for herself.
When Amber finally looked back, she was surprised to see Gryffindor in the lead. She scowled a little, hoping Ravenclaw could turn this around. Her scowl deepened when Noemie failed to score.