Open The Stands

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''Well, you can always live with me and i don't mind. But i am so jealous that all my friends is dating, and i am just a weirdo without relontiships. '' Her brother to was dating and she was just jelalous and she take deep breath and she don't understand the world, mayby she was ugly? '' I was so woried, you don't liked'' She smiled and looked the game and cheer up everyone.

@Nicole Fisk
Casper had been preparing for this game for weeks. He knew technically he was supposed to be supporting Hufflepuff. He had roommates on the team. But that just meant his roommates should really have seen this coming. He tried to tell himself it wasn't because he had a crush on Lysander. This was just one king supporting another, wasn't it? He shook the thought aside. Now was not the time to be getting caught up in silly fantasy.

Casper had been working on this sign for two weeks now. In big, bold letters, his sign read 'Lysander'. Though he supposed 'bold letters' was really a loose phrasing, as the letters were composed of flowers. The background of the sign was a fantasy landscape, mostly in blues, with a red dragon woven in through the trees. He held it up as the teams moved onto the pitch, unsure if the other boy would even see it. He'd have to give it to Lysander later anyway. Cas had made sure it was something that could be used for something other than just Quidditch. Though it was probably a little vein of him to hope Lysander would hang it in his room or somewhere similar. @Lysander Summers
The Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match was always the highlight of the Quidditch season for Harper, and she was especially glad that the match this year also served as the championship game. During her time at Hogwarts, she had never seen anyone but Slytherin take the Quidditch cup, and it was exciting to know that would change today. In a bid to get a decent seat, Harper had arrived at the stands early. She couldn't see any of her friends, but hopefully a few would show up soon.

As Harper waited for the match to start, she scanned the stands. One boy had a very large and elaborate sign bearing Lysander's name and... a dragon? It made the Gryffindor pennant she was carrying look tiny by comparison, and she wondered if she should make her flag larger. Usually Harper tried to appear somewhat neutral during these matches since she had friends on both teams. But she figured she was allowed to be a little biased today since her house was this close to ending the year with both cups. Plus she was kind of worried that if Hufflepuff won, she'd never hear the end of it from Hunter.
Salem loved Quidditch matches, the excitement in the air always felt so contagious. It reminded her of visiting noisy and crowded places with her parents and it definitely livened up a boring week of classes. Today's match was especially exciting, with the cup on the line and Gryffindor having a chance to win it. Salem would also cheer for Jordie of course, but it was exciting for her own house and Elara too.

Salem had decked herself out in red and gold, finding a good seat in the stands. She'd considered trying to use a colour changing charm on her hair but after testing it on one of her socks first and turning it canary yellow she'd decided maybe it was best to just leave it for today. Instead, she put her energy cheering when Elara and Jordie both walked across the pitch respectively. "This is exciting, right? I think we might actually win," she told the Gryffindor girl next to her, already on edge waiting for the game to start. @Harper Alston
Finn was wearing Flynn his Gryffindor scarf and he currently found himself in the midst of the Gryffindor crowd. He disliked Hufflepuff and thus he had his face painted in the Gryffindor colours and was currently shouting out the top of longs to support Gryffindor. '''GOO FLYNN"' He screamed. Finn was curious if @Hayzel West was also going to the game. He had never been to the previous ones, but this one was special. He was there for Flynn anyway, he cared less and less about the actual sport.
Issac loved Quidditch and was excited for the game today. He wanted to show his support for his house team and especially for his girlfriend on the team. His face was painted with Gryffindor colours. He tried to come as early as possible to find a good seat, luckily he found a good seat and was more excited than ever. He looked around to see if he noticed anyone he knew but no one familiar popped into his head. He didn't mind, Issac was here to cheer on his team and girlfriend and that's all that really mattered to him.
Kas had to admit he was impressed that Hufflepuff had actually made it into the finals. After six years of coming second at best, Kas was hesitantly excited for the match today. He grabbed a seat next to Casper, raising an eyebrow at the elaborate sign he had for Lysander and glancing out at the pitch before commenting. "I think you went too subtle. Needs more dragons," he said, leaning back in his seat at the match started and Gryffindor took possession. At least Linden managed to block their first attempt on goal. @Casper Beckett
Casper looked over, blushing as Kasim sat with him. "Careful," he turned his eyes back to the game. "I might take you seriously." He gave the other boy a shy smile. "Do you think he'll like it?" He asked, keeping his eye on Lysander through the game. @Kasim Safir
Kas shook his head wryly, watching as Jordan Harris crossed the pitch. "Merlin forbid someone takes me seriously," he said flatly, looking back at Casper's face when he asked about Lysander. That was an interesting development. He wondered if Lysander knew Casper was almost definitely into him. He glanced at the sign again. Knowing Lysander maybe it was legitimately too subtle. "I think you could put his name on an egg and he'd thrilled," he said casually, turning back to game and grinning as Hufflepuff managed to make a goal. "Though if you ask me, I think the way to his heart is probably his pets." @Casper Beckett
Harper grinned at the other Gryffindor. "Of course we'll win! The real question is, how many points are we going to win by?" Knowing the way Quidditch worked, she wasn't actually that confident in Gryffindor's chances, but part of the fun of cheering at any sports match was unwavering loyalty to one's team.

Gryffindor wasn't off to the greatest start, but at least Chloë now had possession. "GO CHLOË!" she shouted, waving her flag. The small pennant didn't give off quite the effect Harper wanted, so she paused her cheering to cast an engorgio charm on the fabric. Once the Gryffindor flag was a good two meters wide, she stopped the charm and held out a corner of the fabric to the other girl. "Want to help me wave this?" she asked with a smile.

@Salem Lee
Salem grinned and nodded at the other girl, though their enthusiasm so far wasn't rewarded when Gryffindor failed to score, with Hufflepuff making a goal straight after. But at least Salem could cheer for Jordie, trying to stick her fingers in her mouth to whistle, though she said to give up with it only made a flat breathy noise, deciding just cheering would be enough. "I do want us to win, he's just my friend," she added sheepishly for the girl's benefit.

Salem's eyes bugged when the girl enlarged her little flag, eagerly hopping to stand on her seat so she had better ground clearance to help hold it up. "Awesome, go, Chloë!" She joined in in cheering, wiggling the much larger pennant enthusiastically. @Harper Alston
Adorah still wasn't used to going to games without Elliot, but she at least had Juniper during the room. Her sister was rather grumpy about the whole game, complaining about some new maneuver she'd seen that Juniper thought was cheating. As they took their seats, the Ravenclaw spotted Noel and clapped as he took off.
Casper could feel his cheeks burning at Kasim's words. "What- to his- I didn't say- it's just a sign," Cas stuttered. Was it that obvious? Did Lysander know? Cas felt mortified. Was Lysander laughing at him. Panicking a bit, he lowered the sign a little. "I don't... I never said I liked him," he stammered, peeking at Kas nervously. @Kasim Safir
"Yeah sure, just a sign," Kas said dismissively, eyes on the pitch as the game continued. Casper could keep telling himself that. Kas grimaced when Lucas took a bludger from Emma, craning his neck to try and follow him across the pitch for a bit to make sure he was okay. Gryffindor managed to score too and Kas hoped the game wasn't turning in their favour. "You don't have to," Kas said blandly, turning back to Casper and tapping the sign, raising his eyebrow again for good measure. "But hey, what do I know." @Casper Beckett
She chuckled at the girl's sheepish look. "It's okay, I also have friends on the other team who I'm cheering for." Unfortunately neither Hunter nor Tilly had done much so far, but the game had barely started. If Harper was being completely honest, while she definitely wanted Gryffindor to win, she was also kind of hoping Tilly would knock a bludger or three into Flynn.

Harper followed the other girl's lead and stood up so that she could wave her end of the flag more freely. Standing also made it a lot easier to jump and cheer when Chloë made her shot. Gryffindor followed the goal with two successive bludgers to the Hufflepuff seeker, but it wasn't long before Hufflepuff scored again. "Your friend's really good," she observed. Harper felt bad for Nikko and hoped things would turn in his favor soon.

@Salem Lee
Cas was thinking about dropping the sign completely when Lysander flew by, slowing down to look at the sign. Cas blushed, his eyes widening a little, and he held it up just a bit more to help the Gryffindor see. When the other boy flew away, Cas set the sign down and covered his face with both hands. "I didn't think he was going to get that close to look," he whined lightly, before peeking at Kas. @Kasim Safir
Salem was relieved the other girl didn't mind her cheering for both sides, glancing out at the players on the pitch curiously. "Oh yeah? Which ones?" She asked, craning her neck to see all the players as if she could guess just by looking.

She beamed when the girl complimented Jordie too, nodding enthusiastically. "I know right? This is second year on the team and he's already a really good chaser," she said proudly, though it was undercut some by Jordie missing a goal while Gryffindor continued to score, though in Salem's mind she supposed that was a good thing still. Their beaters were doing a number on the Hufflepuff seeker too and Salem couldn't help but gasp when the seeker lunged forward suddenly, turning it into a groan when she realized he had the snitch. "Aw beans," she grumbled, shaking the enlarged pennant half-heartedly in commiseration. @Harper Alston
Kas gave Lysander a slow clap as he flew past, glancing over to check Casper's reaction and shaking his head with an amused huff. "You made him a giant sign with his name on it and you're surprised when he sees it. Amazing. You two would be great together," he said flatly, watching with a sigh as Lysander laid into Connor. "OI, LYSANDER! Stop trying to flatten Connor, I need him!" He called to Lysander, cupping his hands around his mouth in the hopes that his voice would carry. The same went for Lucas really but thankfully Tilly seemed to be keeping him safe from the bludgers wrath right now, which worked out perfect as Lucas made a sudden dodge for the snitch, causing Kas to leap to his feet. "Lucas, you beauty!" He said, grinning and clapping with the stands as Lucas held the snitch aloft. "I'll be honest, I didn't actually expect we'd win," he said, shaking his head again, though fondly this time, as he continued to clap for Hufflepuff. "It's no cup, but at least Lysander gets your sign, I suppose," he added with a smirk to Casper. @Casper Beckett
Hayzel slumped in her seat as the Gryffindor lost the game. She was watching the game with Cassiah, assuming Finn would be on the Hufflepuff side, cheering for their team. Imagine her surprise when she spotted the boy painted in scarlet and gold, her house colors. "Finn!", she called out, waving her hands for good measure, hoping she could catch his attention.

@Finn Lockley
Casper supposed he couldn't argue with Kasim really. He had made Lysander a giant sign but had gotten flushed when the other boy actually saw it. What had he been expecting? He smiled, laughing a bit at Kas' yell to Lysander. Casper gasped as Lucas caught the snitch, and clapped loudly for his roommate. He did look to Lysander, however, and seeing his reaction, Cas really just wanted to hug him. He bit his lip, his loyalties torn.
"Hunter, he's the chaser over there, and Tilly, she's the beater," she said, trying to point out the two Hufflepuffs. Harper smiled as the girl bragged about her friend. It seemed that Nikko would have his work cut out for him. Thankfully, he managed to block the next shot, and Harper let out a loud cheer for him, waving her end of the flag enthusiastically. The teams started to trade bludgers, making it difficult to keep up with the action, but Harper didn't miss the way the Hufflepuff seeker suddenly lunged to the side. A second later, he had the snitch. She sighed. "Well, second place isn't terrible," she said, giving the other girl a small smile. It was certainly better than last year when the team had ended up dead last. "And there's always next year, yeah?"

@Salem Lee
Celia was ready to watch the Hufflepuff team get murdered. Of course, she would have much rather had the chance to play in the international game, but since a certain teammate had screwed that up, she'd settle for the next best thing — watching Ilvermorny's beaters take out the Hufflepuffs one by one. Celia could still clearly remember last year's international match, which had also served as her first real introduction to Quidditch. The two American beaters had inspired her to try out beating herself, and it was their aggressive strategy that had shaped her own approach to the position. Plus it had just been plain satisfying watching Ilvermorny prove its superiority over Hogwarts.

She'd worn a neutral outfit devoid of any yellow to today's game, though she'd looped a cranberry silk scarf around her ponytail. While Celia was definitely supporting Ilvermorny, she wasn't sure how obvious she wanted her support to be. After finding some decent seats, she started to scan the pitch, frowning when she realized that the two beaters from last year were missing. Her frown deepened when the game started, and the Ilvermorny seeker appeared to struggle to take to the air. It wasn't long before he got hit with two bludgers in a row. Celia groaned, burying her face in her hands. This was not what she'd been hoping to see.
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Over time, Lydia had begun to accept that maybe, just maybe, she was starting to like Quidditch. At least, watching it (for the witch, brooms were strictly for transportation only.) She used to argue that she was needed to chaperone games. But there were plenty of professors at the school, and she wasn’t the only one willing to go to a game. She wasn’t going to miss the match against her alma mater.

Lydia found a seat in the top of the stands and settled down to watch the game. She winced when the Ilvermorny seeker was hit not one, but two times in a row. However, she was careful not to complain out loud, to avoid giving away where her loyalties lie.
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