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I also find that with adults! I struggle with bios in general, mostly also because I can't make them look very pretty/I get really lazy with updating them. Pretty sure most of mine still refer to the characters in 1st year. :r

And yes, Cyndi without 'Professor' will be weird! (Although showing my age I do remember vaguely when she was a student...)

Honestly I made Aine from a place of anger and frustration with my life/being stuck in a horrible small town so she is kind of therapeutic in a way. Most of the time. She's a lot different from me but at the same time quite similar, to the point a lot of my writing of her has been a 'what's my reaction to this situation' and going from there. I don't have the drive or ambition she does though :r
How's everyone doing this weekend?
Ah nice, I haven't seen it yet but I'm planning to. I've heard such good things about it. ^_^

I had a busy weekend, went to my mother's house to celebrate her birthday and other assorted things got done this weekend. Now I'm trying to finish up my notes so I can go into the week with a clean slate and working on HNZ things in between.
Do it! I won't give any spoilers but it was really good! Tell me what you both thought after you've seen it!
Doing well Cyndi, I saw Inside Out 2 in the cinema and really enjoyed it! How about you?
Ahhhh I was gonna see it yesterday, but one of the friends I was going to see it with ended up having covid, so it will be a while until I see it as I'll be flying out for my trip soon! but i badly wanna see this film! i've heard many good things about it!

My weekend has been good! I spent the majority of my weekend packing and planning things for my trip that starts this Friday so I'm pretty excited!
I am very interested in seeing Inside Out 2, but I'll probably wait until I can watch it on Disney+ if I'm being honest. Or maybe I'll go see it this weekend myself (it's a holiday weekend here but I think most people will be outside).

How's everyone's week starting off?
ive not had a great start, its monday (well tuesday right now for me as it 12:30am) and i had a bad headache so i didn't go to work

i dont know if being up this late has helped the situation but i will def have to go into work today/tomorrow
Week's off to an decent start. I got my results for English and I got an overall grade of A- (yaaay). I was worried 'cause I panicked in the exam and honestly didn't do my best, so I'm happy with that grade. Waiting on my law results and then on Thursday I'm taking a trip to Wellington to visit my friend. We don't get to see each other very often so it'll be good.
what are you studying?
Took yesterday off because I was feeling a bit under the weather but back in the office today. I got some things done but I have to try and organise my pile of docs to make it not look like a bomb has gone off and I absolutely loathe cleaning so that's fun :r

Congrats on the good result, Sarah!
what are you studying?
I'm in my first year of a Bachelor of Law and Arts conjoint, majoring in English and History. I'm just doing parttime though atm. Trying to ease into study after 10+ years of not studying.

Took yesterday off because I was feeling a bit under the weather but back in the office today. I got some things done but I have to try and organise my pile of docs to make it not look like a bomb has gone off and I absolutely loathe cleaning so that's fun :r

Congrats on the good result, Sarah!
At least it's cleaning you get paid for, right? Bit better than normal cleaning? Maybe? I'm trying to find a positive xD And thank you!
I'm in my first year of a Bachelor of Law and Arts conjoint, majoring in English and History. I'm just doing parttime though atm. Trying to ease into study after 10+ years of not studying.

That's so much studying!

That's so much studying!
Well, in NZ first year you have to do a conjoint if you want to do a law degree. You can technically drop the conjoint once you get through to second year. I think it's so you have a back-up if you don't get into second year law, since it's a bit competitive. About half of first year law students make it through.
Oooh good job Sarah, that’s awesome :party:

I hope you guys are both feeling better today :hug:

Yesterday was rough for me too, I stayed up far too late the night before and then work was very busy. But doing a lot better today =)) and I also got a pleasantly surprising result back on an assignment! Hopefully the week continues on this trajectory :cool:
Huh, I didn't realise you had to do it as a dual degree. My mum did Arts/Law but that was more her starting in Arts and continuing it through when she picked up Law, lol. I guess different universities have their own requirements, let alone states/countries.

(edit: lol, watching Mastermind and there's a contestant studying Arts/Law whose subject is the novels of Haruki Murakami, I had to do a double-take)
i really enjoy reading your replies to me????

.. ps. dont let two autistics try and talk about tone.

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