so a lot of you don't know this about me, but I am a carer for my sister who is severely disabled.
let me also preface this by saying that we were once told my sister would "never be independant, she would never walk, never talk and never be able to do anything for herself so you should stick her in a home and be done with her" - this was by a world renowned doctor by the way.
anywho, on with the story - most of you may not understand why this particular interaction is hilarious, but for those of you who do!
read it and weep.
so she walks up to me, where I'm sitting in the kitchen;
my sister: we need to put in the screw
me: screw for what? (my car just died essentially fyi)
my sister: your car
me: we can't put in the screw
my sister: oh, why?
me: its need to go to the mechanic for a special screw
my sister: ah, okay, do you have a credit card?
me: yeah, why
tamara: I need to buy something
me: what do you wanna buy
my sister: a cheeseburger.
a menace honestly.