Slytherin Practice S2

Celia groaned as a bludger slammed into her side. She knew it was almost inevitable that she got hit during these practices, but she was kind of hoping one day she'd manage to avoid it entirely. She flew after the bludger that had hit her and tried to send it back to Seamus, but it spun off and hit @Atlas James-Cade instead.

Atlas x2
Ares x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Lucie x1
Natalia x1
Seamus x1
Ive noticed the snitch from the corner of her eye and chased it around the pitch for a minute before managing to catch it again.
Liusaidh grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back out.
Ive let go off the snitch and waited for it to be out if sight before continuing her search.
This time, Celia aimed for Ivelisse, but the bludger had other plans and headed for @Indira Khatri instead. While it was nice that she was landing hits, Celia was a little concerned about her aim.

Atlas x2
Ares x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x1
Lucie x1
Natalia x2
Seamus x1
When Ive started her search again she flew across the pitch, dodging players and bludgers untill she caught sight of the snitch again. She shot after it and stretched out her arm to quickly wrap her fingers around it.
Ive let go of the snitch and waited for it to fly off.
Celia spotted @Liusaidh Fergusson flying nearby and realized she had a clear line of sight on the chaser, so she sent a bludger barreling her way.

Atlas x2
Ares x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x1
Natalia x2
Seamus x1
Natalia tried to follow Liusiahd but cursed under her breath as she was hit by a second bludger. She flew a bit lower, catching her breath.
Ive continued searching.
Liusaidh groaned after being hit with a bludger but she still managed to score.
Ive searched.
Wanting to work on her timing, Celia decided to lob a bludger at @Lucie Vernier right before the next chaser attempted to score.

Atlas x2
Ares x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x1
Ivelisse kept looking.
Finally spotting an opening, Celia slammed a bludger towards @Seamus Reid. The bludger hit she had received earlier still hurt quite a bit, so she was glad to see her shot land.

Atlas x2
Ares x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x2
Ive flew a little closer to the stands in her attempt to find the snitch again.
The beaters weren't showing any mercy today and Indi winced as she got hit with another bludger. This time it was just in the arm and she shook it off quickly and grabbed the quaffle once more as it was tossed back into the game.
Celia could tell that @Ares Kuya-Tine was trying to ignore her. Well, she planned on making that difficult. She slammed the next bludger she came across towards him and smiled when it hit.

Atlas x2
Ares x3
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x2
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x2
Indi was finding her rhythm and smiled as she made yet another goal.
Celia chased after a bludger before walloping it towards @Ivelisse Burleigh. Unfortunately, the seeker remained on her broom.

Ares x3
Atlas x2
Avery x2
Celia x1
Indira x2
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x2
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x2

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